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Treasury Department Falls Short on Blocked Persons List
I would like to discuss the blocked persons list of the United States Treasury and condemn the treasury for being somewhat out to lunch on the realities of the business world and how things work. First if you will check out this site with the lists of blocked people who may be involved in such activities you will see the format is impossible to utilize quickly. Blocked peoples list; http://www.treas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/sdn/t11sdn.pdf Now I propose that the treasury build a page on the Internet and give this the link of such a page to every brokerage firm and bank in the country to link to. Then these names are put into an XML database, with a search feature on the site people can fill out. These American Financial Institution people can input a name and the search feature pulls up the names closest to the name in the search feature. This XML database will cost about $5,000 to build and can be done in four days and added to the site, no need to send it out to bid and cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and be done in nine months. Besides I think the US Government still can afford the 5K as there are homeless people paying more than that in income tax. I hope this does not sound too cynical, but that is the reality of the situation. Really there are many soccer moms now who can build this in their sleep between taking the kids two and from school in about 4 days of 5 hours each. Clearly this database as it sits is ill prepared, ill thought out and utterly ridiculous. It is unusable in its 77 pages and the person who designed it this way must be retired by now, we need to catch up with the times. This makes the treasury department look really dumb. They cannot be serious? The XML database can then furnish results and record a number which the bank or broker can list on the forms for CYA and the Treasury department has a listing of it forever electronically. How easy this would be, but instead they produce this .pdf, 77 page document? And do not seem to mind that they will waste the time of good Americans who are in fear for their jobs and careers and therefore have to go through this archaic process. Surely it can be done better than this? America is counting on you. No business could operate this slow. If you cannot do it have Amazon.com set it up for you or have Google put it on their site for free. They can advertise it and bring traffic to their web site. If the treasury department cannot do better than this, then in fact clearly it does not deserve to be protecting the integrity of our nations financial system and currency. If we expect the Corporate World to do their part each time the SEC makes another law, averaging right now about one every 6 days which require IT modifications to all sorts of businesses and corporations in many sectors, then the treasury should be doing theirs and have it available in a ready to use, easy to use format, which can be added too or names taken off as those suspects are caught and/or killed. Patriot Act? Whose team is the Treasury Department on? Restricting money flow by scaring brokers and bankers? Leading by fear I see? Well I thought that was the International Terrorists job? I guess if you cannot beat them, join them? We need to streamline systems not stop them. I cannot believe no one has made a formal complaint in this matter. The Data Base should be known to every American not just financial institutions. Your process of ongoing education and know your customers laws fall far short of any quick streamlining fix of the problem in a modern country with modern computer capabilities. The business community is at the top of the game with information, why isn't the Treasury Department. I sincerely hope this is fixed before too many people read this post. And I certainly hope no one attempts to assert that the Department is working on the problem, because I, personally could have this fixed in four days. And I merely wash cars. If anyone out there has ideas to help our Government with it's duty to protect the American people, then stand up and say something, so we can get to the bottom of these types of situations and see that issues are fixed, that operations are streamlined and that this country and our citizenry can look forward to a prosperous future that our ancestor had sacrificed to give us. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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A Noble Attempt To Bring Peace in Assam United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), one of the most powerful militant organizations operating in the northeast region is in the limelight again but this time for a better reason. Attempts to initiate talks with the center and the group are in progress. The group was established in 1979 by Paresh Baruah along with his associates. The group aims to establish a Sovereign Socialist Assam. Without Trucks America Stops Do you ever wonder how everything gets to the super markets? It came by truck. Some items come from half way around the world. First by ship or plane in a container, then loaded on rail or truck and dropped at a depot, then resorted and taken to the store. Everything goes to the store in boxes and leaves in your SUV in small containers via a shopping cart or plastic bag thru the check out and parking lot. What are the benefits of Nuclear War again; I must have missed that point? Indian and Pakistan and nuclear war. What does the world lose if India and Pakistan have a nuclear war? Well in Southern India; in the cities of Hyderabad, Banglore, and Coimbatore there are many students who come to America and learn our technologies and bring their hard work ethic and ideas. Once here they often join others and start companies. Adolph Hitler ADOLF HITLER: US Government Owes Martha Stewart 1 Billion Dollars The prosecutors in the Martha Stewart Case used testimony from an FBI agent who lied under oath to secure a conviction. The prosecutors knowingly and willfully allowed the FBI agent to tell a lie while he was a witness in the courtroom. This is fascinating indeed as they could not convict Martha Stewart for insider trading, so instead tried to get her on a lying technicality to the investigators. So in essence the government lied to convict a Billionaire Tax Paying employer who built her business on blood sweat and tears from scratch on a charge of lying. How can we as Americans actually ever believe in Justice in this country when we cannot even trust our own government to tell the truth? In other words does "Truth, Justice and the American Way" still exist in America? Did it ever? Does the government always lie under oath? Will They Sterilize Vagabonds and Drunkards in Belarus? In Belarus parliament is going to struggle with degeneration of the Belarus society. Deputy Kostjan in his statement suggested passing the law on violent sterilization of the citizens leading asocial way of life. Economic Illiteracy Can Be Very Costly! I'VE ALWAYS ARGUED THAT ECONOMIC ILLITERACY IS VERY COSTLY. Is George Bush Two-Faced? Yes, Bush is two-faced. The two sides of the faces are total opposites. His personal left side shows he is happy and relaxed. Reelect President Bush for the 2nd term: Evidence & Proofs Why President Bush should have his second term? The arguments can be drawn from Gas price, Job creation and War in Iraq scientifically. If it is scientific, it must observe the same result, test in the same experiment and constitute a mathematical truth. For example, we all know that goose is white because we see the same color in anywhere. We know that water is H2O because the experiment result is the same. Needless to say, 2+2 = 4. We now apply these criteria to my arguments. Ifs and VATs of Taxation in Macedonia - Should VAT be Applied in Macedonia? To be justified, taxes should satisfy a few conditions: Bringing Back Mining Jobs to the United States With new environmental technologies and modern efficiency methods in mining can we revive this sector of our economy. It would be great for manufacturing costs and coupled with the current low dollar we stand to make gain quite a bit if we can. By doing this the job of doing mining correctly it is feasible, but environmental laws are not the only regulations that mining operations have to deal with, once you let those bastard regulators on the property they are only interested in finding something wrong to pay for their trip. Richard Nixon, the truth Richard Nixon was by far a most fascinating and colorful character in our nations history. Richard Nixon, well even his dog's past was checkered. Richard Nixon was an excellent diplomat, negotiator and politician. Anyone who studies Machiavelli, Carl von Clauswitz, Politics and the reality of the human species has to understand what really goes on. Without praise or condemnation Richard Nixon was a man who indeed, did care very much for this country and served our nation very well in many regards. His foreign diplomacy and tough negotiations came in handy at a time when those skills were needed. And yes there was the other side of history as well. I recommend an Audio Book, which has many excerpts of his secret tapes on them to better understand the man; The Worlds Eldest Democracy Was A Truly Romantic Affair Visible remnants of the world's eldest democracy can be seen in a town in the Carantania region in what is now Austria, where during the early Middle Ages, the tribal society of a Slav people managed to live for over 100 years without being invaded and out of sheer happiness invented a democratic system. They did not call it a democracy but the word invented later was taken directly from their example. 5 Years in Prison for Satirical Flash Films About the President of Belarus They do not allow the criticism of the president in any kind, whether it would be an animated file, a joke, the poster or the broadcast. So they believe in Minsk and don't understand humour. The Economics of Cloning Armies or Super Families Let's put the religious part of the debate for a moment, there will be time for that later. Currently there is much ethics debate from many different religious beliefs about cloning in both the scientific communities and the church. Enough in fact that the US Senate and Congress have already made a law against human cloning. This law effects US citizens and it is expected that future laws will be sanctioned and conditions enforced through trade agreements for all civilized and industrialized nations against cloning. Literally a world wide ban. However this does not mean that cloning will not exist in the future as we already see groups claiming the first human clone and others following suit. So for the sake of debate, and at the World Think Tank, all topics are to be discussed, worked out, all sides heard and all concepts evaluated. Below is such a cost study, which seems to indicate that cloning is not a profitable from a pure economic standpoint as one might think. Here are some real numbers thrown out to shed some light on the subject of the economic viability of human cloning. Economics and Politics of Regional Droughts It cities across America water is an issue, the flow is sporadic, either too much or too little. We must stabilize the flow, so businesses can plan, people can feel secure and we will not be caught with our pants down during the next drought. In some parts of our country the drought is now approaching 10-years and it is serious and economically destabilizing. As the droughts become more often, more severe and longer in length due to over use of supply, we must be ready. Many cities understand the importance of water and the psyche involved in plentiful water and the innate happiness it brings to the human spirit and they have developed River Walks, boat rides, etc to encompass such water features. Cities like Oklahoma City, Tempe, AZ; San Antonio, Caldwell ID, Wichita KS, Reno, NV; etc. NASCAR to be Shut Down by FTC? The Federal Trade Commission has very important Anti-trust Laws. They say these laws protect us from Evil Monopolies. Many believe this is in the best interest of our civilization, society and of course the consumer. The NASCAR franchise is absolutely a monopoly and successful because people love NASCAR. It provides the fans what they want and we gladly pay to watch the most competitive men and machines trust thru the laws of physics to greater and greater speeds and efficiency. There is no greater sport that tests the wills of men. NASCAR combines these factors to bring us the ultimate. NASA Budget Space Shuttle Thoughts Regarding the issues with the Space Shuttle and the in flight explosion of the Columbia. I believe that of course that hindsight is always easy to use to place blame, however we must continue the program and the Space Shuttle as it sits may not be the best technology as newer technology is now available for re-useable craft such as; Asking For Proof in the Economic Pudding There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. Ask an economist for proof of one of their pet theories and you'll find quickly that the age old axiom that we all learned in school and work place training seminars is dead wrong. You can ask a stupid question if you're talking to an economist and that question can, in fact, make you stupid. MUD MUD ? Much Unnecessary Disclosure ![]() |
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