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The Self-Appointed Altruists
Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture shock. Many of them live in plush apartments, or five star hotels, drive SUV's, sport $3000 laptops and PDA's. They earn a two figure multiple of the local average wage. They are busybodies, preachers, critics, do-gooders, and professional altruists. Always self-appointed, they answer to no constituency. Though unelected and ignorant of local realities, they confront the democratically chosen and those who voted them into office. A few of them are enmeshed in crime and corruption. They are the non-governmental organizations, or NGO's. Some NGO's - like Oxfam, Human Rights Watch, Medecins Sans Frontieres, or Amnesty - genuinely contribute to enhancing welfare, to the mitigation of hunger, the furtherance of human and civil rights, or the curbing of disease. Others - usually in the guise of think tanks and lobby groups - are sometimes ideologically biased, or religiously-committed and, often, at the service of special interests. NGO's - such as the International Crisis Group - have openly interfered on behalf of the opposition in the recent elections in Macedonia. Other NGO's have done so in Belarus and Ukraine, Zimbabwe and Israel, Nigeria and Thailand, Slovakia and Hungary - and even in Western, rich, countries including the USA, Canada, Germany, and Belgium. The encroachment on state sovereignty of international law - enshrined in numerous treaties and conventions - allows NGO's to get involved in hitherto strictly domestic affairs like corruption, civil rights, the composition of the media, the penal and civil codes, environmental policies, or the allocation of economic resources and of natural endowments, such as land and water. No field of government activity is now exempt from the glare of NGO's. They serve as self-appointed witnesses, judges, jury and executioner rolled into one. Regardless of their persuasion or modus operandi, all NGO's are top heavy with entrenched, well-remunerated, extravagantly-perked bureaucracies. Opacity is typical of NGO's. Amnesty's rules prevent its officials from publicly discussing the inner workings of the organization - proposals, debates, opinions - until they have become officially voted into its Mandate. Thus, dissenting views rarely get an open hearing. Contrary to their teachings, the financing of NGO's is invariably obscure and their sponsors unknown. The bulk of the income of most non-governmental organizations, even the largest ones, comes from - usually foreign - powers. Many NGO's serve as official contractors for governments. NGO's serve as long arms of their sponsoring states - gathering intelligence, burnishing their image, and promoting their interests. There is a revolving door between the staff of NGO's and government bureaucracies the world over. The British Foreign Office finances a host of NGO's - including the fiercely "independent" Global Witness - in troubled spots, such as Angola. Many host governments accuse NGO's of - unwittingly or knowingly - serving as hotbeds of espionage. Very few NGO's derive some of their income from public contributions and donations. The more substantial NGO's spend one tenth of their budget on PR and solicitation of charity. In a desperate bid to attract international attention, so many of them lied about their projects in the Rwanda crisis in 1994, recounts "The Economist", that the Red Cross felt compelled to draw up a ten point mandatory NGO code of ethics. A code of conduct was adopted in 1995. But the phenomenon recurred in Kosovo. All NGO's claim to be not for profit - yet, many of them possess sizable equity portfolios and abuse their position to increase the market share of firms they own. Conflicts of interest and unethical behavior abound. Cafedirect is a British firm committed to "fair trade" coffee. Oxfam, an NGO, embarked on a campaign targeted at Cafedirect's competitors, accusing them of exploiting growers by paying them a tiny fraction of the retail price of the coffee they sell. Yet, Oxfam owns 25% of Cafedirect. Large NGO's resemble multinational corporations in structure and operation. They are hierarchical, maintain large media, government lobbying, and PR departments, head-hunt, invest proceeds in professionally-managed portfolios, compete in government tenders, and own a variety of unrelated businesses. The Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development owns the license for second mobile phone operator in Afghanistan - among other businesses. In this respect, NGO's are more like cults than like civic organizations. Many NGO's promote economic causes - anti-globalization, the banning of child labor, the relaxing of intellectual property rights, or fair payment for agricultural products. Many of these causes are both worthy and sound. Alas, most NGO's lack economic expertise and inflict damage on the alleged recipients of their beneficence. NGO's are at times manipulated by - or collude with - industrial groups and political parties. It is telling that the denizens of many developing countries suspect the West and its NGO's of promoting an agenda of trade protectionism. Stringent - and expensive - labor and environmental provisions in international treaties may well be a ploy to fend off imports based on cheap labor and the competition they wreak on well-ensconced domestic industries and their political stooges. Take child labor - as distinct from the universally condemnable phenomena of child prostitution, child soldiering, or child slavery. Child labor, in many destitute locales, is all that separates the family from all-pervasive, life threatening, poverty. As national income grows, child labor declines. Following the outcry provoked, in 1995, by NGO's against soccer balls stitched by children in Pakistan, both Nike and Reebok relocated their workshops and sacked countless women and 7000 children. The average family income - anyhow meager - fell by 20 percent. This affair elicited the following wry commentary from economists Drusilla Brown, Alan Deardorif, and Robert Stern: "While Baden Sports can quite credibly claim that their soccer balls are not sewn by children, the relocation of their production facility undoubtedly did nothing for their former child workers and their families." This is far from being a unique case. Threatened with legal reprisals and "reputation risks" (being named-and-shamed by overzealous NGO's) - multinationals engage in preemptive sacking. More than 50,000 children in Bangladesh were let go in 1993 by German garment factories in anticipation of the American never-legislated Child Labor Deterrence Act. Former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, observed: "Stopping child labor without doing anything else could leave children worse off. If they are working out of necessity, as most are, stopping them could force them into prostitution or other employment with greater personal dangers. The most important thing is that they be in school and receive the education to help them leave poverty." NGO-fostered hype notwithstanding, 70% of all children work within their family unit, in agriculture. Less than 1 percent are employed in mining and another 2 percent in construction. Again contrary to NGO-proffered panaceas, education is not a solution. Millions graduate every year in developing countries - 100,000 in Morocco alone. But unemployment reaches more than one third of the workforce in places such as Macedonia. Children at work may be harshly treated by their supervisors but at least they are kept off the far more menacing streets. Some kids even end up with a skill and are rendered employable. "The Economist" sums up the shortsightedness, inaptitude, ignorance, and self-centeredness of NGO's neatly: "Suppose that in the remorseless search for profit, multinationals pay sweatshop wages to their workers in developing countries. Regulation forcing them to pay higher wages is demanded... The NGOs, the reformed multinationals and enlightened rich-country governments propose tough rules on third-world factory wages, backed up by trade barriers to keep out imports from countries that do not comply. Shoppers in the West pay more - but willingly, because they know it is in a good cause. The NGOs declare another victory. The companies, having shafted their third-world competition and protected their domestic markets, count their bigger profits (higher wage costs notwithstanding). And the third-world workers displaced from locally owned factories explain to their children why the West's new deal for the victims of capitalism requires them to starve." NGO's in places like Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Albania, and Zimbabwe have become the preferred venue for Western aid - both humanitarian and financial - development financing, and emergency relief. According to the Red Cross, more money goes through NGO's than through the World Bank. Their iron grip on food, medicine, and funds rendered them an alternative government - sometimes as venal and graft-stricken as the one they replace. Local businessmen, politicians, academics, and even journalists form NGO's to plug into the avalanche of Western largesse. In the process, they award themselves and their relatives with salaries, perks, and preferred access to Western goods and credits. NGO's have evolved into vast networks of patronage in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. NGO's chase disasters with a relish. More than 200 of them opened shop in the aftermath of the Kosovo refugee crisis in 1999-2000. Another 50 supplanted them during the civil unrest in Macedonia a year later. Floods, elections, earthquakes, wars - constitute the cornucopia that feed the NGO's. NGO's are proponents of Western values - women's lib, human rights, civil rights, the protection of minorities, freedom, equality. Not everyone finds this liberal menu palatable. The arrival of NGO's often provokes social polarization and cultural clashes. Traditionalists in Bangladesh, nationalists in Macedonia, religious zealots in Israel, security forces everywhere, and almost all politicians find NGO's irritating and bothersome. The British government ploughs well over $30 million a year into "Proshika", a Bangladeshi NGO. It started as a women's education outfit and ended up as a restive and aggressive women empowerment political lobby group with budgets to rival many ministries in this impoverished, Moslem and patriarchal country. Other NGO's - fuelled by $300 million of annual foreign infusion - evolved from humble origins to become mighty coalitions of full-time activists. NGO's like the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) and the Association for Social Advancement mushroomed even as their agendas have been fully implemented and their goals exceeded. It now owns and operates 30,000 schools. This mission creep is not unique to developing countries. As Parkinson discerned, organizations tend to self-perpetuate regardless of their proclaimed charter. Remember NATO? Human rights organizations, like Amnesty, are now attempting to incorporate in their ever-expanding remit "economic and social rights" - such as the rights to food, housing, fair wages, potable water, sanitation, and health provision. How insolvent countries are supposed to provide such munificence is conveniently overlooked. "The Economist" reviewed a few of the more egregious cases of NGO imperialism. Human Rights Watch lately offered this tortured argument in favor of expanding the role of human rights NGO's: "The best way to prevent famine today is to secure the right to free expression - so that misguided government policies can be brought to public attention and corrected before food shortages become acute." It blatantly ignored the fact that respect for human and political rights does not fend off natural disasters and disease. The two countries with the highest incidence of AIDS are Africa's only two true democracies - Botswana and South Africa. The Centre for Economic and Social Rights, an American outfit, "challenges economic injustice as a violation of international human rights law". Oxfam pledges to support the "rights to a sustainable livelihood, and the rights and capacities to participate in societies and make positive changes to people's lives". In a poor attempt at emulation, the WHO published an inanely titled document - "A Human Rights Approach to Tuberculosis". NGO's are becoming not only all-pervasive but more aggressive. In their capacity as "shareholder activists", they disrupt shareholders meetings and act to actively tarnish corporate and individual reputations. Friends of the Earth worked hard last year to instigate a consumer boycott against Exxon Mobil - for not investing in renewable energy resources and for ignoring global warming. No one - including other shareholders - understood their demands. But it went down well with the media, with a few celebrities, and with contributors. As "think tanks", NGO's issue partisan and biased reports. The International Crisis Group published a rabid attack on the then incumbent government of Macedonia, days before an election, relegating the rampant corruption of its predecessors - whom it seemed to be tacitly supporting - to a few footnotes. On at least two occasions - in its reports regarding Bosnia and Zimbabwe - ICG has recommended confrontation, the imposition of sanctions, and, if all else fails, the use of force. Though the most vocal and visible, it is far from being the only NGO that advocates "just" wars. The ICG is a repository of former heads of state and has-been politicians and is renowned (and notorious) for its prescriptive - some say meddlesome - philosophy and tactics. "The Economist" remarked sardonically: "To say (that ICG) is 'solving world crises' is to risk underestimating its ambitions, if overestimating its achievements." NGO's have orchestrated the violent showdown during the trade talks in Seattle in 1999 and its repeat performances throughout the world. The World Bank was so intimidated by the riotous invasion of its premises in the NGO-choreographed "Fifty Years is Enough" campaign of 1994, that it now employs dozens of NGO activists and let NGO's determine many of its policies. NGO activists have joined the armed - though mostly peaceful - rebels of the Chiapas region in Mexico. Norwegian NGO's sent members to forcibly board whaling ships. In the USA, anti-abortion activists have murdered doctors. In Britain, animal rights zealots have both assassinated experimental scientists and wrecked property. Birth control NGO's carry out mass sterilizations in poor countries, financed by rich country governments in a bid to stem immigration. NGO's buy slaves in Sudan thus encouraging the practice of slave hunting throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Other NGO's actively collaborate with "rebel" armies - a euphemism for terrorists. NGO's lack a synoptic view and their work often undermines efforts by international organizations such as the UNHCR and by governments. Poorly-paid local officials have to contend with crumbling budgets as the funds are diverted to rich expatriates doing the same job for a multiple of the cost and with inexhaustible hubris. This is not conducive to happy co-existence between foreign do-gooders and indigenous governments. Sometimes NGO's seem to be an ingenious ploy to solve Western unemployment at the expense of down-trodden natives. This is a misperception driven by envy and avarice. But it is still powerful enough to foster resentment and worse. NGO's are on the verge of provoking a ruinous backlash against them in their countries of destination. That would be a pity. Some of them are doing indispensable work. If only they were a wee more sensitive and somewhat less ostentatious. But then they wouldn't be NGO's, would they? About The Author Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He is a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, and eBookWeb , a United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent, and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory Bellaonline, and Suite101 . Until recently, he served as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia. Visit Sam's Web site at http://samvak.tripod.com; palma@unet.com.mk
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Failure to Supervise at the Federal Trade Commission Many MLM sales people mean well but they inadvertently commit fraud and violate rules and laws in their presentations. This is unfortunate and is an issue too big for the Federal Trade Commission to handle, like SPAM or Identity Theft; the FTC is impotent. Many of these MLM sales people have adopted the term; "Private Franchising" trying to distance themselves from the negative connotations of the multi-level marketing term. There is only one problem; Franchising, has an absolute definitions, which in no way resembles what these salespeople are out peddling. For they know not what they do; Federal Regulators destroying business Federal Regulations on Business Destroy America, these regulations are a tax passed onto the every American. How much does Federal Regulations Cost each year to our society. You are not going to like these figures. It is estimated that Federal Rules and Regulations cost in excess of 788 Billion per year. Our entire federal tax contribution to our government is 829 Billion. Think of it this way every cost to a business is passed on to the consumers and in some respects that is a tax as well. It means you pay extra for nearly everything. Did you know the entire GNP of Canada is only 595 Billion total. Think of this, every time our company sells a franchise or our franchisees wash a car a large part of that price is due to over government regulation. If 788 Billion is the total cost of regulations and many of the things that are required may actually be approved by the public and only half of the regulations are legitimate to "Protect the People" our governments ONLY real job, then 394 Billion dollars is passed onto the consumer as a HIDDEN TAX. Of course there are many names for these taxes we pass on to our consumers and not by desire. Gas Prices and the Impact of Inflation Year Item Price Rate of Inflation 03/80 Gasoline (per gallon) 1.252 03/05 Gasoline (per gallon) 2.065 2.02% Using More Trees to Reduce Atmospheric CO2 As global warming continues to escalate the concerns of today's scientists, the federal government has been spending millions in research in an attempt to reduce greenhouse emissions, the substance that has been credited with the increase in planet temperature since the beginning of the 20th century. Should Farmers Plant GM Terminator Seeds? If a farmer plants the same crop three seasons in a row he might like to have the non-terminating, but if he plants winter wheat and regular wheat he gets paid by the purity as part of his yield and therefore, would prefer the terminating, having no left over seeds growing within his ranks. Also he can plant GM one year when needed for Ethanol and then another type later for another purpose. Which means it is a very good thing not to mix and this solves a need of the market, purity of product and higher prices paid to the farmer (who is leveraged on the commodity side also so he is downside protected in case of poor yields that season), it ain't easy being a farmer these days. Farming is a tough row to hoe these days nearly 50% of the family farmers in the US were unable to make it in the couple of decades, it is a travesty. OSHA is just more BS from the Blob of Bureaucracy Is Ohio Manufacturing Sector really unable to compete in the world market? Is the auto industry, which is the state's manufacturing rock really in jeopardy. Are the Unions really killing the manufacturing sector causing off shoring of American jobs? Let me offer an alternative view of the situation from an Ayn Rand perspective. Yes the manufacturing sector took hits from steel prices, unions, power costs, sector rotations in the auto industry as well as over seas and NAFTA competition. But the biggest problem of all is none of those things. Not a single one could kill off an industry that sells on average of 15-18 million cars per year. One must look at other factors as well. Also out in full force is our wonderful OSHA Agency due to strong union and the online complaint system. The Reconstruction of Europe The Second World War was the continuation of World War One and a plan to break down the existing structures in order to make this part of the One World plan come to fruition. They had tried this with the Merovingian Napoleon in a more direct fashion in the century before they put this refined plan in motion. Prince Bernhard was part of the Thulean Gestapo and I think Plantard was his equal on the apparent other side. Bernhard became the CIA man to head the Bilderberg founding and Plantard went on to be the Nautonnier of the Priory which even if it was new they both have been around in some way under some name since the Trojan War as I have demonstrated. Saunière as a top Priory official would have been part of the planning of this effort to unite the world beginning with Europe. Metternich, Czar Alexander II and others had seen the importance of uniting Europe. This Czar was assassinated for trying to create a real democracy or for his efforts on behalf of the US against the Rothschild plan. Clearly the Rothschilds had a change of heart after trying to break the US into many warring factions. Foreign Spies Troll Gay Bars in Washington DC for National Secrets The use of homosexual men in the area of espionage is well documented through the annals of history. Homosexual men are perfect for gathering information due to their inherent nature and ability to build relationships. They are innate masters of the dynamics of human emotion and are able to manipulate their sources almost to a point, which is considered unbelievable. They are much more apt to gather good intelligence, due to these relationships rather than false and bogus data. In the spy business they make great assets and are Used for this game by those who are running spy organizations for states. Companies, Consumer and Cost of Fuel Which companies are most affected by fuel? Who really bears the increase in fuel costs? How much do they pass on? What companies are most prone to cost increases due to shear volumes of usage? Battling Societys Cancer: Unemployment The official figures are staggering: 35% of the workforce - about 280,000 people - are unemployed and looking for a job. Each 1.43 employee support 1 unemployed person. In the USA the figure is 3.3 to 4 employees supporting all the unemployed AND all the pensioners! Suicide Prevention in Prisons Prison guards and corrections professionals are hard at work insuring that suicides do not take place. They have special attire, suits, straps, rubber rooms and event blankets, which cannot be tied in knots. Those who are believed to be a risk of suicide are checked on every 15 minutes. But it is nearly impossible to completely prevent suicide. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) supports suicide prevention with some science, skills and practice. If you want to learn more about this, here is the link. Belly Full of the Clintons [Political View] As I read the papers and watch the news day after day after day, and listen to the debates on what we Americans should do with Iran and North Korea, as if we were the only ones involved, yet as always the world will put their two cents in, and to be quite honest, that is all financially they will give, but for advise, like my neighbors, they will give a tone of it away free. Anyhow, I should get to my clout in my throat. As I read the papers and watch the news day after day, as I was saying before, I can't be the only one that feels this way, yet sometimes I think I am, because I have not read much about what I'm going to say, in the floating media; be it reluctance on everyone else's behalf, or perhaps I'm just wrong. But when I check the records, it indicates I'm not. Oh well, possibly people are just full of crap and don't like the truth. Here is a bag full. Because of President Clinton, and let me say it again to get it right, Big Bill, Wild Bill, our ex-president Bill Clinton, they are all the same to me, because of this goofball, because of this wise guy, we have two towers down in New York City today (yes I'm talking about 9/11). It was not because of the FBI; nor the CIA; or President George W. Bush. No, no, no, it is because of Buffalo Bill Clinton; and his goofball wife. UAV Decoy Stategies, Theories and The Modern Art of War Well having studying the need for decreasing America's dependence on Foreign Oil and the advances of the automotive industry such as Fed Ex and UPS along with Eaton and GM. Also studying the efforts of Sunlite Bus in Palm Desert and the recent information on ceramic coatings and problems in Urban Heat, Ozone Levels, Global Warming Issues from NASA and GeoSat efforts and various weather updates and information gathering data efforts to predict thunder storms, Hurricanes, Fires and Tornados we have learned quite a bit. Dealing with Massive Prisoners of War In the last Gulf War we saw thousands of enemy soldiers giving up. Killing them is against Geneva Convention and they know it. So the soldiers simply laid down their weapons and said; "I give up, feed me!" Obviously we were snookered by this tactic, but it really came as no great surprise. Rather than taking these prisoners in and putting up the costs to feed them until after a war has ended, why not hibernate them instead. In other words take their bodies down by 90% and hibernate them like a bear. Is this really possible? Yes, with a little bit of funding it surely is possible, as a matter of fact a gentleman by the name of Mark Roth and his associates have successfully put mice into suspended animation using hydrogen sulfide gas in the proper ratios. Normally hydrogen sulfide gas can be a deadly toxic gas but in the right amounts it merely puts mammals to sleep. Perhaps we could simply fire rockets or cluster bomb smart munitions filled with this gas into the advancing enemy, pile up the bodies and put them into a cage and when they finally do wake up, feed them and then put them to sleep again. Of course taking out a few for interrogations. Unemployment Iraqi Style Let's put it all into perspective: the U.S. has an unemployment rate hovering at just above the 5% level (although much higher in ethnic populations). Iraq has an unemployment rate in the 75% range. Is Reinstating The Draft Such a Bad Idea? In his bid for the presidency, John Kerry pronounced a "secret plan" to reinstate selective service. The fact that New York Democrat and fellow leftist Charles Rangel had proposed this plan wasn't mentioned, so Kerry's allegation created hysteria within the blue states. But there are several ways in which reinstating the draft could benefit our country. Sodomy Sodomy is against the law, yet goes on every day across our nation. The vice of buggery is so pervasive in certain regions of our country that even heterosexuals in our population are a risk of contracting AIDS. The human anatomy was not set up for a homo sapiens male penis to enter the rectum of another male; it is not equipped for that function. In Washington D.C. the vice of buggery is so common in the halls of Congress, that it is nearly impossible to tell who has the moral character to lead. Sodomy is against our laws. If we allow Gay Marriage as they have now in the fourth country in the World; Canada recently, then we must first make sodomy legal. Otherwise male homosexuals will be getting married, but not allowed to practice their favorite vice of buggery. The Will To Fight for Islam The more I study the dynamics of WWII the more I am convinced that we won the war because of our entrepreneurs and their output; manufacturing capability. With most other things being equaled; technology, techniques of war strategy, etc.; only two things won us the war. The Will to Win, and the never before achieved industrial output. I can safely say in the car wash industry no one has more will than us and no one has the ramp up capability that could supercede us. Does this mean the US will for ever completely dominate the industry? No, nothing is set in stone and there are many possible futures and outcomes. However, with all things being equal and our teams ability to adapt and roll with the punches I believe we have the best odds of victory. Each time we bring more fervor, more resolve and more will to the table we just that much closer to being the top dog. Size does matter, but size alone does not proclaim advanced victory. I think the movie Rocky said it best. He was in it heart, body and soul to win it. Everyone could identify with that movie and wanted Rocky to win, but no one more than Rocky himself. Vince Lombarde also talks of this human phenomena. As much as I wanted the US to win the Olympic Hockey game, I could not forsake Canada's team. They clearly went for it and played like true champions. They deserved to win and win they did. Minor Disruptions Cause Chaos in Transportation Recently the Los Angeles Transit workers are on Strike and the RTD is not operating, this happens every few years. This disrupts the flow of people on their way to get food, go to work, attend college or visit friends. When the flow of transportation is disrupted it hurts our trust in the integrity of the system and affects our lives. When you design a city and have a transportation system to support the population and then turn it off you cause chaos. Confession of a King Rufus King: (Said to be the fifth most important person in the founding of America by another researcher.) ![]() |
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