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Defending Middle Eastern Oil Refineries and Assets
An idea to defend oil infrastructure in the Middle East may need to take into consideration some of the available close at hand opportunities. For instance creating a mote like perimeter and filling it with oily, seawater and chemical polymer chains or "Goo" and then covering the mote with a layer of sand. This can be done easily by digging the mote, 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep and lining it with a plastic bottom. Then increase the underground pressure and drilling down and allowing the salt-water, which has been pumped in, to flow out into the newly dug lined mote. Once the mote is completely filled and before any of the oily water moisture evaporates, create a dust storm to cover the "goo" with a layer of sand. Thus you have created a gooey mess, which not able to be penetrated by surface movement such as Camels, walking insurgents or suicide car bombers. It will be necessary for oil companies to defend their assets and it is also necessary that the United States stick to protecting Americans, due to costs and readiness to defend against future threats without over extending our resources. If the Oil Companies are able to defend their own assets and secure the perimeters of their facilities against International Terrorists without such things which have been determined to be inhuman such as landmines or the outright shooting any trespasser for fear they might have hostile intentions, the human race is better served. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual The No Child Left Behind can work if the Federal Government will put up content on the website and allow for those who are; Behind in studies, about to miss a grade level advancement, perform poorly on general tests, at home schooling students (when parents have no knowledge in subject matter), are in Juvenile Hall, live in areas very rural, have disorders, or have injuries which prevent attendance or need Summer School catch up work. Arson Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program for Summer Fire Season Due to the bizarre weather patterns this winter California got pummeled with rain storms while Oregon and Washington are at a deficit. Nevada and Arizona now have deserts, which have come alive with blooming and greenness. These events are even evident from satellite photos from 100's of miles above the Earth. Even Colorado, Montana, Wyoming are a rain deficits. Federal Trade Commission Partnerships Questioned In many reports we see that the Federal Trade Commission has referenced the Better Business Bureau. It appears that the Federal Trade Commission is using this private business as an example and potential justification of their on-going rule making and regulation in many industry sectors and categories. Some feel that any association with the Better Business Bureau is bothersome in that if they are in constant alliance with the Federal Trade Commission then the Federal Trade Commission, is not watching their potential abuses or manipulations in the free market. Do Not Tell The Truth Do you really want to get ahead in your life? Do you want to grow a business really large? Do you want to be powerful? Well then do what works. For instance the United States Government is big and powerful. They control every aspect of your life and your business if you own one. They never tell the truth about much of anything. An example would be the Justice Department and their bunk lawsuits. Much of the time they make stuff up, doctor the truth and file it in court. Why do they do this, it seems to be unethical? Well, because it works. You see the Justice Department has had lots of practice suing law abiding Americans and they have failed a lot and study what works. Like the Donald Trump show they have learned to slander brand names and people in the court of public opinion and trump their almighty ethics. Same as the kids as they lie, cheat and smear their fellow man on the Donald Trump "You're Fired" series. The Government has learned this tactic to win cases. Birth of a Nation When you see hooded Klansmen walking up Pennsylvania Avenue to meet their Grand Wizard Woodrow Wilson you are witnessing the true nature of the American people's participation in a ghastly power play against people even in their own country. How could any woman trust a man who would be so callous towards blacks? The Klansmen were also freely using black women for their pleasure and taking any number of laws into their own hands. We have seen this with the Houses in Texas and we know Edward House is the real power behind President Woodrow Wilson as well as the top agent for the New World Order formation of a one world economy and spy network. That network included the slaving and drug business that Lafitte had managed for the Merovingians before he moved up the ladder and became the founder of Communism. Actually there never was real communism and Stalin and other Russian leaders have always answered to the same Rothschild/Rhodes interests. Boris Yeltsin said they did this to Russia and I know it is the old 'play both ends against the middle' game that keeps people like the Klansmen acting out their egos and fears. When Edward House was picking the board for The FED he was selecting the real governors of the world economy. The New Goo Review is Coming Right At You Non-lethal Goo Concepts have been tossed around by many war planners and Advance Weapon Think Tanks as an alternative to lethal force. Impeding the enemy army advancement and rendering them useless in battlespace has several positives. The logistical supply chains of the enemy are completely stopped. The fighting ability of the enemy is severely limited and may leave no option but surrender or annihilation. Wars, Oil and Trade Conflicts of the Human Race Many in the World Media are quick to judge the Bush Administration on the War in Iraq; saying it's all about oil? Much of this is a slander campaign brought on by other world leaders who had interests in Iraq, deals with Saddam and we have all heard of the oil for food scandals. Let's face it if someone owes you money and you are doing business with them, you want to make sure the money keeps coming, the oil keeps flowing and no one messes up your lucrative deal. Suicide Prevention in Prisons Prison guards and corrections professionals are hard at work insuring that suicides do not take place. They have special attire, suits, straps, rubber rooms and event blankets, which cannot be tied in knots. Those who are believed to be a risk of suicide are checked on every 15 minutes. But it is nearly impossible to completely prevent suicide. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) supports suicide prevention with some science, skills and practice. If you want to learn more about this, here is the link. Media Advertising: New Alcohol Advertising Codes - 1 October 2005 Businesses advertising alcohol either in TV or non-broadcast format need to ensure they comply with the new Alcohol Advertising Codes ("Codes"). The Codes for both TV and non-broadcast advertisements have now been published. All alcohol advertisements appearing from 1 October 2005 need to be compliant with the Codes. They include such things as: A Workable Alternative to Term Limits The end of another election once again brings into focus the problem of Washington politicians raising money and running for re-election as soon as they get into office. Many citizens and various government-accountability advocacy groups have done little more than complain from time to time. However, some of them, along with many members of the media, have been pushing for term limits as a solution. But is that really the solution we need? Even with term limits, we would still be left with the same old problems, only in smaller doses, i.e., politicians would still be playing the same old campa igning and fund raising games for whatever amount of subsequent terms they are allowed. Also, we would still be stuck with the situation in which sitting Senators and Representatives (even those with no remaining terms for the office they hold) spend their time running for higher office. Economics and Politics of Regional Droughts It cities across America water is an issue, the flow is sporadic, either too much or too little. We must stabilize the flow, so businesses can plan, people can feel secure and we will not be caught with our pants down during the next drought. In some parts of our country the drought is now approaching 10-years and it is serious and economically destabilizing. As the droughts become more often, more severe and longer in length due to over use of supply, we must be ready. Many cities understand the importance of water and the psyche involved in plentiful water and the innate happiness it brings to the human spirit and they have developed River Walks, boat rides, etc to encompass such water features. Cities like Oklahoma City, Tempe, AZ; San Antonio, Caldwell ID, Wichita KS, Reno, NV; etc. Intellectual Property: The ECJ Extends the Use of Trade Marks to Goods and Services The European Court of Justice ("ECJ") ruled in Praktiker Bau- und Heimwerkermärkte (C 418/02) that a trade mark that is now in use by a company on its goods can be extended to cover the services provided by this company. Six Sigma Can Improve Government Practices Government bodies at any level, local, state, and Federal, can implement Six Sigma to improve customer service and increase the effectiveness of government. Although Six Sigma has its roots in private-sector manufacturing, it works just as effectively in governmental organizations and government will reap the same benefits as corporations. Fury and Sound as GM Seeds Abound We have all heard of the huge debates surrounding genetically modified crops. Yet we also have all seen the advertising to sponsor a child in the third world. Now the GM crop debate has erupted on other continents and smaller groups are raising cane. In Brazil in particular has some harsh words on the issue from at least one critic. UAV Targets, Aerial Dog Fights, Interception, Future of War Intelligence The UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is hear to stay and they are rapidly replacing the glory days of the fighter pilot and soon, there will be no humans in military aircraft flying the planes. Here is a quick overview of UAVs and all the new types. Hopefully these few links can catch you up on the subject to understand the future of these units. Dont Trade Rights for Security "Those who sacrifice essential liberty for temporary safety are not deserving of either liberty or safety." -- Ben Franklin, 1776 Illegal Immigration - No Sign of Slowing Down The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) estimated that there were 7 million illegal aliens residing in the United States in January 2000. According to INS, 69% of this unauthorized immigrant population was from Mexico. (USINS, 2003) However, the top 15 sending countries accounted for 89% of the total illegal alien population and included Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, Honduras, China, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Brazil, Haiti, India, Peru, Korea, and Canada. This means that a significant number of illegal aliens entered the United States through other than the Mexico-US border and that they fall under the jurisdiction of the investigations section (interior enforcement), not the Border Patrol. These statistics further indicate that the illegal alien problem is both a border and an interior enforcement problem. More importantly, the interior problem seems to be far greater than the border problem. However, the INS never placed much emphasis on interior enforcement. As a matter of fact, there is very little interior enforcement of the immigration laws going on. Interior enforcement lags behind all other functions of the agency and the INS clearly prioritized the Border Patrol function. News Media Misguided or Just Plain Liars? Last week, the media coverage called the airplane crash in Canada a miracle because all of the passengers survived. However, what they are calling a miracle is really teamwork. The media believes that they know what constitutes a miracle. According to the dictionary, the meaning of a miracle is: Marvel; Supernatural Event. The supernatural event was the lightening that struck the plane, right? Government Backed Fraud in Academia Contrary to the Hobbesian prediction of anarchy (freedom) and brutish or unproductive results in the event that elites (often termed 'beneficent paternalism') aren't fostered: we find lots of evidence that team play and open organizational structure actually creates more civilized and productive governance. Lincoln Electric in Cleveland is a well-documented example of how sharing the wealth and responsibility builds communication and profit. A Brazilian city named Porto Allegro that opened itself to citizen involvement and socialist ideals is flourishing as corruption wanes. It was predicted they would fail financially but more than a decade of good results has been the outcome. Singapore reduces government as a percentage of GDP and is fully modernized. Instead of 'expertise' being the solution, it might well be these technocrats in bureaucracies are the problem. Howard Deans Big Fat Mouth "The only time I open my mouth is when I exchange feet . . . man, we've gone from Deep Throat to Dean's throat in the space of one week!" ![]() |
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