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Cindy Sheehan ? President Bush and the Accountability Moment
Death may not be dignified in any light but the way it is perceived, handled and finally dealt with can be under certain circumstances even less dignified. The cause Cindy Sheehan has undertaken may or may not be worthy depending on who you ask. I choose not to ask anyone but rather I would ask a question of a different sort. It is not a question of the Presidents moment of accountability but of her son's accountability. I would ask this question to her or anyone who might dare to question his moment of accountability. He did have one, let us examine it. In August of 2003 Casey Sheehan re-enlisted in the United States Army. He was fully informed that his unit would be deployed in the Iraq theatre at some time in the future. Casey belonged to the 1st Calvary where he plied his skills as a Humvee mechanic. On April 4th of 2005 Casey was killed in a place called Sadr City in Iraq. He was twenty four years of age. Indeed a Hero of the highest order and a young man that according to all accounts would make any mother or any American proud of him. In every state in this country there is a general consensus about when a person reaches the age of accountability. That consensus has found its way to the legislative annuls of every state in the form of various laws that credential it as the will of the people. Federal law too has been formed on the basis of this general consensus. Although the laws vary from state to state they all seem to fall into a very close and familiar expression of what is the age of accountability. For instance in most states the age limits for mandatory enrollment in a public or private school is up to age sixteen. The age at which a person can buy and consume alcohol goes between eighteen and twenty one in most states. Most states also will hold young people accountable for serious crimes somewhere between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. The US Military has similar age restrictions for anyone volunteering for duty. What does all this mean? At some point in his life Casey Sheehan believed he had reached the age of accountability. Exactly when that moment came for Casey may only be known by him. But even if he shared it with his mother or others it was still his moment, his passage to manhood or to any other place he perceived it to be. It is not a moment that any mother can alter nor do they have a right to. When Casey signed on the line not once but twice, it was his moment of accountability. Perhaps he was never braver even in battle than he was in that moment. By the time he re-enlisted he knew a great deal about the military and what to expect, but at the moment he put his signature on the line for the first time there were only a world of unknowns, he faced them alone, he became accountable. Without raising a single word about our Presidents honesty, a single word about Casey's reasons or fears, it would still be undignified and less than honorable to cast aspersions on that moment. The moment when a young man made the decision of a man should not be diminished by the outcome of that decision. As far as President Bush being given a moment of accountability I would tread lightly in this area. He is accountable to all of us in this country, but if that weren't enough both he and all of us in this country are accountable to a much higher power. Those of us that put our trust in God do so in the midst of a world where life and death are all around us. We see children starving, hospitals full to capacity, wars we don't always understand, crime and injustice on every hand, but we continue to have faith in God. Life did not come with a promise or a contract. We may die young or wish we could die because we feel so old but we believe he holds our hand throughout the journey long or short. This is more than faith it is trust and loyalty and it is the proof that no matter what we may endure we have shown ourselves to be accountable. May we always do so, and in the end will be found in good company along with other good men and good soldiers like Casey Sheehan. Rev Bresciani has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on Amazon.com, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote "Hook Line and Sinker or what has Your Church Been Teaching You," publisher, PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book published by Xulon Press entitled "An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ." Rev Bresciani's website is,
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We have brain drain issues in Silicon Valley, we have taught so many students from India, Pakistan, China all kinds of heavy duty industrial high tech studies and research and now that they cannot find jobs, many will be going back to those countries to work and with them all our technology. Brain fart? You teach them nuclear physics and you assume if they go back they will make paper dolls or something? Try nuclear weapons dummy. Besides realize that their countries will make them design these weapons, so much for Whirled Peas? How to Deal with Poverty A SOLUTION FOR EMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS TO AID IN THE FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY Is it just hubris, or ...? In what the Americans love to describe as the war on terror, there have been no clear winners even though it has been physically going on now for over three years. By the looks of it, the tussle between the United States of America and its perceived enemy will outlast the Second World War at least in terms of duration, if nothing else. If so, it certainly represents a horrible scenario for the planet. The Fabric of Economic Trust Economy is called the dismal science because it pretends to be one, disguising its uncertainties and shifting fashions with mathematical formulae. Economy describes the aggregate behaviour of humans and, in this restricted sense, it is a branch of psychology. Lost and Found in Gaza The evacuation of Gaza is now completed, and the world has been watching closely. As a proud member of the Jewish People, I have nothing but admiration for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, for the humane way they carried out this most difficult military assignment. Most soldiers train to fight against their enemies; the Israeli army was specially trained to evacuate their own families, friends, and sometimes even their own rabbis and teachers. In fact, there was nothing easy about this assignment; according to the NY Times, an Arab reporter on the scene asked his anchor in Dubai, "Did you see the soldiers crying?" Yes, we all saw the soldiers crying and anyone with a heart and soul had to be moved by their compassion coupled with their calm discipline under exceedingly trying conditions. More tears were shed than blood, and that speaks volumes about the talent and the humanity of the Israeli Defense Forces. Media and the Iraq War, Some Random Thoughts Indeed 2001 Here are some miscellaneous thoughts on issues many of which are opinion and should be looked at as such, some are not even my opinion but opinions of people I have talked with and wished to pass on. The first item I wish to discuss is the World News reporting which is anti-American. First I have seen many reports about the Iraq situation. We are seeing that foreign reporters are seeking out Iraq families who are lying on TV about the US activities. These are being reported as Gospel by the media and shown throughout the world. I would have to say we are now fighting the anti-American liberal World Wide media, which is further inciting locals and other Muslims of neighboring countries to do demonstrations and thus rally anti-American support. The Professions of the Future Predicting the future is a tricky business. There have been countless ridiculous failures at identifying the trends and products which will determine the future shape of our life and our environment. Even more difficult is trying to guess which of us will be deemed a useful member of the community ? and which an obsolete relic. To a large extent, the answer to this question lies in determining the useful professions of the future. This is an age when people are determined, defined and categorized in strict accordance with their professions. Whereas during the Renaissance, a person might have been defined by his range of interests (remember the likes of Leonardo da Vinci), by his familial, religious, or ethnic affiliations, by his or her gender and so on ? today the first and foremost question is a person's profession. The first question that we must provide a clear answer to is: What constitutes a profession (as opposed to a hobby), a vocation (as opposed to an avocation)? To qualify as a profession, the act must bear the following hallmarks: Mother Russia and Poland When Boris Yeltsin spoke about an experiment that 'they' wrought upon his Russian 'brethren' on June 1st, 1991; did anyone ask who THEY were? Here is what he said: Political Correctness got you down? I hear it all the time; you can't say that. But why not, I just did you see? Besides it's the truth isn't it? They say; "well yes, it is the truth, but you cannot say that!" Do you sometimes believe it is all a bunch of crap? We have the PC police running around telling you what you can and cannot say now? Wow, I know there is a law about how you are to do just about everything you do, but now we have unspoken laws about things you cannot speak of and it is all a big secret? And do not ask what these things are you cannot even mention it. Really? What about normal human interaction and conversation? Oh and before I continue another one of my "Rants from Lance" series here there is a good book you should read, well actually a couple of them. Okay let's begin with a book I just finished reading; Dole, Kemp, Trusting People Many in the peanut gallery of society are so quick to attack the republican party, out of duty to their side of the sound and fury of human endeavor, however if you are really going to attack people without debating their concepts then in fact you are no better than those you condemn. I recommend to all that you look at both sides and see how similar we really all are. I recommend you go buy the Audio Tape about the Dole-Kemp Plan and play it in your car. If you still wish to blast them personally or the Republican party then at least you will have a better understanding of what you are talking about without making a fool of yourself. Here the name of the audio tape and yes it is also available in CD, I knew you would ask: The World of Diplomatic Backstage De-classification of official documents have been a routine practice in the United States, while just the opposite is true of Pakistan. Successive governments over the years have believed in hiding away from public eye even the most innocuous of official documents without realizing that the practice only adds to the sense of national confusion. "I will expose everybody when the time is right," is a sentence that finds place in every politician's armory. A case in point is that of Mohammad Khan Junejo who kept repeating the line in the context of the Ojhri disaster, but the "right time" never came in his own lifetime. The Hegemony - Church and State THE ECCLESIASTICAL GRANT: Open Source and Post-Capitalistic Society Capitalism as the social structure was founded in order to support further evolution and development of human race, to support the innovation which was oppressed by the former system. It was brought up by the two industrial revolutions. The technology was obviously the main to blame for the outcoming capitalistic society. The new capitalism was more liberalistic promoting free trade and pushing globalization in order to support further development and growth of technology. Question Authority Policemen in many US cities are taking their new authority over the terrorism issue way too seriously. They are using it as a reason to harass our citizenry. Just like a bunch of $5.00 and hour security guards. Give a guy a little authority and a badge and boy oh boy he'll show you. You know the problems in America with security guards who are so over zealous that they offend the people who make their job available. Now we have a recruitment issue with not enough people for the jobs in policing. So we are hiring security guards and giving them too much power. Thomas Paine / Jefferson Conor MacDari was a Mason but his Masonry deplored the British 'alehouse and tavern denizens'. Jim Shaw and many other top Masons have written as much truth as they know. There are many heads or names in the 'octopus' of Freemasonry and we have only touched upon a few of them including the Bilderbergs. Barrett gives us the beginning of a glimpse into the influence of Masons on the founding of America, albeit a misleading one that he could be excused for not knowing in any one specific instance (such as Paine's Druidic involvement) but when taken together seems to be a 'damage control' exercise of the 'stonewalling' nature. Defending Middle Eastern Oil Refineries and Assets An idea to defend oil infrastructure in the Middle East may need to take into consideration some of the available close at hand opportunities. For instance creating a mote like perimeter and filling it with oily, seawater and chemical polymer chains or "Goo" and then covering the mote with a layer of sand. This can be done easily by digging the mote, 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep and lining it with a plastic bottom. Then increase the underground pressure and drilling down and allowing the salt-water, which has been pumped in, to flow out into the newly dug lined mote. Hitler - Bush Hitler received a legacy from his Rothschild relations in Vienna where he and his father before him had studied. The De Medicis agent named St. Germain had established a solid schooling system for the occult in Vienna. You hear a great deal about Hitler and his weird sexual relations. Road Map Wont Work Cause PA Are Liars The US-backed Road Map peace plan had no real chance of success because Israel was the only signatory living up to its side of the agreement, former US House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich wrote recently. ![]() |
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