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FTC Franchise Disclosure Law Invites Violations; Do Not Call Lists
The Federal trade Commission has a rule, which says that each potential franchise buyer must receive a uniform franchise offering circular. There are various things in the UFOC one of which is a complete listing of the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the franchisees in the system. The FTC suggests on their website that potential buyers call on these franchisees and ask questions in order to make an informed decision, yet is the same agency which has set up the Do Not Call Registry. Many of current franchisees get calls from franchise buyers who have received a UFOC from the franchisor, which they are interested in buying from. What about the current franchisees rights to privacy? Remember the FTC recommends buyers to call them? Many franchisee like 100 million other Americans are on the Federal Trade Commissions "Do Not Call List" yet the FTC is forcing franchisors to put their phone numbers on these document attachments and further recommending to call many of them on the list at random as part of the consumers due diligence? Many of our Nation's franchisees operate out of their homes. This is an invasion of privacy. Worse off what if an International Terrorist starts asking them lots of questions about how the a certain franchisee's business equipment works, what you can use it for? What if they ask this of a company, which uses a spray rig in the business. How about a lawn care business, carpet cleaning company, mobile cleaning service? What if they ask; what can you spray with it, Gallons Per Minute, soap ratios, inline injection nozzles? We already know that someone tried to use an SBA loan to buy a crop duster aircraft to go into business in FL who was a member of Al Queda? How do you know they did not shop franchisors too? Gaining valuable information? Do you know how many ChemLawn type businesses and opportunities are available in Florida alone? Do we really need to have so much over disclosure in franchising from the FTC to protect the consumer? Any more disclosure we are liable to kill the consumers of America and the FTC will be yet another accomplice to the demise of our country. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Seven Things That Make Me Angry I watch the TV news and I get angry. I really need to quit that. It's not good for my blood pressure. However, there are certain things that always get me going no matter how hard I try to ignore them. They get me hot under the collar and I guess they always will. I feel a need to vent right now, so I'll discuss seven of them below. (Hey, that's a nice round biblical number). TSA Missteps at Our Airports The TSA seems to have completely missed the ball at our airports. This is not to say that the Federal Government is completely and utterly incompetent, for that is a whole other debate possibly spanning a thousand agencies? It is also not an immediate call for privatization, as we have already seen the abuses in private police forces and prisons. Local Police Forces have consistently violated our right to free travel under the auspice of homeland security. Some conspiracy theorists claim the clauses in the Patriot Act II are merely a foreshadowing of events to come. These conspiracy theorists go as far as to say that current or near future leadership will use the next large terrorist act to declare Marshall Law and remove the remainder of our rights after they themselves cause the act. Of course such scenarios are more science fiction fantasy than any actual current trend, which are above and beyond the stories of Orson Wells. Yet as we stroll thru our nations airports waiting to board our aircraft one could wonder by the treatment a world where such activities were the norm everywhere you went. Lets Make Some Things Clear about John Thune/Dan Nelson/MetaBank MetaGate Let's make one thing clear: This Dan Nelson Automotive fiasco is not the bloggers' fault, not KELOLAND's fault, not the Iowa Attorney General's fault, not my fault. Let's take a look. Quality of Life and Freedom, Unilateral Discussion City Governments is their quest for; "quality of life" often lose sight of the revenue stream which derives the money to run their city. Of course this trend has been going on a very long time. People should remember that government exists because the people allow it to exist and it should also remember that you can always start throwing tea in the water when your government fails you. Why the United States just doesnt get the United Nations For years I have been amazed as I've listened to people here in the United States demonstrate their complete ignorance of the purpose and tremendous value of the United Nations, even to the point of our country not paying dues to the organization. Ambassador to the United Nations has often been viewed as a second-class or B-level diplomatic job and with the current Presidential perspective, the UN has become a troublesome entity and the appointment of an Ambassador a hassle. John Bolton, denied the appointment, knows what I'm talking about here. Politics The Republican Party became popular due to its view on the way conservative America thinks so the country goes republican. Monitoring Macedonia Close to 500,000 people - one in four - live under the poverty line in a country where the average monthly salary is less than 150 US dollars. More than one in three members of the workforce are chronically unemployed. With inflation up 5.5% in the last 12 months and taxes - borne disproportionately by the poor and the working class - at 37% of GDP, life is tough in this small, landlocked country. When faced with the choice between raising VAT from 5% to 19% on bare necessities (such as bread and milk), or extending the "temporary" "war" tax (0.5% on all financial transactions) - the finance minister of Macedonia, after an emotional all-night consultation involving the Prime Minister, chose the latter. The "war" tax brought in the equivalent of 2% of GDP (on an annualized basis) since it was introduced in July this year and helped to contain a dangerously soaring budget deficit, now at 9% (and rising) of a shrinking GDP. Yet, the controversial decision to extend it brought on sharp rebukes by local tax experts. The finance ministry also plans to cut expenditures by a further 50 million US dollars. Six Sigma Can Improve Government Practices Government bodies at any level, local, state, and Federal, can implement Six Sigma to improve customer service and increase the effectiveness of government. Although Six Sigma has its roots in private-sector manufacturing, it works just as effectively in governmental organizations and government will reap the same benefits as corporations. Public Notaries We are having a problem in America with Public Notaries, in many states. There is required 'errors and omissions insurance' and it costs quite a bit of money and many people have quit the profession. Yet we all find it difficult with all the ridiculous formswe have to sign to find a notary when we need one. More than ever people require extra forms, always with a notary. I applaud Gate's idea of passport and the others like AOL that copied his ideas. I applauded those who have now started using e-signatures. I applaud agencies, which have passwords, and you can do your forms online. I am also 100% behind the IRS in their e-filing progress. They have certainly streamlined things haven't they? The Lemon Dance: Why Government Doesn?t Work Former Senator, Daniel Moynihan, accurately summed up the situation when he posited that,"[t]he single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because! it's so rare." In the case of politicians the public is protected from ineptitude and apathy through term limits. Unfortunately for John Q. Citizen, the vast majority of government bureaucrats exist in an environment devoid of responsibility or accountability. There Ought to Be a Law The 'Land of the Free' is teaming with individual rights for citizens. We have the right to say what we want, do what we want, be who we want. How Small Business Benefits From Supporting Labor Unions For a short time I worked as a union officer for the office workers' union at Walt Disney studios. It was a very educational experience and one thing I learned is that people have a strange attitude about the relationship between unions and business management. All too many business managers think of the union as their enemy, and unfortunately too many union members think the same thing about management. The sad part of it is, both sides are working toward the same goals. Employees need to be working for a successful and prosperous company and the company needs to be a place where employees can be happy and productive. Maximizing Efficiency at Our Airports Our Airports have excess capacity, which is not being used due to the fact that many airliners sit during the nighttime and fly during the day. This is only one problem we have that can be solved through better optimization. You can go to any large airport in this country and see how few aircraft are taking off in the middle of the night. Water at the Roots of Twenty First Centurys Conflicts According to a postulate made by Ignacio Ramonet ecological resources are deemed to constitute the main cause of this new century. Water as a source of scourge concerns: oceans and seas on the one hand (that's over 71 of the globe surface) and access to potable water (underground reserve and rivers) on the other hand. Over the years, water has gradually become a stake at many levels The Internet Right ? Are They Doing It Right It looks overall like the liberals are advocating for no lines to be drawn on most matters. The right insists there are lines, very clear and important lines. This alone puts the right clearly ahead in the battle. The idea that there is nothing to fight for leaves the left with no real soldiers. There are of late, however, a lot of embarrassed civilians among their ranks. Those in the internet right are providing a good part of the scathe that discomforts them. Trucking and the Flow of Fuel There are many types of fuels besides that gasoline we put in our cars and use to cruise around. It is only the first that come to mind when we think of fuel; "Gasoline" for my car. What about "Diesel Fuel" for trucks? It is a huge amount of fuel. Think how many trucks there are on the road? All the independent truck drivers with those fancy rigs getting just about 5 mile per gallon depending on terrain, loads, speed and wind. Then of course the huge fleets of the grocery chains and giant companies like Wal-Mart. You have Publix, Albertson's, HEB, Kroger and Piggly Wiggly, which all with enormous fleets of their own. Then you have the large contract carriers like Swift, JB Hunt, Werner, Covenant, US Express, Dick Simon, etc. and the LTL Carriers? Less then Load Companies with gargantuan fleets and even with all the consolidation of companies like; Fed Ex Ground buying up Viking, American Freightways and others to form the third largest LTL; the mega merger of Roadway and Yellow Freight; the bankruptcy of Consolidated Freightways; these fleets have continued to buy fuel to get the products to market, deliver the materials and components to keep the world's economies turning. All this is made possible because the fuel is readily available at price threshold that is livable. Without it America stops. Conspiracy Theory; Kill Off the Old Folks Recently I met a man in a coffee shop, a conspiracy theorist, which had me cornered and began to get into a way-out conspiracy theory. As I listened to this crazy idea, he complained about all the usual folks. The Skull and Bones, Masonic Faith, Catholic Church, Trilateral Commission, etc., explaining they were all in this together along with the Globalists trying to develop a one-world currency, nation, people, etc. It appears when ever people do not understand something or some group they label them part of the conspiracy. The Morality of Using Stem Cells One third of all fertilized eggs spontaneously abort and are expelled from a woman's body. We do not have funerals or mourn these embryos. Could it be that they are not really "babies" yet? Only when it is convenient do people call these clumps of cells, babies or fetuses. They are not fetuses. Stem cells are retrieved when the embryo is about five days old. There is a big difference between an embryo and a fetus. The thought of not using a five day old clump of cells that is going to be thrown away is irrational. It is not a person. Yes, it is life but so is a cow headed for the slaughterhouse or a stalk of corn. Plastics In Our Nations Dumps and Landfills Long Term Environmental Effect of Plastics, Composites and Other Materials on Underground Water Supplies through Leaching and Decay. Dismal Performance of the NSA The NSA failed the American people and allowed the attack to occur on 9-11-2001. They had nearly an unlimited budget to work with, complete interagency trumping power and more data than God. Yet, they squandered away our chances in another huge bureaucracy of epic proportions. It is unacceptable for failure. Government's number one job is to protect the American people, yet with all the funding, black budgets and manpower they failed. Why is this? Has the NSA become weak, drowned in bureaucracy with over zealous ladder climbing incompetence? Yes, in fact this is what happened. Could I do a better job? Yes, any one could. Including my mother. It is pathetic to think with all the data available, all the information, all the little petty weak humans sneaking around and collecting all our private information that they could not even catch the hijackers of 9-11 who had FAA certificates, drivers licenses, VISAs and lived right out in the open? ![]() |
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