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Gas Prices and the Impact of Inflation
Year Item Price Rate of Inflation 03/80 Gasoline (per gallon) 1.252 03/05 Gasoline (per gallon) 2.065 2.02% 03/80 Bread, white, per lb 0.502 03/05 Bread, white, per lb 1.002 2.80% 03/80 Consumer Price Index 80.10 03/05 Consumer Price Index 193.30 3.59% Source: U.S. Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.bls.gov) What is Inflation? Inflation is an indication of the rising cost of goods and services in the economy. For example, a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was 1.252 in March of 1980. Comparatively, that same gallon was priced at 2.065 in March of 2005. Therefore, over the last 25 years, the cost of a gallon of gas has increased at an average annual rate of inflation of 2.02%. As another example, during the same 25 year period, the price of white bread increased at an annual rate of 2.80%. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is widely accepted as the measurement of general inflation in the United States. The CPI is calculated monthly by the U.S. Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is an index based on the cost of items in more than 200 categories. They include: breakfast cereal, milk, wine, bedroom furniture, men's shirts and sweaters, jewelry, physicians' services, televisions, sports equipment, college tuition, postage, and haircuts. Simply stated, the CPI tells us the average change over time in the cost of goods and services. From March 1980 to March 2005, the inflation of general goods and services averaged 3.59% annually. How is Inflation Relevant? Inflation has an impact on our plans for the future. When saving for retirement, college, a house, or simply budgeting for the next 12 months, the cost of goods and services have a direct impact on your goals. Due to inflation, your goals may cost more in the future than today. A meal that costs $10 today may cost $10.36 in one year. A car that costs $10,000 today may cost $10,359 in one year, and almost $12,000 in only 5 years. So, when planning for the future, you must consider inflation and the effect it may have on your goals. Ways to Combat Inflation One way to overcome prices that may rise due to inflation is to make your money grow at a rate higher than inflation. For example, if inflation is 3.59% annually, you will need to make your money grow at 3.60% or higher. Otherwise, though you may be saving and investing toward your goals, you may never actually achieve them. Many investments provide a vehicle for "outpacing" inflation. Generally, stocks and bonds have historically earned an annual rate above inflation. Through careful planning and investing, it is possible to overcome inflation and its impact on prices. In summary, a plan that does not account for inflation is in danger of failing. Therefore, it is important to remember inflation and invest in assets that will enable you to achieve your goals despite the effects inflation may have on the cost of goods and services. Jonathan Citrin provides financial goal planning services. Go to http://articles.citringroup.com for hundreds of educational articles about Personal Finance, Retirement Planning,Investment Planning, and College Savings.
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Using More Trees to Reduce Atmospheric CO2 As global warming continues to escalate the concerns of today's scientists, the federal government has been spending millions in research in an attempt to reduce greenhouse emissions, the substance that has been credited with the increase in planet temperature since the beginning of the 20th century. Protectionism in Russia The new law "Special Protective, Antidumping and Import Compensatory Measures" differs from the old one by the fact that it fully complies with the WTO (World Trade Organization) standards. It is for the first time in the Russian practice that a law describes in detail what is necessary to do in order to protect the Russian market and how to do it. As its authors promised, the Law has turned out to be extremely concrete: it is conceived so that the officials as well as the participants of trade agreements will be able to find straight answers to their questions, and they should not search for any special "explanations" and "commentaries". Howard Deans Big Fat Mouth "The only time I open my mouth is when I exchange feet . . . man, we've gone from Deep Throat to Dean's throat in the space of one week!" Immigration: Ten Points to Ponder 1. Why is it that no one seems to notice, much less ever mention, that the World Bank and the IMF have implemented economic measures that have left large sections of their populations unemployed and destitute? (The illegals are not doing this, you see, but this population is easier to attack and is more defenseless than the World Bank and the IMF.) Treasury Department Falls Short on Blocked Persons List I would like to discuss the blocked persons list of the United States Treasury and condemn the treasury for being somewhat out to lunch on the realities of the business world and how things work. First if you will check out this site with the lists of blocked people who may be involved in such activities you will see the format is impossible to utilize quickly. Blocked peoples list; The Pilgrims and Beacon Hill Mob In 1966, Dr. Carroll Quigley, a professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and an employee of the Tri-Lateral Commission who informed or blew the whistle on them; published a 1311 page book called Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. On page 950 he says: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments... my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known... because the American branch of this organization (sometimes called the "Eastern Establishment") has played a very significant role in the history of the United States in the last generation." Carl von Clausewitz On War For anyone who wishes to become an armchair General in their living room while watching the nightly news unfold on their TV set, these are some things they need to know. So often the news media will give opinions and ask other reporters what they think about this or that or the other thing. Yet few really understand what war is, why it exists or even its main objectives. Certainly killing one's own species is not a smart thing to do, but political will seems to be a greater driver of the human endeavor, whether this is good or bad should be left for additional debate. War is hell, war makes no sense, but if you find your self in the position of defending a nation or serving up a dish of political will; Carl von Clausewitz has some insight which you owe it to yourself to understand before you join in an critique or comment on any current war we are having. I therefore recommend the following book: US Government Regulators and Aides with AIDS All government regulators or diplomat who are in high risk categories for contracting AIDS as well as senior aides in our nations capital who routinely travel abroad must be tested if they have any drug history or are homosexual. Other wise our aides and diplomats will be exporting AIDS. How can we as a nation put forth restrictions from certain countries or travelers from certain lands who may have contracted diseases such as Bird Flu, Small Pox or other pathogen if we are sending our own government workers abroad who could infect citizens of other nations with AIDS. Hitlers Positive Christianity... Unleashing the Patriotic Church There is nothing-absolutely nothing-insofar as political power when it is under girded by morality, especially when that morality embraces the strength of the Christian religion. This is what Adolph Hitler seized upon, amplified, and nourished: One Reich, one Reich's Church. With religion's unwavering legitimacy enshrouding Nazism's agenda-nothing could stop him. Today, an eerie semblance overshadows the West (this "revision"-August, 2005-is an update of this semblance)-it harkens back to the dark side of Christendom's triumphalism wherein the State and Church team up to defeat evil doers and simultaneously spread Globalism and Gospel through military strength and the Crusaders' zeal. What awful foolishness we witness when history repeats her worst episodes-nothing compares to the insanity of those who are doomed to duplicate earth's darkest days! Take Marijuana Off the DEAs Docket Quit paying the DEA to chase marijuana. We could save millions for education (or tax credits, for you republicans). We spend millions locking up Americans for using marijuana. Or as NORML says in a 1999 billboard campaign up in bus shelters around the city, "A Pot Smoker is Busted Every 45 Seconds -- and You Wonder Why We're Paranoid." Is America Bankrupt? The US Dollar has been falling continuously in last year. The Euro, not so long ago worth 82 cents, is now at $1.27 - this is a gain of more than 40 percent in a very short time. The same goes for the Aussie Dollar: from 50 US cents to 77 US cents (that's almost 50 percent up). Gold, which was trading at less than $300 per ounce for years, is now long past the $400 mark. What is happening to the greenback? Emerging Markets, Property Law I read an interesting article in foreign Affairs magazine last year, and recently in the Economist also. The articles stated in some way that a country without a set of laws for property rights would mean slow-growth, lack of foreign investment and economic vitality would be scarce. While I tend to agree with this premise to some degree, I think you might enjoy a second opinion. Let me tell you where I differ, first off, a mobile business franchise is a safe investment even if property rights are not yet established. It can service the connected elite. This is great. By promoting free market system and selling of wares in the street and mobile businesses a countries early beginnings are possible of establishing a small economic base. I know this is feasible from first hand knowledge. Lawyers and Franchising It is amazing how the Federal Trade Commission has destroyed franchising, by selling the industry out to lawyers. We need to have accountability for the regulators and we can start by firing the head of the Franchising Group at the Federal Trade Commission and anyone who has worked in that department in the last 6-10 years. Let me give you an example of what the Federal Trade Commission's Franchising Group's policies have made a mockery out of the purest of business models; Franchising. Anarchy: Law, Order, and Authority [Author's Note: Another essay that I wrote on notebook paper during boring school hours. This wonderful little piece was starting in boring English class on Tuesday, November 26, 2002, and continued into Art class. It was finished in school on Tuesday, December 2, 2002, when I finished it in English class. I worked on it in no other class, and finished it within a few classes. Hooray for high school.] The Politics of American Public Education and Why Dramatic Progress Still Eludes Us The current political efforts aimed at improving the American public educational system appear to reflect Einstein's definition of insanity ? doing the same thing over and over again hoping for different results ? than truly creating sustainable change. Until, we begin at square one, sustainable educational achievement will not happen and the limited resources of time, people and taxpayer's dollars will continue to be depleted. The Irish Issue The expertise and advancement of the evolution of man and his culture is evident in one area only - that of propaganda and lying. They have learned how to suck and blow simultaneously out of every orifice of their bodies. Deceit, black ops (e.g. Kennewick Man), 'hide the ball' (e.g. the confusing array of Pyramid explanations) and secret agencies of advanced skill and esoteric expertise in all social structures that allow us to be 'managed'. JFK, Watergate, Iran/Contra or Ritalin, the program has a repeating plot that is rife with immorality and it's ever-present greed. The maze the Minotaur went through on Crete is reproduced near Glastonbury (or vice versa like Karnac and Carnac) and it is harder to get through the maze these 'social engineers' create or are still trying to create. Immortality and Mortality in the Economic Sciences Roberto Calvo Macias, a young author and thinker from Spain, once wrote to me that it is impossible to design a coherent philosophy of Economy without accounting for the (sad?) fact that we are mortals. This insight is intriguing. It is not that we refrain from Death in dealing with matters economic. What are estate laws, annuities, life insurance policies - but ways to cope with the Great Harvester? But this, admittedly, only scratch the non-profound surface of the question. Justice Department Losing the War on Street Gangs The Justice Department is at it again; promoting themselves in the mass media attempting to convince us we are safe. This time they are grandstanding a few arrests of alleged gang members. MS-13 is recruiting over 300 people per week in cities across the United States. Recently the Justice Department held a huge press conference, claiming that in a two-week period they arrested 582 people. Now then if the MS-13 gang is recruiting 300 people per week and the caught 582 in two-weeks then they are 18 gang members in the rear for that two-week period alone. Most of the offenders, gang members were said to be picked up between July 16 and July 28, other arrests followed after search and seizures of evidence was taken. Do not get me wrong it is great to catch these drug sellers, thieves and felons, but at a growth rate of 300 per week and an estimated 10,000 members and growing MS-13 is hardly under control; it more resembles a wildfire nearing its maturity. The Truth About Power and Absolute Zero Societies have always had a problem of what to do with their young males with high testosterone. In many countries it is important for them to kill off many of them. In times of war it is advantageous to kill off those who may eventually challenge the dictator. Kings of tribes in Africa realized that they too could get rid of their strong males in order to stay in power by selling them as slaves. Yet in doing so the tribes become weak and have issues with the genes of strength and then are easily beaten by other tribes contriving a war against them to help eliminate some of their strongest or reward them with the spoils of war. Such elimination of all the strong can cause a premature collapse of the civilization from a competing nation and too many can cause civil unrest and destroy the empire from within. Another Round of EU-Iran Talks Starts April 10 - Will Iran Be Referred To The UN Security Council? Iran's objection to ratifying the International Atomic Energy Agency's Additional Protocol of the IAEA is said to be the main obstacle to dispelling fears that it is not building a nuclear weapon. Iranian and EU officials meet April 10 to try to resolve a stalemate in their negotiations over this issue. If they fail, the EU will likely support the US and refer the case to the UN Security Council. ![]() |
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