Is George Bush Two-Faced?

Yes, Bush is two-faced. The two sides of the faces are total opposites. His personal left side shows he is happy and relaxed.

The professional right side of his face is more stern and guarded. The striking difference indicates he is very moody.

His SQUARE FACE indicates he is confident, a freedom lover, optimistic, aggressive, ambitious, go getter, successful organizer. He gets things done.

His FOREHEAD is high, straight, and wide showing intelligence, and a logical linear thinker.The wrinkles on his forehead show his artistic talents. The two wrinkles between the eyebrows show he is focused and exact.

The EYEBROWS are different. The left one is scattered and tangled indicating his personal thinking is chaotic. His right brow is lower and smoother, showing a even and logical thought process. The brows are low indicating he is informal and easy going.

The two EYES are different, the left is squared (fox) cunning, tight, dishonest in his personal life. The right eye is curved showing his charm. The eyes are small and deep set, indicating he is cautious, observant, and he hide his emotions. The left eye is also higher than the right, indicating he is moody and has his ups and downs. There is no visible upper eyelid indicating he likes to have his own space.

The EARS are different. The left ear is large meaning he is very open and receptive in his personal life. The smaller right ear is skeptical. The outer rims are clearly defined showing he is concerned with the logical external world. The ears come below the nose tip which means he like things done right.

The CHEEKS are plump which mean he is well organized, and gets broad support from everyone.

His MOUTH is large, showing he is confident and expressive. The lower lip is thicker, indicating he likes to talk and is very persuasive.

The hook NOSE shows he is skeptical. The wide wings indicate he is dependent on others and gets support from others.

The CHIN is soft and rounded showing his compassion and concern for people.

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