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The Reconstruction of Europe
The Second World War was the continuation of World War One and a plan to break down the existing structures in order to make this part of the One World plan come to fruition. They had tried this with the Merovingian Napoleon in a more direct fashion in the century before they put this refined plan in motion. Prince Bernhard was part of the Thulean Gestapo and I think Plantard was his equal on the apparent other side. Bernhard became the CIA man to head the Bilderberg founding and Plantard went on to be the Nautonnier of the Priory which even if it was new they both have been around in some way under some name since the Trojan War as I have demonstrated. Saunière as a top Priory official would have been part of the planning of this effort to unite the world beginning with Europe. Metternich, Czar Alexander II and others had seen the importance of uniting Europe. This Czar was assassinated for trying to create a real democracy or for his efforts on behalf of the US against the Rothschild plan. Clearly the Rothschilds had a change of heart after trying to break the US into many warring factions. Hitler, Stalin and the Churchills who were in the pocket of the Rothschilds as well as other visible characters or 'fronts' were for public consumption and served their purpose well. This first quote is the reaction of a Canadian military attaché to the Allied government shortly after the second war to end all wars, when Bradley presented his book for comment. I take this a lot further than any book Bradley has written. "He wasn't surprised at the contents. He knew the story already, and said that everyone at appropriately high levels in Europe and North America knew it too. He advised us not to publish any of it." (2) I will give the reader the names of the families and a few more historical insights that include names of people who are very well known and alive today. The whole mess is purposefully confusing as Bradley notes on pages 338-9 of Holy Grail across the Atlantic: "..And we may recall that other nonsensical fragment from the Dossiers secrets deposited sometime in the 1950s for researchers to find. ONE DAY THE DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMINE LEFT THEIR COUNTRY {With the help of their Phoenician 'brothers'.}; CERTAIN REMAINED; TWO THOUSAND YEARS LATER GODFROI VI(DE BOUILLON) BECAME KING OF JERUSALEM AND FOUNDED THE ORDER OF SION {And the French Masons don't accept SOUL.} Certain researchers had, by 1956, concluded that this Order of Sion had been THE super-secret organization behind the more overt Templars, Knights of St. John (Maltese Knights), Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement, etc. In short, this Order of Sion seemed to be THE Grail Dynasty's core group. Was this new 'Prieure de Sion' registered in 1956 a legitimate descendant of the medieval Order of Sion? The Prieure de Sion did not reveal the name of its leader, or Nautonnier, but it did list some officers and its Secretary-General, one Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair. A Saint-Clair again... Researchers quickly discovered that the Plantards were an ancient lineage originating from the Pyrenees while, of course, it had long been appreciated that the Saint-Clairs were age-long paladins of the de Bouillon bloodline. The Prieure de Sion claimed a house organ, or 'newsletter', called Circuit, but the addresses given for both the Prieure de Sion and for Circuit's offices did not exist... (pg.342) The magazine also published a character sketch written by Plantard's first wife, Anne Lea Hisler. According to this, Plantard was ---the friend of personages as diverse as Comte Israel Monti, one of the brothers of the Holy Vehm, Gabriel Trarieux, one of thirteen members of the Rose-Croix, Paul Lecour, the philosopher on Atlantis, the Abbé Hoffet of the Service of Documentation of the Vatican {If this is not the same young man that Sauniere met who is in the same position it was someone of the same inner sanctum.}, Th. Moreaux, the director of the Conservatory at Bourges, etc. Let us remember that during the Occupation, he was arrested, and suffered torture, by the Gestapo and was interned as a political prisoner for long months. In his capacity of doctor of arcane sciences, he learned to appreciate the value of secret information, which no doubt led to his receiving the title of honorary member in several hermetic societies,.... On the other hand (pg.343), maybe we of the democratic and mechanistic world-view should not snicker loudly at all. The Marshall Plan, the financial and political plan for the reconstruction of Europe, was thrashed out at Lake Leman {Where Plantard de Saint-Clair had been brought by the Swiss Government, after his time with the Illuminati inspired Gestapo.} in Switzerland {The HQ of the Rothschild/Merovingians, where a town named Sion has an interesting statue.}. The American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had approved this plan, and two of his closest friends and advisors had backgrounds and interests as disreputable as Pierre Plantard's. One such advisor, the financial wizard Bernard Baruch, was a graduate of a French 'hermetic' school and was the financial architect of the so-called Marshall Plan {Kissinger was here too.}. He visited Lake Leman frequently in the immediate post-war years. FDR's other close friend and advisor was the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, whose estate, 'Taliesin', was named in honour of that boasting Welsh bard we have already (pg. 344) referred to in the section about evidence that Joseph of Arimathaea may have come to the Glastonbury area... And we may recall that FDR was the most notable shareholder in the 'Old Gold Salvage and Wrecking Company' which was engaged in delving for 'pirate' treasure on Oak Island. What did they wreck? No, we dare not snicker. Because we do not have the faintest idea what has been going on beneath the comfortable blanket of history, the kind of history that Will and Ariel Durant have dealt with, and Barbara W. Tuchman... Who was the leader? Could he be the actual heir of the Dynasty? Reporters got onto that, too: ? 'On February 13 (1973) the 'Midi Libre' published a lengthy feature on Sion, Sauniere and the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau. This feature specifically linked Sion with a possible survival of the Merovingian bloodline into the twentieth century. It also suggested that the Merovingian descendants included 'a true pretender to the throne of France', whom it identified as M. Alain Poher. While not especially well known in Britain or the United States Poher was (and still is) a household name in France. During the Second World War he won the Resistance Medal and the Croix de Guerre. Following the resignation of de Gaulle, he was provisional President of France from April 28th to June 19th, 1969. He occupied the same position on the death of Georges Pompidou, from April 2nd to May 27th, 1974. In 1973... M. Poher was President of the French Senate. As far as we know, M. Poher never commented, one way or the other, on his alleged connections with the Prieure de Sion and/or the Merovingian bloodline. (3) As early as 1966 the French author, Saint-Loup, noted the birth of a new mass-movement in Europe. It has not yet spread to North America. Some people had begun to put together what they considered to be the truth about human history. They became 'Cathars' and began to make pilgrimages to the monuments of the great struggle, Camelot and Montsegur." My given names Robert Bruce are in honour of our supposed connections with the Douglas clan and Robert de Bruges or the Scottish King Robert the Bruce. The grandfather of 'Prince' Henry Sinclair is reported by Bradley to have fought and died beside Sir James Douglas while attempting to bury the silver casket with the heart of Robert the Bruce in the Holy Land. This bloodline of Jesus is not the 'terrible secret' of Saunière, that kind of history is not earth-shaking enough to make all these people do the things they have done. We will present much more of them and reasons or possibilities before we present the answer that we think fits the facts - ALL or at least many of the facts. It will not be 'terrible' but it is earth-shaking and in line with what Napoleon saw when he sat alone in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. He had been told by the genealogists of the Masons that Josephine Beauharnais was a true Merovingian carrier of the blood of Jesus. He was probably directed or encouraged to marry her (a Creole from the Indies) as well as to go to Egypt and begin the uncovering of the secrets in the Pyramid. Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com
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Debt Relief and Reality Check The United States and other first world nations have been asked to forgive debts of foreign third world nations. We have obliged in doing so. This is a tremendous gift to the world, yet there are a few problems with this. Number one; that money, we as a nation are paying interest on the debt. It adds to our national debt. Another issue is that when you give away money you make others weak; "give a man a fish" theory. Often when we give other nations monies we do so for a specific ear marked use. Did 9-11 Change Everything for the Business Community For the business community 9-11 changed everything. In our company, we are in the cleaning business and after 9-11 we saw 62.6% decrease in weekend call ins for washing services at office buildings and a nearly same number of residential call ins. We believe this is partly due to adverse weather but as last years information shows it cannot be more than 20%. Last year that period was down 11.45% and then in the first 3 quarters of 2001 it picked up. We believe because all the phone companies with cellular started offering free weekend minutes so people decided to call us since we are probably on their speed dials for their cell phones. That increase was 4.1 %. Weather last year during this period was light, the previous year lighter and the year before that hectic. This year's winter is a medium plus year for rain and snow days. Vision India - 2025 (Expectations of an Ordinary Person) Introduction The Gun Control Debate The gun control debate in America is a battle between personal freedom and public safety. For nearly 160 years, there were no limits to the Second Amendment, which guarantees "the right of the people to keep and bear arms." In 1934, however, and especially in the last four decades, Americans have begun to proscribe and debate the extent of that right. The National Firearms Act of 1934 was the first restriction on gun rights in American history. As a result, fully automatic weapons are available only after an extensive background check on the owner. Maryland State Legislator wants to kill jobs and small business Last year a Maryland State Legislator whom I presume never owned a small business of any type suggested that franchises in the state needed to be audited every year. This would be every fast food restaurant, small business service van franchise or dog groomer in the state, which was a franchised outlet. The average cost of such audits in Maryland due to all the Maryland lawyers suing is about $40,000. Now obviously this would kill small businesses in the state and cause the raising of prices to all consumers who bought a burger, got a hair cut or had their dogs groomed and the small businesses would have to pass the costs on. We were able to get that asinine proposed bill killed in committee. What kind of a moron could come up with a bill? Well believe it or not such bills pop up all time around our country. One such bill is the Sarbaines Oxley bill, yep came from another Merry Lander Senator Sarbaines who probably sees his ignorant mistake and is NOT running for re-election. Here is the letter we rifled to every legislator in that state, to hell with these folks who propose such potentially damaging blows to our small business community. Here is an excerpt: Droughts, Dirty Water and Disease When we go through periods of droughts we also have other problems, which are increased. Things such as West Nile Virus, Bark Beetles, Disease Epidemics, Med Fly and realize these problems which occur during certain weather periods are compounded when the cycles get out of control. For instance an El Nino heats up the Pacific Ocean and expands the atmosphere and the jet stream is within the temperature and range to carry insects all the way across the ocean. Birds modify their stopping points for water during migration, stay in areas longer during the year or leave earlier thus their chances of infecting more areas are greater. When Deer travel further to go to watering holes during migration the come in contact with different livestock and humans. The Bark Beetle has a field day during droughts and the issues in Alaska, Prescott and Flagstaff, AZ are rather serious. Bark Beetle also reduces trees to fuel, which can start fire during lightening strikes. TABOR: The Growing Taxpayer Bill of Rights Movement and Economic Incentives for Industry A governing.com report blast one of the major grassroots initiatives spreading across the country: the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) movement. "When citizens put their hands directly on the tax levers, it often gets much harder for states to pay the bills. California, whose Proposition 13 became the poster boy for hobbling ballot box measures, is just one name on a list of states that are choking on tax policies put in place by voters. Washington, Oregon and Colorado are just a few of the others confronted with adequacy problems thanks to these measures. These maneuvers not only have been influential in changing individual taxes but also in paralyzing state legislatures and local governments." Accessibility Requirements for Fair Housing Policy What Ordinary People Are Saying--Robertson Assassination Comment What ordinary people are saying about U.S. televangelist Pat Robertson who suggested the U.S. government should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Robertson went on to state that Chavez is a "dangerous enemy" and killing Chavez would be cheaper than going to war to remove him. Carl Rove and the Case of Sour Grapes The Carl Rove issue is definitely interesting and distracting. The Country is not served by this controversy we have important discussions to debate to insure the forward progression of our civilization. In watching the surveys of support for Carl Rove we see all the Republicans. When we look for those who wish to admonish, imprison or call him a traitor we see Democrats. Are we sure this is not merely a case of Sour Grapes? Fraud From FTC Insiders, Who Can You Trust? The FTC franchising division purports their law enforcement experience in a recent report on franchising. Yet they are so busy attacking companies without solving the real issues. The entire franchise division seems to be a ploy for consumer confidence using our courts and some media headline grabbers is about all? If so fine, we can use high consumer confidence levels, turn it into a government public relations department, but please spare us the BS in claiming that the FTC has any law enforcement experience? Do you carry guns? Do you carry badges? Do you have ten-year background checks? Doubtful, if you have 26-year old prosecuting attorneys working there, then have you checked their backgrounds thru puberty? Yet these employees of yours have enough power to go and attack the companies, which create, build and employ the rest of America? Ouch. The G-8 and Other Figureheads The Presidents Before Washington: Trains and the Flow of Fuel Fuel costs seem to rank high in surveys of US citizens most grave concerns. Rates up there at the top, doesn't it? Is America Bankrupt? The US Dollar has been falling continuously in last year. The Euro, not so long ago worth 82 cents, is now at $1.27 - this is a gain of more than 40 percent in a very short time. The same goes for the Aussie Dollar: from 50 US cents to 77 US cents (that's almost 50 percent up). Gold, which was trading at less than $300 per ounce for years, is now long past the $400 mark. What is happening to the greenback? Free Markets, Wal-Mart, Over Regulation; What an interesting concept? Unions are angry at the high salary of the executives which have gotten a little out of line especially as the companies are laying off workers and the company is not making a profit. However, a man should put in an honest day for that which he was hired and that does not mean just showing up and punching the clock but actually providing some real work and productivity. Preparing to Invade Japan This is the fourth and final article in a series recollecting Britain in the 1940's. My uncle, the late Mr Gordon Bessant is telling his memories to Mr Joe Hieatt-Smith. The tapes were made in 1994, not 1996 as previously stated. Question Authority Policemen in many US cities are taking their new authority over the terrorism issue way too seriously. They are using it as a reason to harass our citizenry. Just like a bunch of $5.00 and hour security guards. Give a guy a little authority and a badge and boy oh boy he'll show you. You know the problems in America with security guards who are so over zealous that they offend the people who make their job available. Now we have a recruitment issue with not enough people for the jobs in policing. So we are hiring security guards and giving them too much power. A Component of Liberty is a Strong Social Contract with Governing Body Recently I got to talking with a gentleman at a coffee shop who was concerned with changes due to the Patriots Act I and II and being a studier of historical record he began to explain to me the significance of these events and what it meant for Americans and what it said about our Constitution and Leadership. So, then here is a summary of thoughts preceding this conversation and an open ended debate for those who dare to question authority or those who find themselves thinking conspiracy theory thoughts while watching events unfold in our mass media. We are all on the same team, whether you see your self as a Conspiracy Theorist, Establishment Lover or Questioner of Authority, so open discussion should move forward, let me begin without further ado with an opener of random thoughts surrounding this matter. An Introduction to the Connecticut State Budget for 2004-2005 The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) is interested in the state's budgetary health, so that the conference can estimate how much money the state will transfer to local towns and municipalities. To determine the fiscal health of any state, the first place to examine is expenditures on prescription drugs for the state's Medicaid program. Rising prescription drug costs are the single most important explanatory factor for the increases in health care costs, health insurance premiums across the country, and state budget deficits. Connecticut is no exception. Wealth Distribution and Inheritance, What Will They Buy? Cars Wealth Distribution is often discussed at length in periodicals such as American Demographics Magazine, much of this information does not hit the main stream media. A recent article on the huge transfer of wealth to the Baby Boomers, revealed some very interesting facts about such trends in the United State. The amount of money expected to transfer is an unbelievable. What may surprise you is that many of these wealth older generation folks have skip generation trusts and much of that money will end up in the hands of X'ers, while still a good portion will end up with the baby boomers. Actually both groups we have studied buy cars, SUVs, Boats, Light Aircraft, Houses and Pick-ups. Why does this excite me? Well personally it excites me a businessman because I see opportunity to serve the needs of the active aging. ![]() |
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