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Counter Intelligence: Accurate Words to Describe Our Dealings with Islamic Terrorists!
Introduction: Although politicians and so-called "Intelligence Experts" are the ones appearing on TV, discussing and relaying the news on the War or Terror, they are far from the ones who actually have anything to do with the war on terror. As in the past so it is today, the real planning in the war on terror goes on in covert ops-rooms by the real "Spooks" from the three letter agencies: CIA, MIA, ISI, MI-5, MI-6, GRU and the FSB, just to name a few of the major players. The sad truth is that these spook agencies are in the large, responsible for the effectiveness' of the major Islamic terrorist groups. The tactical planning, the CQB skills and the weapon and explosive knowledge of these Islamic terrorists, are largely courtesy of the spook agencies. I am not arguing that the spook agencies are directly responsible for the terrorist acts, carried out by these Islamic terror groups. But that with a bit of common sense and forward planning, they should have realized the future evils they where helping to create. Old wisdom say it all, "When you lie with dogs, you get fleas" translated into modern languages that even a mission-oriented spook should be able to understand, the old wisdom says "When you train terrorists, innocent civilians get killed" Afghanistan: Prior to and during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, the US spook agencies saw in their infinite wisdom the Mujahadeen, as a means to an end. The support of the Mujahadeen forces were initiated by the Carter administration, prior to the Soviet invasion and was increased by the Reagan administration. During both administrations, intelligence agents from the CIA and MIA went to Afghanistan by way of the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI, to make secret contributions in forms of funds, weapons and training to the Afghani resistance fighters. The strategic plan was to stir up a rebellion against the Afghan government, which would result in the influx of Soviet troops. After the "Soviet Invasion" the purpose was to help the Afghani resistance fighting the Soviet forces. The objective of the plan was to ensure that the occupation would be very costly, for the Soviet army in funds and life's. This wisdom of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" was arguably not a new idea as it has been an ideology of warfare, from the dawn of time. Training and supporting your enemies enemy, was the big thing during the cold war, from Asia to Africa, from the Middle East to South America, is was the tactic favoured by the Super Powers, their allies and their foes. However, the Intelligence agents were soon to discover that, the Afghanis where in general a untrustworthy ally, who would only follow a set plan as long as they did not have other plans on the sideline. Unfortunately, they always had plans on the side which had a tendency to become the most important plan, plans that at least most of the time came ahead of fighting the Russians. Inter-Tribal feuds where constantly flaring, this in turn led to an unstable situation where military and political alliances changed faster than a "prostitute" did sheets. This is where the "spooks" came up with a solution which still haunts us today, they decided to direct the Pakistani ISI, to focus most of their training and supplies on the Arab Mujahadeen or jihadist's, who had more zeal for the fight against the Russians. The Afghan warlords continued to receive the majority of the cash flowing from the spook agencies, but it was the radical Islamic Arabs that got the real training and in return they delivered. The mighty Red Army was forced to retreat in shame and defeat. Russia had met its Afghanistan, as Napoleon had met his Waterloo and the US had met its Vietnam; the spooks of the west had won the decade. The Spooks success caused a stir in the Soviet "Empire of Evil", within a few years the Soviet Empire where defeated by stratagem and replaced by a "democratic" Russia. So one might say we owe the spooks congratulations on such a worthy contribution to human history. Had it not been for the minor fact, that the CIA/ISI trained Mujahadeen turned into the infamous terror groups, associated with Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda Group. The Al Qaeda group has in its relatively short terrorist lifespan, turned into the "Olympic Champion" of terror. The Al Qaeda group has staged very few attacks compared to other known terrorist groups, however Al Qaeda has blown the scale when it comes to fatalities and injures caused by terrorist attacks. From January 1998 to December 2003, Al Qaeda only caused a measly 0,1% of all terrorist incidents, grotesquely though the 0,1% of attacks caused 29% of the fatalities and 22% of the injuries inflicted by all terrorist acts in the same time span! Chechnya: One would think that Russia's experience in the Soviet-Afghan war, would have taught it that radical Islamic fighters are neither just the enemy of your enemy, but also your enemy. However the GRU (Russia's military intelligence unit) fell prey to the same short sightedness as the CIA did, in 1994 they trained and funded mercenaries to fight in Abkhazia, among them where a number of militant Islamic Chechens. The purpose of the clandestine operation were to destabilize the Abkhazian region, in order to weaken the Government of Georgia who sought total separation from Russia. Among those militants were Shamil Basayev, a name the Russians will never again forget although they are more than willing to forget that they trained him. Shamil Basayev started his guerrilla/terrorist campaign in 1991, when he masterminded the hijacking of a passenger plane from the town of Mineralnye Vody, the plane was flown to Turkey where the hostages where freed. An agreement ensured the Chechens free passage back to Chechnya. Bolstered by his hijacking success Basayev started his guerrilla campaign, gaining combat experience by fighting in the regions many conflicts with the Azerbaijanis in Nagorno-Karabakh, against the Georgians in Abkhazia and against the Russians in Chechnya. In between the fighting,Basayev received training in terrorist camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, Basayevs real terror campaign began with the 1995, attack at the Budennovsk militia headquarters which evolved into the hospital siege. Shamil Basayev appears to be the mastermind behind all of the major Chechen terrorist attacks, carried out since 1995. His network of guerrilla/terrorist groups has several names, the Abkhaz battalion, Sword of Islam, Movsar Barayev Gang and Riyadh-as-Saliheen, the latter being the most notorious group. Since 1995, the network has carried out at least 13 successful terrorist attacks which has caused ca. 949 fatalities and injured a minimum of 1147. This is an enormously high fatality and injury rate for a single terrorist network. The Shamil Basayev terrorist network has proven itself far more efficient and deadly, than other well-known terrorist groups, such as FARC, HAMAS and ETA. Although the Shamil Basayev network has not yet reached the horrific scale of the Al Qaeda attacks, the future may prove to be different. Osama Bin Laden and Shamil Basayev are both Islamic militants, who not only fight with a religious zeal but also with sound tactics, learned through training provided by the CIA and GRU. These tactics combined with actual combat experience, has made a mock of the best of both US and Russia's elite forces. It is a tragic irony that these two most infamous terrorists where in part created by the superpowers, who now find them as their fiercest enemies. Mockingly, both carry out their operations dressed in US military uniforms and using Russian assault rifles as their primary weapons. Guantanamo: Lately, the US has been releasing several enemy combatants from the Guantanamo prisoner camp, this has been done due to mounting international pressure, to either convict or release the prisoners, of the original 680 enemy combatants who were brought to Guantanamo, only 4 have been charged so far. However, the choice of which prisoners to release clearly remains with the CIA and MIA, who are in charge of the investigations and interrogations. As in the past so in the present, the three-letter agencies seems incapable of understanding the absolute commitment to jihad, by the Islamic militants. Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane, a half Danish, half-Algerian enemy combatant who was caught on the Afghan Pakistani border, was recently released from the Guantanamo camp. He had no sooner arrived in Denmark before he publicly stated that the Danish government where a legitimate target of Islamic terrorism, due to the Danish involvement in the war in Iraq. Subsequently, he publicly stated that the US "can use [my promise not to engage in warfare] as toilet paper." He next stated that he intends to continue Jihad by joining the Chechen militants in their fight against the Russian military. Abdullah Mahsud, a Pakistani enemy combatant caught in Afghanistan, were also recently released from the Guantanamo camp. As soon as he arrived in the Waziristan region in Pakistan, he immediately reconfirmed his commitment to Jihad and met with his former Taliban allies, he planned and carried out a kidnapping of two Chinese engineers. The subsequent attempt by the Pakistani Special Forces to free the hostages, resulted in the death of one of the hostages and five of the kidnappers. Abdullah Mahsud, however managed to escape and is wanted by the Pakistani forces, obviously for more than just neglecting to keep his promise,to the US of not "to engage in warfare", hopefully a promise to not engage in terrorism was also included in his release conditions. Conclusions: The real problem with making agreements with Islamic militants is that they are devout Muslims, who have dedicated their life to Jihad which brings us to a problem, that the Israelis knows only to well. A Muslim does not have to honour his word, or even his signature as Muslims are permitted to lie to non-Muslims and break agreements with them, under the Koranic law of Hudaibiya. The four examples of Osama Bin Laden, Shamil Basayev, Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane and Abdullah Mahsud should prove beyond doubt that, the consequences of dealing and negotiating with Islamic militants committed to Jihad, is not only foolish but also outright disastrous. For decades the Official stance by western Governments regarding terrorism, has been a firm strategy of "No negotiations with terrorists", a controversial strategy but clearly it is about time that someone explained to the Spook Agencies, that no negotiations also means no funds, weapons and training. They should also be reminded that the end does not justify the means. When it comes to dealing with Islamic guerrillas and terrorists, the so-called counter intelligence operations undertaken during the last three decades, by the three-letter intelligence agencies have proven to be anything but intelligent, with hindsight these operations have proved to be absolutely "Counter Intelligent". Dan Sommer is the author of the SD Agent, a Surveillance Detection Manual, he has been part of the process of designing, implementing and training a SD team for a European Embassy. His 17 years security career started in 1986 and he has active experience from military, security, close protection, counter assault team and surveillance detection operations. Since 1994 the author has been writing training material's for security companies and police departments. He has been instructing courses world-wide for security officers, bodyguards, police officers, counter assault teams and surveillance detection units. Dan currently acts as the International Director of the World Federation of Bodyguards and has a private business as a Security & Protection Consultant. His work can be viewed at his website http://www.DanSommer.Biz
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I base this article on my experiences during my attendance at the conference against the Free Trade Agreement of the America's and various social projects I visited around the city. The conference focused on issues regarding anti-poverty in South America, such as combating illiteracy, and implementing programs for economic development. During my two-week visit to Cuba, I observed first-hand the positive advancements made despite the poverty in Cuba. There Ought to Be a Law The 'Land of the Free' is teaming with individual rights for citizens. We have the right to say what we want, do what we want, be who we want. Maryland Lawyers and Politicians Want More Regulations We know that in Maryland, which some call "Merry Land" due to its completely liberal skew that Sarbaines Oxley laws were born. These laws no matter what anyone will tell you, have done more to upset our trade deficits with China than any other single factor. Senator Sarbaines is not even running for re-election now, which is smart because he would have major opposition and who ever was close to beating him would have on hell of a bank roll to do it. It is hard to say really which is worse; Osama Bin Laden hiding in a Cave or Senator Sarbaines who lives in a box (opinion). How to Deal with Poverty A SOLUTION FOR EMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS TO AID IN THE FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY Elliot Spitzer Sued By Feds It appears the Feds are suing Elliot Spitzer over his lawsuits in the Mortgage Industry. The New York State Attorney General, Elliot Spitzer is getting sued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The NY AG's abuses of power has been noticed by the Federal Government as the lawsuit against the mortgage industry by Spitzer appeared to be a power play to extort more money from the deep pocket companies. Elliot Spitzer still doesn't get it and NASA is shamed to have telescope of the same name. The Spitzer Telescope is bringing back incredible pictures of our galaxy and beyond. Some say Elliot Spitzer's lawsuits are out of this world? North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions; Random Thoughts Part I You know now that North Korea is backing down on their nuclear ambitions we seem to have a problem with the 8 nuclear weapons already created that no one wishes to address. In studying the reports and having thoughts on this matter; it seems we might still end up in a war over these issues. Should we use warfare to serve our political will and if we try we should do so in a cost conscious manner. Here are some thoughts on winning a military victory against North Korea to serve our political forthwith. First it would appear we have many allies in the region, including some from not so far away. Pakistan a potential partner in the over taking of the government is just iching to flex it's perceived military might and make friends with us after we got upset at the non capture of Osama Bin Laden and kind of asked about why he might have hidden briefly in Pakistan. One CIA man has potentially targeted Pakistan as aiding and giving comfort to our enemy there? But Pakistan also wants some F-16s and of course we want them to buy such aircraft from us. Meanwhile the Israelis see China as a good market to sell the latest warfare technologies? But who might China be looking at as it builds up its forces, it has no enemies that large? Or does it; as in the United States? Question Authority Policemen in many US cities are taking their new authority over the terrorism issue way too seriously. They are using it as a reason to harass our citizenry. Just like a bunch of $5.00 and hour security guards. Give a guy a little authority and a badge and boy oh boy he'll show you. You know the problems in America with security guards who are so over zealous that they offend the people who make their job available. Now we have a recruitment issue with not enough people for the jobs in policing. So we are hiring security guards and giving them too much power. Tax Dollars and Transparency of Government Agencies As we watch fewer Americans voting it is no wonder why, they have lost faith in their government. Why can't we as citizens who own our government demand equal and/or reasonable compliance with our tax dollars? Why can't we demand the same from government as they enforce on our corporations? Why can't government clean it's act up and stop flushing our monies down the toilets? No wonder so many government workers wanted to install two more Johns in the white house during our last election; they obviously believe no one is watching and need more toilets to flush our money down in DC? Can you imagine for one minute the Government trying to comply with Sarbaines Oxley? They would crumble, stagnate and become even more ineffective than they already are. Advances in Nuclear Energy; Safe, Clean and Reliable The newest pebble reactors are easy to build and manage and have extremely high out put considering their small size, perfect for islands set down wind from populations. Unfortunately the Three-mile Island and Chernople incident make populations feel uncomfortable with Nuclear. Therefore the increased regulations have made the cost of construction almost not worth it. The ROI of a nuclear power plant could take as long 150 years. This is so unfortunate seeing how great Nuclear power is and how clean it can be when handled correctly. For this reason in the past three decades no new permits have been granted and we continue to have a large percentage of our power coming from fossil fuels which is a problem for air quality and long term it has many issues such as acid rain. Fuel Prices on the Rise With gasoline prices at the pump climbing strongly into the $2 slot, many people are becoming concerned about how high they may go, and what Congress should do about it, if anything. Petroleum prices effect the pricing of so many other products. Most of the items bought by consumers have been trucked some distance from a factory, to a warehouse, to a retail store. Consumer transportation, home heating, and electricity can also be adversely affected by rising fuel costs. Rule of Thumb For Exporting Technology Rule of Thumb for exporting technology. The American People need piece of mind to get this economy moving. We should never export anything, which can be used as a weapon against the American people or our close allies, which we in fact cannot defeat quickly and effortlessly. Such as F-16's with electronic warfare components, Phoenix Missile Systems, Smart Bombs, UAVs, Small Pox Viruses. (Yep Ft. Detrich, want to read a scary book? Try Cobra Event and Hot Spot and the new one The Demon in the Freezer). Going All Out to Win a War Conventional warfare is getting to its limits. Soon wars will be fought by robots and on many more fronts, which will render civilization completely immobilized. What is going all out to win a war? What does that mean? We can do this with tactical nuclear weapons, germ warfare, poisoned water supply, etc. And as many of academia have said we should not do that because it is evil. They say the; "means are not justified by the ends." Yes, this is most likely true, but neither does war. If someone wages war against you, it is a little late to be talking about means and justifications, they are trying to kill you. I would debate then this fact "The ends do not justify the means." If we fight the war fair and they do not and we all die, who cares about means justifying anything, if you and I perish due to some lunatic with a nuclear weapon pointed at one of our cities or just parked in a container in downtown Las Angeles, Houston, Baltimore, Detroit or Chicago? Does it matter that you followed all the rules of war? Hell that is what the Brits did in the revolutionary war, lined up in rows and tried to fight a gentleman's war? Look there is nothing gentleman like about fighting a war or killing a member of your own species. The Divided Language I was dismayed to learn the other day, that my all-time favourite George Bernard Shaw quote may not in fact have been uttered by him. Will They Sterilize Vagabonds and Drunkards in Belarus? In Belarus parliament is going to struggle with degeneration of the Belarus society. Deputy Kostjan in his statement suggested passing the law on violent sterilization of the citizens leading asocial way of life. PATRIOTIC ARMAGEDDON... Can You Hear Me Now? Each day the present geo-political reality confirms what The Tribulation Network has been saying for the past two years! All this, while the world still debates whether or not we should call the current War on Terrorism/Terror: The West vs. Radical Islam! OSHA is just more BS from the Blob of Bureaucracy Is Ohio Manufacturing Sector really unable to compete in the world market? Is the auto industry, which is the state's manufacturing rock really in jeopardy. Are the Unions really killing the manufacturing sector causing off shoring of American jobs? Let me offer an alternative view of the situation from an Ayn Rand perspective. Yes the manufacturing sector took hits from steel prices, unions, power costs, sector rotations in the auto industry as well as over seas and NAFTA competition. But the biggest problem of all is none of those things. Not a single one could kill off an industry that sells on average of 15-18 million cars per year. One must look at other factors as well. Also out in full force is our wonderful OSHA Agency due to strong union and the online complaint system. Revitalizing The Power of the Baby Boomers As baby boomers, we have been spoiled all of our lives. When we were teenagers, the world took note because there were so many of us. Our music, our beliefs, our fashions, our styles dominated the culture of the age. When we took to the streets to protest the war in Vietnam and to support the Civil Rights Movement, we found a ready audience. Television came into its own and we splattered ourselves and our causes across the living rooms of America. ![]() |
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