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Public Schools Are Un-American
Compulsory-attendance laws force parents to send their children to public schools. These laws presume that the politicians we vote into office, our agents, have the right to take away parents' liberty and inalienable rights. Compulsory education means that in America, contrary to the common view, we no longer live in the land of the free. Local and state governments that claim the right to control our children's education also claim, in effect, that they own our children's minds and lives for twelve years. That is an appallingly arrogant claim, especially in America. One reason public schools get away with educational murder, year after year, is because local governments violate parents' liberty and parental rights with impunity. Local governments don't own or run food stores, auto showrooms, office-supply stores, or pre-schools and private colleges in America. Yet they own the public schools and control 1st through 12th grade education in America. Do government officials have any right to dictate how we should educate our children? To answer this question, we have to examine what our Founding Fathers understood to be the real function of government. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson clearly stated the moral nature and purpose of government: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness-that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . . ." The Declaration of Independence affirms that we have natural rights as human beings to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." It establishes the principle that we, the people, acting individually and by free consent, created our government only to protect and secure our natural rights as human beings. That is government's sole legitimate function. Look again at the phrase from the Declaration that says, "governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." The "governed" means all the people, not just some, not a minority, and not a majority. It means that all citizens, including parents, have the same inalienable rights. That phrase also means that government is our agent, not our master. It means that we, as free human beings, voluntarily grant limited powers to government for a specific purpose, to protect our natural rights. It means that government should only have those powers we specifically grant to it for that purpose. Yet, nowhere in the Constitution is the word "education" mentioned. The Constitution did not give the federal government any right or power to control how parents educate their children. By implication, state governments do not have any such right or power either, because such a power would violate our fundamental liberties. Nature and justice confirm that parents have the right to decide who educates their children. Like parents of all species, most human parents protect and nurture their children and teach them the skills and knowledge they need to survive. Parents in all cultures make teaching their children a first priority. Since reading, writing, and arithmetic are skills needed to prosper in a modern society, it stands to reason that most parents will find a way to teach these skills to their children if the means are available. Joel Turtel is the author of "Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children." Website: http://www.mykidsdeservebetter.com, Article Copyrighted © 2005 by Joel Turtel.
Making Peace with Our Ancestors and Neighbors As a result of the conflict analysis exercise and a workshop conducted earlier this year by the Liberia Community Infrastructure Program, (LCIP), participants indicated a strong resentment of ex-combatants by the war affected community leading to traditional cleansing ceremonies. Sentiments from both tribes indicated a mutual approval/acceptance of the Zalakai/Zalayei traditional healing process; only being assisted by LCIP. Villagers spoke of not only their support of peace, but more so, the importance of cleansing the desecrated land where people were killed, but not buried; sisters with brothers, but not married. Although past programs have stemmed from studies of post war conflict in other countries, the inclusion of traditional ceremonies integrated into western theory are influencing the real life healing processes. "We must go back to our ancestors to cleanse the land and women can restore the customs of our secret societies and traditional sites. PTO - Patent and Trademark Office needs complete overhaul Recently in Maine, I talked with a gentleman and we discussed at a coffee shop the issues concerning the Patent and Trademark Offices and the slow processing problems with registration of everything from a simple patent or concept patent to a Registered Trademark or Service Mark. Also this past week had an email conversation with a gentleman from NC in a small business regarding weak trademark and service mark case law in several states and at the Federal Level and how that affected him and the owner of a mark in Ohio. Also discussed the issues with an Aussie who now lives in BC Canada with regards to a cross border US Competitor using a name he intends to use and has already used in Canadian Commerce. First use laws and case laws are different that in Canada and the US. And certainly no trademark is worth a dollar in China. Some would disagree if you have the right attorney there in that country. I had mentioned these types of issues in a letter to the FTC and discussed the problems with patent law and not knowing, the patent books, which explain all this are over 400 plus pages now and when you are done reading them you may or may not know enough to get the job done. Hypocrisy of Over Regulation All to often law makers and regulators create rules and regulations using a linear mindset. They claim they understand the issues, even have public hearings to prove it. Yet the people who are able to attend such things are usually lawyers and losers. Losers because anyone in the market place who was winning does not have time to show up, they are too busy producing and participating in their respective industries. So they hire attorneys to show up and talk with regulators. Those attorneys who have no real clients of any value also show up because they know be getting in bed with the regulators and bending over a little, they can get the occasional reach around in the process and a little juice. This can help them get good corporate clients and make big bucks. All these scoundrel, I mean attorneys have to do is promise the regulators jobs when they get sick of the bureaucracy. Regional Grid Power Backup; Energy Ideas Our Hydro-electricity accounts for some 20% of our current needs. Hydro Power; think of that? We do use the most electricity per capita than any other country in the World, but we also have the strongest middle class and rank near the top in quality of life and standard of living. For instance try living in Baghdad at 120 degrees with no air conditioning. We have done quite well with our hydro in this country and much of this has to due with the abundant flow of water. Of course recently in many regions of the United States severe droughts have hurt our ability to make electricity from hydro. Joseph Campbell - Permanent Human Values At the start of the US involvement in WWII Joseph Campbell was put in the position of having to defend culture and truth rather than go along with the crazed nationalism and outright invasion of so many public institutions through all manner of propaganda. He ended up being accused of being a Nazi by many who should have known better. The Bollingen Foundation was backed by Mellon family money and it sought to establish an integrative disciplinary approach including the mystical precepts of Mircae Eliade and Carl Jung. It was a truly good effort that still brings culture and Brotherhood values through the many books they published. Their efforts at Eranos deserve close attention for any scholar seeking to understand the positive side of the old-money families or elites. I wonder if the Elite sometimes do demonstrate a beneficent paternalism when I see these good efforts. The speech that follows stands as true or truer today, than when he gave it to the ladies at Sarah Lawrence College, where he was a professor. Why Can?t We Have a More Responsive Government? The great people of the United States of America deserve and should have a more responsive government. What is the problem; we are the government; so why are we holding ourselves back? Let's get busy and get it done. Dog catchers, building plans, code enforcement, even the city councils, county commissioners should be as responsive as the police departments, FedEx or the American Automobile Club. After all if, a customer calls, who pays taxes they should be given the same service that Dominos Pizza would give them if you called for a pizza. Why can it not be this way? Truth is it can. How to Become a Whistle Blower Since the United States Government is promoting the whistle blower concept it is every citizens duty to report fraud and abuse of power in any branch of government. We must have an equal and level playing field. If the government relies on snitches, tattle tales and disgruntled whistle blowers to make up lies and report them to government regulators and honors such folks, then this is a clear signal to seek out dishonest government. The Halakah and Neo Cons These leaders like the Rothschilds who backed Crowley's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn or Hitler's Golden Centurion groups around the world, have members of their De Brix clan who have been adept at esoterics for a very long time. When Cosimo De Medicis paid to have the Corpus Hermeticum translated and put his clan name on the book (De Brix) he was not the first 'dabbler' in these arts from this family. Melchizedek is perhaps the first of this family that history has records about, who was such an adept. The Hanes Taliesin does trace this history. Protecting Children From Porn There's a new Michigan state register (at https://www.protectmichild.com/) in the works to create a database of e-mail addresses that cannot (under penalty of the law) be spammed with content that could be deemed objectionable to children, most notably porn. The database will extend to include pager and cell phone numbers sometime in the future. Right now, it's sort of like the national DO NOT CALL registry, but for electronic mail. The FTC Purports and Misrepresents Their Law Enforcement Experience as It Attacks Business We should all give much kudos to the Federal Trade Commission. We sincerely compliment you on your misdirection, smoke screams and use of self-aggrandizement to further justify the on-going ability to govern, lead, legislate, regulate, and enforce law in the franchising industry. Many of the fear tactics and public relations ploys at the Federal Trade Commission show tactics straight out of the Machiavellian Play Book. Therefore we believe some sort of award is deserved for such strict adherence to that methodology. Nurturing Global Disequilibrium This brings to our consciousness, issues concerning the ever rising level of inequality prevalent in our times with its attendant fallout and imbalance within our global system. Bringing Back Mining Jobs to the United States With new environmental technologies and modern efficiency methods in mining can we revive this sector of our economy. It would be great for manufacturing costs and coupled with the current low dollar we stand to make gain quite a bit if we can. By doing this the job of doing mining correctly it is feasible, but environmental laws are not the only regulations that mining operations have to deal with, once you let those bastard regulators on the property they are only interested in finding something wrong to pay for their trip. Business: ?Where Is America Headed To??, New York Millionaire Wonders Hello! Happy new year. May you live a long healthy life and prosper. Bush and Kerry Differ on Immigration Policies Up until the final debate at Arizona State University, the issue of immigration had not been much discussed. Both presidential candidates know very well that illegal immigration is a hot button topic in our country, and each man is now trying to use it to his political advantage. Since the eighties the Democratic Party has, in general, supported immigrants and has been for fair and just immigration laws. Tax Attorney? You Might Need One; The City of Portland is Going After Small Businesses The City of Portland is going after any small business, which does business in their city even if they are from another town or even in a neighboring state. The politicians said the city is losing 4 million in year in revenues? Maybe, but they do not deserve them anyway with an attitude like that. This is criminal for politicians to call small businesses tax cheats, when they lack the integrity to tell the truth themselves. How Can We Prevent Black Outs and Protect the Grid? The idea is to have all the important items with minimal back-up systems while things are restored. There are so many ideas we have not explored and should explore. With a little proper usage and conservation and a cohesive plan, the Grid should be so safe and capable that it no longer will be looked on as a target of those who wish us ill. Even devises can be made that lay on the drive way and the drive wheels of the car sit on them and they spin wheels generating electricity for the house. People would not be totally without electricity in the event of a Black out, rolling brown out, or large transmission line failure. Traveling the country in a motor home and being self-contained gives me a little different perspective on things than most. It is time to put together a complete plan for the next 100 years to insure trouble free electricity and power for the country and then the world. Maybe at that point we can look into some revolutionary harvesting of space energy? Eminent Domain Suggested as Cost Saving Measure in DC Washington DC council member David Catania actually suggested that the council should consider claiming eminent domain of certain widely prescribed pharmaceutical formulas in order to help reign in rising drug costs for the city. Catania suggests that the patents should be acquired by the government through the mayor's declaration of a public health emergency and then generic manufacturers would be contacted to produce the drugs for cheaper than they are commercially available. A Journey Through History History repeats itself, goes the cliche. It does so, perhaps, for the human beings to have more than one chance of learning a lesson if they have missed out on the first opportunity. If Pakistani history is anything to go by, it is a clear indication that they, as a nation, happen to be pretty dumb fellows, unable to learn anything at all despite the fact that history has been very kind to them by way of repeating the same chain of events time and time again. They sure have disappointed history on this count. No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual The No Child Left Behind can work if the Federal Government will put up content on the website and allow for those who are; Behind in studies, about to miss a grade level advancement, perform poorly on general tests, at home schooling students (when parents have no knowledge in subject matter), are in Juvenile Hall, live in areas very rural, have disorders, or have injuries which prevent attendance or need Summer School catch up work. Is George Bush Two-Faced? Yes, Bush is two-faced. The two sides of the faces are total opposites. His personal left side shows he is happy and relaxed. |
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