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Death and Destruction and the Run Up to D Day
This is the third in a short series of four articles about the events in Britain in the 1940's. My late uncle Mr Gordon Bessant is talking to Mr Joe Hieatt-Smith. The recordings were made in 1994. You'd go to work as I said and if you'd go at 7 o'clock you'd be at your place of work. Now obviously the talk was of who got hit and who got bombed out last night, what was burning, what was knocked out. Communications were not as readily available as they are today, all we had was what the police had and what the fire service had. If these were knocked out, then you had very little communication until they'd been repaired again, and then there wasn't always enough cable to repair them. The telephone exchanges were fairly good, nothing in comparison to today mind, no way, and medical care wasn't so much either. People who had bad burns - they didn't have an awful lot of good treatment for burns. For instance, they wouldn't have dreamt of putting a burn in cold water. We used a cream, a solution, called Acriflavine for burns and broken limbs. The civilians suffered many casualties. I would say to you, there were many soldiers killed on the front I know, but a tremendous number of civilians were killed in various towns. I can only recall basically the things which happened to me myself. At that time I was 16. I remember one day, a Saturday afternoon, when I was 16 years old. My mother said to me she wanted to go to Southampton on Saturday afternoon because it was getting towards Christmas. You went and looked for things that you could make do and mend for Christmas presents. She wanted me to go in with her. I was a bit reluctant because it wasn't the done thing in those days, that boys went off and shopped for Christmas presents with their mothers. I think it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It was just getting dusk, just getting dark, and the air raid sirens suddenly went. You could hear the aircraft flying over. German aircraft, Dorniers and Heinkels - they all had their own particular engine sound. You could tell a Spitfire and a Hurricane when they went off to attack because of the sound of their engines. You listened for their sound. You could hear the low slow drone of a Dornier bomber, a German bomber, and you knew you were in for a good pasting. The Stukas, like the Spitfire, only had a certain limited amount of fuel they could carry. So they obviously could only come out to certain areas in the country to attack, and then had to return back to their base again. Now Messerschmidts was one of the aircraft I was mostly involved with because they were like the opposing team of the Spitfire. As everyone knows our Spitfire was best. Remember you had a tremendous pride in your country. You had a tremendous pride in what you were doing. This particular Saturday night my mother said "Oh, there's a film on in the Classic cinema" , this was in the High Street of Southampton. She said "Robert Young" or somebody else. "Oh Mum" I said (I remember saying it too!) "Robert Young, he's the one women weep and cry over isn't he?" "Yes" she said "he's a bit lovey dovey," so I said "I don't think I'll go." The air raid had started. They had started bombing down the docks area of Southampton, which is now where the boat container quays are along there, because there was a lot of military equipment all along the docks. The ships were being unloaded of their cargoes. So if they'd been missed by the submarines out in the Atlantic or anywhere else, the ships, the Germans were still ready to stick a few bombs into them as they were unloading at Southampton docks (not only Southampton, but London and all the docking areas, Bristol, etc). But to get back to what I was saying, we went into Southampton to the bus station to see if there were any buses going out towards Romsey or Salisbury, the rural areas. There was just one bus. The driver was going to take it out through Salisbury, and the road was still clear to go. I stood at the back of the bus with my mother, because there was only one bus going, there was only standing room available. Everybody wanted to get out of the town, basically because of the bombing, although you were no safer really out in this area here, but it wasn't such a prime target, it wasn't so important to bomb you here. I looked and there was a fire engine following. We got to a place called Four Post Hill. That is where the Central Station is now. You know in Southampton now there's a bridge at the traffic lights which goes down to the Southampton docks and some roads go up towards the theatres and some go out towards the east side of Southampton. A place called Four Post Hill I saw 3 or 4 houses or shops on fire there and there was a fire engine which came round the bend, and as he came up the hill behind us he received a direct hit from a bomb. Everyone on board and that fire engine just disappeared. I thought to myself, I couldn't believe it, I just couldn't believe what I saw. When we got home we always listened to the news on the wireless (our radios were battery driven, with batteries and accumulators in those days). We didn't have sophisticated gear like this! This is a miracle to us, to hear your own voice on a tape or record was quite unknown then. It's wizardry! Having said that, that fire engine, those chaps were all going off to put out a fire. They were heading off to a place called Standard Motors along the docks, what is it now? I think it's a car collecting area where they bring in foreign cars off the car transporters from the continent. Everyday life... there was great difficulty in getting petrol. You had to have special permits for petrol, because it was imported, petrol was restricted terribly. The men that brought the petrol in, the crude oil, the petrol and the benzenes and the other imports they had to bring it in, either from Venezuela or from America. We had petrol coming up from Saudi Arabia. It had to come round the Persian Gulf. In Southampton the oil refinery which is Esso now, was called the Agri. It was the American Gulf Oil Company before Esso took it over. They had to bring the crude oil in from these oil fields. Quite a lot of it was refined at Fawley in the good old Agri oil refinery. A lot of it was refined at Bristol and a lot of it in Plymouth, where they could get the oil tankers in. The men on those oil tankers - really they were sitting on a live time bomb all the while they were travelling with it because they were targets. A tanker is a very recognisable ship at sea because of its structure, because of its tanks. They were always the targets for the German submarines and bombers. I had tremendous admiration for those men. That was part of the daily life. You heard the news which was the 6 o'clock news and the other news stations during the war. Everybody, even the young children, used to sit and listen to the news to find out how we were doing. We didn't do too well either. We had some tremendous setbacks. We had a tremendous setback with Dunkirk. The French had built the Maginot line, as they called it, which was a defence system round France, but the Germans, they came in at the top end of it and the guns were all pointing that way and the Germans simply walked in from behind. We had a similar thing happen in Singapore when we lost Singapore to the Japanese. Our guns were all set to fire over a certain distance and a certain arc and that was it, that was the whole field of defence. But it didn't work that way and the Japanese, like the Germans, came in from behind. You can't turn the guns round because the structure, the emplacement, just basically made everything useless. So it was a walkover. I did 5 years in industry. The second front had opened up and the troops had gone in to D-Day. On D-Day, D-Day-1 and D-Day-2 I helped to bring the wounded in off the floating barges. They had various barges built for taking the troops in to the second front. When they had discharged their cargo, these barges were then converted into carrying the wounded back. There were rows and rows and rows of barges by the Royal Pier in Southampton. For three days I worked with the ambulance people in Southampton getting the wounded off and away to the schools and big houses which had been taken over for emergency work. D-Day was a terrific day here, 50 years ago next month. (61 years ago now.) Everyone was helping out with the wounded. There was no thought of being defeated, everyone was working and helping each other out. Women made the best with their clothes. They swapped clothes and turned things inside out and made them up again, made them into other things. I remember coats and dresses being turned inside out and made into skirts, and trousers for the boys. Material wasn't coming into the country. Nothing was wasted. If you are interested in the events of the 1940's, look out for the last in this series of articles, entitled "Preparing to Invade Japan". Copyright David Carter 2005. Reproduced with permission. When he is not writing, David Carter runs a holiday cottage website http://www.pebblebeachmedia.co.uk where you can browse through over 7,000 holiday cottages, villas and apartments worldwide. His new book SPLAM, Successful Property Letting And Management is now available, 240 plus pages and you can find more information on that at http://www.splam.co.uk. You can contact David direct on any matter at supalife@aol.com
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DC Lawyers; Have I Got a Case for You? This is no time for the Black community to sue the CSX Railroad which is a conglomeration of merged companies and the Southern Pacific Railroad Co, which did receive profits from the use for Black slave labor, but had nothing to do with CSX today which is a well diversified company in color of skin and forms of transportation. Stop hurting America with this kind of headline grabbing. It is wrong and everyone with half a brain knows that. Yes, Yes, Yes, there were terrible travesties by today's standards committed against Black Americans, YES that is true and we should never forget the past, but this is not the way to come together; this kind of charade will tear us apart. A Viewpoint Not Represented in the Mainstream Media The news media will regularly present views from Democratic (liberal), Republican (neoconservative), and independent (moderate) perspectives. However, I rarely, if ever, see my point of view represented in the mainstream media. Let me begin to sum up my politics by saying that I believe our most fundamental right as human beings is the right to not be bothered if we don't want to be. Supreme Justice Louis D. Brandeis got it right when he said, "The makers of the Constitution conferred the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by all civilized men - the right to be left alone." I am somewhere in between a Goldwater Republican and a Libertarian. I do not go along with the agenda of the neo-cons who currently control the Republican Party nor do I completely adhere to the Libertarian party line. Computer Cyber virus attack from hackers Recently the CIA staged a practice simulation of a cyber attack used to take down the Internet. The simulated attack was called "Silent Horizons" and they learned quite a bit about what could happen if we fail to protect the flow of information. Now before you say no one could bring down the entire Internet. You are sadly mistaken, as we created it and mankind has those amongst us with the tools and brains to bring it all crashing down. I recommend you read up on the CIA report after it comes out on the Silent Horizon project and while you are at it; I recommend this book as well: FTC Franchise Disclosure Law Invites Violations; Do Not Call Lists The Federal trade Commission has a rule, which says that each potential franchise buyer must receive a uniform franchise offering circular. There are various things in the UFOC one of which is a complete listing of the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the franchisees in the system. The FTC suggests on their website that potential buyers call on these franchisees and ask questions in order to make an informed decision, yet is the same agency which has set up the Do Not Call Registry. Many of current franchisees get calls from franchise buyers who have received a UFOC from the franchisor, which they are interested in buying from. Famous Filibusters in Political History The filibuster as a political delaying tactic has been a part of the American political process since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Though it was not used in the early years of the nation, the filibuster has been used hundreds of times since the 1840's. Here are a few of the famous filibusters from our political history. Six Sigma Can Improve Government Practices Government bodies at any level, local, state, and Federal, can implement Six Sigma to improve customer service and increase the effectiveness of government. Although Six Sigma has its roots in private-sector manufacturing, it works just as effectively in governmental organizations and government will reap the same benefits as corporations. FTC Fixing SPAM? Is the Federal Trade Commission really stopping SPAM? Is the FTC and all of our tax dollars doing any good reducing SPAM? Why do we even bother to pretend? Did the FTC assume that its publicity alone would scare the spammers into quitting? The FTC is quite arrogant in that case. They spent over a year having meetings trying to define what SPAM actually was; then when we ask for a progress report as the SPAM had increased they say: "We are working on it, we need to redefine SPAM." Why? Well so they can make their cases stick? As if lawsuits will help? You see folks the FTC is as impotent as the Viagra SPAM we get each day. The FTC is still to this day debating with themselves what a commercial e-mail is? CAN-SPAM Act was an utter disappointment. Once again it proves the government does nothing very well. Hypocrisy of Over Regulation All to often law makers and regulators create rules and regulations using a linear mindset. They claim they understand the issues, even have public hearings to prove it. Yet the people who are able to attend such things are usually lawyers and losers. Losers because anyone in the market place who was winning does not have time to show up, they are too busy producing and participating in their respective industries. So they hire attorneys to show up and talk with regulators. Those attorneys who have no real clients of any value also show up because they know be getting in bed with the regulators and bending over a little, they can get the occasional reach around in the process and a little juice. This can help them get good corporate clients and make big bucks. All these scoundrel, I mean attorneys have to do is promise the regulators jobs when they get sick of the bureaucracy. Trade Wars, China and Over Regulation At Home We are seeing some trade wars brewing as American trade deficits mount and the money flows moving to China. We see OPEC manipulating our supply a tad and China's thirst for oil increasing, thus furthering the supply issues. We must keep our trading partners and play on a balanced field to keep peace in the world. When playing fields are tiled feathers get ruffled and history shows the unfortunate possibilities that can ensue. Workmens Compensation Lawyers, Lets Raise Minimum Wage; No Lets Not, Say We Did, We Have The debate to raise minimum wage in California is totally negated. The debate holds no weight because workmen's compensation rates are completely out of control there. Arnold the Governator was able to get a little reform but with all the lawsuits flying it is no use, the system is broken. How can the employers pay the workers anymore, they are already paying more only the insurance companies are getting the money not the workers. This recent article is very telling indeed. Corruption and Transparency I. The Facts The Lemon Dance: Why Government Doesn?t Work Former Senator, Daniel Moynihan, accurately summed up the situation when he posited that,"[t]he single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because! it's so rare." In the case of politicians the public is protected from ineptitude and apathy through term limits. Unfortunately for John Q. Citizen, the vast majority of government bureaucrats exist in an environment devoid of responsibility or accountability. Going All Out to Win a War Conventional warfare is getting to its limits. Soon wars will be fought by robots and on many more fronts, which will render civilization completely immobilized. What is going all out to win a war? What does that mean? We can do this with tactical nuclear weapons, germ warfare, poisoned water supply, etc. And as many of academia have said we should not do that because it is evil. They say the; "means are not justified by the ends." Yes, this is most likely true, but neither does war. If someone wages war against you, it is a little late to be talking about means and justifications, they are trying to kill you. I would debate then this fact "The ends do not justify the means." If we fight the war fair and they do not and we all die, who cares about means justifying anything, if you and I perish due to some lunatic with a nuclear weapon pointed at one of our cities or just parked in a container in downtown Las Angeles, Houston, Baltimore, Detroit or Chicago? Does it matter that you followed all the rules of war? Hell that is what the Brits did in the revolutionary war, lined up in rows and tried to fight a gentleman's war? Look there is nothing gentleman like about fighting a war or killing a member of your own species. Are Social Security Private Accounts a Good Deal or Raw Deal for African Americans? How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Calling the tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. -- Abraham Lincoln Adolph Hitler ADOLF HITLER: True Democracy and a Way Forward The process of researching this topic has been an interesting one. It seemed that it would be easy to find information on the Twelve Cycles of Truth if it formed the basis for the Iroquois Confederacy. However, it didn't take long to discover a distinct lack of information on the Twelve Cycles of Truth, while finding a vast amount of information on the Iroquois Confederacy. The Macedonian Lottery Every conflict has its economic moments and dimensions. The current conflict in Macedonia perhaps even more so. Ronald Reagan is Right Why is it that every single thing government does; it does not do well? Why is it that every single mistake of any real hurt is caused by the government? Why is it that every time government screws up AGAIN, we are told that they will fix the problem? Yah right? When has government ever fixed anything? Ronald Reagan once said the most scary words in the English Language were; "Hi, I'm from the Government; and I am here to help you!" he later said when asked about that quote that he could not recant it and offered advice to anyone who hears it; "RUN" he said. Truckers Take Some Hits and Keep On Trucking After 9-11 insurance rates on Independent Truck Drivers and smaller trucking companies showed an average increase of over 30%. Larger trucking companies are generally self insured, however incessant lawsuits have also hurt them and caused higher self insurance funds causing decreased earnings and thus higher over all shipping rates to the consumer. Are American Twins - Majority Rule and Public Opinion, Sometimes Just a Couple of Dumbbells? The idea that the majority shows the will of the people is a pretty good fix for now but it is not without its faults and weaknesses. That everyone decides to do something with one will is not now nor has ever been the promise of a perfect decision, direction or choice of any kind. ![]() |
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