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Accessibility Requirements for Fair Housing
Policy Federal Fair Housing accessibility requirements for new multifamily buildings should be written in building code language certified as Fair Housing compliant by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD should be vigilant in compliance education and assistance as is NAHB. Use of Fair Housing Initiatives Program funding for enforcement actions should be curtailed. Any enforcement actions should be reasonable and reflect the lack of clear guidance available for complying with the Act. Background The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 requires new multifamily buildings constructed for first occupancy after March 13, 1991 and consisting of four or more units to be accessible to disabled persons. HUD issued accessibility guidelines on March 6, 1991 and a supplementary design manual in August 1996 to provide guidance on complying with the law. But HUD's guidelines were poorly promulgated and not written in building code language, making it impractical for builders and local officials to define compliance, which has led to conflicting interpretations and inadvertent failures to meet certain requirements. In response, building code language was cooperatively developed by NAHB, HUD, the International Code Council, and disability advocates and completed in May 2000. HUD has certified that the building code language satisfies the accessibility requirements of the Fair Housing Act and NAHB is promoting state and local adoption of the compliant code language. Federal promulgation of the requirements must still be intensified, however, if compliance is to be improved. Addressing noncompliance of existing covered buildings (constructed for occupancy after March 13, 1991) remains contentious. Federally funded private advocacy groups and state and local housing agencies, HUD, and the Department of Justice are all actively involved in current enforcement actions and will continue to be. These actions are often threatening, based on questionably broad interpretations of federal requirements, fail to reflect the lack of compliance assistance at the time of construction, and divert resources that could otherwise be applied to more proactive solutions. Solutions Urge HUD to maintain compliance education as a priority and to actively participate in the building code amendment process to help ensure building code requirements are compliant with Fair Housing accessibility requirements. Further, urge HUD's timely review of compliant building codes and approval of them as a safe harbor for compliance with Fair Housing accessibility requirements and to develop a more reasonable approach to addressing non-compliance. Continue to support and actively participate in ongoing education and training efforts to inform builders about accessibility requirements under the Fair Housing Act. Maintain NAHB's Fair Housing Accessibility Education Accord with HUD as a demonstration of NAHB's commitment to improving compliance through education and continue participation in HUD funded compliance initiatives. Support the nationwide adoption of model accessibility building codes endorsed by HUD as providing a safe harbor for complying with the accessibility requirements of the Fair Housing Act. Work with other interested groups, including building product manufacturers, disability advocates, real estate, and multifamily design and construction groups to promote education, outreach, and compliance with the accessibility requirements of the Fair Housing Act. Urge HUD to prohibit the use of Fair Housing Initiatives Program funding for litigation. Work with the Department of Justice to develop clear criteria for enforcing the accessibility requirements of the Fair Housing Act. Support legislative or regulatory changes that would limit liability for industry members who were involved in the design and construction of non-compliant buildings due to a lack of clear guidance, and who made a good faith effort to meet the requirements of the law. Neda Dabestani-Ryba is a licensed Realtor in Maryland. She is a member of the President's Circle of Top Real Estate Professionals. She can be reached at (800) 536-3806 or visit her website for more information: http://neda.dabestani.pcragent.com Prudential Carruthers REALTORS is an independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., a Prudential Financial company. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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Question Authority Policemen in many US cities are taking their new authority over the terrorism issue way too seriously. They are using it as a reason to harass our citizenry. Just like a bunch of $5.00 and hour security guards. Give a guy a little authority and a badge and boy oh boy he'll show you. You know the problems in America with security guards who are so over zealous that they offend the people who make their job available. Now we have a recruitment issue with not enough people for the jobs in policing. So we are hiring security guards and giving them too much power. William Seward and the Alaska Purchase Aren't you glad you purchased Alaska? You got a bargain, you know. You purchased it for 2 cents per acre for all 586,000 acres of it. Immigration: Ten Points to Ponder 1. Why is it that no one seems to notice, much less ever mention, that the World Bank and the IMF have implemented economic measures that have left large sections of their populations unemployed and destitute? (The illegals are not doing this, you see, but this population is easier to attack and is more defenseless than the World Bank and the IMF.) Eminent Domain Suggested as Cost Saving Measure in DC Washington DC council member David Catania actually suggested that the council should consider claiming eminent domain of certain widely prescribed pharmaceutical formulas in order to help reign in rising drug costs for the city. Catania suggests that the patents should be acquired by the government through the mayor's declaration of a public health emergency and then generic manufacturers would be contacted to produce the drugs for cheaper than they are commercially available. Oil Prices Effect The United States Competitiveness Just because we have been leading the World in innovation and computer intellectual property, expertise and design does not mean we can afford to let our manufacturing dominance continue to depart the US soil. We once made everything here. We mined, manufactured, shipped, consumed and reinvested in our manufacturing ability. Consumers saved, businesses borrowed and we worked together to build. What happened? If and when we become a one World economy, eliminate protectionism and the poor impoverished nations come up to our standard of living then we must come down to match them. I do not believe that the American People want to lose even one ounce of quality of life. Going All Out to Win a War Conventional warfare is getting to its limits. Soon wars will be fought by robots and on many more fronts, which will render civilization completely immobilized. What is going all out to win a war? What does that mean? We can do this with tactical nuclear weapons, germ warfare, poisoned water supply, etc. And as many of academia have said we should not do that because it is evil. They say the; "means are not justified by the ends." Yes, this is most likely true, but neither does war. If someone wages war against you, it is a little late to be talking about means and justifications, they are trying to kill you. I would debate then this fact "The ends do not justify the means." If we fight the war fair and they do not and we all die, who cares about means justifying anything, if you and I perish due to some lunatic with a nuclear weapon pointed at one of our cities or just parked in a container in downtown Las Angeles, Houston, Baltimore, Detroit or Chicago? Does it matter that you followed all the rules of war? Hell that is what the Brits did in the revolutionary war, lined up in rows and tried to fight a gentleman's war? Look there is nothing gentleman like about fighting a war or killing a member of your own species. The Economic Giant-- A Closer Look at China IT'S NO LONGER NEWS THAT CHINA IS BECOMING A MAJOR player on the world economic scene. Yet, as we've noted in past editions, investing in China is fraught with uncertainty, due to a still un-free political situation, and insecure property rights. Despite our current lack of interest in Chinese stocks, China's renaissance clearly has implications for investor decisions worldwide, simply due to its market's enormous size. Wars, Oil and Trade Conflicts of the Human Race Many in the World Media are quick to judge the Bush Administration on the War in Iraq; saying it's all about oil? Much of this is a slander campaign brought on by other world leaders who had interests in Iraq, deals with Saddam and we have all heard of the oil for food scandals. Let's face it if someone owes you money and you are doing business with them, you want to make sure the money keeps coming, the oil keeps flowing and no one messes up your lucrative deal. Workers We have read about the unemployment rate being high. Really anything around six percent is pretty good and it is less than that now according to the statistics, but some politicians say it is terrible and others say it is reasonable. It depends upon which side of the isle you sit. Regional Grid Power Backup; Energy Ideas Our Hydro-electricity accounts for some 20% of our current needs. Hydro Power; think of that? We do use the most electricity per capita than any other country in the World, but we also have the strongest middle class and rank near the top in quality of life and standard of living. For instance try living in Baghdad at 120 degrees with no air conditioning. We have done quite well with our hydro in this country and much of this has to due with the abundant flow of water. Of course recently in many regions of the United States severe droughts have hurt our ability to make electricity from hydro. Failure to Supervise at the Federal Trade Commission Many MLM sales people mean well but they inadvertently commit fraud and violate rules and laws in their presentations. This is unfortunate and is an issue too big for the Federal Trade Commission to handle, like SPAM or Identity Theft; the FTC is impotent. Many of these MLM sales people have adopted the term; "Private Franchising" trying to distance themselves from the negative connotations of the multi-level marketing term. There is only one problem; Franchising, has an absolute definitions, which in no way resembles what these salespeople are out peddling. Employment Legislation: Proposed Employment Law Changes - To Take Effect 1 October 2005 Proposed changes to the Sex Discrimination Act ("SDA") 1975 and the Equal Pay Act ("EPA") 1970 under the amended Equal Treatment Directive (2002/73/EC) will be implemented on 1 October 2005. To ensure that your company's policies comply with these proposed reforms please contact us at enquiries@rtcoopers.com. Using More Trees to Reduce Atmospheric CO2 As global warming continues to escalate the concerns of today's scientists, the federal government has been spending millions in research in an attempt to reduce greenhouse emissions, the substance that has been credited with the increase in planet temperature since the beginning of the 20th century. Let us Disband The FTC?s Franchising Division Previously Senator Dick Armey and his staff in 2000 to review seriously the important decision to scrutinize the FTC's franchising division. Mr. Armey has sense retired. Today, I urge the Administration, the GAO, Senate Subcommittee and other governmental oversight bodies to curtail the efforts of the FTC to further over regulate the MUD (much unnecessary disclosure) plaguing our industry. How much should the FTC's franchise group be downsized? We see by the introduction of a proposed change and additions to the franchise rule that they have over stepped their usefulness in franchising, so perhaps that division should receive no funding and be immediately disbanded. I have an interesting case study and 2000 pages of proof of innocence of an action taken against my company by the FTC. Fight Terror, With Education A War on Terrorism? Conventional war being brought on an unconventional enemy is ineffective out of date. Building these countries up to a certain level of stability, and allowing them to take over and govern themselves is part of the Presidents plan. If we think the need help getting to build a stable and profitable country in the world market, than let's say what we mean and just do it. Weapons of mass destruction if we had enough evidence to invade Iraq we should have hit those sights first and had those weapons in the first days. Oh, they must have hidden them, well how did we know about them in the first place. It has been more than two years since the bold and terrible attack on the World Trade Towers, and we are chasing shadows here and there. The American Military, the greatest fighting force on the planet, can only find a couple of the main targets. We cannot win a war like this. The US Navy, Marines, Air Force and Army are the best trained and most well equipped fighting force in the world. But for all of their advanced weaponry and the technological advantage they have; they still seem like a lumbering giant searching for the little Indian jumping from tree to tree. Just to use an analogy, I am not prejudice let's get that out of the way right now so I don't have to apologize to every race I may happen to mention. The subject of prejudice would take a whole paper of its own. So let's get back to the subject at hand. How can we stop Terror? How to Tell When Government Regulators are Shopping You In this day and age of tattletale, whistleblower heroes and homosexual bureaucrats with an axe to grind, we often find government regulators calling up business people to try to entrap them. As a matter of fact one worthless agency called the FTC ? Federal Trade Commission will often call up Biz Op companies and attempt to get them to say something they shouldn't. Usually it is obvious as they straight away ask questions that no buyer would ever in a million years ask in the first three sentences. Why do they do this? They do it because they have so many honest business people to call and so few crooks they need to quickly find the bad ones so they can score another point for the agency. What they end up doing is picking a fight with you when you do not say anything, which will get you in trouble then quickly dial the next number. This is utter BS and over regulation. Who do they get to do such petty, vindictive things; after all who would want a job like that? Well easy they find men who think they are women; vindictive and petty homosexual men? Have you ever sat in a coffee shop and listened or rather over heard a homosexual male with a lisp talk about his boyfriend; how about as you waited to get a haircut? Oh my God, they go on and on and loud, they are so loud. As if you want to hear these details. You know how women talk, but these guys, oh wow, they can go on for hours in a screechy voice. Electronic Commerce Taxation: Emerging Legal Issues - Part I The CBR taxes the Pakistani source income of nonresident individuals and foreign corporations with respect to income that arises from a trade or business, however, Pakistan generally asserts jurisdiction only with respect to taxable income which is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the Pakistan. When Will the World Wake Up? How can any human being today, anywhere in this world, not be fearful and angry? We have turned into a society where hate is a primary emotion. People are killing people, nations are destroying nations; it's a never ending battle of might over right. Is that magnificent line from Eden Ahbez's song "Nature Boy" no longer what defines us as a civilized society? 'The greatest gift that we can learn is just to love and be loved in return.' It's a great line, a golden rule if ever there was one. It's the philosophy of life. Bosnia - An Economy in Search of a State Bosnia-Herzegovina (heretofore "Bosnia") is an artificial polity with four, tangentially interacting, economies. Serbs, Croats and their nominal allies, the Bosniaks each maintain their own economy. The bloated, fractured, turf conscious, inefficient, and often corrupt presence of the international community, in the form of the Office of the High Representative, among others, constitutes the fourth - and most dominant - parallel economy. The divergence of the economies of these components of Bosnia is so high that the inflation differential between them amounts to 13%. The Bosniak-Croat Federation experienced deflation in 1999 - while the Republika Srpska (RS) was in the throes of 14% inflation. The real effective exchange rate in RS appreciated by 13% and depreciated by 6% in the Federation between 1998-2000. Wages in the Federation are higher by 30% compared to the RS. Trade Wars, China and Over Regulation At Home We are seeing some trade wars brewing as American trade deficits mount and the money flows moving to China. We see OPEC manipulating our supply a tad and China's thirst for oil increasing, thus furthering the supply issues. We must keep our trading partners and play on a balanced field to keep peace in the world. When playing fields are tiled feathers get ruffled and history shows the unfortunate possibilities that can ensue. ![]() |
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