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Media and the Iraq War, Some Random Thoughts Indeed 2001
Here are some miscellaneous thoughts on issues many of which are opinion and should be looked at as such, some are not even my opinion but opinions of people I have talked with and wished to pass on. The first item I wish to discuss is the World News reporting which is anti-American. First I have seen many reports about the Iraq situation. We are seeing that foreign reporters are seeking out Iraq families who are lying on TV about the US activities. These are being reported as Gospel by the media and shown throughout the world. I would have to say we are now fighting the anti-American liberal World Wide media, which is further inciting locals and other Muslims of neighboring countries to do demonstrations and thus rally anti-American support. This is not good. But it is par for the course as if a payback to America since many of the members of the liberal media were quite anti-war. Perhaps they should interview more of the 9-11 families who lost their loved ones who were slaughtered by criminals. What is the deal here with the International Media? I say we create a diversion outside of Baghdad in another city and alert that we are going to be marching over there, then anyone who hates us can meet us in the Desert and we can wipe them out with left over Napalm, Cluster Bombs and test our ELF energy snapping machines. Put the international media there to watch and let them get real close so they can see what they have done when they incited others to continue the hate. For when the International Media purports the United States as arrogant murderers, what they do not understand is that when you incite young Muslim males with no future with hate, they will join the radicalism factions. Thus they will join suicide Bombing Groups and weak run networks and go and kill more innocent people. And that means innocent people in any country including those who oppose the Iraq War. The International Media thinks they are paying back America, but if we do not stop these acts and stamp out international terrorism, the rest of the World will also be on the receiving end; especially those who are not of the exact same views and fractional radical religious sects. In other words, other Muslims will die, other Hindus will die, Other Christians will die and more Jews, etc. too. We must understand that the views of these radical groups do not allow for anyone who does not believe exactly as they do. And as things have been going even once they are able to take over areas, they will begin a Machiavellian rule upon their own and fractionalize in tribes again. If the entire world were to switch to Muslim tomorrow, the savages and international terrorism would not stop. Don't kid yourself. These people are at war permanently and that means until they die. The sooner they meet their Allah the better for everyone. When International Media is inciting these groups and trying to use their pens to get us to forgo our vision for peace they are in fact attempting to plot against us and simultaneously add to their self fulfilling prophesy. As a matter of fact the International News wishes we would quit and give up so that we would look bad and they could say "See we told you so" the only problem with that is that the killing would go on and they would actually be next. Because they, the international media are not in these groups, they are foreigners on assignment and they are very much at risk. By reporting these falsehoods and injecting opinion they are risking their own lives along with our troops. This is not to say that Al Jerzera, should not be leveled by a Nuclear Weapon, because it should. They incite purposely riots. All riots against America in any country should be immediate targets for smart bombs and ICBM lock on target and don't miss weapons, with collateral damage guaranteed in advance. In other words from here on out, we announce we will not stand for this and any country who allows demonstrations against our country, leadership can expect incoming weapons of annihilation at any time at our will. If it is filmed on CNN, Al Jezera, World News Canada Satellite, whatever, you can also kiss those reporters good bye. And it will be hereby known in advance of our policy. The easiest way to lead is to lead by FEAR, we tried to be nice and do it the hard way, the just way, the right way, we must not play games. Let the International Media know we hear you, you are making us do this and we are going to blow up demonstrations. So if you film them and help incite others, you too may be Blown to Bits. It is not an angry issue; it is not a negative vengeful thing at all. It is what is needed to get tough. We have to step up the stakes here. Let it be known we demand order now, if not death is what you will have dealt yourself. Now then as far as this Constitution thing and this committee thing is going, why not put together a Constitution or three and let them pick one. We need another pretend war off to the side and divert the anger out into the open and then we take out all those who hate us all at once. We capture a few and let them go to alert others of the incredible slaughter and death by burning from the Supreme Powerful army. We cannot stop the hate while the world media is feeding back to them and filling their minds with increased hatred. The culture itself is bad enough promoting hate, top that with the media. And now the media in the states, following the Democratic run for the nomination, given credence to bull crap, is making us look indecisive, weak and appear not in control. If our own media is saying it is going to be 85% rain tomorrow, you have to know that the world media is keying off of that and saying 95% rain tomorrow and the Al Jazera is saying 100% rain and that the resistance is winning, when it is not. Thus we have our own people believe that and we will have to either have our own regime change and give way to a Democrat wannabe hopeful who will completely destroy our country with socialist views in every aspect of our American Lives. For all reasons we are going to have to step up efforts. In light of 9-11 this year, it might be a good time to let everyone know that what happened was not forgotten. Yasser Arafat, will be killed or immediately exiled by the Israelis now. I personally am getting a little tired of pussy footing around. There maybe unfortunately some real bad situations if we do not lead the way to toughness now. No intelligent person would blame us anywhere in the world. If we do not get tough now, you will see an escalation. Right now the people of Iraq have seen the attacks on the UN and the Mosque and they know we are serious. We have the option now to move up the strength. We are at a point to make a point and get tough. Enough on Iraq and the media which is making things worse and putting everyone, including those who will be killed by resisting, our troops, coalition troops, UN personnel and the media themselves. It is imperative for the World to stay the course. The fact is the new Iraqi press is not reporting the same things or as bad as the other International Press, why is that? I cannot believe that the 9 hopefuls on the Democratic side are blasting our progress, and fueling the fire for the resistance so that recruitment is easier for suicide bombers. These are people who are going to die and kill others, for what reason? No reason and they are doing it because there is hope by those who recruit that they can make us leave by doing so. And maybe if the kids who might be recruited get on our side and turn in these people we might make faster progress, if the resistance is in fear, perhaps they might chill out long enough to realize that the sooner we get done fixing the place the faster they can have their liberty, their country and a better life. Perhaps there is an eloquent way to make everyone understand we mean business and to realize that we will never quit and that things need to change otherwise we have to change and get tough and if we do, we guarantee they are not going to like it. Everyone needs to be on the same page and that includes the media, Iraqi People and the World. Israel is going to get tough and we may as well do it all together now. The World needs to know, we are not a paper tiger, we are not blowing smoke, we are strong, America is strong and we are strong because of the will of our people. Do not test wills with that of America. The are a proud and strong people also, like the Iraqi people, we will stay the course and history will show that we not only did the right thing, but we did the right thing one more time as we have at least 15 times I can name of. Maybe you can name as many as I, think about it. We walk the walk and we are telling the world don't bet against us, bet for peace with us. And Saddam is gone. If we are to continue our mission for a United and Free World. One problem is many countries cannot afford to help us in Iraq, they do not have the money or are in economic ruin trying to pretend everything is fine, the fact is Germany and France with their deficit spending are pissing off the EU and hurting the Euro and they cannot afford to help with troops or assistance and this is playing a huge factor in their decision, although they are pretending to take the high road. But in reality, even if they wanted to, they cannot afford to anyway, so the point or their arguments are irrelevant as they attempt to save face. They are in the same boat as Gray Davis and CA really. They need to come clean with their own demons. If they are for continued terrorism, which no one is, then their policy is relevant, but we know they are not, so they stall progress telling us we shouldn't have taken out Saddam? That is stupid. They are open up to terrorism even more than us. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Fire Fighting and Healthy Forests There is debate about the methodology of forestry and also debate on Global Warming and the disappearance of our natural resources on the surface, namely forests and Rain Forests. Last year the Alaska Fire burned over 280,000 acres in the very first day and it continued to grow as all big fires do. Obviously the Spruce Forest is an important natural resource. An ongoing debate is do we tackle these fires or let them burn themselves out clearing the younger trees and underbrush build up? Luckily in this case we got some help from Mother Nature to save some of the spruce forest there, yes you guessed it; Rain! Gun Control? How About Crime Control Instead? The second amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees every American the right to bear arms. Has any law ever been so ambiguous? What are arms? What does it mean to bear them? At least with the first amendment we know exactly where we stand: Freedom of speech. It couldn't be any clearer. But, the right to bear arms leaves the second amendment open to different interpretations. We need gun permits to carry a concealed weapon. Do we need knife permits? No. Yet both can, and often do, cause death. We can own a gun, or a rifle, or a sub-machine gun, or a machete, and dozens of other tools to kill, even our own bare hands. So, gun control is a debate in our country that makes no sense unless you broaden the ban or acceptance to include all instruments of death. Doorstops and Paperweights Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, has come up with what he believes is a brilliant idea. He thinks the FCC should have to the power to hold cable and satellite channels to the same decency standards as over-the-air broadcasters. Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), Stevens' counterpart in the House, agrees. Each plans to propose bills to that end in his respective house of the U.S. Congress. Many of their colleagues, eager to always be viewed as tough on indecency, are ready to sign on to their proposed legislation. Never mind the fact that the courts have struck down similar legislation in the past. Stevens, doesn't see this as a problem. If he got his wish, Congress would just pass it and then, according to Stevens, "take [the cable and satellite industry] on and let the courts decide." Monetary Flows, Retained Earnings, Over Regulation and Abundant Resources All countries have specific things that are abundant in the region. Middle East it is oil and sand. We do not need the sand but can use it to make cement. So perhaps we should import sand and oil from there and they can buy cars, computers, and other things from us. By developing trading partners, we can keep peace if of course the Westerner Hatred thing can be educated out of those populations? And perhaps we might do a little sole searching as well to understand our history and cultures of the world a little better, as even though the US is the greatest civilization ever created int he history of mankind, we are definitely not alone. Politicians Are Like Car Sales People Well, another election has come and gone in the US and no matter which way you voted there are some important marketing lessons to learn. MUD MUD ? Much Unnecessary Disclosure The British Sikh Army Britain has a proud tradition of valiant armed forces and a capable military which has managed to defend these isles effectively for hundreds of years. British Military achievement is well known throughout the world and the bravery and versatility of its soldiers, seamen and airmen is unquestioned and forever stamped in history. Faith in Our Government Many have lost faith in the government and are completely afraid that no one there has a clue as to what they are doing. Others have complete faith. Which is the right answer? Is it somewhere in between? Are our tax dollars being spent efficiently? Who is over seeing this huge blob of bureaucracy? Population Control and Water Supply Issues As we increase our populations every new soul will require increased infrastructure efficiency or expanding of the systems of civilization and nothing is more important than that of water supplies and distribution. The flow of clean and fresh water has to do with which way the rivers flow and the weather that delivers the water to the land by way of rain. Is The Bill Of Rights Necessary? The Bill of Rights to our Constitution caused -- and still causes ? some contradiction, confusion and danger with the Constitution itself. It is unfortunate that a bill of rights was included with the Constitution. Due to a general misunderstanding about the Constitution at the time of its ratification, a bill of rights was added to the Constitution in order to obtain ratification of the Constitution itself: Housing Bubble, Interest Rates, Timber Costs; What Has Changed? What has really changed in the housing market with regards to timber dumping from Canada, lumber costs since the Professional Building Magazine issue in Sept. 2001. How is this affecting the housing market or the predicted housing bubble burst which was suppose to cripple the economy. We have seen the Federal Reserve raise rates, lumber prices go up, still America was buying up new homes and joining the ownership society faster than at any other time in the history of our nation. Arrogance Of Terror The man on the tape raised his hand, pointing a finger into the camera, his AK-47 raised at his side, punctuating every threat and accusation. He seemed consumed with the intense desire not only to declare his intentions, but earnest in his attempts to persuade his threatened audiences of their culpability in his group's future aggression upon them. Like a serial killer, shouting obscenities into the ear of his victim, blaming her for what womankind's rejections had made of him, forced him to become, as he puts the rope around her neck. Yet this country and others are not only dealing with one serial killer, but thousands. Thousands, whose representatives shout proud pronouncements of fatwas and death to world audiences, becoming caricatures of themselves by the proliferation of their messages and their insatiable need for the eye of the camera. Are We Really Getting Along? When you look at the news, immigrants are dying trying to get to America. Some are in America legally and illegally. I really don't have a problem with the immigrants unless they do it the wrong way. My problem comes into play when they come to America and they don't know English. Working with Hispanics I have come to understand them much better. Alot of them have been taught that working is critical. Education isn't important. Well, in American Education and working are 2 very critical components. The History of Trade and Using it as a Weapon for Peace The Flow of Trade is a major consideration of civilizations and cultures working together to insure that they can get what they need. Some areas have special crops, which grow in their regions, which the other regions would like to have. In days of the First colonies in this country, before it was a country trade with the local Indians were vital to them staying alive. Our ancestors traded with the Native Indian tribes to insure the colony had the food and things needed to get through the winter months. Do Not Tell The Truth Do you really want to get ahead in your life? Do you want to grow a business really large? Do you want to be powerful? Well then do what works. For instance the United States Government is big and powerful. They control every aspect of your life and your business if you own one. They never tell the truth about much of anything. An example would be the Justice Department and their bunk lawsuits. Much of the time they make stuff up, doctor the truth and file it in court. Why do they do this, it seems to be unethical? Well, because it works. You see the Justice Department has had lots of practice suing law abiding Americans and they have failed a lot and study what works. Like the Donald Trump show they have learned to slander brand names and people in the court of public opinion and trump their almighty ethics. Same as the kids as they lie, cheat and smear their fellow man on the Donald Trump "You're Fired" series. The Government has learned this tactic to win cases. A Trade War is brewing; Are We Paying Attention Incompetence is all too obvious at the trade shows of major industries in the United States. At the AAPEX Trade Show, it was apparent that the PTO needs to answer some of those Viagra Spam-emails; because they are absolutely Impotent to the piracy of patents, trademarks, concepts and innovations in our country. There was at least, and this is not an exaggeration, 10 Football fields of Knock-Off Asian products at the show of patented products manufactured in China, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, India, etc. Liberalism ? A Mark Too Low A Price Too High After the dance the piper must be paid. To help us calculate the cost of paying the piper we will borrow from the math of physics. In the laws of physics there resides an immutable principle whose exact formulations I do not know, but even a novice like me can know how it works. If you throw logs on a flame (cause), a roaring fire is what you get. (Effect) I know it probably seems too dumb, bothering to explain something so simple. But I for one believe it is the ability to see this that most people have as an ordinary function of the brain that liberals may have been born without. To most of us it is what we call common sense. It is what teenagers seem to lose for a while and what liberals seem to have lost forever, if they ever had it. Mexico; Look What We Did The number-one question people ask us is, "What possessed you to move to Mexico?" The number-one answer we give is that we simply could no longer afford to live in America, so we found a country where we could, and moved there. Steel Import Tariff Taxes Hurt Industry, Not Help Them US Steel prices have cost franchisees in my company and our team thousands of extra dollars due to the import taxes, which were imposed. Let me tell everyone when they raised the cost of steel we were forced to seek to build the truck beds out of other materials, and once businesses do that many times they never go back and thus the steel industry is forever damaged. Steel is a strong substance and good for building things out of but it is heavy, costs gas mileage, rusts, leaving iron oxide streaks on the exterior paint. The only reason steel is still used for so many things is that the cost is still less than other materials of it's same strength, watch out in the future for nano tubes, five times lighter, three to 100 times stronger by volume. The Absurdity of the Public School Monopoly The notion that local governments should have almost total monopoly control over our children's education is not only unjust and tyrannical, it is also absurd. Children need education, to be sure, but they also need food, clothing, and shelter. The same poor or irresponsible parents who public-school apologists claim will not educate their children without compulsion, might not feed, clothe, or shelter them either. ![]() |
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