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Chinese Rhetoric Over Taiwan, Back At You
It appears we are getting a little bit of Sun Tzu sword rattling as they set their sights on Taiwan. This is somewhat bothersome, as they have publicly stated that they would use nuclear weapons on the United States if we tried to interfere. Well, it seems that as if this is an International Terrorist threat by a nation state's General and therefore, it must be recanted by him and we must ask China to remove him from power. If they fail to do so, we must act decisively and attack China now using everything in our arsenal including large Mega tonnage Nuclear Weapons. After this is done, we can then prove to the world that Nuclear Weapons are evil and must not ever be used again. This will be proof positive of the devastating power of Nuclear Weapons. We must not allow the super power positioning of a Dynasty Driven Communistic Long Term Strategy and thought process under Sun Tzu embedded mindset to dictate the future of this Planet and the human race. I propose the complete annihilation of China if we see any attempt to act on these threats based on the Carl von Clauswitz advice. We must act now. http://www.spacewar.com/2005/050715072732.3wgtz6t3.html Repeating the strategies of the Cold War again is not worthy of the human race and the risk of such a catastrophic outcome as Nuclear War. If we are going to have a war with China, let's have it now, win it and get it over with rather than allowing escalation in the future which will lead to WWIII, causing WWIV to be fought with sticks and stones. China is capable of making good on such threats and therefore we must eliminate the risk, the general who made that comment and the entire 1.2 Billion people and their country immediately. We cannot allow such threats to continue and still have peace and free trade in the world. Furthermore we must impound all Chinese investments in the United States until that General is removed, stop all incoming ships with trade, renege on any and all bonds they have invested and Nuke N. Korea as an example of our position and proof that we will act accordingly, defend our nation and before sitting down to any negotiations. We cannot and must not allow further positioning of the Communist Chinese advancements as it is obvious by these threats that China intends to eventually either have a war with us once its military build up is complete or force us into submission once we fund their economic future status at the World Leader. It is time to come to terms with these issues, not deny them. We have been threaten by a man in a cave and we took action, now we are being threatened by a General who is a leader of the World's second largest military power? The Chinese are will not simultaneously prepare and prevent war unless we fold, so before the stakes get too high, we must act and win decisively and rip the heart from those who plot against us. Don't be the paper tiger (fool) they are taking us for. If our leadership fails to act, they do so at the detriment and possible end of our civilization. Carl von Clauswitz predicted it, before we were even founded. Sun Tzu laid out the basic game plan of how the Chinese can achieve it. We better pay attention. Hitler took one country and the world sought appeasement. It worked before, will we allow it to happen again? History is repeating itself you silly humans; wake up? The programming in this life experience simulation Matrix can be altered if you have the minds to face it head on. This is no time for weakness; we must put up, or give up. If China takes Taiwan, Japan and South Korea and the Philippines are next, why would they stop? Don't kid yourself. They are using some pretty strong language therefore we must do the same and not hesitate for one second, if they attempt to force their will over the Free World. We need a Nuclear Weapons test on Chinese Soil, this month. It is not often you have such early warnings of your enemy's intentions. We need war plans to take out all military assets and large cities in China and retain their Industrial Capacity and in-country American Assets of our corporations, while changing out their leadership. These plans and our missiles must be pointed at Mainland China and we need to plan to win. If that means total annihilation of Mainland China and the death of 1.3 Billion people, so be it. We cannot be weak at heart; the world has too many people in it anyway. Don't Tread on US. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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How Can We Prevent Black Outs and Protect the Grid? The idea is to have all the important items with minimal back-up systems while things are restored. There are so many ideas we have not explored and should explore. With a little proper usage and conservation and a cohesive plan, the Grid should be so safe and capable that it no longer will be looked on as a target of those who wish us ill. Even devises can be made that lay on the drive way and the drive wheels of the car sit on them and they spin wheels generating electricity for the house. People would not be totally without electricity in the event of a Black out, rolling brown out, or large transmission line failure. Traveling the country in a motor home and being self-contained gives me a little different perspective on things than most. It is time to put together a complete plan for the next 100 years to insure trouble free electricity and power for the country and then the world. Maybe at that point we can look into some revolutionary harvesting of space energy? Peace in the Middle East Peace in the Middle East - whoa that is a toughie. Chinese Ministry of Information Internet Registration Laws China maybe stopping some of the SPAM coming into the United States by getting tough on Internet users. Currently about 30 percent of all SPAM comes from China. But before you get all happy and break out the champagne you must realize that what they are doing has nothing to do with helping us. The Chinese government is afraid for freedom of the press, because it is undermining the their political power. They are particularly upset with bloggers there. Belly Full of the Clintons [Political View] As I read the papers and watch the news day after day after day, and listen to the debates on what we Americans should do with Iran and North Korea, as if we were the only ones involved, yet as always the world will put their two cents in, and to be quite honest, that is all financially they will give, but for advise, like my neighbors, they will give a tone of it away free. Anyhow, I should get to my clout in my throat. As I read the papers and watch the news day after day, as I was saying before, I can't be the only one that feels this way, yet sometimes I think I am, because I have not read much about what I'm going to say, in the floating media; be it reluctance on everyone else's behalf, or perhaps I'm just wrong. But when I check the records, it indicates I'm not. Oh well, possibly people are just full of crap and don't like the truth. Here is a bag full. Because of President Clinton, and let me say it again to get it right, Big Bill, Wild Bill, our ex-president Bill Clinton, they are all the same to me, because of this goofball, because of this wise guy, we have two towers down in New York City today (yes I'm talking about 9/11). It was not because of the FBI; nor the CIA; or President George W. Bush. No, no, no, it is because of Buffalo Bill Clinton; and his goofball wife. Fuel Prices at the Pump: That is not the problem, Natural Gas Prices are high too The price at the gas pump is certainly on everyone's mind. We read about Airliner Bankruptcies too and their fuel costs. Truckers are complaining and the average American is modifying their travels, errands and schedules around to deal with the fuel cost increases. Wholesale inflation looms as all the costs for shipping are being passed on. Even though people are joking about the outrageous costs of fuel, it is a serious matter. Hybrid sales are up over 50% in the last two-months and dealers cannot keep them stocked. But what about other fuel costs. Gasoline, diesel and jet fuel are not the only fuel costs up these days. Cloning; The Possibilities and Advantages of Thought Swapping We can all see the issues involved in the cloning debate, which go much deeper than religion; the real debate has to do with evolutions process of a self-replicating organic machine, human beings, and the future of science and the species. There will be power shifts in economic status amongst ruling elite, political families, etc along with issues of entanglement, connected brains and communication abilities in the future. Discussing issues with individuals or entire groups of clones will be done with telepathic thought transfer, which will definitely be beneficial to the group dynamics and forward progression. TABOR: The Growing Taxpayer Bill of Rights Movement and Economic Incentives for Industry A governing.com report blast one of the major grassroots initiatives spreading across the country: the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) movement. "When citizens put their hands directly on the tax levers, it often gets much harder for states to pay the bills. California, whose Proposition 13 became the poster boy for hobbling ballot box measures, is just one name on a list of states that are choking on tax policies put in place by voters. Washington, Oregon and Colorado are just a few of the others confronted with adequacy problems thanks to these measures. These maneuvers not only have been influential in changing individual taxes but also in paralyzing state legislatures and local governments." The European Bank for the Retardation of Development In typical bureaucratese, the pensive EBRD analyst ventures with the appearance of compunction: "A number of projects have fallen short of acceptable standards (notice the passive, exculpating voice - SV) and have put the reputation of the bank at risk". If so, very little was risked. The outlandish lavishness of its City headquarters, the apotheosis of the inevitable narcissism of its first French Chairman (sliding marble slabs, motion sensitive lighting and designer furniture) - is, at this stage, its only tangible achievement. In the territories of its constituencies and shareholders it is known equally for its logy pomposity, the irrelevance of its projects, its lack of perspicacity and its Kafkaesque procedures. And where the IMF sometimes indulges in oblique malice and corrupt opaqueness, the EBRD wallows merely in avuncular inefficacy. Both are havens of insouciant third rate economists and bankers beyond rating. US Trade Deficit with Bordering Neighbors The trade deficit with Canada is now 50 Billion per year. The amount of money sent back Mexico each week from migrant labor and/or illegal aliens is estimated at 8 billion per week. That is 416 Billion per year, not all that comes back here, over half moves to other lands including Cuba a non-trading partner and China which already have incredibly huge trade deficits with. As we trade with other nations and uplift their economies it provides us too with benefits. Peaceful and successful neighbors and trading partners makes for smooth relationships. We must worry however that if we are paying interest on the money, which is no longer in our economy much of which will not come back, then in fact we are fueling their economies and paying the interest too. Is the US the world's co-signer and if so, shouldn't we have a few guarantees and a level playing field? One could say by increasing their economies, we develop a middle class there and their citizens will then be able to afford what we sell, this is good. However if for instance Mexico trades and buys most of their consumables from China, then the money will flow to their shores instead of ours. However if we (our businesses and citizens) invest in China then we will get back some of this in growth. One could conclude that although there is a trade deficit in consumables those who of us who own mutual funds, which have emerging markets strategies, we will receive benefit and return of those dollars. When simply looking at the trade deficits, one might conclude we are in dire straights, that of course being a factual short-term view, but on further review one might also see the long-term strategy and see that as the world comes closer together everyone wins. The Divided Language I was dismayed to learn the other day, that my all-time favourite George Bernard Shaw quote may not in fact have been uttered by him. Council of Six The head of the Club of Rome has said that the major issue that prevents World Peace is the matter of terminology or differences in what people mean across different cultures. I have no illusions about having devised a fool proof proposal here - but it would be nice if the dialogue existed and not until it does exist will there be much hope for real change. The Federal Trade Commission, reality check Federal Trade Commission Owes Industry and Entrepreneurs an Apology. The Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Protection Division's Franchise Group owes the industry and entrepreneurs an apology for their "Piss Poor Performance" additionally those who run the division need to be fired and forfeit their pensions. The problem stems from a grandstanding approach to enforcement and willingness to lie and self aggrandize themselves in cases. Filing false cases often in secret courts, using bad profiling and with coax'ed declarations purporting fraud. This is not opinion as I have proof positive of their abuses of power. How can we allow the Federal Trade Commission to go against the "truth, justice and American way" that they have sworn to uphold? I realize that the entire Federal Trade Commission is considered a "bunch of whores" by industry as they attack corporations to "get fees" often at the request of weaker, poor performing insider competitors at the request of their attorneys. How To Date Ann Coulter (If You Must) I've decided to go public with my intentions: I will not be asking Ann Coulter for a date. There are some good reasons. Mexico; Look What We Did The number-one question people ask us is, "What possessed you to move to Mexico?" The number-one answer we give is that we simply could no longer afford to live in America, so we found a country where we could, and moved there. Trade Policy; Hurting Industry and Small Business The steel tariff taxes a few years ago hurt industry and small business and we as a civilization are still paying for that boo boo. This problem was affecting our team in my company and costing our franchisees money and ROI time, due to increased costs in new equipment. The increase in steel costs added $1800 to the trucks and $3000 to the truck beds? All over the import tax and the manipulation, which occurred due to supply and demand issues of the new pricing caused by those import taxes. Even still the steel industry did not have substantially higher profits and hurt were all the manufacturers such as ship builders, truck and car manufacturers. Illegal Aliens and Homeland Security; Rants from Lance 2003 Is it just me or are you concerned that illegal aliens were working on a nuclear submarine in San Diego? Is it just me or are you upset that 81,000 people come over the border in Laredo TX every day to shop and from there can go nearly anywhere if they time their travel correctly? Is it just me or are you concerned that we only have our borders secured in one direction, coming into the country? Is it just me or are you concerned about the two houses with tunnels from Mexico to the US with handrails and lighting and cement sides, roof and floor that was just found, but had been there for two decades? At least it was ADA Compliant? Anarchy: Law, Order, and Authority [Author's Note: Another essay that I wrote on notebook paper during boring school hours. This wonderful little piece was starting in boring English class on Tuesday, November 26, 2002, and continued into Art class. It was finished in school on Tuesday, December 2, 2002, when I finished it in English class. I worked on it in no other class, and finished it within a few classes. Hooray for high school.] To Grow Out Of Unemployment There is a connection between economic growth and unemployment. There is a connection between growth and inflation. Therefore, commonsense (and financial theory) goes, there must be a connection between inflation and unemployment. A special measure of this connection is the Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU). Supposedly, this is the rate of unemployment which still does not influence inflation. If unemployment goes below NAIRU, inflationary pressures begin to exert themselves. Treasury Department Falls Short on Blocked Persons List I would like to discuss the blocked persons list of the United States Treasury and condemn the treasury for being somewhat out to lunch on the realities of the business world and how things work. First if you will check out this site with the lists of blocked people who may be involved in such activities you will see the format is impossible to utilize quickly. Blocked peoples list; Counter Intelligence: Accurate Words to Describe Our Dealings with Islamic Terrorists! Introduction: ![]() |
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