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-- Albert Einstein -- Ambrose Bierce -- Aristotle -- Charles De Gaulle -- Claude D. Pepper -- Dalton Camp -- Ernest Benn -- Eugene McCarthy -- Frank McKinney Hubbard -- Franklin P. Adams -- George Clooney -- Harry S. Truman -- John Kenneth Galbraith -- Larry Hardiman -- Lester B. Pearson -- Mao Tse-Tung -- Mark B. Cohen -- Milton Berle -- Otto Von Bismarck -- Napoleon Bonaparte -- Paul Valery -- P. J. ORourke -- R. A. Butler -- R. A. Butler -- Robert Louis Stevenson -- Ronald Reagan -- Ronald Reagan -- Texas Guinan -- Will Durant -- Will Rogers Resource Box - © Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at - http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art8364.asp
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Biz Op Marketing and the Federal Trade Commission Many had made mention of the problems of business opportunities in letters to the Federal Trade Commission in the public hearings in 1995, 1997 and 1999. They cited issues with advertising and earnings claims from Biz Op sales people. The FTC launched a sting operations called; "Operation Bizzillions," which stopped a few hundred such operators out of the 80,000 such business opportunities. Do Not Tell The Truth Do you really want to get ahead in your life? Do you want to grow a business really large? Do you want to be powerful? Well then do what works. For instance the United States Government is big and powerful. They control every aspect of your life and your business if you own one. They never tell the truth about much of anything. An example would be the Justice Department and their bunk lawsuits. Much of the time they make stuff up, doctor the truth and file it in court. Why do they do this, it seems to be unethical? Well, because it works. You see the Justice Department has had lots of practice suing law abiding Americans and they have failed a lot and study what works. Like the Donald Trump show they have learned to slander brand names and people in the court of public opinion and trump their almighty ethics. Same as the kids as they lie, cheat and smear their fellow man on the Donald Trump "You're Fired" series. The Government has learned this tactic to win cases. Lets Call A Spade A Spade Much of our personal and cultural perspective on the world is colored by the language in which our concepts and ideas are couched. Changing that language can therefore alter our attitudes about what we hear and see. Some Farmers and Organic Growers are Upset at Monsanto The organic farmers are angry that Monsantos terminator GM seeds will prevent the farmers from saving seeds from their harvest for next years crops and that Monsanto wishes to put them out of business. Actually it sure makes for headlines, unfortunately that is not how free enterprise works. Monsanto does not want to run anyone out of business; they want to sell seeds. If Monsanto holds them selves out as extortionists by overly inflating the prices as the critics seem to accuse them of doing before they have actually introduced it, then the free market would in fact take over and other companies willing to sell for less would emerge as at first smaller and then much larger competing players would they not. Isn't that the basis for our proven capitalist system, which has given Americans great quality of life, choices and the largest GNP of the next four other nations combined? Ethanol, Water, Pollution, North Korea and Free Trade Ethanol is a great way to produce fuel, great fuel to trade and It makes sense to grow your fuel. Only a few problems; it takes water, processing makes CO2 and how much can we get for it when we export it? Globalization Often we see protests at the sites of global leader gatherings. Some complain Globalization is bad, that a one world currency is evil and that there is a huge conspiracy a foot to control all of mankind. Yet, these same folks often fail to see the incredible advantages to trade and quality of life that a one-world scenario can provide. They fail to understand the issues of free trade and what we can do for the third world. Before you buy into the anti one world theme and do your family name the dishonor of standing on a corner and making a fool of yourself, there is a book I recommend that you read: The Ugly American Returns! Originally published in 1958, "The Ugly American" (Lederer & Burdick) documented American blunders abroad and our failure to identify that what we termed communism in undeveloped countries was merely the screams of hunger and hopelessness becoming manifest. 15 years later, we extricated ourselves from Vietnam and licked our wounds for 30 years, finally coming to some sort of accommodation with free fire zones, Agent Orange, and My Lai. Never again, we swore. We would protect our nation's security but only move into war zones when gross injustice or humanitarian concerns demanded a response -- Somalia, Bosnia, the first Gulf War. What are the benefits of Nuclear War again; I must have missed that point? Indian and Pakistan and nuclear war. What does the world lose if India and Pakistan have a nuclear war? Well in Southern India; in the cities of Hyderabad, Banglore, and Coimbatore there are many students who come to America and learn our technologies and bring their hard work ethic and ideas. Once here they often join others and start companies. Another Whistleblower -- is Anyone Listening? The plight of whistleblowers ? those employees who sound the alarm about anything from dangerous conditions in the workplace to missed or ignored intelligence regarding our nation's security ? is a story that seems to grow stronger and with more frequency every day. My guess is that those stories have always been there; I suspect I am just paying closer attention to them now. The Self-Appointed Altruists Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture shock. Many of them live in plush apartments, or five star hotels, drive SUV's, sport $3000 laptops and PDA's. They earn a two figure multiple of the local average wage. They are busybodies, preachers, critics, do-gooders, and professional altruists. Will Cloning of Super Families Lead to Slavery If slavery has not worked well, then cloning if it heads down the path of clones being considered less than equal could spell disaster for the future of humanity. Yet if there was a limit on the number of clones, then one could transfer their thoughts to the next clone and thus all the knowledge and experiences of mankind would not be lost in each period due to the people who perished in the previous period. However cloning is an advanced technology from our current position and the extension of life is also closely related in that one could simply repair and replace organs and continue living and there would be no need to clone, simply continue living until you were tired of living, have a clone and call Dr. Kervorkian or sign up for the next war, dangerous sport or international conflict. Tax Dollars and Transparency of Government Agencies As we watch fewer Americans voting it is no wonder why, they have lost faith in their government. Why can't we as citizens who own our government demand equal and/or reasonable compliance with our tax dollars? Why can't we demand the same from government as they enforce on our corporations? Why can't government clean it's act up and stop flushing our monies down the toilets? No wonder so many government workers wanted to install two more Johns in the white house during our last election; they obviously believe no one is watching and need more toilets to flush our money down in DC? Can you imagine for one minute the Government trying to comply with Sarbaines Oxley? They would crumble, stagnate and become even more ineffective than they already are. Mexican Trucks in the United States; NAFTA Trade and Problems Expected new applications for Mexican trucks to enter the US to be over 9000 in 2005. Most of these newer applications will be to take freight to Port Los Angeles for shipping to Asian markets, and importing parts to be assembled and shipped to Mexico and later sold in the US. Many see a little bit of a problem with imported freight in LA stopping on its way to Mexico and unloaded somewhere without permits. No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual The No Child Left Behind can work if the Federal Government will put up content on the website and allow for those who are; Behind in studies, about to miss a grade level advancement, perform poorly on general tests, at home schooling students (when parents have no knowledge in subject matter), are in Juvenile Hall, live in areas very rural, have disorders, or have injuries which prevent attendance or need Summer School catch up work. Governments Worst Agency Everyone knows the United States Government often falls down in their duties. Although over all the country is great and for the most part seems to work, there are several agencies that get an "F" on their report cards from some who act as government watchdogs. In my opinion there is no bigger waste of taxpayer's money than that of the Federal Trade Commission. Having studied a few cases it appears obvious that this worthless agency cannot seem to do anything right. The sooner we close this agency or reduce its budget the better. All money spent in the agency is completely wasted. They cannot get rid of SPAM, it is up over 3000% since they started working on it. Identity theft issues in our country have run ramped and the FTC need to answer some of those Viagra SPAM adds as they are utterly impotent in their enforcement of this as well. Oil Pipelines and Rates of Flow How much oil can travel through a pipeline? It depends on the upon the pounds per square inch, dimensions of the pipeline, gravity, and dynamic pressure of the fluid behind the fluid you are measuring. In the Netherlands, they are using water pipelines to move data to a central point in then onto the Internet. The water pipelines now have more intrinsic value. They have the value that they have always had, providing the water remains of the same price plus the bandwidth possible by using this existing infrastructure to now move data. Government is a Franchise System; just not a very good one Few understand the Franchising Format and even fewer have correlated that to our modern government structure. The United States Government is set up much like a franchising system. You are well aware of modern day franchise systems like McDonalds although you probably had never thought of our government as a franchise. Of course if it is a franchise it is a humongous one indeed. Since government runs inefficiently; why do we need so much? Since it most resembles a franchise system, why is not run efficiently like one? And exactly how could one consider that its structure is similar to that of a modern day franchising company? Free Markets, Wal-Mart, Over Regulation; What an interesting concept? Unions are angry at the high salary of the executives which have gotten a little out of line especially as the companies are laying off workers and the company is not making a profit. However, a man should put in an honest day for that which he was hired and that does not mean just showing up and punching the clock but actually providing some real work and productivity. Carl von Clausewitz On War For anyone who wishes to become an armchair General in their living room while watching the nightly news unfold on their TV set, these are some things they need to know. So often the news media will give opinions and ask other reporters what they think about this or that or the other thing. Yet few really understand what war is, why it exists or even its main objectives. Certainly killing one's own species is not a smart thing to do, but political will seems to be a greater driver of the human endeavor, whether this is good or bad should be left for additional debate. War is hell, war makes no sense, but if you find your self in the position of defending a nation or serving up a dish of political will; Carl von Clausewitz has some insight which you owe it to yourself to understand before you join in an critique or comment on any current war we are having. I therefore recommend the following book: RFID: Californias Identity Information Protection Act Utah introduced a bill designed to limit the use of RFID by state and county government. It was voted down. Maryland introduced a similar bill. It, too, was voted down. This is California's second RFID bill. The first was... voted down. ![]() |
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