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Going All Out to Win a War
Conventional warfare is getting to its limits. Soon wars will be fought by robots and on many more fronts, which will render civilization completely immobilized. What is going all out to win a war? What does that mean? We can do this with tactical nuclear weapons, germ warfare, poisoned water supply, etc. And as many of academia have said we should not do that because it is evil. They say the; "means are not justified by the ends." Yes, this is most likely true, but neither does war. If someone wages war against you, it is a little late to be talking about means and justifications, they are trying to kill you. I would debate then this fact "The ends do not justify the means." If we fight the war fair and they do not and we all die, who cares about means justifying anything, if you and I perish due to some lunatic with a nuclear weapon pointed at one of our cities or just parked in a container in downtown Las Angeles, Houston, Baltimore, Detroit or Chicago? Does it matter that you followed all the rules of war? Hell that is what the Brits did in the revolutionary war, lined up in rows and tried to fight a gentleman's war? Look there is nothing gentleman like about fighting a war or killing a member of your own species. Let us look at a war fought on really nice terms, which does not work and causes us to be disrespected and laughed at. It only causes more wars. If you go with their argument of means not justifying ends; so you make sure that you have the proper means and do only the right things knowing full good and well it will not produce the required results, then why do it? Simply surrender to the Saddam and neighboring states and let them run our country and the rest of the world, teach all the humans of the world to bow towards Mecca five times per day, damaging the brain inside the skull from all that jarring and be done with it. If you fight a nice war and take the high road you will cause a longer war, more casualties and more future wars. That does not justify the ends. If your means are of the highest ethical of tactics but fail to yield desired results then you lose by default and if losing is what will occur, then do you participate. Wait it out. Swift and decisive victories in the history of wars have been the most humane and best for civilization. Sounds like rhetoric, but it is reality and Carl von Clauswitz is not to be brushed aside so easily for a more civilized version, which garners no results. Wars have only killed 1% of all the population, which has ever died on our planet. It is not a big number yet as future wars escalate and more people are fallen victim they could be much worse. If we attack decisively and quickly the most people will be spared and we can have peace and celebrate as the world celebrates with us. We have the will to fight this one correctly and enough will at present to pull out all the stops, yet if we wait time passes and our resolve will be weakened by our liberal media and academia reason when the reality should take precedence. We should be playing to win and protecting our people as outlined in the Constitution from the forces who would have us enslaved and killed based on a religious doctrine that has been bastardized and hardly resembles anything close to the original works of Islam. Fight to win. Use all you have available. Pull out all the stops and knock off this insanity. Another thought had occurred to me while re-reading the book "Germs-America's Secret Bio Weapons War". Perhaps the books entitled "The Hand Book of Poisons" and "How to Kill" ought not to be readily Available in major book stores; perhaps those book stores would be willing to not sell them as part of their efforts to help civilization and Americans. It is the least they can do. A simple request is easy from a high governmental source. Remember we have home grown terrorist amongst us as well. For whatever reason one of our own might forsake his/her fellow citizens is a debatable topic indeed. And since it is a problem perhaps we ought to not make it so easy to hurt thy fellow countryman and citizen. Our enemy is plotting right now to kill you and we are so caught up with issues of wartime or International Terrorist prison abuses and an occasional Koran flushing down a military prison toilet that we are missing the point. These folks who plot against us want you and I dead. Shouldn't we show them a swift kick in the ass; American Style. Don't Tread on Me. Did someone forget? Think about it; I'll get back to you. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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News Media Misguided or Just Plain Liars? Last week, the media coverage called the airplane crash in Canada a miracle because all of the passengers survived. However, what they are calling a miracle is really teamwork. The media believes that they know what constitutes a miracle. According to the dictionary, the meaning of a miracle is: Marvel; Supernatural Event. The supernatural event was the lightening that struck the plane, right? The Transformation Of Political Science And The Rise In Crime Rates The current field of political sciences is dominated by a multitude of ideas that have never in its history featured so prominently in this discipline. The general belief that it has lost its focus once and for all is from time to time counteracted by different opinions. One of those is that the world has come full circle, that mankind has experimented out all possibilities in terms of ideological thinking and that the liberal democracy as we know it has come out of the process as the prize winner both politically and economically. Some define this as the end of history. It also goes by the name of ultra modernism. Globalisation fits in perfectly and all reflects the increasing complexity that we are finding our world to involve us in and which, in order to come to terms with the bigger magnitude of the whole, we are describing in essentially vague terms. We Do Not Have An Upside Down Trade Deficit Because We Cannot Compete Our trade deficit is directly proportional to our attacks on US Businesses and Entrepreneurs. We do not have an upside down trade deficit because we cannot compete. We can compete with any nation. We have bad policies, over regulation, too many lawyers and lawsuits. We have judges and juries ruling for unbelievable sums to send a message to the businesses and industries as if it were the job of the court to dictate policy. End Of History? Not Quite A visitor to Moscow would be immediately struck by the fact that an otherwise dull Kremlin now seduces one to break the sound barrier in a mike, rediscover one self on a Compaq or simply feel Warner in a Pringles. If this is not enough then there is always Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square calling upon workers and peasants to not only carry forward the revolution but also gulp down a Sprite, while they are at it. Numerous more examples abound from the Adriatic, so what does it all signify? Is it truly the end of History? Do we now see a time when a matter of ideology is drinking a Coke or a Pepsi? Closer introspection would reveal that it is not quite so. Mommas, Dont Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Lobbyists For many years now, I have been the proud holder of jobs that my parents found very difficult to explain to their friends. Now, when a well-meaning acquaintance asks "what does your daughter do?" they try to explain that I help people understand how to communicate with elected officials. Invariably the response is "What? She teaches people how to lobby? Good heavens, she's not a lobbyist herself, is she?" Apparently, being a lobbyist is right up there with being a convict, especially these days. Tax Attorney? You Might Need One; The City of Portland is Going After Small Businesses The City of Portland is going after any small business, which does business in their city even if they are from another town or even in a neighboring state. The politicians said the city is losing 4 million in year in revenues? Maybe, but they do not deserve them anyway with an attitude like that. This is criminal for politicians to call small businesses tax cheats, when they lack the integrity to tell the truth themselves. Starbucks Monopoly Is Starbucks a monopoly? It fits all the definitions. Does this mean the FTC will make them break it up like AT&T? Or is the Federal Trade Commission too chicken after losing the case with Microsoft? The FTC knew better than to go after Microsoft, after all they did nothing wrong except adding features to their operating system and programs. Is the FTC not attacking the Starbucks because all of its employees go to the one across the street in Washington, D.C.. Bureaucracy Suffocating the Flow of Transportation We are slowing the transportation flows of our civilization by over burdening our transit systems, transportation companies, airlines, railroads and shipping companies with linear thought out rules and regulations. We are over regulating, over taxing and attacking the free market sector companies and this is cost America jobs, governments in tax base and hardship for travelers, vendors and industry, which rely on this transportation. Cloaking Giant Airships is Possible, Why Stop There? We know we can cloak a giant airship from those looking up at it by simply using a video to tape what is above it and then display that on the bottom of the blimp. Those looking up at it will see not see a blimp but rather the sky above displayed like a giant flat movie screen which has been curved around the bottom of the blimp. Showing on the screen will not be Goodyear, Fuji, Budweiser or buy GM. It will be an exact picture image of the clouds, sky or stars directly above the airship. This technology exists now and has been tested, the technology is not so difficult or complicated, and it is relatively simple and easy to understand. MUD MUD ? Much Unnecessary Disclosure The Senate Filibuster: The Hulk Plan and the Nuclear Option The partisan feuding in the U.S. Senate over federal judicial nominees is leading to a battle on the Senate floor that will have long term effects on the makeup of the federal courts and on the future of the filibuster as a tool in the Senate. The battle has been brewing for quite some time. America Needs Election Reform to Ensure Congressional Honesty America must implement a policy on Election Reform that is equitable and fair to everyone. It is something we must do if we are to be a progressive society, a society for everyone, rich or poor. We, the people of the United States of America, must take back control of our lives by taking back control of our government. And the only way we can do that - be a government by the people - is with a logical Election Reform Bill. It is past due because our elected officials are thinking only of their careers and their futures. As our representatives, the only thing they should be thinking about is doing what is right for the American people who are their employers. Global Entrepreneurs, Mining and Raw Materials There are many mines around the world, which are owned by the new global citizen who considers no country their home. Literally a world-class jet set of entrepreneurs. They are unconcerned with where on Earth that they do business, they take their business to which ever country they can make a deal with and make the quickest ROI and the greatest profit. This is not good or bad, this is the reality of opportunity, capitalism and risk-reward scenarios. No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual The No Child Left Behind can work if the Federal Government will put up content on the website and allow for those who are; Behind in studies, about to miss a grade level advancement, perform poorly on general tests, at home schooling students (when parents have no knowledge in subject matter), are in Juvenile Hall, live in areas very rural, have disorders, or have injuries which prevent attendance or need Summer School catch up work. Congress Considers National Data Privacy Law Legislation was introduced into Congress this week that would establish a national data privacy law. The bill would require businesses to disclose to consumers any breaches that result in the exposure of personal information. International Terrorists Have US Partners; The Federal Trade Commission The Federal Trade Commission in their latest move to increase (MUD) Much Unnecessary Disclosure on the Franchisors of this Nation is helping the International Terrorists with in depth information. By requiring extra disclosure the FTC is making what would normally be private business information into public knowledge and part of the franchising rules required disclosure. Including addresses and names of all outlets and owners. The FTC will not even look into this complaint and continues to this day to jeopardize the American People's safety. Anglo-Israelism and the Flesh Recently a friend insisted that I read a book by Steven M.Collins, titled The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel...Found! This book tries to convince people that the "Lost" tribes of Israel after being uprooted by the Assyrians, started colonies all over the world and then ultimately migrated to Britain and then to America. The book attempts to prove in 439 pages what has been known as British- or Anglo-Israelism. The book was originally written in 1992 and was revised in 1995 and is gaining influence in some "patriot" circles. Some people who hold this theory are racists, following from their fleshly or carnal understanding of the outworking of God's covenant in history exclusively along racial lines. A major thesis of the book is that the Jews (Judah) and Israelites are two separate and distinct peoples and kingdoms who must never be confused. Mr. Collins says, "...the Jews ceased to be part of the kingdom named Israel" (23). The author goes on to say that "the term 'Israel' does not apply to Jews from the time of the divided kingdom forward" (23). Is this true? This is not a comprehensive review of Collins' book. There are numerous problems in this book, some of which are dealt with below. Political Branding and Marketing Political strategists, branding gurus and image consultants could learn a lot from the modern corporate successes in branding. In each political season we see positioning by the front-runners to get your vote. Capitalizing on the most popular brands to find synergy is a good strategy. Another is to find novel ways to propel omni-presence of your candidate. Freedom on the Internet Throughout all recorded history on our lovely little planet, Earth's human beings have been concerned with a few main ideals. One of these is the idea of freedom. Freedom, what is it? What does it mean to you? To look at it simply and in context of communication, I'd say that it is the right to express oneself within certain moral boundaries. Recently I have discovered that the incredible tool of the Internet is being infected by some of our imperfect human beliefs (a sign of the perfect balance in Nature). Check out a website called 'Reporters Without Borders'. This site is dedicated to both freedom of speech for the masses as well as to the safety of the people who are trying to share true unadulterated stories with the wider community. In the site's Internet section I came across a new article about MSN Spaces, the blogging software from one of America's and the world's biggest companies, Microsoft. Well, it seems that in China they have agreed to have the words 'democracy' and 'Dalai Lama' completely rejected by the system, therefore censoring every on-line journal in China using this software. Looking at the Dalai Lama I don't get a feeling of hostile intent... Recycling The Mentally Ill 30 years ago, California, later followed by other states, decided to virtually close down the State Mental Hospitals. ![]() |
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