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An Introduction to the Connecticut State Budget for 2004-2005
The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) is interested in the state's budgetary health, so that the conference can estimate how much money the state will transfer to local towns and municipalities. To determine the fiscal health of any state, the first place to examine is expenditures on prescription drugs for the state's Medicaid program. Rising prescription drug costs are the single most important explanatory factor for the increases in health care costs, health insurance premiums across the country, and state budget deficits. Connecticut is no exception. Prescription Drug Formulary. With little or no public fanfare, Connecticut took an important step in gaining control over escalating drug costs when the state legislature passed a preferred drug formulary. The formulary requires pharmaceutical companies to provide the state with "supplemental rebates" above and beyond those already mandated by federal law for prescription drugs provided under the Medicaid law. The pharmaceutical industry is suing to stop the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from approving these kinds of rebate plans; the pharmaceutical industry contends the states are violating federal law by establishing drug formularies based upon the cost of drugs, not the efficacy of the medications. But the whole point of a preferred drug formulary is to contain costs, so naturally the price of drugs---on and off the formulary---should be relevant. Connecticut had to take some step to contain its cost of providing state-supported prescription drugs. A presentation at a 2001 meeting of the International Society for Pharmaceutical Economics and Outcomes Research, available on the Internet at http://www.ispor.org/ meetings/va0503/presentations_pdf/poster/PHP17.pdf, showed the national average cost for the top five maintenance drugs prescribed through Medicaid was $1200/person. However, the cost in Connecticut for these same top five Medicaid-supplied drugs was $2,732/person. Clearly, Connecticut needed a range of different financial controls to bring its prescription drug costs in line with the national average. The two main forms of price controls adopted in Connecticut were the drug formulary and the prior authorization plan. The preferred drug formulary and the prior authorization plan apply to Connecticut's Medicaid, General Assistance, and ConnPace programs. The state legislature exempted a certain class of drugs, i.e., atypical anti-psychotic drugs, from the preferred formulary. In Connecticut, a pharmacist shall not dispense any initial maintenance drug prescription for which there is a generic substitute without obtaining prior authorization from the state's Social Services department. These two price control measures have enabled Connecticut to exercise modest control over state spending on prescription drugs. That is good news for Connecticut taxpayers and the CCM. Burgeoning Health Care Needs. But Connecticut still faces challenges on the health care front. The National Alliance for Mental Illness reports Connecticut has (1) 6000 people who are homeless and mentally ill, (2) almost 2600 people with serious mental illnesses in nursing homes, (3) over 12% of the CT prison population with serious mental illnesses and over 70% with addictive disorders, and (4) emergency rooms overflowing with children and adults in crisis with no place to go. "Yet, the [Governor's budget] has proposed eliminating all medical help for poor, single adults, slashing medical insurance for working poor families, cutting community health centers, and several more pages of reckless cuts and fees imposed on people who survive at less than 50% of the federal poverty level," according to the Connecticut chapter of the National Alliance. Traditionally, neither the county nor the municipal governments have been required to pay for medical services for the poor and those without insurance. However, county and municipal facilities will feel the impact, directly and indirectly, of state budgetary cuts in health care services. Governing.com. Outside of health care expenditures, Connecticut is facing the same budget deficit environment as the other forty-nine states. The downturn in the economy has meant less tax revenues were collected from all sources. At this point, Connecticut needs to focus on reshaping its tax and spending habits in a way that induces future economic activity, rather than focus on even more ways to tax the citizens of Connecticut. In this regard, Connecticut has received very poor advice from Governing Magazine and its associated web site, governing.com. In a special report entitled "Grading State Tax Systems," governing.com offers a prescription of forcing income taxes on states that don't have them and raising these taxes for states that do. The report is not an objective piece of public finance analysis. It is propaganda for a pro-tax, bigger government services, bigger government spending agenda. The report ranks every state without a state income tax as ipso facto unfair and regressive in its tax structure. The absence of debilitating state income taxes in no way establishes the unfairness of a state's revenue tax stream, as evidenced by the fact that polls show both rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, young and old, favor the status quo over the introduction of a state income tax. The ipso facto conclusions of governing.com are nothing more than unsubstantiated ipse dixit. The governing.com report emphasizes that elected officials should never give the taxpayers an opportunity to vote on tax increases or new forms of taxation. Instead of government of the people, and by the people, and for the people, the governing.com report adopts the position that government should come at the people and try to sock them with as many taxes as necessary to achieve a desirable level of local and state public services. Never, never give the citizens a chance to vote on tax increases, governing.com advises its readers, because citizens will routinely and consistently vote to keep taxes down. The premise of the governing.com report is un-American, un-democratic, and unsupportable. Connecticut's income tax. Consider the report's unabashed endorsement of Connecticut's state income tax: "What's more, there's a widespread belief on the part of many voters that any change is going to hurt them. A little more than a decade ago, that was precisely the situation in Connecticut, which did not have an income tax but did have high taxes on all sales, corporate profits, utilities and estates. There were recommendations to acquire an income tax, but governors Ella Grasso and William A. O'Neill both took 'the pledge' to make sure that such a thing would never sully the liberty-loving citizens of the Nutmeg State. Residents who would have clearly benefited from the new tax dreaded it, believing those who predicted that once it was installed, it would just be raised and raised again until it didn't pay to get out of bed and go to work in Connecticut." "As existing taxes skyrocketed, Governor Lowell Weicker pushed for the new tax. He was burned in effigy, but he and a courageous group of legislators worked to bring the new income stream into existence in 1991. And, despite all the dire predictions, the income tax seems to have given Connecticut a balanced tax system for the first time. 'In 1990, we had a sign on the door, don't invest here, don't form a corporation here and don't retire here,' says Connecticut state Senator William Nickerson, the ranking member of the Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee. 'Tax reform took away significant disincentives.'" Today, the budget crises in Florida, Tennessee, and Texas are in fact far less perilous than most of the states that have state income taxes. In fact, governing.com would have egg on its face to learn that Tennessee begins its second year of budget hearings under Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen with a $150 million surplus, not a deficit, from last fiscal year. Similarly, governing.com goes on to state, "Today, Florida, Tennessee and Texas are all facing serious financial problems. They don't have an income tax. And leaders in these states have taken 'the pledge' to make sure they don't get one." The governing.com piece offers these types of assertions without any proof. Today, the budget crises in Florida, Tennessee, and Texas are in fact far less perilous than most of the states that have state income taxes. In fact, governing.com would have egg on its face to learn that Tennessee begins its second year of budget hearings under Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen with a $150 million surplus, not a deficit, from last fiscal year. True to his frugal management style, Bredesen has pledged that all of the surplus funds will be used to replenish the state's reserve funds, which were largely depleted in budget wrangling in prior years. The remainder of this article can be found at http://riskmgmt.biz/lawnews/ctbudget.htm Dr. Michael A. S. Guth, Ph.D., J.D., is a consulting economist, legal brief writer, and law newspaper Editor-in-Chief. He writes a variety of articles on constitutional law, elder care, consumer credit card debt, appellate court term reviews, and law and society. See http://riskmgmt.biz/ for an introduction to his legal work, and http://riskmgmt.biz/lawarticles.htm for a listing of many of his articles. Dr. Guth writes legal articles and briefs for other law firms, and he assists pro se parties (those without a lawyer) in preparing documents they can file in court such as motions pertaining to child custody, visitation interference, and child support defense.
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Why One May Not be able to Locate Your Lost Money in the States Unclaimed Property Database With respect to the States' databases, you may not locate your unclaimed asset or property on the online databases for the following reasons. The States' Unclaimed Property Divisions only hold approximately half of all unclaimed or lost assets. Entrepreneur Lashes Out at Linear Thinking Government Regulators I am personally calling for a total disbanding of the regulatory agencies as we know it immediately. This needs to be done from the inside out. We need an immediate cut of 1/3 of all regulatory personal. They need to be fired without any benefits. Those who have enough brains to understand my comments should immediately quit the agencies because they are destroying America from the inside out, like a plague, a cancer, disease, SARS or AIDS. By quitting their positions they can show America they are with us, and leave the International Terroristic Regulatory Agencies out to destroy us for their own personal fame and gain. It appears to be runaway abuse of power in a Virtual Reality Blue Goo Blob which has a mind of its own and could care less about those it is suppose to serve, us, the ones who created it and for the most part are suppose to own it. The regulatory agencies have obviously run out of targets and are attacking and over regulating good companies. I am also calling for a fight in the courts and that every company fight the agencies on every single issue brought forth and to hang tough spend the money and draw swords to fight these evil monsters back to the gates of Hell. (colorful comment? But has some truth to it, cannot fight with soft spoken words any longer, nor would such soft words do justice). All There is, is dust in the wind; Dust Particulate Traveling The Globe Dust from Deserts and Particulate Control What Price Loyalty? With the recent shakeups in the presidential cabinet, it has frequently been observed that the quality most treasured in the present administration is that of loyalty. China: Tibet Standoff The People's Liberation Army of China invaded Tibet in 1949. Since then each Tibetan has a many a tale of oppression, forced occupancy and violation of fundamental rights to narrate. Tibet is now home of several hundred thousands of troops who forcefully manages the daily affairs of a once free nation. UAV Targets, Aerial Dog Fights, Interception, Future of War Intelligence The UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is hear to stay and they are rapidly replacing the glory days of the fighter pilot and soon, there will be no humans in military aircraft flying the planes. Here is a quick overview of UAVs and all the new types. Hopefully these few links can catch you up on the subject to understand the future of these units. The U.S. Department of Justice vs. the Realty Industry, and Its Effect on Consumers From the National Association of Realtors' Virtual Office Website policy, to laws and regulations in individual states across the country, the U.S. Department of Justice has been fighting since 2003 what it believes are illegal practices by the U.S. realty industry that harm the American consumer. The issues can be complex at times, but understanding what's going on can be very valuable when buying or selling a home. The Professions of the Future Predicting the future is a tricky business. There have been countless ridiculous failures at identifying the trends and products which will determine the future shape of our life and our environment. Even more difficult is trying to guess which of us will be deemed a useful member of the community ? and which an obsolete relic. To a large extent, the answer to this question lies in determining the useful professions of the future. This is an age when people are determined, defined and categorized in strict accordance with their professions. Whereas during the Renaissance, a person might have been defined by his range of interests (remember the likes of Leonardo da Vinci), by his familial, religious, or ethnic affiliations, by his or her gender and so on ? today the first and foremost question is a person's profession. The first question that we must provide a clear answer to is: What constitutes a profession (as opposed to a hobby), a vocation (as opposed to an avocation)? To qualify as a profession, the act must bear the following hallmarks: FTC Fixing SPAM? Is the Federal Trade Commission really stopping SPAM? Is the FTC and all of our tax dollars doing any good reducing SPAM? Why do we even bother to pretend? Did the FTC assume that its publicity alone would scare the spammers into quitting? The FTC is quite arrogant in that case. They spent over a year having meetings trying to define what SPAM actually was; then when we ask for a progress report as the SPAM had increased they say: "We are working on it, we need to redefine SPAM." Why? Well so they can make their cases stick? As if lawsuits will help? You see folks the FTC is as impotent as the Viagra SPAM we get each day. The FTC is still to this day debating with themselves what a commercial e-mail is? CAN-SPAM Act was an utter disappointment. Once again it proves the government does nothing very well. Federal Trade Commission and Dismal Performance on Mergers Most citizens agree that we need the Federal Trade Commission to protect us from Corporate Greed. However any such citizen who believe a government agency will help you in anyway or improve your quality of life is indeed amongst the bottom tier of intellectual capacity. In fact the Federal Trade Commission in their slow response time to pretend to monitor mergers and aquistions have probably single handedly caused more job losses and stock losses then Osama Bin Laden. In fact recently in a Think Tank Conversation it was discussed that the Federal Trade Commission's Anti-Trust Department may in fact work closely with Osama Bin Laden. News Media Misguided or Just Plain Liars? Last week, the media coverage called the airplane crash in Canada a miracle because all of the passengers survived. However, what they are calling a miracle is really teamwork. The media believes that they know what constitutes a miracle. According to the dictionary, the meaning of a miracle is: Marvel; Supernatural Event. The supernatural event was the lightening that struck the plane, right? Seattle Lawyer and Financial Freedom We are destroying our freedoms and slowing innovation, due to our belief that we can regulate morality by laws, that we can protect the most ignorant or mentally challenged individual in society by making a law; hardly possible. We have systematically allowed over burdensome laws to be made which support no freeman in this period only give work to 'wordsmithers' who claim to be helping us as they help themselves to our hard earned money. Governments Worst Agency Everyone knows the United States Government often falls down in their duties. Although over all the country is great and for the most part seems to work, there are several agencies that get an "F" on their report cards from some who act as government watchdogs. In my opinion there is no bigger waste of taxpayer's money than that of the Federal Trade Commission. Having studied a few cases it appears obvious that this worthless agency cannot seem to do anything right. The sooner we close this agency or reduce its budget the better. All money spent in the agency is completely wasted. They cannot get rid of SPAM, it is up over 3000% since they started working on it. Identity theft issues in our country have run ramped and the FTC need to answer some of those Viagra SPAM adds as they are utterly impotent in their enforcement of this as well. The Second Coming in Albania Blessed with Chinese GDP growth rates (7-8% annually in each of the last 3 years) and German inflation (4%, down from 32% in 1997, mostly attributable to increases in energy and housing costs), it is easy to forget Albania's Somali recent past. How Can You Have True Freedom if They Control Every Aspect of Your Life? Freedom is in the eyes of the beholder. In Communist Countries the populations are told they have a good life and a great life's purpose, supporting the country and leadership with a much needed and important job. In Capitalistic countries in the current period we find most of the nation's inhabitants completely economically enslaved in debt. Is Congress Going to Lay the Groundwork to Include Education with the Steroid Legislation? As of late steroid use in sports has been the topic of conversation by the media. From Jose Conseco appearing on Donnie Deustch's "The Big Idea" which airs on CNBC to Congress looking to pass legislation to regulate steroid use in professional sports. Arbitrageous Outrageous and Immoral Back-Dooring the CSIS: CBM?s Indo-Pak Peace Process Will a bus running across the borders bring cordial relations between the two south asian nuclear rivals India and Pakistan? Well this is a question that will look for its answer on it own and time can only find its answer. American Eugenics "When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong you cannot be too conservative." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ~ January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968 How Many Cases Will Elliot Spitzer Lose Now? The devastating loss in case of Elliot Spitzer for NY Governator VS. Bank of America has set back the mirage behind the man who would be king. His case has clothes and his paper work no validity. This was one of the first of his high profile cases to run its course in the New York Court system. Apparently the house of cards like a bunch of watered down cattle is now public. The ponzi governor is now cut short. If only the election could have been two-weeks ago he might have fooled everyone that his entire career was not built on false premise. ![]() |
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