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The Cost of the COLD WAR
Many people who are expert in the issue of the Oswald's rifle are able to clearly demonstrate that the best marksman in the world could not have done what that one rifle was supposed to have done. I suppose once the story was manufactured they had to stick with it before they knew about the ricochet and other evidence. On forums and in debates with serious people who have studied all facets of the case I have never had anyone stand behind the fact that this one bullet ended up in such a pristine condition. They say things like ? 'That was obviously a planted piece of evidence.' I then say things such as this. If they can allow Ruby the kind of freedom in a police building that I saw as a youngster, they are capable of having done many fabrications in the effort to confuse and mislead the American people. If they placed fake evidence on the body of JFK and told the coroner not to do his usual job, they broke laws that would land anyone in prison. Thus when I hear a trained assassination squad person at Camp Le Jeune come forward after he has left the forces and is no longer either afraid of reprisals or considers the matter de-classified, I listen. I listen when the son of a Dallas policeman who is dead tells me that his father was on the grassy knoll and saw the triangulation team member take the vital shot. The American people had a totally false impression of JFK and indeed the American people are generally gutless sheep who are willing to accept this kind of government due to the fact that most of them know where their bread is buttered. They cannot honestly say they do not know the US has been behind numerous enforced and fraudulent businesses that allow America to be the recipient of the largesse it enjoys. It started with the outright immoral invasion of the land of people whose culture was far better and at least as advanced as European culture. They used bioweapons and disease with intent. The pork-barreling cronyism that is all over America has allowed people to re-elect whoever brings their district the most shares o these spoils of immoral actions conducted by their agents in the armies and secret operations so they turn a blind eye to the facts. The End of the Cold War Could Cost: The 'dismal science' of economics with its 'trickle-down' or 'voodoo economics' as well as Keynesian wastefulness is defended by many to this day. They believe in full employment rather than efficient employment of technology just as Rome used slaves rather than technology. The Hobbesian or Machiavellian 'appeals to base human urges' (Il Principe) are behind this Neoplatonic hierarchial oligarchy or Synarchy but I have done many other books on these things. Please, just think of your own family budget and how stupid it is to spend money blowing up and destroying things just so you have something to fix or work at fixing. The massive over-building of deserts full of helicopters and airplanes come to mind. Truman sold the Russians a whole air force at scrap value shortly after having gotten the American people to go along with increasing the defence budget in a time of Peace. He had said bad things about the Russians while cajoling Congress to authorize these black and horrid spending measures that Eisenhower later warned us about. Make work programs might cause greater employment but just imagine what could be achieved if productive and educational efforts had been taken rather than the whole Cold War. A War on Poverty and Ignorance would have lead to free energy and no need for planned obsolescence and all the other wasteful programs of these economic ONE PIE schools of thought. There are people who argue that re-distribution of assets or the seizure of ill-gotten gains is communistic and counter-productive. I could argue that it is not counter-productive, but there is no need to re-distribute the wealth held by the rich except in cases where they continue to operate in immoral fashion. We should tax churches that diminish women and children and we should close loop-holes throughout the world so that the super-rich are paying their fair share of taxes while we cut bureaucracy and encourage productive use of the human asset pool and other resources. The Club of Rome, Bucky Fuller and many futurists have described sensible alternatives to these ONE PIE ideologies. I think JFK intended to make real change quicker than his Merovingian bosses felt comfortable with. They saw the profits they were making from more war and they knew they were gaining greater control over the world economy. This was the 'cost' that had to be addressed. They acted to end his life rather than end the Cold War that JFK and Khrushchev had agreed to do. Nelson Rockefeller took his first trip to Moscow the day before Nikita was sent packing. I think this was no coincidence even though I do think the book called None Dare Call It Conspiracy was a politically motivated sensationalistic piece of the Hegelian plot. Again I remind you of what FDR said ? 'If it happened, it was planned.' I have many similar quotes from Yeltsin, Bismarck and even from the horse's (Rothschild) mouths. I know Chomsky is right about Canada being a satellite state and when I say American people are ignorant I include all the satellite states and people that this New World Order economic hegemony has wrought. I remind my brother and other intelligent people who I argue these points with, that the Cathars demonstrated a working model for proper governance. I remind people that before Empire there was a Brotherhood that Jesus (and JFK) or other wise people inside the hegemony have given their lives for. I do indeed specify details that they often have never heard and I give them the references to back it up. Activist for real change rather than pet projects or peeves.
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Why Dont We Listen To Entrepreneurs? I just got done reading a series of articles dating from December 2000 to September 2001 (pre-9-11) regarding Larry Ellison's bush to get the government to link all it's databases. Now everyone agrees, but now we are post 9-11. I wonder if Larry Ellison as loud as he can be sometimes ever stood up and said I told ya so? He would have every right to. He warned us. Gates did too, maybe not as verbal about it or graphic as Larry Ellison described the government's computer databases like a file cabinet where one drawer was here and another across the ocean in china in a dim lighted room. World Power Brokers Readying for WWIII Einstein when ask how did he believe WWIII would be fought said that he didn't know, but replied; "WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones!" A scary notion indeed; bet we all hope he is wrong about that. Yet as we look at the World today and the differences, which separate our world and divide us as one unique species on the surface of this pale blue dot, one has to see the logic of Einstein's prediction. Water Conservation, Retention and Better Policies As the populations expand in Colorado outside of Denver, Las Vegas, North County San Diego, Atlanta, Phoenix, Tucson, San Bernardino, Riverside, Albuquerque, etc; The West will need to look to transferring the load of cities like Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Diego, and San Bernardino to getting water from the ocean through Desalination Plants. At one point during the last drought states had to make a choice between fighting fires or saving the water for drinking. This could have been a serious issue in CO, MT, NM, NV and AZ. Jay Hammond - Alaska Governor and Creator of the Permanent Fund Former Governor of Alaska, Jay Hammond, died at age 83, peacefully at his home in Lake Clark, Alaska. He served Alaska as its Governor from 1974 to 1982, the years during which Alaska built an incredible oil pipeline, banked a large amount of the oil lease revenues, and created a dividend program that every resident of Alaska benefits from yearly. Government Workers and Lawyers Revolving Door Rule Needed We need more oversight and transparency in government. We need to keep our government workers honest and forthright. We need to prevent those who work for the government as lawyers for the government from going into private practice with the same companies they once enforced regulations on. The revolving door fo government lawyers and private practicing lawyers and lobbyists must stop if we are to maintain any real sense of integrity or fairness in our systems. You know, that "Truth, Justice and the American Way" thing that the government lawyers have such a tough time coping with? The Divided Language I was dismayed to learn the other day, that my all-time favourite George Bernard Shaw quote may not in fact have been uttered by him. Hitlers Positive Christianity... Unleashing the Patriotic Church There is nothing-absolutely nothing-insofar as political power when it is under girded by morality, especially when that morality embraces the strength of the Christian religion. This is what Adolph Hitler seized upon, amplified, and nourished: One Reich, one Reich's Church. With religion's unwavering legitimacy enshrouding Nazism's agenda-nothing could stop him. Today, an eerie semblance overshadows the West (this "revision"-August, 2005-is an update of this semblance)-it harkens back to the dark side of Christendom's triumphalism wherein the State and Church team up to defeat evil doers and simultaneously spread Globalism and Gospel through military strength and the Crusaders' zeal. What awful foolishness we witness when history repeats her worst episodes-nothing compares to the insanity of those who are doomed to duplicate earth's darkest days! How Can We Prevent Black Outs and Protect the Grid? The idea is to have all the important items with minimal back-up systems while things are restored. There are so many ideas we have not explored and should explore. With a little proper usage and conservation and a cohesive plan, the Grid should be so safe and capable that it no longer will be looked on as a target of those who wish us ill. Even devises can be made that lay on the drive way and the drive wheels of the car sit on them and they spin wheels generating electricity for the house. People would not be totally without electricity in the event of a Black out, rolling brown out, or large transmission line failure. Traveling the country in a motor home and being self-contained gives me a little different perspective on things than most. It is time to put together a complete plan for the next 100 years to insure trouble free electricity and power for the country and then the world. Maybe at that point we can look into some revolutionary harvesting of space energy? Responding to Article: Logic Class 101 Applied to the Minuteman Project In response to Douglas Bower's article; Logic Class 101 Applied to the Minuteman Project and on going topic of the BS at our borders, I wish to comment. First I agree with the Professor regarding the rhetoric and questionable comments from the Minute Men, I agree with the problematic liability, I agree with our own national debate that few in our population see the issues on both sides. We have Bill O'Rielly and other commentators on one side and we have those who wish to make a better life supplying the labor we need on the other side. We have 5.2% unemployment and that number is so low we need labor to run our civilization pre-robotic era in our present period. Now then in his article: The G-8 and Other Figureheads The Presidents Before Washington: MORAL ARMOR Condemns Home and Business Seizure Law Nothing could be more alarming for Americans than what I read this morning: "The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses - even against their will - for private economic development." This is a deplorable moral atrocity to perpetrate against Americans and must be reversed. Those responsible should know that they have destroyed their own credibility in the eyes of a free people, and should now go join the insurgency in Iraq. The United States Government Owes Arthur Anderson 16 Billion Dollars Since the court case was over turned against Arthur Anderson in the Enron scandal, the United States Government owes Arthur Anderson sixteen billion dollars. This money should be taken out of the Justice Departments fund for pensions for all the government workers and paid to the damaged Arthur Anderson partners. The business community is waiting for a response to see if the Justice Department and the United States government will walk the talk and pay for these damages and do the right thing. Discount Cigarettes and Cheap Tobacco from Europe to the UK It never fails to amaze me. HM Customs and Excise are at it again, stopping everyone in this country from getting the bargains that we are entitled to. The cost of running the country might in fact be out with the Governments budget, but do we have to pay the deficit? Internet in Russia and Ukraine - Part 1. General Information and Statistics User Base Cloning; The Possibilities and Advantages of Thought Swapping We can all see the issues involved in the cloning debate, which go much deeper than religion; the real debate has to do with evolutions process of a self-replicating organic machine, human beings, and the future of science and the species. There will be power shifts in economic status amongst ruling elite, political families, etc along with issues of entanglement, connected brains and communication abilities in the future. Discussing issues with individuals or entire groups of clones will be done with telepathic thought transfer, which will definitely be beneficial to the group dynamics and forward progression. Secret Clandestine Facial Recognition Countermeasures and The Future of the CIA Presently Universities and Private Enterprise are working to build more robust "Facial Recognition Technologies" due to the Homeland Security Funding for such research this field continues to grow. Anti-Terrorist efforts are a worldwide goal, so we are sharing this technologies with allies for use in their countries. These new technologies will also end up in the hands of our enemies or perhaps future enemies. Such hostile nations towards the US with such recognition software may prevent our clandestine spy efforts abroad. Getting our assets and spies in country can be difficult and history has shown that it takes much secrecy and effort to get in, get information and get out without detection. Army recovers terrorists? bodies from avalanche-hit areas in South Kashmir As the death toll in the avalanche-hit Jammu and Kashmir is increasing day by day, the security forces have recovered the bodies of few terrorists who had taken shelter in the foothills of Pir Panjal mountain ranges to escape the clutches of security forces. Little did these terrorists know that they wouldn't be able to escape Nature's fury even if they hide from the army.These terrorists were also buried alive with hundreds of other civilians in the avalanches that stuck in a big way in three Qazigund villages situated in the foothills of Pir Panjal. Does Your Farm Stink? The EPA Wants to Find Out Farmers will eventually be facing federal regulations involving air emissions produced on their farms, that may touch on everything from spreading manure, to the exhaust fan at the barn. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its construction of the Air Quality Compliance Agreement. Is This All There Is? In today's Rants from Lance session I address the question many American's are asking them selves? Is this all there is? I myself have a number of questions along this theme? I believed it, when I was told of the American Dream and when I found out it was a lie; I wanted to scream. I worked hard, did every thing right tried the best I could and was able to sleep at night. But alas the game is rigged. So you ask is this all there is? Wars, Oil and Trade Conflicts of the Human Race Many in the World Media are quick to judge the Bush Administration on the War in Iraq; saying it's all about oil? Much of this is a slander campaign brought on by other world leaders who had interests in Iraq, deals with Saddam and we have all heard of the oil for food scandals. Let's face it if someone owes you money and you are doing business with them, you want to make sure the money keeps coming, the oil keeps flowing and no one messes up your lucrative deal. ![]() |
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