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How Small Business Benefits From Supporting Labor Unions
For a short time I worked as a union officer for the office workers' union at Walt Disney studios. It was a very educational experience and one thing I learned is that people have a strange attitude about the relationship between unions and business management. All too many business managers think of the union as their enemy, and unfortunately too many union members think the same thing about management. The sad part of it is, both sides are working toward the same goals. Employees need to be working for a successful and prosperous company and the company needs to be a place where employees can be happy and productive. In today's business climate this partnership is even more crucial. We have a problem in this nation - too many gigantic corporations are hogging all of the business, putting smaller business owners out of business. And these corporations don't hire the union employees. Instead they outsource the jobs to foreign countries where they can get labor for pennies on the dollar. Unions were originally formed to protect employees from the abuses of large companies. It is beneficial, I believe, for small business owners to support this fair play because in the process of promoting fair play for labor, they are also promoting fair play for business in general. Without mentioning names, the largest retailer in the nation has been accused of busting unions so they could continue to pay lower wages and less benefits. This same company sells products which are manufactured largely in China and this practice has cost a large number of American jobs. When this company moves into a new locality, small business owners go out of business. Small business and labor are both victims of the same corporate greed. If small business owners could team up with labor, they could fight this evil together. It requires some sense of responsibility on both sides. Union members cannot expect a local furniture store, for example, to pay the same wages as they would expect somebody like GMC to pay. And the small business owner has to realize that it is this employee who is helping him to make a success of his venture. That employee cannot do his best work if he is worrying about foreclosure or eviction because his wages don't cover the basic cost of housing. The trick is for both labor and management to make small business's prosperous and then share that prosperity. If you are a small business owner and your employees express a desire to form a union, my suggestion is, talk to them and to the union officials and see how you can make it into a mutually satisfactory partnership. If an employee comes to you with a grievance, don't think of it as a personal attack. Think of it as an invitation to open up a dialogue to resolve small problems before they escalate. On the same token, if you are an employee, don't think of the union as your way to stick it to your boss. Think of them as a tool to help you to help your boss become more prosperous and share his success with you. Sure, unions have had their problems. There have been instances of corruption and abuses toward business. But for the most part, they are a good thing - not only for employees, but for the business community as a whole. Let's use them as the beneficial tool they were designed to be. Ron Coleman is retired and spends most of his time working as a freelance cartoonist and writer. He has served as a union officer in the office workers union at Disney Studios and has sold several pro-union cartoons to labor publications. His work can be seen on his website: http://www.coleman-cartoons.com
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Rule of Thumb For Exporting Technology Rule of Thumb for exporting technology. The American People need piece of mind to get this economy moving. We should never export anything, which can be used as a weapon against the American people or our close allies, which we in fact cannot defeat quickly and effortlessly. Such as F-16's with electronic warfare components, Phoenix Missile Systems, Smart Bombs, UAVs, Small Pox Viruses. (Yep Ft. Detrich, want to read a scary book? Try Cobra Event and Hot Spot and the new one The Demon in the Freezer). The Distributive Justice of the Market (1) Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all. Monetary Flows, Retained Earnings, Over Regulation and Abundant Resources All countries have specific things that are abundant in the region. Middle East it is oil and sand. We do not need the sand but can use it to make cement. So perhaps we should import sand and oil from there and they can buy cars, computers, and other things from us. By developing trading partners, we can keep peace if of course the Westerner Hatred thing can be educated out of those populations? And perhaps we might do a little sole searching as well to understand our history and cultures of the world a little better, as even though the US is the greatest civilization ever created int he history of mankind, we are definitely not alone. Water Conservation, Retention and Better Policies As the populations expand in Colorado outside of Denver, Las Vegas, North County San Diego, Atlanta, Phoenix, Tucson, San Bernardino, Riverside, Albuquerque, etc; The West will need to look to transferring the load of cities like Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Diego, and San Bernardino to getting water from the ocean through Desalination Plants. At one point during the last drought states had to make a choice between fighting fires or saving the water for drinking. This could have been a serious issue in CO, MT, NM, NV and AZ. Iranian Elections - Roadmap To Continued Apathy The recent first round of the Iranian elections somewhat resembled the rise to power of the promising Mohammed Khatami first time round in 1999. But despite the break from apathy seen over recent elections, the liveliness does not bode anywhere near the same promise that Khatami managed to swirl up six years ago. There's been discouraging controversy and intrigue surrounding the running of the main reformist candidate Mostafa Moin and the last minute participation of Hashemi Rafsanjani also brought zest to the process. Rafsanjani is tipped to win however simply because most people believe he holds the most sway over the country's real ruler, the supreme Ayatollah Ali Khameini, who shows no signs of letting go of his power. Pierre Dupont de Nemours After arranging the Armistice that ended or settled outstanding issues after the Revolutionary War Pierre Dupont de Nemours came to join the Royals including the Hapsburgs who were living near Jefferson and other esoteric Merovingians in and around Delaware. He and his family became important armaments manufacturers and it is reasonable to remember what Eisenhower said in his Military-Industrial Complex speech. Pierre Dupont de Nemours and the Physiocrats are not really interested in 'the government which governs best governs least'. You must try to study the Physiocrats if you are to make sense of the current world economy. Is Congress Going to Lay the Groundwork to Include Education with the Steroid Legislation? As of late steroid use in sports has been the topic of conversation by the media. From Jose Conseco appearing on Donnie Deustch's "The Big Idea" which airs on CNBC to Congress looking to pass legislation to regulate steroid use in professional sports. The Typology of Financial Scandals Tulipmania - this is the name coined for the first pyramid investment scheme in history. Monetary Flows, Consumer Debt, Policy, Trade Deficit and Reality America has some monetary issues, which need to be addressed. First consumer debt is at issue; the average consumer is upside down in their cars, over extended on credit card debt and living in a house, which they may have 10-15% equity and probably less with all these new home sales on 2-3% down and all the re-financing to pay off short term debt. Second; lets look at Wal-Mart; You buy a product there, 6% goes to the employee, 10% is profit to the company, 80% goes to re-stock or the cost of goods sold. Of the 80% about 20-25% goes to China. Now then how long will it take at 433 Billion dollars a year for China to have all of our money, leaving no money flow for us to circulate? Well if we keep putting money into our economy, it would take forever, but if we do not then eventually all the money flow will go. Starbucks Monopoly Is Starbucks a monopoly? It fits all the definitions. Does this mean the FTC will make them break it up like AT&T? Or is the Federal Trade Commission too chicken after losing the case with Microsoft? The FTC knew better than to go after Microsoft, after all they did nothing wrong except adding features to their operating system and programs. Is the FTC not attacking the Starbucks because all of its employees go to the one across the street in Washington, D.C.. How Bill Cosby got it Wrong Bill Cosby got it wrong. His many speeches regarding the plight of poor blacks in this country and their lack of personal responsibility were not only off the mark, but completely irresponsible. The Gay Male Agenda for Political Dominance I would like to pose a question. I am unsure if you have noticed what I have with regards to Homosexual males in the United States, but sense they are moving their agenda faster and faster and we are seeing more and more Corporations are catering to this group. Have you too noticed this trend? Are you up on the changes this means for over all society? Government Workers and Lawyers Revolving Door Rule Needed We need more oversight and transparency in government. We need to keep our government workers honest and forthright. We need to prevent those who work for the government as lawyers for the government from going into private practice with the same companies they once enforced regulations on. The revolving door fo government lawyers and private practicing lawyers and lobbyists must stop if we are to maintain any real sense of integrity or fairness in our systems. You know, that "Truth, Justice and the American Way" thing that the government lawyers have such a tough time coping with? Mexican Tariffs on American Goods? Mexican has tariffs on goods, which come into its country from the United States. The tariffs in many cases are 50%. This is said to help Mexico's economy. But if you look at all the money being shipped to Mexico each week by migrant and illegal alien workers you see a much different issue brewing. You see their economy growing and not very much money coming back for US Goods in trade. Thus we are upside down in the trade deficit. Clearing Land Mine Fields from the Air You know we have sent many, many army tanks with protruded devices used for minesweeping to the Middle East from the Logistics Base in our country. They are assigned to removing the left over land mines of past wars. Each year hundreds of thousands lose their lives and limbs to these past war buried relics. The army tanks which remove these devices have not really been redesigned since the second WW, hardly any real improvements in their designs. But it has occurred to me that you can sweep these mines from the air if you want. Here is how it might be done; first, a powerful helicopter drags flat plates of steel along the ground with skids, in front of that is heavy chains dragging approximately 20 yards connected to each other like the kind your used to level fields and scrap away dirt clods and then the chains of smaller size actually in the air attached to cables attached to the helicopter about 50ft AGL. Bringing Back Mining Jobs to the United States With new environmental technologies and modern efficiency methods in mining can we revive this sector of our economy. It would be great for manufacturing costs and coupled with the current low dollar we stand to make gain quite a bit if we can. By doing this the job of doing mining correctly it is feasible, but environmental laws are not the only regulations that mining operations have to deal with, once you let those bastard regulators on the property they are only interested in finding something wrong to pay for their trip. The Delicate Art of Balancing The Budget Government budgets represent between 25% and 50% of he Gross Domestic Product (GDP), depending on the country. The members of the European Union (Germany, France) and the Scandinavian countries represent the apex of this encroachment upon the national resources. Other countries (Great Britain, to name one) fare better. But even the more developed countries in South East Asia do not clear the 25% hurdle. Electronic Commerce Taxaton: Emerging Legal Issues - Part II UNAUTHORIZED HACKING Emminent Domain May Hit Close to Home IN A DAY AND AGE where one voice screaming among thousands can have Christian monuments removed from public buildings and development projects shut down for the benefit of an endangered weed, we have the Supreme Court issuing a ruling in June to set the record straight for the majority. However, this ruling comes at the dismay of individual landowners across America, and threatens to further undermine the American privilege of individual ownership. Voting Pro-Environment is Good For Jobs, Health, and Security There are many issues on the minds of US voters these days, but according to national polls, the environment ranks ...um... somewhere above hemp policy and just below humane treatment for Teletubbies. ![]() |
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