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China has the Answer to Environmental Dead Zones
Recently scientists have been watching the exponential growth of marine life dead zones off the coasts of human civilizations. In China there are dead zones now, which are over 250 kilometers in radius off the coasts of Shanghai and Beijing. Environmental biologists have brought this to the attention of the World and China has decided to take serious action indeed. China's answer after getting together with some of the countries top billionaires is to stop using toilet paper in Chinese Owned hotels in Shanghai and Beijing. So when you go to visit do not expect your room to have any toilet paper use your hand to wipe the feces off your butt. This is already done in many parts of the world such as the Middle East. Makes you want to go out to dinner in a Middle Eastern Restaurant doesn't it? Back to the subject; so this is going to curb the growth of the dead zone? No, it will save some costs to Chinese hotels. The owners are laughing at the environmental concerns, but fishermen are having to go over 350 to 400 kilometers off shore to get a good catch. If they did catch anything closer you would be a fool to eat it anyway. It appears that no one is taking the over crowding seriously and the infrastructure cannot keep pace with construction and inflow. Basically what this move is saying it; "butt out, don't tell us what to do" which means that you cannot expect China to create a level playing field with employee rights or environmental controls within the next couple of decades. Meanwhile as planeloads of people fly back and forth to Mainland China, we will end up with their Bird Flu here in the Western World and Europe very soon. Already 160 people have died of bird flu in Western China and an outbreak in South China is working its way into another serious situation. Meanwhile China's fresh water supply is causing huge issues in the population and it is so polluted in many places that a fresh glass of water is completely out of the question. With environmental controls like this, the next big epidemic will come from China and those diseases will continue to come to America, Europe and the Middle East with every container load of products and every person who gets off every plane. How serious is this? You tell me. Appeasement isn't working and their military is growing, is this really free trade or are we just trying to postpone WWIII? think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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America Needs Election Reform to Ensure Congressional Honesty America must implement a policy on Election Reform that is equitable and fair to everyone. It is something we must do if we are to be a progressive society, a society for everyone, rich or poor. We, the people of the United States of America, must take back control of our lives by taking back control of our government. And the only way we can do that - be a government by the people - is with a logical Election Reform Bill. It is past due because our elected officials are thinking only of their careers and their futures. As our representatives, the only thing they should be thinking about is doing what is right for the American people who are their employers. History of the Media, Radio, and Television When were the forms of media created? When did advertising first show up? Who owns the media? Military Intelligence, FBI, CIA Intelligence Problems Well many have complained that the FBI and CIA dropped the ball in the 9-11 attacks. But I submit to you that the days of Paul and the "One if by land, two if by sea" and the Trojan Horse Story are not the only possible attacks methods of operindi available these days. Today it could be: "one if by land, two if by sea, three if by underground, four if by under sea, five if by air, six if by space, seven if by computer, eight if by germ, nine if by Trojan horse, ten if by wave length, eleven if by weather, etc, etc. So the game is much more complicated than sitting behind your cotton tails not saying a thing. Or telling the people every ship must sail and somewhere on that ocean, I know she's got to be? Think about the situation where the bad guys are as smart as you and have unlimited time to plan and unlimited ways to do it. How can you protect yourself against that? Only by though and infiltration of networks. All this would amount to the strength and unity of the people. Of all these; ones through elevens; are possible scenarios. North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions; Random Thoughts Part III Sizing up North Korea is important for a war there. We must leave all options on the table and of course give the Chairman of North Korea the respect he wishes while remaining firm as Hell until it freezes over in fact if that's what it takes; I now conclude my random thoughts over the last few years on North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions. People Say ? and Do ? the Dumbest Things When Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector exercised his right to free speech last week, he prompted a quick response from Robert Bork. Known for being the first Supreme Court Justice nominee to be, well, "borked," the judge was in no mood for Spector's silliness. "I know Specter," he retorted, "and the truth is not in him." Fear, Controversy and Chaos in the Media Most modern day media stories containing fear, controversy and chaos is really all contrived Bull, but it is interesting how well it works to control the masses and motivate people to do things. Those in power like to use fear, as it helps me solve problems and helps them maintain their positions. Yet as we have seen with modern governmental controls, no one really wants to solve anything. It would serve them no purpose for the status quo leadership having achieved theirs and wanting to hold onto that achievement without continued effort. Advances in Nuclear Energy; Safe, Clean and Reliable The newest pebble reactors are easy to build and manage and have extremely high out put considering their small size, perfect for islands set down wind from populations. Unfortunately the Three-mile Island and Chernople incident make populations feel uncomfortable with Nuclear. Therefore the increased regulations have made the cost of construction almost not worth it. The ROI of a nuclear power plant could take as long 150 years. This is so unfortunate seeing how great Nuclear power is and how clean it can be when handled correctly. For this reason in the past three decades no new permits have been granted and we continue to have a large percentage of our power coming from fossil fuels which is a problem for air quality and long term it has many issues such as acid rain. When Political Correctness in NOT a Virtue The other day I was sucker punched, hoodwinked, bamboozled, had the wool pulled over my eyes, and generally sidelined by an expert in Political Correctness. In fact, so sidelined did I get that I have been depressed for a week-and I mean really depressed. Pierre Dupont de Nemours After arranging the Armistice that ended or settled outstanding issues after the Revolutionary War Pierre Dupont de Nemours came to join the Royals including the Hapsburgs who were living near Jefferson and other esoteric Merovingians in and around Delaware. He and his family became important armaments manufacturers and it is reasonable to remember what Eisenhower said in his Military-Industrial Complex speech. Pierre Dupont de Nemours and the Physiocrats are not really interested in 'the government which governs best governs least'. You must try to study the Physiocrats if you are to make sense of the current world economy. Super Voting Ink and Vaccines In the future when we decide to help nations vote and enter their new freedom of democracy at a time when we have significant resistance in the form of a guerilla contingency or insurgency we should specially modify the ink die to prove a vote was cast to identify the good citizens. More Devastating Than a Nuclear Bomb Despite their signature on the Biological Weapons Convention of 1975, it has been reported that China has the most advanced modern germ warfare arsenal in the world at Xian, Shaanxi province. Is Inflation Harmful Q. Should the Government be concerned if the CPI rises to 5% ? Death and Destruction and the Run Up to D Day This is the third in a short series of four articles about the events in Britain in the 1940's. My late uncle Mr Gordon Bessant is talking to Mr Joe Hieatt-Smith. The recordings were made in 1994. California Car Wash Fundraisers and Environmental Law Many non-profit groups are feeling upset that they are allowed to do car wash fundraisers in some California Cities. It is not that the government officials are against your groups raising money, it is that they worry where are the soapy dirty water is going. It is a problem and it might be good for you to understand some of the history behind the rules rather than get upset over it. The Ugly American Returns! Originally published in 1958, "The Ugly American" (Lederer & Burdick) documented American blunders abroad and our failure to identify that what we termed communism in undeveloped countries was merely the screams of hunger and hopelessness becoming manifest. 15 years later, we extricated ourselves from Vietnam and licked our wounds for 30 years, finally coming to some sort of accommodation with free fire zones, Agent Orange, and My Lai. Never again, we swore. We would protect our nation's security but only move into war zones when gross injustice or humanitarian concerns demanded a response -- Somalia, Bosnia, the first Gulf War. Suicide Prevention in Prisons Prison guards and corrections professionals are hard at work insuring that suicides do not take place. They have special attire, suits, straps, rubber rooms and event blankets, which cannot be tied in knots. Those who are believed to be a risk of suicide are checked on every 15 minutes. But it is nearly impossible to completely prevent suicide. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) supports suicide prevention with some science, skills and practice. If you want to learn more about this, here is the link. Toll Ways Hurt The Flow of Transportation The United States has never done a full study on the economic losses caused by the toll ways, which impede our daily lives and the flow of our transportation. Transportation is vital to the health of a nation, its GDP and the flow of commerce and trade. Each time we put up a barrier or tax something we slow down our civilization and that has a ripple effect which extends past the regions where those toll ways are. Toll Ways are a tax on civilization and make no sense because they slow economic progress and therefore cause a decrease in economic output and the over all tax base of payroll and sales tax. In the end we all lose. But how much did we lose and how much are we losing each day? Globalization Often we see protests at the sites of global leader gatherings. Some complain Globalization is bad, that a one world currency is evil and that there is a huge conspiracy a foot to control all of mankind. Yet, these same folks often fail to see the incredible advantages to trade and quality of life that a one-world scenario can provide. They fail to understand the issues of free trade and what we can do for the third world. Before you buy into the anti one world theme and do your family name the dishonor of standing on a corner and making a fool of yourself, there is a book I recommend that you read: The Politics Of The American Dream The American Dream is the promise to have it all and enjoy it all. It's been glorified and sentimentalized as a utopian goal not just by the media and Hollywood stars, but also by businesses and politicians, including the President of the United States. But in reality, the American Dream is becoming more and more like the 'Impossible Dream.' Today, many Americans believe that their odds of winning the lottery are better than attaining the American Dream. Water Conservation, Retention and Better Policies As the populations expand in Colorado outside of Denver, Las Vegas, North County San Diego, Atlanta, Phoenix, Tucson, San Bernardino, Riverside, Albuquerque, etc; The West will need to look to transferring the load of cities like Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Diego, and San Bernardino to getting water from the ocean through Desalination Plants. At one point during the last drought states had to make a choice between fighting fires or saving the water for drinking. This could have been a serious issue in CO, MT, NM, NV and AZ. ![]() |
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