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UAV Decoy Stategies, Theories and The Modern Art of War
Well having studying the need for decreasing America's dependence on Foreign Oil and the advances of the automotive industry such as Fed Ex and UPS along with Eaton and GM. Also studying the efforts of Sunlite Bus in Palm Desert and the recent information on ceramic coatings and problems in Urban Heat, Ozone Levels, Global Warming Issues from NASA and GeoSat efforts and various weather updates and information gathering data efforts to predict thunder storms, Hurricanes, Fires and Tornados we have learned quite a bit. Now then as we have studied the problems associated with fuel cells in the heat transfer process and the need to minimize heat escaping on 100's of thousands of vehicles on America's highways and in urban metro areas causing urban heat and the possible leakage of hydrogen tanks could cause problems in ozone and global warming as the number of vehicles across the country increase over the next four decades. But this all being true adds to the dilema of a "Hydrogen Economy" (recommended reading list). It is also the case that in most of mankinds dilemas we find the greatest opportunities. Such is the definition of Chaos as we see so often throughout or species most recent 10,000 years of recorded history. The fact that hydrogen cells put out 1200 degree heat and certain fuel cell units using certaim compounds give off more in this process means that their heat signature is greater than other types of aircraft. Which is a problem if one is powered by hydrogen cell because it is very easy to hit with a higher footprint if a surface to air heat seeking missile is used right? Yes this is obviously true enough. Now then If small UAVs are created and we are talking about making 500 for such an effort and they can be built with tin foil and alluminum foil krinkled in their wings and have a high heat coming from thier powerplant then they are great targets for surface to air missiles. If the enemy thinks or even knows that UAVs are taking pictures of the ground then they will shoot at them. We know from trying to shoot down UAVs with small caliber machine guns or rifles that it is nearly impossible. So then to down one of these things they need a missile, which will be able to hit them. However if the UAVs are cheap to make and we know they are if you study model aircraft any. Then you can make these with a fuel cell motor in mass for about $500.00 each. You could literally cause your enemy to run out of SAMs trying to down 500 UAVs and our cost would be little. $250K to guarnatee that no SAMs were left. They could fly around all day and draw fire. Using Hydrogen they could stay aloft longer too. The cost of losing a helicopter of fighter/attack aircraft is very high and the loss of life is still a larger factor in determining a wars success. We like to win after all we are Americans. So then remembering that the cost to train a single pilot in the military is $250K so then simply saving one pilot means we save 250K to retrain his replacement and save the possibly $15 million for the most inexpensive fighter. So we should be building UAVs on a huge scale, some for decoys too. These units should have fuel cells which that technology is good for America for lawn mowers, ATVs, chain saws, pressure washers and lawn tractors. Thus we can assist in changing the oil economy slowly and fund the research through the military against those who oppose us for better means and save pilots and money to our military in the short term and long term. There are hundreds of web sites with this group of hobbyists: http://www.uoguelph.ca/~antoon/websites/air.htm and there are many new fuel cell devices which run small things. http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=4&id=261833 You see you can drive your enemy nuts and if you have 500 UAVs there is safety in numbers and you can mimic the amount of heat signature of other aircraft by the type of fuel burned and the lack of ceramic coatings to shield the heat. You pick the temperature you want it to put out between 1200-2000 degrees and they can easily build you 500? After all, you are only taking the amount of energy need to keep aloft a small UAV with a 15 foot wingspan and some gadgetry. Also remember in WWII when we tried to figure out the German Radio frequencies they used so we could bomb them with out detection by scrambling that frequency? Well we can put dummy devices in the UAVs set to dummy frequencies and then they will capture the ones which run out of gas and assume those are the RF photo transferring frequencies and then they will try to scramble the frequency which we are not using thus giving away their locations and we smart bomb them. Dumb idea huh? No perfect decoy game of hide and seek. Also there are devices you can put on vehicles, which make sound like a whistle that hurt or are unpleasing to the human ear. Fly the UAV around and the piercing sound will affect them and make them irritated and then they will really want to blast these UAVs out of the sky at all costs. You know like when you have a few flys in the house after the 4th of July BBQ, you spend a considerable amount of human energy to kill a little fly which is spending 1:500,000 the energy you are. Talk about a waste of energy. Of course this is the same theory, the enemy uses it's valuable resources to hit the little stupid UAV, and having done so makes them less able to hit your important aircraft. Including the non-Decoy UAVs which are gathering your information. If you fly these units at night they will have no idea what the heck it is, the radar shows high heat, large object. The opposite of Stealth. the UAV says "HELLO, I'M HERE, WHATCHA GONNA DO NOW, HELLO !!!!" There are older radar system, which countries have such as Australia which can see Stealth and some countries which have an abundance of cell phones and they can use the interference of an aircraft to find out where it is. Looking for breaking patterns and anomalies in the patterns caused by these waves and signals. So by using a unit like this, you can draw fire from old and new technology, drive your enemy nuts, confuse them if it is a real strike because now they will not shoot until they are sure and in a real strike that could be too late. And you also save lives, save money and play hell on the logistical nightmare of competing against the United States and her military machine and next day, real-time supply chain of everything needed to fight a war. So crippling the enemies supply chain such as we did in bombing the German Factories, embargos on Iraq and the cold war with Russia was about slowing the flow of money, troops, supplies and logistics. If you run them out of weapons, most specifically SAMs, then they have nothing to fight you with. Air superiority is a given at that point. The reason I bring this up in the increasing costs to make stealth aircraft that also perform up with the best. Wave Rider Stealth aircraft have the speed to run away from standard missiles, but a helicopter has a chance in hell of running away from a Russian or Iranian surface to air, which is shot in close proximity. Best idea is to run them out of missiles and conveniently have the factories where they are made flattened to the ground. Take out the threat early and save the money. It is low tech and high tech and fiscally responsible warfare that will mean the Military leaders are not headed off at the pass by liberal Senators who want to close bases and cut funding which kills our boys and girls in uniform. Let's be smart when dealing with radicals. Draw their fire and then you have even more intelligence of location of fire, number of UAVs hit or shot down, number of enemy weapons expended rounds. Think about how to kill a radical: Either 1.) make him a non-radical through a better life and education; 2.) Eliminate his ability to fight you (money or weapons); 3.) Eliminate the person from linear time. Simple really. I hope this idea does some good to our UAV task force on Global and Universal Security of the Human Race. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Do Not Tell The Truth Do you really want to get ahead in your life? Do you want to grow a business really large? Do you want to be powerful? Well then do what works. For instance the United States Government is big and powerful. They control every aspect of your life and your business if you own one. They never tell the truth about much of anything. An example would be the Justice Department and their bunk lawsuits. Much of the time they make stuff up, doctor the truth and file it in court. Why do they do this, it seems to be unethical? Well, because it works. You see the Justice Department has had lots of practice suing law abiding Americans and they have failed a lot and study what works. Like the Donald Trump show they have learned to slander brand names and people in the court of public opinion and trump their almighty ethics. Same as the kids as they lie, cheat and smear their fellow man on the Donald Trump "You're Fired" series. The Government has learned this tactic to win cases. Political Branding and Marketing Political strategists, branding gurus and image consultants could learn a lot from the modern corporate successes in branding. In each political season we see positioning by the front-runners to get your vote. Capitalizing on the most popular brands to find synergy is a good strategy. Another is to find novel ways to propel omni-presence of your candidate. The Fed and Other Garbage "The Jesuit priest John H. Surratt, proven to be the ring leader in the death of President Lincoln was untouchable. In the affidavit of Henri De Sainte Marie, Aims Report, House of Representatives, 39th Session Congress, Page 15, Ex. Document No. 9., he says: 'I believe he is protected by the clergy and that the murder is the result of a deep laid plot, not only against the life of President Lincoln but against the existence of the republic, as we are aware that priesthood and royalty are and always have been opposed to liberty.'(Henri De Sainte Marie, Rufus King, Minister Resident) Accounting Nightmare at the FTC Most government agencies cannot pass an audit of their expenses. I can vouch for that and have been a long-time advocate; that the government follow the same rules they force on business. Walk the Walk; In 1990 Bush Sr. signed The Chief Financial Officer's Act. The Act called for 14 cabinet level departments and 10 major agencies to appoint CFOs and try to emulate business and accounting standards used in publicly held corporations. The act and other financial reform legislation that followed, required that 24 agencies produce auditable Financial Statements. Guess what? We Must Register AIDS Carriers and Homosexual Men It is a law that we register deadly weapons with the authorities. It is a law that if you are a black belt in a Martial Art, that you must register your hands as a deadly weapon in many states. In fact if you are in a fight and hurt someone, you will be charged with aggravated assault because you know how to use your limbs to kill. Well then if you are a homosexual male with a promiscuous displacement as most are by nature, then shouldn't one in that case register their member? This may sound like some sort of funny comment, registering one's sexual organ as a deadly weapon, although if a person with AIDS knowingly has sex with another, that is in fact attempted murder, therefore AIDS Carriers should be registered. These registered names should be on the Internet for all to see in the local area incase they attempt to pick someone up at a bar and so that if someone is to use the online dating methods, the other party can check to see if their potential homosexual date has the virus ahead of any meeting. Look! America Take a Look! I heard on the news this week how America continues to battle to bring democracy in Iraq. The people of Iraq really don't seem to want a free country governed by their own people. Hmm, why don't the Iraqis want the precious gift of democracy? Well, I request all Americans to take a good look at our own democracy and then maybe we can understand what all the fighting is about, okay. A Workable Alternative to Term Limits The end of another election once again brings into focus the problem of Washington politicians raising money and running for re-election as soon as they get into office. Many citizens and various government-accountability advocacy groups have done little more than complain from time to time. However, some of them, along with many members of the media, have been pushing for term limits as a solution. But is that really the solution we need? Even with term limits, we would still be left with the same old problems, only in smaller doses, i.e., politicians would still be playing the same old campa igning and fund raising games for whatever amount of subsequent terms they are allowed. Also, we would still be stuck with the situation in which sitting Senators and Representatives (even those with no remaining terms for the office they hold) spend their time running for higher office. Using More Trees to Reduce Atmospheric CO2 As global warming continues to escalate the concerns of today's scientists, the federal government has been spending millions in research in an attempt to reduce greenhouse emissions, the substance that has been credited with the increase in planet temperature since the beginning of the 20th century. Banana Republic - United Kingdom The recent scathing remarks by High Court Judge Richard Mawrey over the disgraceful actions of the six Labour councillors from Birmingham is something the city could well do without. The Judge went as far as to say that the recent electoral fraud would disgrace even a banana republic. China has the Answer to Environmental Dead Zones Recently scientists have been watching the exponential growth of marine life dead zones off the coasts of human civilizations. In China there are dead zones now, which are over 250 kilometers in radius off the coasts of Shanghai and Beijing. Environmental biologists have brought this to the attention of the World and China has decided to take serious action indeed. Mexican Trucks in the United States; NAFTA Trade and Problems Expected new applications for Mexican trucks to enter the US to be over 9000 in 2005. Most of these newer applications will be to take freight to Port Los Angeles for shipping to Asian markets, and importing parts to be assembled and shipped to Mexico and later sold in the US. Many see a little bit of a problem with imported freight in LA stopping on its way to Mexico and unloaded somewhere without permits. Poitical Opinion - No Comment Publicity is correlative to your position in the community. Seldom does the quiet worker, without incident become published in local news or publications. Though his achievements are many and great, he accomplishes great things in his lifetime, his quiet fortitude and persistence are rarely recognized as important or document worthy. Paper Industry The paper industry in the US is hurting. Due to supply and demand prices are way up. If you look at the changes, due to the growth in housing and price of wood and increased government regulations with Sarbaines Oxley Act you can see why we need more and more paper. The FIRST FAMILY of the United States The Randolphs: Canning International Terrorists? Literally Well here is a great new product, we first saw this in our study on the Parking Industry at recent trade show. New Bomb Resistant Trashcans, Trashcan Anti-Bomb Receptacles for public safety now available. American Eugenics "When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong you cannot be too conservative." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ~ January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968 Tax Attorney? You Might Need One; The City of Portland is Going After Small Businesses The City of Portland is going after any small business, which does business in their city even if they are from another town or even in a neighboring state. The politicians said the city is losing 4 million in year in revenues? Maybe, but they do not deserve them anyway with an attitude like that. This is criminal for politicians to call small businesses tax cheats, when they lack the integrity to tell the truth themselves. Global/Israeli Corruption! What depth of blind insanity has inflicted itself upon Israel's politicians, and such as George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice?!!?? Defending Middle Eastern Oil Refineries and Assets An idea to defend oil infrastructure in the Middle East may need to take into consideration some of the available close at hand opportunities. For instance creating a mote like perimeter and filling it with oily, seawater and chemical polymer chains or "Goo" and then covering the mote with a layer of sand. This can be done easily by digging the mote, 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep and lining it with a plastic bottom. Then increase the underground pressure and drilling down and allowing the salt-water, which has been pumped in, to flow out into the newly dug lined mote. True Democracy and a Way Forward The process of researching this topic has been an interesting one. It seemed that it would be easy to find information on the Twelve Cycles of Truth if it formed the basis for the Iroquois Confederacy. However, it didn't take long to discover a distinct lack of information on the Twelve Cycles of Truth, while finding a vast amount of information on the Iroquois Confederacy. ![]() |
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