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The Gay Male Agenda for Political Dominance
I would like to pose a question. I am unsure if you have noticed what I have with regards to Homosexual males in the United States, but sense they are moving their agenda faster and faster and we are seeing more and more Corporations are catering to this group. Have you too noticed this trend? Are you up on the changes this means for over all society? They are above average in their income levels and a becoming a bigger and bigger market segment. Generally and I hate to stereotype, but as a whole it appears they are higher intelligence level than the average American. Why is this; here are some thoughts. I find that when people dump all the preconceived notions of society, they tend to be better observers. Therefore in my professional opinion: A Gay American in that regard does have an advantage over others in observing things, he/she/it feels, sees or studies. As long as the test subject keeps an open mind, much is possible. I believe that people who are homosexual and travel against the norm of society, are better observers provided they do not cloud their views by assuming. Some do and a few are actually gay because they were recruited into that culture due to a weak character, however most are not gay because they are weak, most gay people are not weak by nature. Gay individuals tend to understand by being better observers, of course one would not have to be gay to do that. I think as a whole you will find a higher intelligence level in homosexuals. There are many studies on this, my observations of many gay Americans is also backed-up by survey and scientific data. Less clouded issues of perception, because they are living outside the norm. Gay men tend to be good judges of character of women. I think this is because they spend much time talking with them and many women open up their feelings to them, because, well they are easy to talk to and also because the women do not fear them or think they are trying to manipulate them into having sex with them. A gay man can provide empathy that another straight man in society would not wish to show or has psychologically blocked from his realm of thought. This must drive women crazy and cause friction between sexes. Homosexuals within our country maybe able to observe much better than the rest similarly, in that regard outsiders or foreigners studying Western Culture, behavior, societies and the western teachings and nurturing of the human brain in the US are able to study without prejudice of what they will find. For instance when Gandhi said about Western Culture "I think it would be a good idea" So do I, maybe someday we might want to re-evaluate what we have built and fix it or at least agree to uphold those original ideals and checks and balances. When Ayn Rand discussed Capitalism and socialist views, which stifle the innovation she did so from a Russian point of view, put hit the problems right on the head. When Charles Dickens predicted much of what we see similar, from looking outside in. A gay man presently in this period is outside the norm of society, especially in Rough Neck areas of our country or in places like TX, OK, WY, NM, Northern NV, ID, etc. since there are Oil Field Boys and rough rodeo types, tough guys (pretending or actual) there, by nature of genetic and nurture breeding in areas of hostile weather conditions, hard work requirements in higher latitudes and/or tougher terrain. I hope this makes sense to you. In my studies gay men are usually third or further born from the same mother. There is some mention on this in the book Genome and in a few other DNA books; these studies have been learning things about these truths. Check it out sometime. I am first born therefore less likely to become gay; also both parents and all grandparents first born as well. Therefore the tendencies have next to no chance for me, which is a good thing as I cannot image sticking my member up the rectum of another man; homophobic, yes indeed I must be. Genetically the chances of me being gay and first born would be rare, however I have an Uncle who is Gay and he is third born and very intelligent and lives way outside the normal boundaries of most Americans, not because he is gay, but because of many other endeavors, hobbies and business. http://www.emuprinting.com/news/ We of course have talked to our friends about homosexuals and you have certainly been watching the media promote the agenda as well. Some concerns about the movement moving to fast and destroying the culture as the movement is affecting things like Boy Scouts and other institutions, which in the long run will adapt to these social changes. We are watching possible backlash and we, as a society are looking for ways to cater to these groups, hire these groups and allow the ushering in of this culture to become a part of our great melting pot because that is what America is about and we must not enjoin theories of hypocrisy and prejudice. We need to understand we are all one and to not be divided, time will take care of these issues. Here is a little bit of the fringe Gay crowd and the exhibitionists; http://www.parthe.net/_cwg0703/0000000d.htm The Gay fringe is affecting the gay movement and driving separation of our society. We must not allow the fringe to destroy our common decency and tolerance or we all lose. Anyway think on this and thanks for listening. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Ex-CIA Folks are Problematic Those who are above the law or act as such are a problematic situation for civilizations. Maybe this is why the CIA is so effective in screwing up other nation's government. There is a problem when these ladies and gentlemen retire. They often use contacts from the government and agency to network and work the system. This is a problem because invariably it hurts an honest and law abiding citizen. PTO - Patent and Trademark Office needs complete overhaul Recently in Maine, I talked with a gentleman and we discussed at a coffee shop the issues concerning the Patent and Trademark Offices and the slow processing problems with registration of everything from a simple patent or concept patent to a Registered Trademark or Service Mark. Also this past week had an email conversation with a gentleman from NC in a small business regarding weak trademark and service mark case law in several states and at the Federal Level and how that affected him and the owner of a mark in Ohio. Also discussed the issues with an Aussie who now lives in BC Canada with regards to a cross border US Competitor using a name he intends to use and has already used in Canadian Commerce. First use laws and case laws are different that in Canada and the US. And certainly no trademark is worth a dollar in China. Some would disagree if you have the right attorney there in that country. I had mentioned these types of issues in a letter to the FTC and discussed the problems with patent law and not knowing, the patent books, which explain all this are over 400 plus pages now and when you are done reading them you may or may not know enough to get the job done. Garbage in Garbage out; California Blackouts Why did the California energy crisis happen? Who is to blame? How come deregulation was a financial disaster? Some of the data in the research did not predict what would happen, probably because research people are not; go for it, make it happen entrepreneurs. So their report was just 1000s of pages of incessant data about nothing and basically BS. It was much like a master thesis of a psychology, philosophy or work of a business student at any university. Written by guess whom and not understood by guess whom else. The Senate Filibuster: The Hulk Plan and the Nuclear Option The partisan feuding in the U.S. Senate over federal judicial nominees is leading to a battle on the Senate floor that will have long term effects on the makeup of the federal courts and on the future of the filibuster as a tool in the Senate. The battle has been brewing for quite some time. Employment Legislation: Proposed Employment Law Changes - To Take Effect 1 October 2005 Proposed changes to the Sex Discrimination Act ("SDA") 1975 and the Equal Pay Act ("EPA") 1970 under the amended Equal Treatment Directive (2002/73/EC) will be implemented on 1 October 2005. To ensure that your company's policies comply with these proposed reforms please contact us at enquiries@rtcoopers.com. The Lemon Dance: Why Government Doesn?t Work Former Senator, Daniel Moynihan, accurately summed up the situation when he posited that,"[t]he single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because! it's so rare." In the case of politicians the public is protected from ineptitude and apathy through term limits. Unfortunately for John Q. Citizen, the vast majority of government bureaucrats exist in an environment devoid of responsibility or accountability. World Moving from Socialism to Capitalism The recent Jakarta summit of Asia and Africa brought remembrance of Jawaharlal Nerhru. At Bandung, Nehru had initiated the non ? alignment movement and proclaiming the resistance to the big powers for exploiting the underdeveloped countries for the economic benefits. This was treated as a Socialistic approach of Nehru and well praised by the world. Thoughts Born of Tragedy ... ..."history may judge us to be the real bully if, in the our rush to punish someone, we act in ways contrary to our core beliefs and values as a nation"... Carl von Clausewitz On War For anyone who wishes to become an armchair General in their living room while watching the nightly news unfold on their TV set, these are some things they need to know. So often the news media will give opinions and ask other reporters what they think about this or that or the other thing. Yet few really understand what war is, why it exists or even its main objectives. Certainly killing one's own species is not a smart thing to do, but political will seems to be a greater driver of the human endeavor, whether this is good or bad should be left for additional debate. War is hell, war makes no sense, but if you find your self in the position of defending a nation or serving up a dish of political will; Carl von Clausewitz has some insight which you owe it to yourself to understand before you join in an critique or comment on any current war we are having. I therefore recommend the following book: Stopping a Nuclear Bomb on a Hydrofoil The US Homeland Security is worried about Hydrofoil or Skimmer Craft used as fast moving bombs on water entering one of our ports or Naval shipyards. If you will remember the XXX" Movie with the Hydrofoil Craft with a Biological Weapon which would kill millions of people if it released it's gaseous cargo. Starbucks Monopoly Is Starbucks a monopoly? It fits all the definitions. Does this mean the FTC will make them break it up like AT&T? Or is the Federal Trade Commission too chicken after losing the case with Microsoft? The FTC knew better than to go after Microsoft, after all they did nothing wrong except adding features to their operating system and programs. Is the FTC not attacking the Starbucks because all of its employees go to the one across the street in Washington, D.C.. Bringing Back Mining Jobs to the United States With new environmental technologies and modern efficiency methods in mining can we revive this sector of our economy. It would be great for manufacturing costs and coupled with the current low dollar we stand to make gain quite a bit if we can. By doing this the job of doing mining correctly it is feasible, but environmental laws are not the only regulations that mining operations have to deal with, once you let those bastard regulators on the property they are only interested in finding something wrong to pay for their trip. Hawala, or The Bank That Never Was I. OVERVIEW All There is, is dust in the wind; Dust Particulate Traveling The Globe Dust from Deserts and Particulate Control The Blessings of the Black Economy Some call it the "unofficial" or "informal" economy, others call it the "grey economy" but the old name fits it best: the "black economy". In the USA "black" means "profitable, healthy" and this is what the black economy is. Macedonia should count its blessings for having had a black economy so strong and thriving to see it through the transition. If Macedonia had to rely only on its official economy it would have gone bankrupt long ago. How Senator Sarbaines and Oxley Destroyed America You have probably heard of the Sarbaines Oxley Law (SOX) on corporate governance to make corporations totally transparent. And the voters and investors wanted this law so they could know which companies to invest in so they could make 20% per year on their money, which they damn well feel entitled to. The issues is that those corporations abroad do not have to follow those laws and therefore are able to scan and study all that financial data to beat American Companies in the market place. Rule of Thumb For Exporting Technology Rule of Thumb for exporting technology. The American People need piece of mind to get this economy moving. We should never export anything, which can be used as a weapon against the American people or our close allies, which we in fact cannot defeat quickly and effortlessly. Such as F-16's with electronic warfare components, Phoenix Missile Systems, Smart Bombs, UAVs, Small Pox Viruses. (Yep Ft. Detrich, want to read a scary book? Try Cobra Event and Hot Spot and the new one The Demon in the Freezer). Congress Considers National Data Privacy Law Legislation was introduced into Congress this week that would establish a national data privacy law. The bill would require businesses to disclose to consumers any breaches that result in the exposure of personal information. Ronald Reagan is Right Why is it that every single thing government does; it does not do well? Why is it that every single mistake of any real hurt is caused by the government? Why is it that every time government screws up AGAIN, we are told that they will fix the problem? Yah right? When has government ever fixed anything? Ronald Reagan once said the most scary words in the English Language were; "Hi, I'm from the Government; and I am here to help you!" he later said when asked about that quote that he could not recant it and offered advice to anyone who hears it; "RUN" he said. Rugged Individualism vs Human Nature "Rugged individualism" is actually a euphemism for Thomas Hobbes' baseless concept of man's natural condition as a war of everyone against everyone else. Even different species of wild animals (each of which has its own group soul, as opposed to humans, which have individual souls) cooperate with one another for their mutual benefit, so Hobbes would have had us believe that mankind is inherently more bestial than the beasts, perhaps explaining the name of the pop "music" group known as the Beastie Boys. ![]() |
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