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Tracking Over The Road Trucks from Canada
Are you happy with all this so-called security after 9-11? Are you like most Americans I have talked with okay with the color thing and High Security Alert Colors and although the media really gets on your nerves and you feel like you are living in a scene of "The Boy who Cried Wolf" most say there are some rather obvious things they have seen which are just dumb. For instance the other day I saw four guys get out of a semi truck at a truck stop to fuel up and then go park. They were middle easterners and their truck was from Quebec headed South West on the I-80 Highway. Yet this was unusual in that team drivers are usually two people. Not four? Why Four? Were the extra people sneaking into the country? Middle Easterners who come to Canada usually get jobs like taxi drivers, truck drivers, warehouse people, etc. I understand that, those coming to the country with few assets have to start somewhere in our land of opportunity, right? Yet we have pretty open borders in many places and I see 15 trucks every fifteen minutes at nearly every border crossing I have been too from Canada to the USA. They stop every one of our trucks going that way. We stop virtually none. What I am calling for is a night manager at every truck stop write down all the license plates and all those who get fuel, because they are not the same. They should be paid for getting this information. Then that information loaded into a database at the Homeland Security. Trucks entering our country delivering good should deliver those goods, pick up a load on the way out and use a direct route to the best of their ability minus weather. Trucks drive about 800-1000 miles without re-fueling, Canadian trucks often longer since they have larger tanks when they do long hauls. I see Canadian trucks in El Paso, I see them in FL, CA, Louisiana, etc. We have deregulation in our country, but little if any requirements of Canadian trucks, free to meander and wander whereever they please, do we check the trucks coming over those borders? Rarely, even if we do we do not check to see inside the cabs only the paper work and seldom look inside, not that we could see anything anyway. A pallet looks like a pallet and it could have anything on it. And in that cab could be four more International Terrorists being delivered to the North East US or anywhere in this country. Then they would mix and mingle and join a mosque and who would ever know? Hell you are not even allowed to ask when they ask for a job. We need to know where these trucks are at all times, every truck coming over the border should have a GPS devise given to them a patch like a 4 inch piece of duct tape stuck to their windshield that the satellite pings every hour. These should be checked against the routes of their destination and bill of lading or other paper work and against their docs and the license plate check. If trucks show weird patterns call up the owner and talk with them on the phone they will tell you what is going on and why they have a sporadic route, maybe they are independent truck drivers. A Canadian who comes to the US and picks up another load on his way back and delivers it to another US destination should not continue to do so all winter to stay warm, without getting all US licenses, fees, permits in a state where he most likely would normally deliver too. We are so stupid to think that there are not 500 or more bad guys in this country now and surely no less than 50. What are they doing here? What are they thinking they are going to do? Whose neighbors of ours will be killed? Whose children will suffer? This is bogus, this loop hole needs clean up. We have radar type equipment which can see through trucks, check the cabs too, if the people do not like to be radiated stay in Canada. We have equipment that when turned only exposes the people to about the same radiation as someone flying at 30,000 feet in an airliner for 1 minute. So why not use it? At every border crossing with satellite surveillance on all non-borders crossing areas incase one sneaks across one of those back roads, God there must be 100's. Our Canadian borders are not much dissimilar to our Southern Border only a hell of a lot longer. Are we really safe? Are we really protecting Americans? Or is this just a big money transfer to those who have friends in Washington DC who are able to have some technology that has never been proven, never been used that should have been deployed three years ago. It is taking too long to get this stuff mass-produced and into the markets and onto the front line. Too much bureaucracy, too many regulations, no cohesive plan and a bunch of rather elaborate Card Game Bluffing. I saw these four guys at a truck stop, called it in and was asked have they broken any laws? How would I know, I only saw them for 3 minutes? Well then if they break a law call us back, So I said fine. I asked them why they had four people in their truck, one approached me as if to challenge me like gorilla would do, the others called him back and they left? Were these guys even here legally, what were their intentions? And who is really looking out. It appears that the citizens are looking out, no one cares or responds to the leads; the system is over loaded with arrogance and Political Correctness while we all wait for the next event to happen against us. This is unacceptable and you know what, it is not good enough. We do not need to slow the flow of products and good in or out of this country, but there are easy, inexpensive and obvious things we can do to minimize our exposure. For instance giving every Canadian truck driver a cell phone and asking them to look out also, because if something happens they could lose their jobs too. They will rent the phone while in the USA, it will have latest 3G technologies for pinpointing and a GPS devise inside. When they come back over the border we pick it back up. Cost $20.00 per visit for the rental, it will record where they go, stop, sleep and all that ought to match. All data fed into a system, which picks up anomalies in behavior sporadic driving locations, speeding on two-lance highways, dodging scales, etc. Come on America, Think. Meanwhile the reason I know about trucks is because I own one http://www.carwashguys.com/blitz.html . I have traveled around the country and seen all the Canadian trucks out there http://www.carwashguys.com/capitols.shtml , many have Middle Eastern Drivers and yes I have been somewhat stereotypical in my observations? I guess I cannot work for the Homeland Security then can I? You tell me what is the deal here? Well I guess we are going to rely on the Intelligence gathering are we? Well so far today we are still looking for a gentleman who is suspected of hiding out somewhere in a cave? Somewhere? Yes, well, yes somewhere on the Planet? Somewhere on the Planet so we are on high alert? What kind of crap is that? I just saw four guys last week all middle eastern at a truck stop jump out of a long haul truck which is suppose to have only two people in it, usually one. But of course no one wanted to get their little butts over there to ask a couple of questions which leads me to believe no one is serious which means we are in serious danger. Are they only interested in scaring us into submission? That is a silly notion considering our heritage and ancestry, Americans will not take that for long. Government's only real job is to protect her citizenry; everything else is extra, yet we have not even gotten past that first step yet? Instead we are harassing our own folks, calling it security and allowing flows of people into our borders offering them free driver's licenses and freedoms we do not give to our own citizens. Spare the BS, I just don't want to hear it any longer. The fact is the only way you are going to catch these guys is if the citizens themselves catch them hog tie them and wait until you get there? Then you will probably arrest said citizen for kid napping an illegal entrant to their own country? As a matter of fact there are cases in California where a guy tied up a gentleman who trespassed through his back yard after running across a freeway from border patrol, because the border patrol did not show up until the next day and that cruel and unusual? Maybe someday everyone will get serious about these things. Instead of harassing citizens and using the media to promote the political will of those in charge of the money flow in Washington? The media has a field day every time we change colors and scare people, old ladies and single moms. Is this the best we can do? For God's sake this is the United States of America and it is the year 2005. This is not good enough people, it's been over 200 years now, surely we can do better than this. Time to switch back to reality and look out side. Somewhere on the Planet is he? No really? Do tell more? You really think so. Wow? Such a revelation, you know your Intel is better than I thought, I bet your right, I bet he actually is on the Planet, good work men? Very impressive Intel. With all that hard work I bet it is time for another cup of coffee too, while you are at it? Yah sure after 500 billion spent in National Security and continued deficit spending, that's it; We are pretty sure somewhere on this Planet is he." Okay back to the subject, bottom line is watch the Canadian truck drivers better and their hitchhikers, we need to know who is in our country especially if they have originally come from a known terrorist state. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Iranian Elections - Roadmap To Continued Apathy The recent first round of the Iranian elections somewhat resembled the rise to power of the promising Mohammed Khatami first time round in 1999. But despite the break from apathy seen over recent elections, the liveliness does not bode anywhere near the same promise that Khatami managed to swirl up six years ago. There's been discouraging controversy and intrigue surrounding the running of the main reformist candidate Mostafa Moin and the last minute participation of Hashemi Rafsanjani also brought zest to the process. Rafsanjani is tipped to win however simply because most people believe he holds the most sway over the country's real ruler, the supreme Ayatollah Ali Khameini, who shows no signs of letting go of his power. Clearing Land Mine Fields from the Air You know we have sent many, many army tanks with protruded devices used for minesweeping to the Middle East from the Logistics Base in our country. They are assigned to removing the left over land mines of past wars. Each year hundreds of thousands lose their lives and limbs to these past war buried relics. The army tanks which remove these devices have not really been redesigned since the second WW, hardly any real improvements in their designs. But it has occurred to me that you can sweep these mines from the air if you want. Here is how it might be done; first, a powerful helicopter drags flat plates of steel along the ground with skids, in front of that is heavy chains dragging approximately 20 yards connected to each other like the kind your used to level fields and scrap away dirt clods and then the chains of smaller size actually in the air attached to cables attached to the helicopter about 50ft AGL. Elliot Spitzer Sued By Feds It appears the Feds are suing Elliot Spitzer over his lawsuits in the Mortgage Industry. The New York State Attorney General, Elliot Spitzer is getting sued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The NY AG's abuses of power has been noticed by the Federal Government as the lawsuit against the mortgage industry by Spitzer appeared to be a power play to extort more money from the deep pocket companies. Elliot Spitzer still doesn't get it and NASA is shamed to have telescope of the same name. The Spitzer Telescope is bringing back incredible pictures of our galaxy and beyond. Some say Elliot Spitzer's lawsuits are out of this world? The Second Coming in Albania Blessed with Chinese GDP growth rates (7-8% annually in each of the last 3 years) and German inflation (4%, down from 32% in 1997, mostly attributable to increases in energy and housing costs), it is easy to forget Albania's Somali recent past. The Halakah and Neo Cons These leaders like the Rothschilds who backed Crowley's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn or Hitler's Golden Centurion groups around the world, have members of their De Brix clan who have been adept at esoterics for a very long time. When Cosimo De Medicis paid to have the Corpus Hermeticum translated and put his clan name on the book (De Brix) he was not the first 'dabbler' in these arts from this family. Melchizedek is perhaps the first of this family that history has records about, who was such an adept. The Hanes Taliesin does trace this history. Timber Dumping Recently in Professional Builder a cover article discussed how the industry was concerned about the anti-dumping tariffs of Canadian Lumber. I understand how they fill from a cost stand point, however let us discuss the hardships that Canadians have placed on trucking companies going into Canada with US goods. They have been a royal pain in the ass, while their trucks drive like crap, too fast on back roads-two lane highways, causing accidents and acting very inhospitable towards US motorists. An Environmental Voting Guide for US State Elections In these times when states are suffering extreme downward pressure on budgets and spending, how is our environment making out? Did it suffer cuts right along with the Program to Assist Millionaires Become Billionaires? Are important environmental projects being dropped from the budget along with luxury items like the statehouse's new Gold-Plated Enforcement Gavel? Asking For Proof in the Economic Pudding There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. Ask an economist for proof of one of their pet theories and you'll find quickly that the age old axiom that we all learned in school and work place training seminars is dead wrong. You can ask a stupid question if you're talking to an economist and that question can, in fact, make you stupid. Will Gay Marriage Slow Down AIDS Crisis It is widely known in the Homosexual Male Populations that the promiscuity is astronomically high. The AIDS crisis has lost a little momentum in the United States in heterosexual populations in recent years due to awareness. We are not out of the woods by any means but we have slowed the crisis and exponential growth of the disease in the states. In places like Africa, India and China there is a much different story. Affirmative Inaction One of Abraham Lincoln's claims to fame is the fact that he is best known for abolishing slavery. While he may have felt some personal satisfaction from liberating the Negroes from their bondage, Economy was the main reason why he made his emancipation proclamation. He wanted all of America to move into the Yankee version of capitalism. Over half a decade later, and after a series of civil rights "victories", the roots of Affirmative Action were laid into law. How Can We Elect Good Leaders? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Men desire power. Give power to those men who have the greatest apparent altruism by nature, experience and by example. Give these beings the ability to attain those innate needs, while simultaneously helping the whole. Mankind will be fulfilled and work itself to the common good with forward progress. Other men will follow who are similar and rise up. Give those with the greatest testosterone and the killer genes something to do to use those innate needs fulfillment; things like sports, business, war, etc. Newspaper Reporters Tread Lightly on Compulsive Gambling Addiction Websites designed to help people overcome their gambling addictions have recently been contacted by television associate producers and reporters in an effort to obtain information about individuals who have been affected by compulsive gambling addictions. In most cases, they are looking for people to come forward and share how their lives have been impacted by local gambling establishments. In the majority of these cases, people feel fear of embarrassment from family and friends and therefore, are not willing to discuss how their lives were affected. Seattle Lawyer and Financial Freedom We are destroying our freedoms and slowing innovation, due to our belief that we can regulate morality by laws, that we can protect the most ignorant or mentally challenged individual in society by making a law; hardly possible. We have systematically allowed over burdensome laws to be made which support no freeman in this period only give work to 'wordsmithers' who claim to be helping us as they help themselves to our hard earned money. How Can We Prevent Black Outs and Protect the Grid? The idea is to have all the important items with minimal back-up systems while things are restored. There are so many ideas we have not explored and should explore. With a little proper usage and conservation and a cohesive plan, the Grid should be so safe and capable that it no longer will be looked on as a target of those who wish us ill. Even devises can be made that lay on the drive way and the drive wheels of the car sit on them and they spin wheels generating electricity for the house. People would not be totally without electricity in the event of a Black out, rolling brown out, or large transmission line failure. Traveling the country in a motor home and being self-contained gives me a little different perspective on things than most. It is time to put together a complete plan for the next 100 years to insure trouble free electricity and power for the country and then the world. Maybe at that point we can look into some revolutionary harvesting of space energy? Federal Trade Commission Franchising Division; Inept? Why are we over regulating the franchising industry? What are we doing to an industry which has given so much to America? Is the Federal Trade Commission Franchising Division; inept? They keep making rules and the over disclosure has the average UFOC ? Uniform Franchise Offering Circular at over 200 pages? This is insanity; not to mention a waste of paper. Entrepreneur Lashes Out at Linear Thinking Government Regulators I am personally calling for a total disbanding of the regulatory agencies as we know it immediately. This needs to be done from the inside out. We need an immediate cut of 1/3 of all regulatory personal. They need to be fired without any benefits. Those who have enough brains to understand my comments should immediately quit the agencies because they are destroying America from the inside out, like a plague, a cancer, disease, SARS or AIDS. By quitting their positions they can show America they are with us, and leave the International Terroristic Regulatory Agencies out to destroy us for their own personal fame and gain. It appears to be runaway abuse of power in a Virtual Reality Blue Goo Blob which has a mind of its own and could care less about those it is suppose to serve, us, the ones who created it and for the most part are suppose to own it. The regulatory agencies have obviously run out of targets and are attacking and over regulating good companies. I am also calling for a fight in the courts and that every company fight the agencies on every single issue brought forth and to hang tough spend the money and draw swords to fight these evil monsters back to the gates of Hell. (colorful comment? But has some truth to it, cannot fight with soft spoken words any longer, nor would such soft words do justice). The Morality of Child Labor From the comfort of their plush offices and five to six figure salaries, self-appointed NGO's often denounce child labor as their employees rush from one five star hotel to another, $3000 subnotebooks and PDA's in hand. The hairsplitting distinction made by the ILO between "child work" and "child labor" conveniently targets impoverished countries while letting its budget contributors - the developed ones - off-the-hook. To Grow Out Of Unemployment There is a connection between economic growth and unemployment. There is a connection between growth and inflation. Therefore, commonsense (and financial theory) goes, there must be a connection between inflation and unemployment. A special measure of this connection is the Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU). Supposedly, this is the rate of unemployment which still does not influence inflation. If unemployment goes below NAIRU, inflationary pressures begin to exert themselves. Chinese Rhetoric Over Taiwan, Back At You It appears we are getting a little bit of Sun Tzu sword rattling as they set their sights on Taiwan. This is somewhat bothersome, as they have publicly stated that they would use nuclear weapons on the United States if we tried to interfere. Well, it seems that as if this is an International Terrorist threat by a nation state's General and therefore, it must be recanted by him and we must ask China to remove him from power. If they fail to do so, we must act decisively and attack China now using everything in our arsenal including large Mega tonnage Nuclear Weapons. After this is done, we can then prove to the world that Nuclear Weapons are evil and must not ever be used again. This will be proof positive of the devastating power of Nuclear Weapons. Public Procurement and Very Private Benefits In every national budget, there is a part called "Public Procurement". This is the portion of the budget allocated to purchasing services and goods for the various ministries, authorities and other arms of the executive branch. It was the famous management consultant, Parkinson, who once wrote that government officials are likely to approve a multi-billion dollar nuclear power plant much more speedily that they are likely to authorize a hundred dollar expenditure on a bicycle parking device. This is because everyone came across 100 dollar situations in real life - but precious few had the fortune to expend with billions of USD. ![]() |
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