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American Eugenics
"When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong you cannot be too conservative." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ~ January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968 "There are plenty of problems in the world, many of them interconnected. But there is no problem which compares with this central, universal problem of saving the human race from extinction." ? John Foster Dulles (Chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation and advocate of Eugenics against non-whites.). INTRODUCTION TO A BOOK ON EUGENICS AND ABORTION: Abortion has been a very contentious issue to say the least. It is just a small part of the overall eugenics agenda and need for proper governance of the resources on our planet. Irving Fisher combines both of the main themes of this book. As a crusader for his Skull & Bones brethren and benefactors like the Rockefellers he actively and openly tried to maintain that eugenics is for the good of the people. We must give credit to the arguments he made. We really should act less like the Nazis who try to silence real dialogue as we approach this subject. Things are not simply black and white and a lot of what he said deserves our serious open-minded evaluation. He is the patron saint of supply-side economics and the father therefore of Reaganomics. It is all part of the One Pie ideology which the masses have bought because the noble elites are not interested in enabling real empowerment and resource application; including each human being who can create. Yes, CREATE; but they tell us they speak for the CREATOR! We must question these authorities who front for Divine Kings under the guise of 'The Greater Good' which has led inexorably to a Manifest Destiny against all life outside their materialistic focus. It is only through my research on a total new framework of man's cultural evolution over the last twelve years that I have gradually come to realize that the nobility of what is called the Jew is the same as the noble houses of Scotland and all other European nations. These nations follow the footsteps of Divine Kings and a Manifest Destiny dogma which is deceit and a conspiracy or plan I have dealt with in other books like The Rising Roman Empire so I will try not to cover the same ground too much. They do not always agree and sometimes their front man has to be assassinated as in the case of St. Paul or John F. Kennedy but we will try to stay clear of those highly contentious issues. The social engineers in many disciplines were involved in both Nazism and Communism and these academic paladins did not integrate or see the bigger picture of those who funded and directed them in most cases. Linguistics played a large role in the formation of the Aryan dogma of a Reich reborn; but it was pure sloppy and ego-driven extrapolation based on very little knowledge as Joseph Campbell has well documented in other books. Linguistics and most specifically Ogham, a root language, is also a part of my research. The symbol of the Gestapo known as the sig-rune like all Runes is from Ogham and other ancient Teutonic or Hyperborean knowledge systems. Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com
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Rugged Individualism vs Human Nature "Rugged individualism" is actually a euphemism for Thomas Hobbes' baseless concept of man's natural condition as a war of everyone against everyone else. Even different species of wild animals (each of which has its own group soul, as opposed to humans, which have individual souls) cooperate with one another for their mutual benefit, so Hobbes would have had us believe that mankind is inherently more bestial than the beasts, perhaps explaining the name of the pop "music" group known as the Beastie Boys. NASA and the Crisis Aboard MIR Some people say that we cannot put a colony on the Moon. Some say we do not have the technology to do this? Some people say it is too dangerous and it costs too much to sustain life that far away from the Earth. Some people think mankind cannot go beyond, should not push the limit and cannot succeed in such an endeavor. Well I believe some people are absolutely, positively and completely wrong. It is twice as hard to set up an orbiting space station and we have been doing that for decades. I would like to recommend a book to you. Our space program knows the risks, has experience to deal with the challenges and has the human spirit of exploration behind them. We can do it. Why not start reading about a little history of our rocky progress to our modern day marvels, start by reading this book: Wartime Prisoners and the Will to Fight; War is Hell, Let?s Win Alright? We learned some lessons in these last few wars. For instance: some of Saddam's Iraqi army personal may have given up or volunteered to give up to slow us down. Prisoners take time to handle and resources to collect. Some are now saying we should not have spared them. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. The only thing relevant of the Geneva Convention rules for modern warfare in collecting and giving back prisoners, is that you have guaranteed future wars as those prisoners return to their state and tell of the over embellished atrocities of the enemy. Ironic that you can spare someone and return them to their family and they live to make things worse for you later. Paid Assassins The civil war in Iraq seems to be much more mild than some had been predicted. Many pundits painted a doom and gloom scenario out of control. Yet we see in time period in Iraq that the civil war is reduced in duration. Generally civil wars do involve other nation states supporting one or the other. Ours surely did. Both the North and South had outside support. The Iraqi situation is no different. But all in all these things are to be expected by anyone who studies history and our war planners definitely have studied up on these things. Internet in Russia and Ukraine - Part 1. General Information and Statistics User Base Ohio Department of Transportation; Sector Economic Reality Ohio's transportation sector seems to be strong, even with Ohio's outrageous attack on the trucking industry. That one has to be politics. One State patrol officer told us that they are suppose to pull over 80% commercial and 20% private vehicles. This means on Friday nights when you have drunk drivers if you pull over 2 cars then you have to pull over 8 trucks, well at 2 am, that just might be half of all trucks. Then of course having to justify yourself you look around for a way to write a ticket? 911 Could Have Been Prevented, Was It Bush?s Fault? September 11, 2001 could have been prevented. We could have stopped that International Terrorist Act had we just employed a few simple tools. If we would have simply kept our eyes and ears open and had a plan in place. Was it Bush's fault? No, it was America's fault. It is our fault for thinking every thing was fine and that the CIA and FBI could protect us from any one of a hundred different types of attacks. International Terrorists have so many ways to attack us. Starbucks Monopoly Is Starbucks a monopoly? It fits all the definitions. Does this mean the FTC will make them break it up like AT&T? Or is the Federal Trade Commission too chicken after losing the case with Microsoft? The FTC knew better than to go after Microsoft, after all they did nothing wrong except adding features to their operating system and programs. Is the FTC not attacking the Starbucks because all of its employees go to the one across the street in Washington, D.C.. Eurovision Song Contest - Kiss My Butt Neighbours Tonight I resigned myself to the fact that this is the last Eurovision Song Contest I shall ever watch. In fairness the only reason I did watch it was due to media reports mentioning that steps had been taken to try and mitigate the blatant vote rigging that takes place each time the contest is aired. I should have known better. Competition Laws A. THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMPETITION We Must Register AIDS Carriers and Homosexual Men It is a law that we register deadly weapons with the authorities. It is a law that if you are a black belt in a Martial Art, that you must register your hands as a deadly weapon in many states. In fact if you are in a fight and hurt someone, you will be charged with aggravated assault because you know how to use your limbs to kill. Well then if you are a homosexual male with a promiscuous displacement as most are by nature, then shouldn't one in that case register their member? This may sound like some sort of funny comment, registering one's sexual organ as a deadly weapon, although if a person with AIDS knowingly has sex with another, that is in fact attempted murder, therefore AIDS Carriers should be registered. These registered names should be on the Internet for all to see in the local area incase they attempt to pick someone up at a bar and so that if someone is to use the online dating methods, the other party can check to see if their potential homosexual date has the virus ahead of any meeting. Does Your Farm Stink? The EPA Wants to Find Out Farmers will eventually be facing federal regulations involving air emissions produced on their farms, that may touch on everything from spreading manure, to the exhaust fan at the barn. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its construction of the Air Quality Compliance Agreement. If Terrorists Are To Become Slick Politicians, Yhey Need Time Rather Than God on Their Side The number of countries in the world at the moment that are in some form of transition is higher than some ten years ago, and in some ways more efforts are made to resolve situations that threaten stability. And the moves of all involved parties are not without major-league risks. Rule of Thumb For Exporting Technology Rule of Thumb for exporting technology. The American People need piece of mind to get this economy moving. We should never export anything, which can be used as a weapon against the American people or our close allies, which we in fact cannot defeat quickly and effortlessly. Such as F-16's with electronic warfare components, Phoenix Missile Systems, Smart Bombs, UAVs, Small Pox Viruses. (Yep Ft. Detrich, want to read a scary book? Try Cobra Event and Hot Spot and the new one The Demon in the Freezer). The Elephant Roared and Brought Forth a Turd: A Case Against Democratizing the Middle East The original vulgarity was bylined: ?The Constipation of America's Mid-East Peace Policy! Population Control and Water Supply Issues As we increase our populations every new soul will require increased infrastructure efficiency or expanding of the systems of civilization and nothing is more important than that of water supplies and distribution. The flow of clean and fresh water has to do with which way the rivers flow and the weather that delivers the water to the land by way of rain. The Cost of the COLD WAR Many people who are expert in the issue of the Oswald's rifle are able to clearly demonstrate that the best marksman in the world could not have done what that one rifle was supposed to have done. I suppose once the story was manufactured they had to stick with it before they knew about the ricochet and other evidence. On forums and in debates with serious people who have studied all facets of the case I have never had anyone stand behind the fact that this one bullet ended up in such a pristine condition. They say things like ? 'That was obviously a planted piece of evidence.' I then say things such as this. RFID: Californias Identity Information Protection Act Utah introduced a bill designed to limit the use of RFID by state and county government. It was voted down. Maryland introduced a similar bill. It, too, was voted down. This is California's second RFID bill. The first was... voted down. Battling Societys Cancer: Unemployment The official figures are staggering: 35% of the workforce - about 280,000 people - are unemployed and looking for a job. Each 1.43 employee support 1 unemployed person. In the USA the figure is 3.3 to 4 employees supporting all the unemployed AND all the pensioners! Problems in the Media I am noticing an increasing and alarming rate to which the media journalists in all forms use the media for public opinion and not for news. Whereas this is not all bad, it is bad when it is purported as news and not public opinion. The questions of interviewers are public opinion and often very jaded. As I watched the AP news and look where the news is coming from for instance "AP-San Francisco" a story about the past Governors Race in CA, it seems that the article was so jaded it is not even relevant. ![]() |
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