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Conspiracy Theory; Kill Off the Old Folks
Recently I met a man in a coffee shop, a conspiracy theorist, which had me cornered and began to get into a way-out conspiracy theory. As I listened to this crazy idea, he complained about all the usual folks. The Skull and Bones, Masonic Faith, Catholic Church, Trilateral Commission, etc., explaining they were all in this together along with the Globalists trying to develop a one-world currency, nation, people, etc. It appears when ever people do not understand something or some group they label them part of the conspiracy. He pointed to the pension crisis issues with Airlines, Steel Mills, Auto Industry and how the largest corporations of America were fixing to renege on their pension promises. Citing the 15 Billion Dollars in under funded pension contributions of General Motors. He names about 10 or so companies, many of which have been in the news. He said this was just a start and that the United States Government would end up reneging on its pension promises along with the Department of Defense so they could funnel money to large defense contractors for the World War III build up. He was really going over board with the whole thing and how the re-distribution of wealth, pending war and global pandemic would end up killing the week and poor who could not afford or have available any vaccines to stop the spread. He explained that those powers that be, needed a way to save themselves from the financial crisis that Japan had due to their aging populations. He explained that Europe was next but trying to bring in a younger work force of Muslims and Eastern Europeans to provide the necessary productivity to sustain the aging population and how it was not working very well. He talked about the Mexican influx of illegal aliens. Of course I told him he was nuts, but he certainly got me thinking about the issues and future crisis we face. The N5H1 Bird Flu is serious enough and as it spreads thru human populations it could kill the most "unhealthy" 20% in the world. He would not let me escape and then told me that we cannot afford to feed the Africans or even stop AIDS and that this was Mother Natures way with a little help from those who run the world of human populations to fix a problem gone out of control which now threatens their power base? My question to you is; "Where on Earth do these crazy conspiracy theorists come from and why do we allow them to drink coffee?" "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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US Trade Deficit with Bordering Neighbors The trade deficit with Canada is now 50 Billion per year. The amount of money sent back Mexico each week from migrant labor and/or illegal aliens is estimated at 8 billion per week. That is 416 Billion per year, not all that comes back here, over half moves to other lands including Cuba a non-trading partner and China which already have incredibly huge trade deficits with. As we trade with other nations and uplift their economies it provides us too with benefits. Peaceful and successful neighbors and trading partners makes for smooth relationships. We must worry however that if we are paying interest on the money, which is no longer in our economy much of which will not come back, then in fact we are fueling their economies and paying the interest too. Is the US the world's co-signer and if so, shouldn't we have a few guarantees and a level playing field? One could say by increasing their economies, we develop a middle class there and their citizens will then be able to afford what we sell, this is good. However if for instance Mexico trades and buys most of their consumables from China, then the money will flow to their shores instead of ours. However if we (our businesses and citizens) invest in China then we will get back some of this in growth. One could conclude that although there is a trade deficit in consumables those who of us who own mutual funds, which have emerging markets strategies, we will receive benefit and return of those dollars. When simply looking at the trade deficits, one might conclude we are in dire straights, that of course being a factual short-term view, but on further review one might also see the long-term strategy and see that as the world comes closer together everyone wins. Dismal Performance of the NSA The NSA failed the American people and allowed the attack to occur on 9-11-2001. They had nearly an unlimited budget to work with, complete interagency trumping power and more data than God. Yet, they squandered away our chances in another huge bureaucracy of epic proportions. It is unacceptable for failure. Government's number one job is to protect the American people, yet with all the funding, black budgets and manpower they failed. Why is this? Has the NSA become weak, drowned in bureaucracy with over zealous ladder climbing incompetence? Yes, in fact this is what happened. Could I do a better job? Yes, any one could. Including my mother. It is pathetic to think with all the data available, all the information, all the little petty weak humans sneaking around and collecting all our private information that they could not even catch the hijackers of 9-11 who had FAA certificates, drivers licenses, VISAs and lived right out in the open? Public Procurement and Very Private Benefits In every national budget, there is a part called "Public Procurement". This is the portion of the budget allocated to purchasing services and goods for the various ministries, authorities and other arms of the executive branch. It was the famous management consultant, Parkinson, who once wrote that government officials are likely to approve a multi-billion dollar nuclear power plant much more speedily that they are likely to authorize a hundred dollar expenditure on a bicycle parking device. This is because everyone came across 100 dollar situations in real life - but precious few had the fortune to expend with billions of USD. Government is a Franchise System; just not a very good one Few understand the Franchising Format and even fewer have correlated that to our modern government structure. The United States Government is set up much like a franchising system. You are well aware of modern day franchise systems like McDonalds although you probably had never thought of our government as a franchise. Of course if it is a franchise it is a humongous one indeed. Since government runs inefficiently; why do we need so much? Since it most resembles a franchise system, why is not run efficiently like one? And exactly how could one consider that its structure is similar to that of a modern day franchising company? The European Bank for the Retardation of Development In typical bureaucratese, the pensive EBRD analyst ventures with the appearance of compunction: "A number of projects have fallen short of acceptable standards (notice the passive, exculpating voice - SV) and have put the reputation of the bank at risk". If so, very little was risked. The outlandish lavishness of its City headquarters, the apotheosis of the inevitable narcissism of its first French Chairman (sliding marble slabs, motion sensitive lighting and designer furniture) - is, at this stage, its only tangible achievement. In the territories of its constituencies and shareholders it is known equally for its logy pomposity, the irrelevance of its projects, its lack of perspicacity and its Kafkaesque procedures. And where the IMF sometimes indulges in oblique malice and corrupt opaqueness, the EBRD wallows merely in avuncular inefficacy. Both are havens of insouciant third rate economists and bankers beyond rating. Positive People Power - Taking Control By Being Proactive NOT Reactive! WE MUST PUT A STOP TO THE EVER-INCREASING PRICE OF OIL! MORAL ARMORS Economic Warning for Americans For years we've suffered under recession, prompting us to ask, When will it end? My answer is, "It's only the beginning." Illegal Aliens and Homeland Security; Rants from Lance 2003 Is it just me or are you concerned that illegal aliens were working on a nuclear submarine in San Diego? Is it just me or are you upset that 81,000 people come over the border in Laredo TX every day to shop and from there can go nearly anywhere if they time their travel correctly? Is it just me or are you concerned that we only have our borders secured in one direction, coming into the country? Is it just me or are you concerned about the two houses with tunnels from Mexico to the US with handrails and lighting and cement sides, roof and floor that was just found, but had been there for two decades? At least it was ADA Compliant? Conservation of Water in Big Cities Water Conservation in larger cities is less of an issue publicly than in smaller cities, yet in reality it is more important in larger cities to conserve to allow smaller cities to exist. This is ironic, however truth because a small city that saves a lot is a mere drop in the bucket to the amount of water a big city can save when each person saves only a small amount, because those little amounts are multiplied by the masses into true water savings. Mexican Living: A Disabled Man Speaks for Terri I am an incurably ill American male forced to leave America to afford the medical care I needed. I live in Mexico. I now live in a country where "pulling the plug" for whatever reason is illegal! Regulatory Hooey Protects Us From Our Own Health Legislation is getting legs to further curtail your use of nutritional supplements. Not too long ago, prior to passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) ? which was accomplished by millions of letters to legislators by people like you ? the FDA acted like a Gestapo against supplements, manufacturers and professional advocates. They would raid at gunpoint the medical offices of doctors advocating the merits of nutritional supplements, shut down manufacturers, harass stores, confiscate products and prevent education of the public on nutritional labels. You know, because so many people were dying of supplements like Coenzyme Q-10 and herbs like the natural sweetener stevia. Chinese Military Build Up - Sun Tzu and Chinese War Machine We are currently seeing a build up in China of their military, with 7 new classes of warships. Buying of 15 Billion worth of jet fighters from Russia, advances in Space which can lead to Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, Electromagnetic Weapons, training and recruiting of personal for army. Taiwan is extremely concerned as is Japan, Russia is thrilled having been able to sell them technologically advanced weaponry. Our defense industry is upset seeing sales go to other countries, also alarming in our trade deficit and money flows out of our country to China, which is being used to buy the weapons in the first place. Airbus is establishing a military division to catch some of that money flow too, having watched Boeing which also sells military and commercial make major end roads to markets thru R and D partially coming from US Government, which as we know has been a debate in the EU and fair trade rules as Airbus is funded in part and subsidized by European governments who are simultaneously deficit spending. The selling of weapons in the world is quite alarming and makes the case for Iranian or North Korea's nuclear weapon ambitions a tough one, in that shouldn't a country have the right to defend itself? A worthy debate although a government, which has proved untrustworthy in the past obviously should never be trusted with such destructive power which once used would surely change the history of mankind. A Look Ahead to 2008 (Part II) Last week, I began my look ahead to the 2008 presidential campaign with the potential Republican candidates. Today, I will continue by taking a look at the potential Democratic candidates. Among them are New York Senator and former First Lady Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, North Carolina Senator John Edwards, Illinois Senator-elect Barack Obama, Nevada Senator Harry Reid, and Virginia Governor Mark Warner. NASA Budget Space Shuttle Thoughts Regarding the issues with the Space Shuttle and the in flight explosion of the Columbia. I believe that of course that hindsight is always easy to use to place blame, however we must continue the program and the Space Shuttle as it sits may not be the best technology as newer technology is now available for re-useable craft such as; Dealing with Massive Prisoners of War In the last Gulf War we saw thousands of enemy soldiers giving up. Killing them is against Geneva Convention and they know it. So the soldiers simply laid down their weapons and said; "I give up, feed me!" Obviously we were snookered by this tactic, but it really came as no great surprise. Rather than taking these prisoners in and putting up the costs to feed them until after a war has ended, why not hibernate them instead. In other words take their bodies down by 90% and hibernate them like a bear. Is this really possible? Yes, with a little bit of funding it surely is possible, as a matter of fact a gentleman by the name of Mark Roth and his associates have successfully put mice into suspended animation using hydrogen sulfide gas in the proper ratios. Normally hydrogen sulfide gas can be a deadly toxic gas but in the right amounts it merely puts mammals to sleep. Perhaps we could simply fire rockets or cluster bomb smart munitions filled with this gas into the advancing enemy, pile up the bodies and put them into a cage and when they finally do wake up, feed them and then put them to sleep again. Of course taking out a few for interrogations. Freedom on the Internet Throughout all recorded history on our lovely little planet, Earth's human beings have been concerned with a few main ideals. One of these is the idea of freedom. Freedom, what is it? What does it mean to you? To look at it simply and in context of communication, I'd say that it is the right to express oneself within certain moral boundaries. Recently I have discovered that the incredible tool of the Internet is being infected by some of our imperfect human beliefs (a sign of the perfect balance in Nature). Check out a website called 'Reporters Without Borders'. This site is dedicated to both freedom of speech for the masses as well as to the safety of the people who are trying to share true unadulterated stories with the wider community. In the site's Internet section I came across a new article about MSN Spaces, the blogging software from one of America's and the world's biggest companies, Microsoft. Well, it seems that in China they have agreed to have the words 'democracy' and 'Dalai Lama' completely rejected by the system, therefore censoring every on-line journal in China using this software. Looking at the Dalai Lama I don't get a feeling of hostile intent... 911 Could Have Been Prevented, Was It Bush?s Fault? September 11, 2001 could have been prevented. We could have stopped that International Terrorist Act had we just employed a few simple tools. If we would have simply kept our eyes and ears open and had a plan in place. Was it Bush's fault? No, it was America's fault. It is our fault for thinking every thing was fine and that the CIA and FBI could protect us from any one of a hundred different types of attacks. International Terrorists have so many ways to attack us. Public Schools Are Un-American Compulsory-attendance laws force parents to send their children to public schools. These laws presume that the politicians we vote into office, our agents, have the right to take away parents' liberty and inalienable rights. To Grow Out Of Unemployment There is a connection between economic growth and unemployment. There is a connection between growth and inflation. Therefore, commonsense (and financial theory) goes, there must be a connection between inflation and unemployment. A special measure of this connection is the Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU). Supposedly, this is the rate of unemployment which still does not influence inflation. If unemployment goes below NAIRU, inflationary pressures begin to exert themselves. Religion, Wars and Civilization Many are quick to point out the benefits of religion in civilization as the bond that keeps us together; a bond, which keeps society from disrupting into chaos and spontaneously turning to anarchy. Yet, to do so without discussion of the flip side of the coin is misleading at best. Religion may have its place in mankind's groupings, but we must understand what we give up for it in return for its few benefits. ![]() |
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