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The Halakah and Neo Cons
These leaders like the Rothschilds who backed Crowley's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn or Hitler's Golden Centurion groups around the world, have members of their De Brix clan who have been adept at esoterics for a very long time. When Cosimo De Medicis paid to have the Corpus Hermeticum translated and put his clan name on the book (De Brix) he was not the first 'dabbler' in these arts from this family. Melchizedek is perhaps the first of this family that history has records about, who was such an adept. The Hanes Taliesin does trace this history. Khazars: Just because a semi-potentate declares his people should be Jewish faith adherents does not make them Jewish. It is not just my opinion I assure you. The elite people who are within the upper echelons of Judaism might not want to tell you about their law or the Halakah but you should find out what it says unless you too are a high inner sanctum Jew. It recommends genocide even for their own sheep or followers who are not truly 'chosen'. THE DIASPORA: Just because the people of the Middle East throw out certain segments of their population does not mean they do not have that right. Ostracism is far better than the genocidal mania practiced by many potentates or Hyksos peoples including the upper echelons that often imprison their own people or take them back to Babylon and then return some of them to Ashkelon or Palestine as leaders of their Satrap hierarchy. Chanukah: A huge celebration taking place to remember a Benjaminite that the people of Israel had thrown out not that many centuries before; seems as ludicrous as hugging Hitler to me. THE HALAKAH: I know there will be readers of this book who will call me an anti-Semite or Jew hater. There are many people who do not know what a Jew is. I am a Jew of the noble variety and I am telling the story that my ancestors have kept hidden with foul intent. I have written a book called Who is a Jew and the whole matter is one that causes me a lot of grief. However, I must tell the story based on the facts and the facts can free all mankind and life on earth. Myths and manipulations will do nothing but harm I think. There are many factions of Judaism and some think the United Nations groups that vote against Zionism are prejudiced and uninformed. I am not sure these groups are familiar with what a Jew is really, or if they know the difference between Sionism and Zionism. I presume some of them do know a lot about these things. At the very least they will know about Jewish Law like the Halakah. You should know about it too ? before you call me a 'prejudiced person' of any sort. There are many divisions of Halakah and it includes a very genocidal prejudicial invective against other peoples and even other Jews. Let us start with a scholarly whitewash. "The Midrash Halakah was an exposition which give a legal teaching. In Judaism it was the body of law regulating all aspects of life, including religious ritual, family and personal status, civil relations, criminal law, and relations with non-Jews. Midrash Halakah is the term used to designate both a particular ordinance and the law in the abstract. The adjective halakic means "of a legal nature." The plural, halakoth, refers to a collection of laws. It usually designates the Oral Law as codified in the Mishna, especially to those statements of law that are topical without regard for scriptural origin. The most authoritative codifications of these laws are the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides and the Shulhan Arukh (the set table) by Joseph Karo. Midrash Halakah was the important unifying force in the Jewish world until modern times, when its authority was challenged by religious reform and secular conceptions of a Jewish nation. Contemporary problems in halakah revolve around its application to technological change, especially in relation to medical issues and Sabbath observance. Halakah is contrasted with haggada (plural haggadoth), the literary, aesthetic elements in the Oral Law and in the Talmud, and Midrash generally, which elaborates scriptural meaning through legends, tales, parables, and allegories. Both the halakic and haggadic elements have been extracted and made the subject of commentary." (2) The Judaeo/Christian/Islamic cultus has numerous secret schools and there have been (and are) designers of the over-arching cultus that love to keep various people living in ignorance of their intentions. Here is a little from a glossary and global security site that will give evidence to these facts. Please note the first group is pre-Christian and adapted itself to Christian practices yet is Islamic. The Sufis and others like the Gnostics or Arians (Unitarians today) are often called heretics and yet they practice or study the pre-Christian things Yeshua and his family would have studied from various Magian and Heliopolitan of Druidic systems. "Alawite: Also known as "Nusayris" because of their connection with the Nusayriyah Mountains in northwestern Syria, these peoples seem to be descendants of original peoples living in Alexandrian times. Originally possessing a distinct pre-Islamic religion, over time they adopted both Islamic and Christian elements to their faith. Alawis celebrate Christmas, Easter and Epiphany, and use sacramental wine. Many of their faith tenets are secret. They study the Qur'an and recognize the five pillars of Islam. Alevi Shia (al-leh-VEE): Minority Islamic practice in Turkey which often faced persecution. Though now recognized as a distinct school of thought, practitioners still follow a highly secretive faith and practice." (3) The very act of circumcision is a great mystical experience according to the people who are directing these CONstructs and manipulations as we see. There are more vampirish and ghoulish aspects that I cover in other books. "'By the very sexual act itself,' says Philip Sigal, in explaining traditional thinking, 'the circumcized mystically transmits the covenant to the foetus.' [SIGAL, p. 20] Until the 20th century, it was normal that during the mezizah phase of the circumcision ritual, the mohel (the expert who performed the circumcision) took the infant's 'circumcized member into his mouth and with two or three draughts sucks the blood out of the wounded part. He then takes a mouthful of wine from a goblet and spurts it, in two or three intervals, on the wound.' [ROMBERG, p. 45] Today, notes Rabbi Immanuel Jacobovits, 'the original method of sucking by mouth tends to be increasingly confined to the most orthodox circles only.' [JACOBOVITS, p. 196] In exchange for circumcision and following God's orders, the Jews were promised the land of Canaan (the land mass of today's Israel, more or less), a place that was already inhabited. [DIMONT, p. 29] This land for circumcision exchange is the root of Jewish tradition, from which centuries of rules, regulations, dictates, interpretations and other additions have followed. God's spiritual link to Jews is understood to have originated, of all things, around a piece of real estate commonly understood to be part of the "Covenant," which, says Alfred Jospe, 'is the agreement between God and Israel by which Israel accepts the Torah [Old Testament] .... The concept of covenant signifies the consciousness of what the truth is.' [JOSPE, p. 15] 'The covenant,' adds Will Herberg, 'is an objective supernatural fact; it is God's act of creating and maintaining Israel for his purposes in history." [EISENSTEIN, p. 274]'? "The halakah [Jewish religious law] does not aspire to a heavenly transcendence," notes influential modern rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, "nor does it aspire to soar upon the wings of some abstract, mysterious spirituality. It fixes its gaze on the concrete, empirical reality and does not let its attention be diverted from it." [SOLOVEITCHIK, p. 92]" (4) Yes, it is definitely focused upon 'the concrete' world. In fact it seeks to set the 'chosen ones' above all others and put concrete on the feet of any who oppose them. It goes so far as to make pronouncements upon lesser Jews and allow their murder and worse. The fact that the Jews alone were allowed to lend money and collect interest throughout the Middle Ages (5) was generated by devious means and the people behind these lenders became very wealthy while occasionally dispossessing the lenders or committing genocide upon them. Could this be part of why Jesus is seen to overturn the tables of the money-lenders in the hereditary Temple priest's abodes? Author of Diverse Druids
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Quick Thought on The Flow of Fuel and Costs Without the flow of fuel our very mobile society comes to a complete stand still. When the supplies get low and the free-markets dictate higher prices; every one of us feels the pain in some way. How Senator Sarbaines and Oxley Destroyed America You have probably heard of the Sarbaines Oxley Law (SOX) on corporate governance to make corporations totally transparent. And the voters and investors wanted this law so they could know which companies to invest in so they could make 20% per year on their money, which they damn well feel entitled to. The issues is that those corporations abroad do not have to follow those laws and therefore are able to scan and study all that financial data to beat American Companies in the market place. Transporting Troops in the Future Currently when we transport troops we use large cargo planes or put all the troops onto airliners or charter large Boeing Jet Airliners to send them near the battlespace, but in the future we will be able to put them to sleep, pack them into small honeycomb spaces and transport 1000 or more troops in cargo container type modules. Sounds inhumane? It isn't, let me explain why. First every soldier hates the long ass flattening trip to the country or region where they will be fighting, it is nearly impossible to get the rest you need and they pack you in like sardines. Additionally you are stuck with a bunch of sweaty guys and everyone, whether they admit it or not is scared shitless. Is Congress Going to Lay the Groundwork to Include Education with the Steroid Legislation? As of late steroid use in sports has been the topic of conversation by the media. From Jose Conseco appearing on Donnie Deustch's "The Big Idea" which airs on CNBC to Congress looking to pass legislation to regulate steroid use in professional sports. Hitler - Bush Hitler received a legacy from his Rothschild relations in Vienna where he and his father before him had studied. The De Medicis agent named St. Germain had established a solid schooling system for the occult in Vienna. You hear a great deal about Hitler and his weird sexual relations. Netanyahu: Too Late For A Fight-back? The resignation from cabinet yesterday, Sunday, by the Israeli minister of Finance is a good signal by the extreme right-wing, within the ruling Likud Party to the world that a group exists that would not go to sleep, much less on the same bed with terrorism. End Of History? Not Quite A visitor to Moscow would be immediately struck by the fact that an otherwise dull Kremlin now seduces one to break the sound barrier in a mike, rediscover one self on a Compaq or simply feel Warner in a Pringles. If this is not enough then there is always Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square calling upon workers and peasants to not only carry forward the revolution but also gulp down a Sprite, while they are at it. Numerous more examples abound from the Adriatic, so what does it all signify? Is it truly the end of History? Do we now see a time when a matter of ideology is drinking a Coke or a Pepsi? Closer introspection would reveal that it is not quite so. North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions; Random Thoughts Part I You know now that North Korea is backing down on their nuclear ambitions we seem to have a problem with the 8 nuclear weapons already created that no one wishes to address. In studying the reports and having thoughts on this matter; it seems we might still end up in a war over these issues. Should we use warfare to serve our political will and if we try we should do so in a cost conscious manner. Here are some thoughts on winning a military victory against North Korea to serve our political forthwith. First it would appear we have many allies in the region, including some from not so far away. Pakistan a potential partner in the over taking of the government is just iching to flex it's perceived military might and make friends with us after we got upset at the non capture of Osama Bin Laden and kind of asked about why he might have hidden briefly in Pakistan. One CIA man has potentially targeted Pakistan as aiding and giving comfort to our enemy there? But Pakistan also wants some F-16s and of course we want them to buy such aircraft from us. Meanwhile the Israelis see China as a good market to sell the latest warfare technologies? But who might China be looking at as it builds up its forces, it has no enemies that large? Or does it; as in the United States? What could Macedonia Learn from a Tiger? Asian Tigers and Uninterrupted Economic Growth The first reaction of economies in transition is a sharp decline in their production, mainly in industrial production. In the countries which attained independence with the demise of the British Empire (where the sun never set) - industrial production fell by 20% on average. Even this was because these countries continued to maintain economic ties with the "mother" (the United Kingdom). They also continued to trade among themselves, with the rest of the British Empire, through the Commonwealth mechanism. Image is Everything in Redevelopment Projects Revitalization Downtown projects are all the rage in fact the "Main Street America Project" is making significant headway as cities and towns share information. The communication of information of what worked and why as well as what did not work in a given demographic is now available to those who dare to take back their downtown areas. Urban flight and suburban sprawl has been tough on America. The people have chosen to live in the suburbs; unfortunately this hurts small businesses and jobs in the downtown areas. Americans are finding a better quality of life and higher standard of living while pursuing happiness in the less congested areas. Monsanto Terminator Seeds How do you feel about Terminator Seeds from Monsanto? I have determined that I am in favor of Terminator Seeds, having seen the complaints against it and the evidence for it. Also to curb the problem of GM seeds over taking the Natural Wild Seeds of rice, wheat, etc. which mankind has adapted too. Now then the debate goes like this. In Defense of the Feds Vs Katrina I, too, am saddened by the disaster in New Orleans and other areas effected and affected by the storm that stomped its way through there. Business: ?Where Is America Headed To??, New York Millionaire Wonders Hello! Happy new year. May you live a long healthy life and prosper. True Democracy and a Way Forward The process of researching this topic has been an interesting one. It seemed that it would be easy to find information on the Twelve Cycles of Truth if it formed the basis for the Iroquois Confederacy. However, it didn't take long to discover a distinct lack of information on the Twelve Cycles of Truth, while finding a vast amount of information on the Iroquois Confederacy. The Truth About Power and Absolute Zero Societies have always had a problem of what to do with their young males with high testosterone. In many countries it is important for them to kill off many of them. In times of war it is advantageous to kill off those who may eventually challenge the dictator. Kings of tribes in Africa realized that they too could get rid of their strong males in order to stay in power by selling them as slaves. Yet in doing so the tribes become weak and have issues with the genes of strength and then are easily beaten by other tribes contriving a war against them to help eliminate some of their strongest or reward them with the spoils of war. Such elimination of all the strong can cause a premature collapse of the civilization from a competing nation and too many can cause civil unrest and destroy the empire from within. Illegal Aliens and Homeland Security; Rants from Lance 2003 Is it just me or are you concerned that illegal aliens were working on a nuclear submarine in San Diego? Is it just me or are you upset that 81,000 people come over the border in Laredo TX every day to shop and from there can go nearly anywhere if they time their travel correctly? Is it just me or are you concerned that we only have our borders secured in one direction, coming into the country? Is it just me or are you concerned about the two houses with tunnels from Mexico to the US with handrails and lighting and cement sides, roof and floor that was just found, but had been there for two decades? At least it was ADA Compliant? Government Credit Card Abuse Veterans Affairs Employees using government credit cards on personal items? Yes it is true and it is happening at the DOD, Air Force, Navy. There have been stories of this happening at local sheriff's offices. At the US Department of Labor as well as local school districts. There was a recent report of widespread abuse at the DOI as too. Where is all this money spent? Government Workers and Lawyers Revolving Door Rule Needed We need more oversight and transparency in government. We need to keep our government workers honest and forthright. We need to prevent those who work for the government as lawyers for the government from going into private practice with the same companies they once enforced regulations on. The revolving door fo government lawyers and private practicing lawyers and lobbyists must stop if we are to maintain any real sense of integrity or fairness in our systems. You know, that "Truth, Justice and the American Way" thing that the government lawyers have such a tough time coping with? NASA Budget Space Shuttle Thoughts Regarding the issues with the Space Shuttle and the in flight explosion of the Columbia. I believe that of course that hindsight is always easy to use to place blame, however we must continue the program and the Space Shuttle as it sits may not be the best technology as newer technology is now available for re-useable craft such as; Mass Transportation Efficiencies and Price Per Rider Theories Having redundancies and today's technologies in transportation we have protected the system for nearly any eventuality. Today in California, the BART train tram system is trying to figure out how to continue with mounting costs and California's financial debacle. The idea to fix this problem has been pondered and they have come to the conclusion they need to raise fees in order to save it. ![]() |
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