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Seven Things That Make Me Angry
I watch the TV news and I get angry. I really need to quit that. It's not good for my blood pressure. However, there are certain things that always get me going no matter how hard I try to ignore them. They get me hot under the collar and I guess they always will. I feel a need to vent right now, so I'll discuss seven of them below. (Hey, that's a nice round biblical number). (1) Unrighteous indignation. What right do convicted felons serving time in prison have to punish someone else for their sins? They have no right whatsoever, but they do it all the time and the system winks at it. Very often, we'll hear about a convicted child molester, for example, being assaulted or killed by another inmate. The sad part is that society has grown to accept this kind of behavior as a fact of life and, in many cases, seems to approve of it because of our deep hatred for certain kinds of criminals. Actually, God doesn't give anyone, not even the best of us, the right to hate anyone else, not even someone like Hitler or Osama Bin Laden. When it comes to punishment for crimes, only those with clean records have a right to apply it, and then only in a lawful manner in keeping with the due process of law. Apparently, most of us, including members of the news media, have forgotten this precept. (2) Forced acceptance. I'm a very tolerant person. I believe in religious freedom for all. I don't believe in so-called "crimes against nature" laws. I believe everyone should be free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't directly affect anyone else. However, I wish the liberal busybodies would quit trying to force me to accept other people's life styles, religions, customs, and cultures. Isn't tolerance good enough? Apparently, it isn't. I'm now being told that I must accept homosexuality as the moral equal to heterosexuality or risk being branded a "homophobe." I must now accept other religions as being on a par with Christianity. It is politically incorrect to acknowledge Christianity as the only true religion. Instead, I am told that I must worship at the alter of diversity. In the name of multiculturalism, I must now refrain from viewing mainstream American culture and customs and as being superior to other cultures and customs. Otherwise, I risk failing the sensitivity test. (3) Government coercion and confiscation. No law-abiding citizen should ever have to give up life, limb, liberty, or property (other than reasonable taxes) at the behest of government. However, all of these things happen or have happened, even in our beloved United States. People who have not been charged with crimes have been and continue to be detained for various reasons. The USA Patriot Act, among other things, places controls on where we can go and how we can use and store our cash. The concept of eminent domain is utilized every day to confiscate people's property. For years, we had a military draft in this country and may have it again soon. A draft is not needed as people can be enticed into the military with enhanced salaries and benefits (which I'm all for). In times when that isn't enough, I don't see why convicts can't be allowed the option of going into the military in lieu of their prison sentences. A draft, however, takes productive, law-abiding citizens by force and places their lives in jeopardy. To me, that's almost the same as executing innocent people! (4) Censorship. Other than for reasons of national security, censorship should never be used. Free adults should be allowed to choose whatever they want to view or hear and should be allowed to regulate what their children can see or hear. The marketplace should be the only deciding factor as to what is available. A free market system will provide what people want and discard what they don't want. Each individual should have the right to decide what is offensive to him or her. No one should be given the right to decide that for another adult. Besides being a violation of a person's basic rights to exercise his or her own tastes, censorship is problematic for another reason. Those doing the censoring rarely have enough common sense to avoid throwing the baby out with the bath water. In other words, stuff that most people would find acceptable or even desirable tends to get thrown out along with the obvious garbage. (5) Double standards. Why is it "okay" for a man to be sexually promiscuous, while a woman behaving that way is considered a slut? Why do many fathers tell their sons to "have fun", while telling their daughters they better not? In my opinion, sexual impurity just as bad for one gender as it is for the other. Why are only men required to register for the draft? Isn't that government-sponsored sexism? Why are married men with kids encouraged to be safe, while single men without kids are not? Shouldn't a high level of safety be stressed for everyone? Why can we have black history celebrations, Miss Black America pageants, black congressional caucuses, and so forth, but not the corresponding items for whites? Would their white equivalents be racist? Maybe, but not necessarily. Personally, I think we should forget about race and strive toward Martin Luther King's ideal of a colorblind society. However, as long as we continue to identify people by race, his dream will never come to fruition. (6) Too many lawsuits awarding too much money. Many small communities no longer have the services of an obstetrician. Medical costs are skyrocketing. No company within the borders of the U.S. now produces flu shots. Most of this is due to out-of-control lawsuits in which juries award ridiculous amounts of money. Lawsuits for accidental or negligent behavior should be limited to actual damages only. No pain and suffering or punitive damage awards should be made in those cases. Lawsuits for intentional misconduct that don't involve physical injury should be limited to actual damages and punitive damages. Only lawsuits for intentional misconduct involving physical injury should be eligible for pain and suffering damage awards. Lawsuits involving the consequences from things that people do to themselves, ex., smoking or overeating, should never be allowed and not even be taken seriously. (7) Nation building with American blood. If George W. Bush wants to "export freedom", that's fine with me. It's certainly an honorable endeavor and there are many ways to do it without placing our military personnel in harm's way. However, Americans should never have to shed their blood fighting for someone else's freedom, especially in when it's unclear whether many of the people we're trying to liberate actually want the kind of freedom we're trying to bestow on them. Despite what some will have us believe, it is neither our duty nor in our interest to remove tyrants that are not a direct and imminent threat to our security. If people of other countries yearn for freedom, let them take up arms and fight for it themselves. Americans will be more than happy to provide encouragement and send weapons and other types of aid. Terry Mitchell is a software engineer, freelance writer, and trivia buff from Hopewell, VA. He also serves as a political columnist for American Daily and operates his own website - http://www.commenterry.com - on which he posts commentaries on various subjects such as politics, technology, religion, health and well-being, personal finance, and sports. His commentaries offer a unique point of view that is not often found in mainstream media.
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Simple Middle East Peace Plan I. WARS ARE BASIC CONFLICTS OVER LAND. II. BOUNDARIES. THE STATE OF ISRAEL SHALL BASICALLY BE HER PRE-1967 BORDERS, EXCEPT FOR THEIR MUNICIPAL JURISDICTION IN JERUSALEM. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE SHALL BE THE WEST BANK AND GAZA. THE BOUNDARIES OF SYRIA SHALL BE HER PRE-1967 BORDERS. III. CITIZENSHIP. JEWISH PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME JEWISH CITIZENS OF THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE; PALESTINIAN PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN ISRAEL SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME ISRAELI CITIZENS; JEWISH PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN SYRIA SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME JEWISH CITIZEN'S OF SYRIA. IV. IMMIGRATION. THE RIGHTS OF JEWISH PERSONS TO TRAVEL AND LIVE IN THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE AND THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINIAN PERSONS TO TRAVEL AND LIVE IN ISRAEL SHALL BE EQUAL. THE GOVERNMENT IN THE ACTUAL COUNTRY OF IMMIGRATION SHALL SET THE LAWS, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND ACTS GOVERNING TRAVEL AND IMMIGRATION. V. JERUSALEM. THE RIGHTS OF ALL PEOPLE TO TRAVEL AND PRAY IN THE WALLED CITY OF JERUSALEM SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. THE WALLED CITY OF JERUSALEM SHALL BE SACRED LAND WITH EQUAL SOVEREIGNTY AND RIGHTS TO ALL RELIGIONS, PEOPLES AND PERSONS WHO HONOR THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM. BOTH ISRAELI AND PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP AND DUAL CITIZENSHIP WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THE RESIDENTS OF JERUSALEM. VI. JURISDICTION. THE GOVERNMENT'S SOVEREIGNTY OVER PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY RIGHTS; AND CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS SHALL BE THAT GOVERNMENT'S IN THE ACTUAL LAND OF THE COUNTRY OF USAGE AND OCCURRENCE. PALESTINE, ISRAEL AND SYRIA AGREE TO DROP ANY AND ALL PAST PROPERTY, POLITICAL, CIVIL, CRIMINAL, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS BETWEEN AND AMONG EACH NATIONS, PEOPLES, PERSONS, CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS. ALL NATIONS, PEOPLES, PERSONS, CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS AGREE TO HONOR AND RESPECT THE GOVERNMENT'S SOVEREIGNTY OF NEW LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND ACTIONS. ISRAEL, PALESTINE AND SYRIA AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ANY FINAL APPEAL VOTE. VII. FOREMOST RIGHTS WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CURRENT USER AND USE. VIII. CAPITOLS. THE RIGHTS OF ISRAEL TO HAVE THEIR EXISTING CAPITOL BUILDING IN JERUSALEM, AND THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINE TO HAVE THEIR CAPITOL BUILDING IN RAMALLAH SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. IX. DEMILITARIZATION. UPON THE PRIME MINISTER'S APPROVAL OF THE PALESTINIAN, ISRAELI AND SYRIAN PEOPLE, THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME OPERATIONAL. ISRAELI DEMILITARIZATION TO HER BASIC BORDERS SHALL BEGIN OCTOBER 31, 2004 AND BE EFFECTIVE BY MAY 1, 2005. THEREAFTER, THE TERRITORIES THAT WERE OCCUPIED SHALL REMAIN DEMILITARIZED BY ISRAEL, PALESTINE AND SYRIA. X. FINAL APPEAL. ANY FINAL APPEAL OR DETERMINATION WILL BE DETERMINED BY A MAJORITY VOTE BY A THREE PERSON COMMITTEE MADE UP OF A PALESTINIAN, ISRAELI AND AMERICAN MINISTER. A MAJORITY VOTE IS A REQUIREMENT TO HEAR A FINAL APPEAL OR DETERMINATION. US Government Owes Martha Stewart 1 Billion Dollars The prosecutors in the Martha Stewart Case used testimony from an FBI agent who lied under oath to secure a conviction. The prosecutors knowingly and willfully allowed the FBI agent to tell a lie while he was a witness in the courtroom. This is fascinating indeed as they could not convict Martha Stewart for insider trading, so instead tried to get her on a lying technicality to the investigators. So in essence the government lied to convict a Billionaire Tax Paying employer who built her business on blood sweat and tears from scratch on a charge of lying. How can we as Americans actually ever believe in Justice in this country when we cannot even trust our own government to tell the truth? In other words does "Truth, Justice and the American Way" still exist in America? Did it ever? Does the government always lie under oath? Adminstration of E-Business Taxation The entry by telephone and cable companies into the Internet service provider business within the last few years has given new hope to the congestion problem in that they now have a vested interest in investing in infrastructure. The Internet connection and set-up cost are not inexpensive for every business; however, the competitive cost of not having it probably outweighs the financial cost of connectivity. Even if businesses deal with customers that are domestic or local, reaching the customer is only one aspect of the Internet. It can be used to communicate with suppliers to build supply networks, order materials, sales or other information 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. We Are Turning a Corner in Foreign Relations, Thanks GW Bush! Kudos goes out to the George Walker Bush's Administration and long-term strategy in the world to take the high road in our foreign relations policy. Today we see relief donations coming in from around the world, why? Well because despite what you read in the newspapers about our Middle East efforts, it shows that we, America, is seen as a country with the right attitude and vision. We have helped people and nations around the world and now, in our time of need we see a reciprocal response. America Needs an Education Reinvention Bill NOW! In order to build a stronger, more self-sufficient America, America must first be willing to change. To build a progressive and competitive society, America's most important challenge is to change its antiquated educational system. In every political administration, education must be first and foremost. Without a strong and revitalized educational system, America will never progress to greatness nor be able to alleviate any of our other ills. Voting Pro-Environment is Good For Jobs, Health, and Security There are many issues on the minds of US voters these days, but according to national polls, the environment ranks ...um... somewhere above hemp policy and just below humane treatment for Teletubbies. Illegal Aliens and Homeland Security; Rants from Lance 2003 Is it just me or are you concerned that illegal aliens were working on a nuclear submarine in San Diego? Is it just me or are you upset that 81,000 people come over the border in Laredo TX every day to shop and from there can go nearly anywhere if they time their travel correctly? Is it just me or are you concerned that we only have our borders secured in one direction, coming into the country? Is it just me or are you concerned about the two houses with tunnels from Mexico to the US with handrails and lighting and cement sides, roof and floor that was just found, but had been there for two decades? At least it was ADA Compliant? Ohio Department of Transportation; Sector Economic Reality Ohio's transportation sector seems to be strong, even with Ohio's outrageous attack on the trucking industry. That one has to be politics. One State patrol officer told us that they are suppose to pull over 80% commercial and 20% private vehicles. This means on Friday nights when you have drunk drivers if you pull over 2 cars then you have to pull over 8 trucks, well at 2 am, that just might be half of all trucks. Then of course having to justify yourself you look around for a way to write a ticket? Water Conservation, Retention and Better Policies As the populations expand in Colorado outside of Denver, Las Vegas, North County San Diego, Atlanta, Phoenix, Tucson, San Bernardino, Riverside, Albuquerque, etc; The West will need to look to transferring the load of cities like Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Diego, and San Bernardino to getting water from the ocean through Desalination Plants. At one point during the last drought states had to make a choice between fighting fires or saving the water for drinking. This could have been a serious issue in CO, MT, NM, NV and AZ. 3D Tactical Image Projection Enhanced Decoy System I propose a special Projection Device code-named: "TIPED". This system will be mounted on a small robotic device, which is either parachuted into the battlespace or pre-planted before the battle. This device will project a hologram or a straight projection onto a surface such as a canyon wall or rock. This holographic projection will be used to create and oasis type picture to fool our enemies who hide in caves and plot against us An Introduction to the Connecticut State Budget for 2004-2005 The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) is interested in the state's budgetary health, so that the conference can estimate how much money the state will transfer to local towns and municipalities. To determine the fiscal health of any state, the first place to examine is expenditures on prescription drugs for the state's Medicaid program. Rising prescription drug costs are the single most important explanatory factor for the increases in health care costs, health insurance premiums across the country, and state budget deficits. Connecticut is no exception. Recycling The Mentally Ill 30 years ago, California, later followed by other states, decided to virtually close down the State Mental Hospitals. Whose Afraid of the Government; Whose the Government Afraid of? We need a government that can be as responsive to our needs and to use the technology available to serve us better. Yet often our government feels threatened by those companies who move in the market place at lightning speed. It is those companies, which the government has the most to learn from. Let the government learn form the entrepreneurs and allow them to streamline their efforts to serve us better. Rather than regulating to death the life-blood of America for fear that change may eliminate the need for a large government and thus reduce their control. After all it is our government not theirs. Why should we feel threatened; we are the government. Politics The Republican Party became popular due to its view on the way conservative America thinks so the country goes republican. Let us Disband The FTC?s Franchising Division Previously Senator Dick Armey and his staff in 2000 to review seriously the important decision to scrutinize the FTC's franchising division. Mr. Armey has sense retired. Today, I urge the Administration, the GAO, Senate Subcommittee and other governmental oversight bodies to curtail the efforts of the FTC to further over regulate the MUD (much unnecessary disclosure) plaguing our industry. How much should the FTC's franchise group be downsized? We see by the introduction of a proposed change and additions to the franchise rule that they have over stepped their usefulness in franchising, so perhaps that division should receive no funding and be immediately disbanded. I have an interesting case study and 2000 pages of proof of innocence of an action taken against my company by the FTC. The Public Is Enemy Number One There is something egregiously wrong about a government that will not listen to its people especially in, dare I say it, a democracy. George Bush--A New World Order When this president's father was in the Oval Office, he was fond of singing the praises of the "New World Order" that was to arrive. The phrase carried a lot of baggage, especially with conservatives who had long heard the term associated with a one-world government with little room for individual rights. Some believe the first George Bush's attachment to this term hurt his chances for re-election, and contributed to the movement that brought Ross Perot into the fray and split the conservative vote. Secret Clandestine Facial Recognition Countermeasures and The Future of the CIA Presently Universities and Private Enterprise are working to build more robust "Facial Recognition Technologies" due to the Homeland Security Funding for such research this field continues to grow. Anti-Terrorist efforts are a worldwide goal, so we are sharing this technologies with allies for use in their countries. These new technologies will also end up in the hands of our enemies or perhaps future enemies. Such hostile nations towards the US with such recognition software may prevent our clandestine spy efforts abroad. Getting our assets and spies in country can be difficult and history has shown that it takes much secrecy and effort to get in, get information and get out without detection. Tax Dollars and Transparency of Government Agencies As we watch fewer Americans voting it is no wonder why, they have lost faith in their government. Why can't we as citizens who own our government demand equal and/or reasonable compliance with our tax dollars? Why can't we demand the same from government as they enforce on our corporations? Why can't government clean it's act up and stop flushing our monies down the toilets? No wonder so many government workers wanted to install two more Johns in the white house during our last election; they obviously believe no one is watching and need more toilets to flush our money down in DC? Can you imagine for one minute the Government trying to comply with Sarbaines Oxley? They would crumble, stagnate and become even more ineffective than they already are. Dealing with Massive Prisoners of War In the last Gulf War we saw thousands of enemy soldiers giving up. Killing them is against Geneva Convention and they know it. So the soldiers simply laid down their weapons and said; "I give up, feed me!" Obviously we were snookered by this tactic, but it really came as no great surprise. Rather than taking these prisoners in and putting up the costs to feed them until after a war has ended, why not hibernate them instead. In other words take their bodies down by 90% and hibernate them like a bear. Is this really possible? Yes, with a little bit of funding it surely is possible, as a matter of fact a gentleman by the name of Mark Roth and his associates have successfully put mice into suspended animation using hydrogen sulfide gas in the proper ratios. Normally hydrogen sulfide gas can be a deadly toxic gas but in the right amounts it merely puts mammals to sleep. Perhaps we could simply fire rockets or cluster bomb smart munitions filled with this gas into the advancing enemy, pile up the bodies and put them into a cage and when they finally do wake up, feed them and then put them to sleep again. Of course taking out a few for interrogations. ![]() |
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