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A Few Quick Thoughts on Freedom and Technology
We have known of the innate characteristic need of members of our species to control individual other members. We also know of our desire to control other species. We attempt to control other species in many ways, screen doors to keep out insects, fences to keep alligators off the Alligator Alley HWY between Naples and Miami, cages in zoos, barbed wire to keep in livestock, nets to capture fish, insecticides-sound waves-scare crows to keep species from our crops, shock apparatus to keep pets within boundaries, rewards such as Bananas-fish-doggie biscuits-bones-toys to evoke preferred behavior. We as parents start right away by using such techniques to control our own children. We have cribs with cages, pacifiers to prevent crying, toys to keep little humans busy, Mobiles, Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets, Legos, Dolls, Tonka Toys and just walk down any Wal-Mart Toy section and tell us we have not come a long way since you were a kid. Now we have friends and Family programs for Teens and Cell Phones. We had pagers in the last decade. We have new technologies coming out now with 3G technologies which identify the location of the child. We have GPS units, Active RFID Tags, to find children, watches with ELTs, RFID and/or GPS. In our schools we have new technologies to track kids all the way from their house using such devices described above to the bus stop, once at the bus stop, on the bus and in schools. We can even control whole Armies with Blue Force Tracking, PDAs, Bio-Metrics, under skin RFID, all by satellite, RF, non-active pinging, AWACS, etc. There is even talk of figuring out ways to track your enemies troop movements, Red Force tracking by hacking into their system, then marching them into your strong points or over whelming their system and crashing it or disrupting it to cause chaos. Those folks at DARPA of course have all sides figured out before deploying such technologies. Since we are doing all these things and have all these technologies now. We can track Student VISAs and people of interest from questionable countries and possible International Terrorists by way of RFID active ID cards, under skin RFID active Satellite tags. We can track rental cars, cell phones, computer surfing, emails, phone calls, etc. See links below: http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,21781,00.html If we continue this forward movement based on fear and therefore track everyone, are we still in fact living in a free society? Who might decide who is good and who is potentially bad? What thoughts did you come away with after watching; "1984," "Gatica," or the latest rendition of the Genre with Tom Cruise in "Minority Report" where one could be arrested for evil thought before an event? And if we fail to use this technology who are we to blame when another International Terrorism Attack happens? If we rely on our judges to make determinations in secret courts, Judges, which are either elected or appointed in a political event we may face additional problems in that, we know that they are not without question on morality. Politicians in our modern political system in fact reward those who wish to serve with above the law stature upon proving they are the most manipulative of those seeking such positions. We know with all the different jurisdictions and abuses in the United States that there are enough Kangaroo Courts in this country to make one question the reality of justice. We humans are all of similar genetics. We are all not perfect in every way and for certain not perfect in the eyes of various religions, which have influenced our legal system from the first colonies to the present period; different religions with all their idiosyncrasies of required morality to remain in good standing and without inner guilt. Religion uses many tactics to keep it's members in check and control. For instance many Baptist Churches play their music at 90 beats per second putting people into a theta state of mind for larger tithing contributions and mind control to insert the message of being good and doing right? Changing, modifying and sustaining desired behavior. In the US Military and armies through out recorded history they have marched in cadence to help deliver the message of discipline, strength and honor to the whole and team. Hitler talked in cadence and was said to mesmerize crowds when speaking. These techniques had served him well as have such techniques for many, many generations. We can see cadence in literary works; poems, the Bible, Koran and many other religious doctrines. When you listen to modern day politicians which have risen, you will also find they have mastered such art of speech. Rap music has beats that are conducive to this frequency of theta states of mind. We also know there are many other stimuli which effect humans. Certain music in stores will assist in helping retailers sell more. Certain room temperatures at retailers, book stores, coffee shops, C-Stores will increase impulse buying, which are generally amongst the highest priced items and definitely the highest profit items. McDonalds use to have unpleasing colors in their furniture to help turn over the tables faster. Your mind did not enjoy those colors for long periods of time and so you left allowing for others to sit down. Today they want you to stay longer for the QSR to look busier and thus busy attracts more customers. Another reason why restaurants try to first sit people by the windows to make the place look busy so more patrons stopped at the café along Main St. USA. This same techniques is discussed in retailing textbooks, Restaurant training centers and Food Service industry magazines. It is in the hand books of most of America's favorite chain restaurants have this in their management handbooks and manuals. In prisons they have found that pink calms inmates and there is less civil unrest. It has been used in mental institutions and clinics for decades. Fire Truck studies show that Yellow is the fastest to be seen, red lights make people tense. Full moon nights any policeman will tell you, "it will be a long night." Meaning more crime during those nights, sometimes up to three times as many calls and criminal events. Even as we are evolving the last 3,000 years of generally accepted written history seems to elude to the fact that the same stimuli which worked then is working now and we as a species will not readily evolve out of such reactions to stimuli any time soon. Three thousand years is a drop in the bucket. Ten thousand years is really not all that either. Having traced my ancestry back to 422 BC, it is only 65 generations. Not really enough to have a totally significant innate or genetic change although through nurture and adapting which mankind appears to be quite good at. Now let us discuss a most interesting phenomena, that of Frequency Pollution and Frequency Manipulation, which has come into play in the last century. Surely mankind has not adapted or even understood what is going on with our biological systems in that regard yet. With cell phone towers everywhere, high frequency power lines, computer use, AC electricity in our homes we may find our brains being disrupted to such a degree that we may find our ability to reason and think somewhat lessened. We also control the minds of people and their ability to see reality by mass media, entertainment. Why is our country so divided? Well, could it be perhaps the media? Could the last Bush VS. Gore election close race be due to the equal amount each received from the media? Could the landslides of more recent elections have been caused by the media? After all the media loved Clinton and Reagan was part of Hollywood having been Screen Actors Guild President in a prior period in his life? The modern stimuli is everywhere telling us that we are sexy if we where this type of clothing, that type of shoe, listen to this type of music or drive that type of car; BMW had done a convenient survey and the conclusion? BMW owners had sex on average of 2.3 times per week compared with Porsche owners 1.6 times, no matter that you were twice as likely to contract a Sexually Transmitted Disease if you owned that car? We call these carefully done studies to promote a thought or stimulus to buy a certain product; Advertising. We are bombarded with it nearly everywhere we go. Which is a good thing since when you buy something someone is gainfully employed making it. Maslow predicts those things that humans desire in the order they desire them based on your position on his hierarchy of need pyramid. Respect from your fellow man, social acceptance ranks up pretty high along with food, shelter, clothing, sex and self preservation. The greatest force to control mankind in most recent civilizations is 'fear'. Our laws are based on fear of punishment, religions control by fear (you could go to hell? Very hot there, you could burn your tushy buns to a crisp? Not good). In sales, the now famous Zig Ziglar discusses the take away trial close as a good technique which evokes a sense of fear of loss. For instance; "if you do not buy this 850i 'Today' it could be sold tomorrow and we will not have another one in this color just like you want for at least 6 months, maybe never they say?" There are so many common forms of everyday stimuli, Caffeine from coffee-chocolate-soda pop, Nicotine from cigarettes, amino acids in food, etc. Then those who partake in illegal drugs, legal prescription, herbal or other such as vitamins have artificially changed their stimulus. All these factors can change the way we think, the decisions we make and the roads we take. A combination of all these things will effect what we do, how we think and our over all motivation in one direction or another. There are those who wish to control humans for various self interested reasons, for the benefit of a civilized and productive society, to change the direction or movement of the over all game. Those with the strongest sense of character can over come stimuli by the innate human spirit and will, the fulfillment of genes or the pursuits of happiness. Having studied the over achievers and the writings of the notables of the last 4,000 years, most of these writings of course belonging to the most current periods due to loss of writings of ancient times such as the destruction by fire of the library in Alexandria or the private collectors who have claimed possession, it appears that the human spirit or human element, if you will, is in fact the wild card. Perhaps this strong will possessed by small percentage of the whole along with the adversity and life experience can battle the obvious stimulus to go beyond the mere animal instincts, to persevere and press on towards a greater goal. There will always be members of the whole who cannot be controlled by the simple stimulus of the masses, a certain subset of the whole that does march to the beat of a different drummer. These standouts are of interest as human civilization progresses forward due to the ideas and warnings in such movie, theatre or literary works of a controlled society; that of the 'Borg', beehive syndrome, those who truly do possess free will, that ever elusive often questioned gift to mankind. Some say a curse. Calvinists would question the essence of the idea, but cannot deny it completely as one observes behavior of the characters in this VR life experience we participate within this dimension. Those who will not surrender their free will, the daily stimuli which comes and goes, can and will change the course of human history thru directional shifts in momentum and rightfully so. Or will we, based on the daily dose of stimuli outcast those who are independent thinkers, not necessarily subscribing to the academia brain washing or engrained linear thought process? Will we surrender our minds to the drugs, frequency waves, manipulated food intake, mass media hysteria, sound & fury, crisis and controversy and the norm? We live in chaos, renewal, patterns of systems all running together, our purpose is to do more than merely be born, procreate and die. With the brain power available to the human race we can set a new course, take the human speices to a higher level, the next step and the next as fast as we are willing to go. It is interesting for a species, organic machine so well adapted to life within the chaos itself that we have grown to appreciate the status quo, the norm and so adverse to change even though change is the only constant. Without it, we are stagnant and without life's sense of purpose other than the birth, procreation and death cycle, we remain trapped in linear thought and time, doomed to repeat. The United States is an interesting case study as world civilizations go, our greatest spurt of growth coming from innovation, strength of the individual, drive, ambition, motivation, etc. Yet as things move faster people fear, fearing change is also a stimuli, as we said and as you probably can see from your daily lives that fear is a huge stimuli, now then; should we allow the fear. Fear from international terrorists, fear of lawsuits, fear and fear of change to stop the forward progression of mankind? Surely not, this is a great nation, but it has not reached it's full potential, not even close, we have barely scratched the surface of possibility for our future destiny, why stop here? We have come too far, the bumpy road too long, to merely call it quits, our present families and our ancestors in the commitment to press to design this great system and to have all we are and all we have built, should never let such ideals die simply to slide forever backwards into a swamp, tar pit or marsh of mediocrity. As we round out what appears to be a ten-year or decade long war on terror and as we get our own house in order and move back towards a government for the people and by the people, based on reality not contrived stimuli from sources without the best interests of the people also in mind, it is quite possible that we may actually be in grasp of the utopia we all seek. When we read controversy in the newspapers, listen to debates on TV, see tabloid headlines meant to shock and cause distrust and insight conspiracy theories, scroll down web pages with innuendo and half-truths; we need to remember that we are all in this together and much of what is discussed and put out there is nothing more than spaghetti against the cold refrigerator door, looking for a place to stick. If we will think harder, look deeper and concentrate on moving the ball down the field, we will leap out of the water before it boils and calmly reset the dial for the proper temperature for human life. Just because the coffee shop is a chilling 55 degrees does not mean you need to buy more products or leave the store. The issue is with that which controls the thermostat and the other half is your reaction to it. You and me, us and them can agree to disagree at times, agree at others and still leave room for all our pursuits without placing blame targeted to people or events, now that would be a concept. We know that mankind will always use all possible strategies available to control his fellow man, with this known we need to track what needs to be tracked while maintaining our freedoms and we need to use such new technologies to best serve the continuation of all we are and all we have built. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Constitutional Amendment Needed on Sodomy Laws Many very nice and loving homosexual male couples want to get married. Sure they can have various personal vows and contractual relationships, share monies; even call themselves married; domestic partners or sole mates. Male homosexual marriages or civil unions seem to make sense because the homosexual male population as a whole is 560% more promiscuous as heterosexuals or regular folks. This promiscuity issue leaves them as at the highest possible risk of contracting HIV and AIDS. AIDS kills people, which would not be very good for them personally. In the future perhaps there will be a cure. Right now the Chinese are working on a vaccine, which looks promising. When you insert you sexual organ up another person's rectum much tearing takes place and there are severe health risks involved even without the contraction of venereal diseases or AIDS. Why Dont We Listen To Entrepreneurs? I just got done reading a series of articles dating from December 2000 to September 2001 (pre-9-11) regarding Larry Ellison's bush to get the government to link all it's databases. Now everyone agrees, but now we are post 9-11. I wonder if Larry Ellison as loud as he can be sometimes ever stood up and said I told ya so? He would have every right to. He warned us. Gates did too, maybe not as verbal about it or graphic as Larry Ellison described the government's computer databases like a file cabinet where one drawer was here and another across the ocean in china in a dim lighted room. The U.S. Department of Justice vs. the Realty Industry, and Its Effect on Consumers From the National Association of Realtors' Virtual Office Website policy, to laws and regulations in individual states across the country, the U.S. Department of Justice has been fighting since 2003 what it believes are illegal practices by the U.S. realty industry that harm the American consumer. The issues can be complex at times, but understanding what's going on can be very valuable when buying or selling a home. Intellectual Property: The ECJ Extends the Use of Trade Marks to Goods and Services The European Court of Justice ("ECJ") ruled in Praktiker Bau- und Heimwerkermärkte (C 418/02) that a trade mark that is now in use by a company on its goods can be extended to cover the services provided by this company. China: Tibet Standoff The People's Liberation Army of China invaded Tibet in 1949. Since then each Tibetan has a many a tale of oppression, forced occupancy and violation of fundamental rights to narrate. Tibet is now home of several hundred thousands of troops who forcefully manages the daily affairs of a once free nation. The Irish Issue The expertise and advancement of the evolution of man and his culture is evident in one area only - that of propaganda and lying. They have learned how to suck and blow simultaneously out of every orifice of their bodies. Deceit, black ops (e.g. Kennewick Man), 'hide the ball' (e.g. the confusing array of Pyramid explanations) and secret agencies of advanced skill and esoteric expertise in all social structures that allow us to be 'managed'. JFK, Watergate, Iran/Contra or Ritalin, the program has a repeating plot that is rife with immorality and it's ever-present greed. The maze the Minotaur went through on Crete is reproduced near Glastonbury (or vice versa like Karnac and Carnac) and it is harder to get through the maze these 'social engineers' create or are still trying to create. The Truth About Power and Absolute Zero Societies have always had a problem of what to do with their young males with high testosterone. In many countries it is important for them to kill off many of them. In times of war it is advantageous to kill off those who may eventually challenge the dictator. Kings of tribes in Africa realized that they too could get rid of their strong males in order to stay in power by selling them as slaves. Yet in doing so the tribes become weak and have issues with the genes of strength and then are easily beaten by other tribes contriving a war against them to help eliminate some of their strongest or reward them with the spoils of war. Such elimination of all the strong can cause a premature collapse of the civilization from a competing nation and too many can cause civil unrest and destroy the empire from within. A Workable Alternative to Term Limits The end of another election once again brings into focus the problem of Washington politicians raising money and running for re-election as soon as they get into office. Many citizens and various government-accountability advocacy groups have done little more than complain from time to time. However, some of them, along with many members of the media, have been pushing for term limits as a solution. But is that really the solution we need? Even with term limits, we would still be left with the same old problems, only in smaller doses, i.e., politicians would still be playing the same old campa igning and fund raising games for whatever amount of subsequent terms they are allowed. Also, we would still be stuck with the situation in which sitting Senators and Representatives (even those with no remaining terms for the office they hold) spend their time running for higher office. How Small Business Benefits From Supporting Labor Unions For a short time I worked as a union officer for the office workers' union at Walt Disney studios. It was a very educational experience and one thing I learned is that people have a strange attitude about the relationship between unions and business management. All too many business managers think of the union as their enemy, and unfortunately too many union members think the same thing about management. The sad part of it is, both sides are working toward the same goals. Employees need to be working for a successful and prosperous company and the company needs to be a place where employees can be happy and productive. Arrogance Of Terror The man on the tape raised his hand, pointing a finger into the camera, his AK-47 raised at his side, punctuating every threat and accusation. He seemed consumed with the intense desire not only to declare his intentions, but earnest in his attempts to persuade his threatened audiences of their culpability in his group's future aggression upon them. Like a serial killer, shouting obscenities into the ear of his victim, blaming her for what womankind's rejections had made of him, forced him to become, as he puts the rope around her neck. Yet this country and others are not only dealing with one serial killer, but thousands. Thousands, whose representatives shout proud pronouncements of fatwas and death to world audiences, becoming caricatures of themselves by the proliferation of their messages and their insatiable need for the eye of the camera. PA Congressional Pay Hike Raises Eyebrows While many Pennsylvanians are struggling to figure out how they can pay their real estate taxes before the end-of-the-year deadline, the PA congress not only votes an extra $11,403 onto their base pay, but those on committee chairs receive an additional $4,050. Speaking in terms of percentage, the pay hikes ranged from 16% - 34%, while most of their constituents are lucky to see a 3% raise. At least the past congressional bodies, in their wisdom, made a congressman's pay increase not take affect until the following election term. But like any enterprising citizen would attempt, lawmakers looked for---and found---loopholes in the law that allows them to take "unvouchered expenses" and thus have access to the piles of tax dollars being shoveled into their waiting accounts. Cracking Down on Cigar Counterfeiters In the most rewarding new industries, there is often a convergence of factors that make them lucrative and sustainable. Factors like the emergence of new technologies, a ripening of the consumer market, or a political climate that spawns laws and regulations that give a particular business model oomph can revolutionize an industry. Over the last two decades, the counterfeit cigar industry in the United States saw all three of these factors converge to create the perfect storm of the illicit trades market. It began in the 1960's as the trade of authentic Cuban cigars was banned in the United States. This immediately created a situation in which there was a consumer demand for a product that was all but inaccessible through conventional retail channels. More recently, the explosion of computer and printing technology has allowed for the easy duplication of cigar boxes, labels and seals of authenticity. Finally, the growing popularity of cigars over the last fifteen years has fueled a consumer market that is eager to get its hands on any kind of Cuban cigar possible. In this environment, producing counterfeit cigars is all but the perfect business move. Add to this fact that the punishment in the U.S. for this type of counterfeiting is among the most minimal for illicit, black-market crimes, and the reward seems well worth the risk. Altadis, USA has consistently been a prime target for counterfeiters with the reputation of its ubiquitous cigar lines. Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, and H. Upmann are all among the most notoriously spoofed cigar lines in the United States, and Altadis is beginning a major crackdown. On March 25th, 2005, Altadis, USA was awarded $3.5 million in counterfeiting and trademark infringement against two Florida corporations. The corporations have now been disbanded. In addition to the damages, the counterfeiters were ordered to recall their entire product line including promotional and packaging material and deliver it to Altadis for destruction. The participants in the two corporations are also permanently enjoined from employing graphics that are confusingly similar to trademarks within the Altadis cigar line. The cigar boom of the late 1990's brought with it two major problems - the first was the proliferation of sub-par cigar lines and the second was the increased circulation of counterfeit cigars. Sub-par cigars have, for the most part, been filtered-out with the rapid decline in consumption that occurred between 1997 and 2001. Companies that did not have a strong foundation in quality were forced out of business. Now, it looks like, major corporations are finally stepping up to weed-out the proliferation of counterfeit cigars. In the 2005 United States cigar market, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who would disagree with the fact that there are more higher-quality handmade cigars available at better prices than ever before. To ultimately do serious damage to the counterfeit cigar industry, it will take the efforts of Altadis redoubled and spread all over the globe. But now that the counterfeiters are being taken to task, maybe we can all have the confidence that we get what we pay for. More Devastating Than a Nuclear Bomb Despite their signature on the Biological Weapons Convention of 1975, it has been reported that China has the most advanced modern germ warfare arsenal in the world at Xian, Shaanxi province. George Bush and the Iraq War - Down on Downing Street You, the reader, should be aware of my affluence of love for literature in all its forms, for instance: the novel, the novella, the short story, the poem, and the comic strip - which, in its own right, is a literary and creative milestone tantamount in importance to Shakespeare. Politicians Will Save Civilization Most politicians are completely out to lunch and totally Machiavellian by nature, they cannot be trusted. We tend to elect the most manipulative politicians to higher offices and condemn the one's who really care. I saw a great picture on the front cover of the NY Times where the Politicians were busy having a party congratulating themselves for getting a bill passed in the Senate. Council of Six The head of the Club of Rome has said that the major issue that prevents World Peace is the matter of terminology or differences in what people mean across different cultures. I have no illusions about having devised a fool proof proposal here - but it would be nice if the dialogue existed and not until it does exist will there be much hope for real change. People Say ? and Do ? the Dumbest Things When Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector exercised his right to free speech last week, he prompted a quick response from Robert Bork. Known for being the first Supreme Court Justice nominee to be, well, "borked," the judge was in no mood for Spector's silliness. "I know Specter," he retorted, "and the truth is not in him." Let me throw out a random thought on Homeland Security Leadership Structure Streamlining Homeland Security with a Free market flair? An idea of adding four more components to the joint chiefs of staff; hire a Jack Welch type as an ombudsman to the group, who does not play rank games. Two; Have an additional force called Biological Warfare for both defensive military and civilian populations; Homeland security force to unite the police forces, law enforcement agencies and private sector database team. Add a division to the defensive plan for space efforts with an ombudsman to NASA and laboratories. Immigration: Ten Points to Ponder 1. Why is it that no one seems to notice, much less ever mention, that the World Bank and the IMF have implemented economic measures that have left large sections of their populations unemployed and destitute? (The illegals are not doing this, you see, but this population is easier to attack and is more defenseless than the World Bank and the IMF.) China Finds Humans to Test Bird Flu Vaccine On, in Qinghai China is serious about breaking into the bio-tech field and has a vaccine to stop H5N1 Bird Flu strain. Recently they admitted over 160 people died and today they now admit it was actually 460 people. 13,000 birds have been incinerated and this is only in the Western Province of Qinghai; there is also an outbreak in Southern China too. ![]() |
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