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Voting Pro-Environment is Good For Jobs, Health, and Security
There are many issues on the minds of US voters these days, but according to national polls, the environment ranks ...um... somewhere above hemp policy and just below humane treatment for Teletubbies. People are, of course, justly concerned about top issues such as health care, terrorism, and jobs. But the environment actually has a role to play in all of those areas. Below are some examples of how this is so. ENVIRONMENTAL VOTING CAN MEAN BETTER HEALTH "If you have your health, you have everything"--so goes the old cliche. We usually don't think too much about our health until we have a problem. Diseases usually creep in on us slowly. They're very patient, waiting until our defenses are down far enough for us to be susceptible. The health of the environment--the quality of the air we breathe, the purity of the water we drink, the condition of the land we grow our food on--are prime factors in the health of our bodies. We protect the health of our families by reducing pollution, by encouraging better farming practices that result in more nutritious agricultural products, and by getting the toxic chemicals out of the products we use every day. Politicians are busy jousting about who has the better plan for improving health care, but they're mostly silent on the most basic health issue--keeping disease-causing pollutants out of the environment and out of us. ENVIRONMENTAL VOTING CAN MEAN BETTER SAFETY What are the terrorist targets that have the most potential for causing problems? Here are three.
ENVIRONMENTAL VOTING CAN MEAN MORE JOBS Mature industries do not typically create large numbers of new jobs. Industries based on oil, gas, and coal--the "business-as-usual industries" in the energy sector--are certainly not going to bolster our sagging job numbers, given that they're caught between the twin hammers of dwindling fossil-fuel supplies and anti-pollution pressures. But there is a good solution. According to analyses by The Apollo Alliance, embarking on an ambitious program to develop renewable energy will allow us to create three million new, high quality jobs, free ourselves from imported oil, and clean up the environment. That certainly sounds a lot better than no new jobs and lots more black smoke in the sky. TOOLS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL VOTING So, are you convinced that voting green also supports many of our other primary goals at the ballot box? If so, the best way to decide which candidate is the most supportive of our environment is NOT to listen to what they say, but instead to look at their voting records. A good way to do that for national candidates is to review the information at Project Vote Smart (http://www.vote-smart.org/), which is an independent, non-partisan organization dedicated to providing facts on the voting records of candidates for the US congress and other federal offices. They cover all issues, not just the environment. While Project Vote Smart is an incredible resource, if your main goal is to zero in on candidates' environmental records, you can do this more easily by letting the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) be your guide. LCV's National Environmental Scorecard (http://www.lcv.org/scorecard/scorecardmain.cfm) analyzes and rates candidates' environmental voting records. If you want to keep it reeeaaaally simple, the Scorecard has a single percentage number for each candidate to summarize how often the candidate supported the "environmental position." The higher the number, the greener the candidate. And by the way, LCV is a non-partisan organization--they endorse donkeys, elephants, and political animals of other stripes too. Even though the environment may not come up much in debates and TV ads, it is our air, our water, and our land. Keeping it clean is an important issue in its own right, but it plays a part in almost all other issues too. Vote green! You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. Must be published complete with no changes. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. About The Author © 2003 by http://www.GrinningPlanet.com Mark is a writer, financial analyst, web developer, environmentalist, and, as necessary, chef and janitor. Grinning Planet is an expression of Mark's enthusiasm for all things humorous and green, as well as a psychotic desire to work himself half-to-death. Hobbies include health foods, music, getting frustrated over politics, and occasionally lecturing the TV set on how uncreative it is. bluebuck@grinningplanet.com
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John Kerry as a Prosecutor? Prosecutors with political ambitions are known to modify the truth or withhold evidence in order to get a conviction. It is so common in fact that the greater the political ambitions the greater the unethical ness of their tenure as a prosecutor. It is for this reason that we must do a background on every case that John Kerry falsified as a prosecutor in order to maintain such a high conviction rate. After all political ambitions for President of the United States are great indeed an there is a significant motivation to cheat? I believe John Kerry kicked his dog and unless he can prove otherwise we ought to make a note of it. What Ordinary People Are Saying--Robertson Assassination Comment What ordinary people are saying about U.S. televangelist Pat Robertson who suggested the U.S. government should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Robertson went on to state that Chavez is a "dangerous enemy" and killing Chavez would be cheaper than going to war to remove him. The Pilgrims and Beacon Hill Mob In 1966, Dr. Carroll Quigley, a professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and an employee of the Tri-Lateral Commission who informed or blew the whistle on them; published a 1311 page book called Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. On page 950 he says: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments... my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known... because the American branch of this organization (sometimes called the "Eastern Establishment") has played a very significant role in the history of the United States in the last generation." Recycling The Mentally Ill 30 years ago, California, later followed by other states, decided to virtually close down the State Mental Hospitals. Accessibility Requirements for Fair Housing Policy Interview With A Former ACLU Office I had the benefit of getting an interview with Mr. Reese Lloyd, a former ACLU lawyer affiliated with the largest Veterans Organization in America, the American Legions. When I called the media relations department there and inquired about their support for Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005 , this is the man they referred me to. I soon found out why. This was a very passionate, wise, and well spoken man. Tax Dollars and Transparency of Government Agencies As we watch fewer Americans voting it is no wonder why, they have lost faith in their government. Why can't we as citizens who own our government demand equal and/or reasonable compliance with our tax dollars? Why can't we demand the same from government as they enforce on our corporations? Why can't government clean it's act up and stop flushing our monies down the toilets? No wonder so many government workers wanted to install two more Johns in the white house during our last election; they obviously believe no one is watching and need more toilets to flush our money down in DC? Can you imagine for one minute the Government trying to comply with Sarbaines Oxley? They would crumble, stagnate and become even more ineffective than they already are. A Noble Attempt To Bring Peace in Assam United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), one of the most powerful militant organizations operating in the northeast region is in the limelight again but this time for a better reason. Attempts to initiate talks with the center and the group are in progress. The group was established in 1979 by Paresh Baruah along with his associates. The group aims to establish a Sovereign Socialist Assam. Eurovision Song Contest - Kiss My Butt Neighbours Tonight I resigned myself to the fact that this is the last Eurovision Song Contest I shall ever watch. In fairness the only reason I did watch it was due to media reports mentioning that steps had been taken to try and mitigate the blatant vote rigging that takes place each time the contest is aired. I should have known better. FTC Fixing SPAM? Is the Federal Trade Commission really stopping SPAM? Is the FTC and all of our tax dollars doing any good reducing SPAM? Why do we even bother to pretend? Did the FTC assume that its publicity alone would scare the spammers into quitting? The FTC is quite arrogant in that case. They spent over a year having meetings trying to define what SPAM actually was; then when we ask for a progress report as the SPAM had increased they say: "We are working on it, we need to redefine SPAM." Why? Well so they can make their cases stick? As if lawsuits will help? You see folks the FTC is as impotent as the Viagra SPAM we get each day. The FTC is still to this day debating with themselves what a commercial e-mail is? CAN-SPAM Act was an utter disappointment. Once again it proves the government does nothing very well. Spies in Seminaries - Stalin the CEO The use of religion is well-documented as a social engineering tool and Francis Fukayama's 'The End of History and The Last Man' admits he and his ilk are adept in this regard. Magicians and propagandists are everywhere in the history of Empire since the days of Tuthmosis if not long before that. But there are less overt operatives than the likes of Augustine and there are double agents like St. Bernard. There also are covert operatives or well-trained people who move into political arenas as is the case with Stalin and his use as the corporate CEO of Russia. Do not assume just because low level people in Masonry say their history is replete with the prejudice and persecution by Catholicism that there was no central organizing plan and alliance (Holy or otherwise) through which the Templars worked with their supposed enemy. The next excerpt brings us a lesser known operative who might be called an outright spy like Count Rumford. 3D Modeling for Healthy Forests Forest Vegetation Simulations for Fire Prevention, Healthy Forest and Saving Lives. Grid Response Research for those things, which affect the flow of life on the Surface of the Planet. Let's discuss the thinning of the forest based on Grid Modeling and ESRI Software ARC Info modeling. We need to look at several layers of overlapping data to take into account many things such as Biomass Thinning and pre-commercial thinning of trucks less than 12 inches. Trade Wars, China and Over Regulation At Home We are seeing some trade wars brewing as American trade deficits mount and the money flows moving to China. We see OPEC manipulating our supply a tad and China's thirst for oil increasing, thus furthering the supply issues. We must keep our trading partners and play on a balanced field to keep peace in the world. When playing fields are tiled feathers get ruffled and history shows the unfortunate possibilities that can ensue. I am Not an African American I am not an African-American. Don't call me an African ?American. I'm an American plain and simple. I was born here as were my parents and grandparents and you would have to search many a generation back before you found anyone in my family who originated from the continent of Africa. It's time black people in this country stop trying to identify with a land whose culture is not their own. It's time we stand up and say "This land is our land" and let everyone know we have a right to this country as much as anyone. A Few Quick Thoughts on Freedom and Technology We have known of the innate characteristic need of members of our species to control individual other members. We also know of our desire to control other species. We attempt to control other species in many ways, screen doors to keep out insects, fences to keep alligators off the Alligator Alley HWY between Naples and Miami, cages in zoos, barbed wire to keep in livestock, nets to capture fish, insecticides-sound waves-scare crows to keep species from our crops, shock apparatus to keep pets within boundaries, rewards such as Bananas-fish-doggie biscuits-bones-toys to evoke preferred behavior. Economics and Politics of Regional Droughts It cities across America water is an issue, the flow is sporadic, either too much or too little. We must stabilize the flow, so businesses can plan, people can feel secure and we will not be caught with our pants down during the next drought. In some parts of our country the drought is now approaching 10-years and it is serious and economically destabilizing. As the droughts become more often, more severe and longer in length due to over use of supply, we must be ready. Many cities understand the importance of water and the psyche involved in plentiful water and the innate happiness it brings to the human spirit and they have developed River Walks, boat rides, etc to encompass such water features. Cities like Oklahoma City, Tempe, AZ; San Antonio, Caldwell ID, Wichita KS, Reno, NV; etc. Fuel Prices at the Pump: That is not the problem, Natural Gas Prices are high too The price at the gas pump is certainly on everyone's mind. We read about Airliner Bankruptcies too and their fuel costs. Truckers are complaining and the average American is modifying their travels, errands and schedules around to deal with the fuel cost increases. Wholesale inflation looms as all the costs for shipping are being passed on. Even though people are joking about the outrageous costs of fuel, it is a serious matter. Hybrid sales are up over 50% in the last two-months and dealers cannot keep them stocked. But what about other fuel costs. Gasoline, diesel and jet fuel are not the only fuel costs up these days. Droughts, Dirty Water and Disease When we go through periods of droughts we also have other problems, which are increased. Things such as West Nile Virus, Bark Beetles, Disease Epidemics, Med Fly and realize these problems which occur during certain weather periods are compounded when the cycles get out of control. For instance an El Nino heats up the Pacific Ocean and expands the atmosphere and the jet stream is within the temperature and range to carry insects all the way across the ocean. Birds modify their stopping points for water during migration, stay in areas longer during the year or leave earlier thus their chances of infecting more areas are greater. When Deer travel further to go to watering holes during migration the come in contact with different livestock and humans. The Bark Beetle has a field day during droughts and the issues in Alaska, Prescott and Flagstaff, AZ are rather serious. Bark Beetle also reduces trees to fuel, which can start fire during lightening strikes. Just War In an age of terrorism, guerilla and total warfare the medieval doctrine of Just War needs to be re-defined. Moreover, issues of legitimacy, efficacy and morality should not be confused. Legitimacy is conferred by institutions. Not all morally justified wars are, therefore, automatically legitimate. Frequently the efficient execution of a battle plan involves immoral or even illegal acts. MORAL ARMOR Condemns Home and Business Seizure Law Nothing could be more alarming for Americans than what I read this morning: "The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses - even against their will - for private economic development." This is a deplorable moral atrocity to perpetrate against Americans and must be reversed. Those responsible should know that they have destroyed their own credibility in the eyes of a free people, and should now go join the insurgency in Iraq. ![]() |
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