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Maryland State Legislator wants to kill jobs and small business
Last year a Maryland State Legislator whom I presume never owned a small business of any type suggested that franchises in the state needed to be audited every year. This would be every fast food restaurant, small business service van franchise or dog groomer in the state, which was a franchised outlet. The average cost of such audits in Maryland due to all the Maryland lawyers suing is about $40,000. Now obviously this would kill small businesses in the state and cause the raising of prices to all consumers who bought a burger, got a hair cut or had their dogs groomed and the small businesses would have to pass the costs on. We were able to get that asinine proposed bill killed in committee. What kind of a moron could come up with a bill? Well believe it or not such bills pop up all time around our country. One such bill is the Sarbaines Oxley bill, yep came from another Merry Lander Senator Sarbaines who probably sees his ignorant mistake and is NOT running for re-election. Here is the letter we rifled to every legislator in that state, to hell with these folks who propose such potentially damaging blows to our small business community. Here is an excerpt: ". . . I believe this bill to be a terrorist act against free enterprise and all we have built and all we stand for in this great nation. I will not stand for such abuses of power, linear thinking and grand standing. My ancestors came over on the Mayflower and we through tea in the water, Betsy Ross is also in my family tree and we stood for something. If you have even half the similar background you will assist in immediately ditching this notion of required audits and work on a better solution, one, which helps people, brings jobs and supports capitalism and free enterprise. The best solution is to cut out the franchise registration department in the great State of Maryland all together and let free enterprise and Freedom Ring. This is not a socialist country. Challenge yourself and staff and fellow leaders to come up with a solution that makes since, do not make arbitrary laws which cause barriers to entry and destroy the integrity of the Friedman Economic Model and freedoms that our ancestors gave their lives as a gift to us. Currently Maryland has a wonderful program for consolidated disclosure applications, only CA law will not accept it. CA seeing the folly of their ways is now changing their laws to be more like the rest of the union. Just when everybody is getting on the same page and streamlining the regulatory process now in Maryland, Mary Ann is offering changes inconsistent with the rest of the country in this Bill. Can you even imagine the myriad of laws that we as franchisors must deal with each day. There are 12 registration states, FTC, 26 countries with franchise laws, 4 notification states and all have just a little different set of rules. How can Franchisors comply and still build and support the incredible infrastructure of legal case laws, law changes and arbitrary opinions? This Bill is a dagger in the heart of franchising for your state and the small business community. It is Bills like this that will kill this country. Is that what you want, look beyond the words on the paper see the bigger picture, for God's Sake look and think out side the box. This bill is garbage in my opinion, if this passes, Maryland will not get all I have to offer it's citizenry in philanthropic endeavors and consumer benefit. This is an attempt in my opinion trying to destroy the greatest business model known to mankind. In my opinion Mary Ann and anyone else who votes for this Bill or even contemplates it's signing ought to be ashamed of themselves. You could not shame yourselves more even if you joined the anti-war demonstrations. This is unfathomable in my opinion. And I will see you defeated in the next election if this passes. Neither franchisees or franchisors who understand the free market could support this Bill, it helps no one and certainly hurts consumers and spits in the face of small business. . . " - - - - - - - We must defeat any legislation that is anti small business, follow Caesars directive when it comes to lawyers and then vote our of office anyone who fails to serve the will of the people and uphold our rights to free contract and maintain our free enterprise system. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Will Cloning of Super Families Lead to Slavery If slavery has not worked well, then cloning if it heads down the path of clones being considered less than equal could spell disaster for the future of humanity. Yet if there was a limit on the number of clones, then one could transfer their thoughts to the next clone and thus all the knowledge and experiences of mankind would not be lost in each period due to the people who perished in the previous period. However cloning is an advanced technology from our current position and the extension of life is also closely related in that one could simply repair and replace organs and continue living and there would be no need to clone, simply continue living until you were tired of living, have a clone and call Dr. Kervorkian or sign up for the next war, dangerous sport or international conflict. The Glorious Acts of Our Legislature I always have to remember to take a deep breath when examining the laws being proposed by our grand Legislature. I detest most of the new legislation on the table, but have to forgive our representatives in the House and Senate for it. After all, writing laws is what a Legislature does, and if they don't write enough laws, it can begin to look like they've been loafing. Gasoline Prices Going Through the Roof OH MAN! Mexican Trucks in the United States; NAFTA Trade and Problems Expected new applications for Mexican trucks to enter the US to be over 9000 in 2005. Most of these newer applications will be to take freight to Port Los Angeles for shipping to Asian markets, and importing parts to be assembled and shipped to Mexico and later sold in the US. Many see a little bit of a problem with imported freight in LA stopping on its way to Mexico and unloaded somewhere without permits. Discount Cigarettes and Cheap Tobacco from Europe to the UK It never fails to amaze me. HM Customs and Excise are at it again, stopping everyone in this country from getting the bargains that we are entitled to. The cost of running the country might in fact be out with the Governments budget, but do we have to pay the deficit? De-Population Judgment and detective work requires thinking about possibilities. One of the things I'd been thinking for a long time relates to the use of the Plague and other biologics against the North American people. I knew about Fort Pitt years later; they used the bubonic fever bugs on blankets given to women in a cold winter to infect a whole Indian nation. It was clear to me if they would do that when the Indian threat was minimal they would have used it before that when they first invaded Paradise. De Soto's meanderings had always seemed calculated to infect as many Indians as possible. The mindset of social engineering and 'sins and demons' or the 'Flat Earth' fear-mongering about monsters being somewhere other than the Vatican shows the kind of control and greed. The Treaty of Tordesillas makes it clear they intended (in the dictated words of Rodrigo Borgia as Pope Alexander VI) to spread the Inquisition through the whole world. The Ugly American Returns! Originally published in 1958, "The Ugly American" (Lederer & Burdick) documented American blunders abroad and our failure to identify that what we termed communism in undeveloped countries was merely the screams of hunger and hopelessness becoming manifest. 15 years later, we extricated ourselves from Vietnam and licked our wounds for 30 years, finally coming to some sort of accommodation with free fire zones, Agent Orange, and My Lai. Never again, we swore. We would protect our nation's security but only move into war zones when gross injustice or humanitarian concerns demanded a response -- Somalia, Bosnia, the first Gulf War. Upcoming Palestinian Elections Might Put Extremists In Power The Palestinian Fatah Movement is doing whatever it can to brush up its image in the run up to this Summer's parliamentary elections, including the appointment of young blood into the ranks. The outcome of the elections is going to be of crucial importance for the chances of peace with Israel as well as the country's division of power. What would be the implications for a Palestine under more Islamicised rule, should Hamas achieve a much feared majority? And will the electoral map show that Islamists are on the rise mainly as a result of corruption and poverty? Population Control and Water Supply Issues As we increase our populations every new soul will require increased infrastructure efficiency or expanding of the systems of civilization and nothing is more important than that of water supplies and distribution. The flow of clean and fresh water has to do with which way the rivers flow and the weather that delivers the water to the land by way of rain. Continuing Change in the Offshore World The offshore financial centres have been forced in recent years to review almost every aspect of the ways in which they operate in response to the international anti- money laundering laws and initiatives by major economies such as the E.U. and the U.S.A. to increase co-operation in the areas of preventing tax avoidance and tax evasion. These pressures continue and it is clear that the only way forward is for these centres to eliminate, as a priority, all forms of discrimination between different classes of taxpayer. Some jurisdictions have taken active steps to secure their futures, but some have difficulty in doing so and some are having to give up the struggle. Voters are to Blame for Bad Politics When I was growing up, I actually considered a career in politics. I quickly changed my mind, though, when I discovered that there was way too much politics involved in it. Obviously, that's a play on words, but I get funny looks from people when I tell them that. However, I am completely serious. The politics of running for and holding elective office is influenced too much by the politics of power, influence, and money. But whose fault is it that such a condition exists? I believe voters have no one to blame but themselves. Are We Really Getting Along? When you look at the news, immigrants are dying trying to get to America. Some are in America legally and illegally. I really don't have a problem with the immigrants unless they do it the wrong way. My problem comes into play when they come to America and they don't know English. Working with Hispanics I have come to understand them much better. Alot of them have been taught that working is critical. Education isn't important. Well, in American Education and working are 2 very critical components. The Economics of Cloning Armies or Super Families Let's put the religious part of the debate for a moment, there will be time for that later. Currently there is much ethics debate from many different religious beliefs about cloning in both the scientific communities and the church. Enough in fact that the US Senate and Congress have already made a law against human cloning. This law effects US citizens and it is expected that future laws will be sanctioned and conditions enforced through trade agreements for all civilized and industrialized nations against cloning. Literally a world wide ban. However this does not mean that cloning will not exist in the future as we already see groups claiming the first human clone and others following suit. So for the sake of debate, and at the World Think Tank, all topics are to be discussed, worked out, all sides heard and all concepts evaluated. Below is such a cost study, which seems to indicate that cloning is not a profitable from a pure economic standpoint as one might think. Here are some real numbers thrown out to shed some light on the subject of the economic viability of human cloning. PTO - Patent and Trademark Office needs complete overhaul Recently in Maine, I talked with a gentleman and we discussed at a coffee shop the issues concerning the Patent and Trademark Offices and the slow processing problems with registration of everything from a simple patent or concept patent to a Registered Trademark or Service Mark. Also this past week had an email conversation with a gentleman from NC in a small business regarding weak trademark and service mark case law in several states and at the Federal Level and how that affected him and the owner of a mark in Ohio. Also discussed the issues with an Aussie who now lives in BC Canada with regards to a cross border US Competitor using a name he intends to use and has already used in Canadian Commerce. First use laws and case laws are different that in Canada and the US. And certainly no trademark is worth a dollar in China. Some would disagree if you have the right attorney there in that country. I had mentioned these types of issues in a letter to the FTC and discussed the problems with patent law and not knowing, the patent books, which explain all this are over 400 plus pages now and when you are done reading them you may or may not know enough to get the job done. California Power and Commodity Markets Excess capacity occurs in many industries, such as power, electricity, water, oil, mainframe time, bandwidth, etc. When deregulation came to the California energy market we saw an interesting thing occur. People would buy blocks of kilowatt-hours from the existing energy companies who made electricity. They had to make this available to anyone. So entrepreneurs Bought lots of it and then they sold it to others wishing to buy it. Commodity theory is fun to study, because it is everywhere in our civilization. Making Peace with Our Ancestors and Neighbors As a result of the conflict analysis exercise and a workshop conducted earlier this year by the Liberia Community Infrastructure Program, (LCIP), participants indicated a strong resentment of ex-combatants by the war affected community leading to traditional cleansing ceremonies. Sentiments from both tribes indicated a mutual approval/acceptance of the Zalakai/Zalayei traditional healing process; only being assisted by LCIP. Villagers spoke of not only their support of peace, but more so, the importance of cleansing the desecrated land where people were killed, but not buried; sisters with brothers, but not married. Although past programs have stemmed from studies of post war conflict in other countries, the inclusion of traditional ceremonies integrated into western theory are influencing the real life healing processes. "We must go back to our ancestors to cleanse the land and women can restore the customs of our secret societies and traditional sites. Is it just hubris, or ...? In what the Americans love to describe as the war on terror, there have been no clear winners even though it has been physically going on now for over three years. By the looks of it, the tussle between the United States of America and its perceived enemy will outlast the Second World War at least in terms of duration, if nothing else. If so, it certainly represents a horrible scenario for the planet. French NON to Europe Might be Engrained in Their History Many of the problems that the members of the European Union are expressing with their constitution are in matter of fact problems with they perceive to be the 'one size fits all' idea of policies. The French are loudest in expressing their objections and looking at the history of the evolution of the nation state, perhaps they have a point. It took millennia for the idea of the Nation State to evolve into any recognizable shape. So to expect a huge bloc of countries to continue to integrate without noticeable hiccups would be naive. Mommas, Dont Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Lobbyists For many years now, I have been the proud holder of jobs that my parents found very difficult to explain to their friends. Now, when a well-meaning acquaintance asks "what does your daughter do?" they try to explain that I help people understand how to communicate with elected officials. Invariably the response is "What? She teaches people how to lobby? Good heavens, she's not a lobbyist herself, is she?" Apparently, being a lobbyist is right up there with being a convict, especially these days. Operation Iraqi Freedom, Soldiers and Their Psyche Have you noticed that the when the service men who have been killed in action in this war, that the journalists go harass the families and girlfriends or wives of the fallen soldiers? During these interviews I could not help but notice that the infantry warriors killed had girlfriends or wives who were full figured ethnic woman or young ladies. The inner city kind with the tough attitude; Why is this? I have several ideas why. Here they are: First one is that military bases are in areas that are usually tough neighborhoods, they are near logistical locations with railroad tracks and lots of noise from the base thus richer people do not live near by creating an ethnic type area of population diversity. Notice in any city there is a MLK Blvd. Always near the railroad tracks and is either connected to runs through an industrial area. Near Military bases are always industrial areas for civilian contractors who service the bases needs. Also logistics such as commissary needs, trucking, heavy industrial needs, etc. All this means that the nearest entertainment and release for the soldiers will be right off base nearby and in a rough neighborhood. Thus any person that the warrior meet would be one tough enough to hold her own in the rough neighborhood, such as a sassy full figured women who is local or travels to meet the young studs. ![]() |
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