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Cracking Down on Cigar Counterfeiters
In the most rewarding new industries, there is often a convergence of factors that make them lucrative and sustainable. Factors like the emergence of new technologies, a ripening of the consumer market, or a political climate that spawns laws and regulations that give a particular business model oomph can revolutionize an industry. Over the last two decades, the counterfeit cigar industry in the United States saw all three of these factors converge to create the perfect storm of the illicit trades market.
Tynan Szvetecz is an editor for http://www.whatsknottolove.com, an online cigar boutique that is helping bring the feel of your local cigar shop to the internet. It features a unique cigar collection as well as cigar tips, cigar culture advice and cigar accessories.
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Free Trade, Outsourcing, Protectionism and Reality Check Recently on C-SPAN, there were two gentlemen debating free trade one from the CATO Institute for free trade. Yet he failed to mention the real problem, the lawyers, over regulation and government bureaucracy. They seem to be under the impression that Americans did not want to work in manufacturing jobs? What on Earth was he thinking? If the CATO Institute, a conservative free enterprise think tank, is going to go on National Television and debate free trade, surely they have more depth to understand the plight of the manufacturers in this country. Freedom on the Internet Throughout all recorded history on our lovely little planet, Earth's human beings have been concerned with a few main ideals. One of these is the idea of freedom. Freedom, what is it? What does it mean to you? To look at it simply and in context of communication, I'd say that it is the right to express oneself within certain moral boundaries. Recently I have discovered that the incredible tool of the Internet is being infected by some of our imperfect human beliefs (a sign of the perfect balance in Nature). Check out a website called 'Reporters Without Borders'. This site is dedicated to both freedom of speech for the masses as well as to the safety of the people who are trying to share true unadulterated stories with the wider community. In the site's Internet section I came across a new article about MSN Spaces, the blogging software from one of America's and the world's biggest companies, Microsoft. Well, it seems that in China they have agreed to have the words 'democracy' and 'Dalai Lama' completely rejected by the system, therefore censoring every on-line journal in China using this software. Looking at the Dalai Lama I don't get a feeling of hostile intent... Democracy, War and the Media - Uneasy Bedfellows All Round Recent international wars and the often spectacular ways in which the established media is covering them, have given media researchers ample opportunity to see whether technological developments are giving us the opportunity to have a closer experience of democracy. Religion, Wars and Civilization Many are quick to point out the benefits of religion in civilization as the bond that keeps us together; a bond, which keeps society from disrupting into chaos and spontaneously turning to anarchy. Yet, to do so without discussion of the flip side of the coin is misleading at best. Religion may have its place in mankind's groupings, but we must understand what we give up for it in return for its few benefits. NAFTA; What did we learn? A quick look back at NAFTA; how did we do? Cracking Down on Cigar Counterfeiters In the most rewarding new industries, there is often a convergence of factors that make them lucrative and sustainable. Factors like the emergence of new technologies, a ripening of the consumer market, or a political climate that spawns laws and regulations that give a particular business model oomph can revolutionize an industry. Over the last two decades, the counterfeit cigar industry in the United States saw all three of these factors converge to create the perfect storm of the illicit trades market. It began in the 1960's as the trade of authentic Cuban cigars was banned in the United States. This immediately created a situation in which there was a consumer demand for a product that was all but inaccessible through conventional retail channels. More recently, the explosion of computer and printing technology has allowed for the easy duplication of cigar boxes, labels and seals of authenticity. Finally, the growing popularity of cigars over the last fifteen years has fueled a consumer market that is eager to get its hands on any kind of Cuban cigar possible. In this environment, producing counterfeit cigars is all but the perfect business move. Add to this fact that the punishment in the U.S. for this type of counterfeiting is among the most minimal for illicit, black-market crimes, and the reward seems well worth the risk. Altadis, USA has consistently been a prime target for counterfeiters with the reputation of its ubiquitous cigar lines. Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, and H. Upmann are all among the most notoriously spoofed cigar lines in the United States, and Altadis is beginning a major crackdown. On March 25th, 2005, Altadis, USA was awarded $3.5 million in counterfeiting and trademark infringement against two Florida corporations. The corporations have now been disbanded. In addition to the damages, the counterfeiters were ordered to recall their entire product line including promotional and packaging material and deliver it to Altadis for destruction. The participants in the two corporations are also permanently enjoined from employing graphics that are confusingly similar to trademarks within the Altadis cigar line. The cigar boom of the late 1990's brought with it two major problems - the first was the proliferation of sub-par cigar lines and the second was the increased circulation of counterfeit cigars. Sub-par cigars have, for the most part, been filtered-out with the rapid decline in consumption that occurred between 1997 and 2001. Companies that did not have a strong foundation in quality were forced out of business. Now, it looks like, major corporations are finally stepping up to weed-out the proliferation of counterfeit cigars. In the 2005 United States cigar market, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who would disagree with the fact that there are more higher-quality handmade cigars available at better prices than ever before. To ultimately do serious damage to the counterfeit cigar industry, it will take the efforts of Altadis redoubled and spread all over the globe. But now that the counterfeiters are being taken to task, maybe we can all have the confidence that we get what we pay for. Gun Control? How About Crime Control Instead? The second amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees every American the right to bear arms. Has any law ever been so ambiguous? What are arms? What does it mean to bear them? At least with the first amendment we know exactly where we stand: Freedom of speech. It couldn't be any clearer. But, the right to bear arms leaves the second amendment open to different interpretations. We need gun permits to carry a concealed weapon. Do we need knife permits? No. Yet both can, and often do, cause death. We can own a gun, or a rifle, or a sub-machine gun, or a machete, and dozens of other tools to kill, even our own bare hands. So, gun control is a debate in our country that makes no sense unless you broaden the ban or acceptance to include all instruments of death. The Blessings of the Black Economy Some call it the "unofficial" or "informal" economy, others call it the "grey economy" but the old name fits it best: the "black economy". In the USA "black" means "profitable, healthy" and this is what the black economy is. Macedonia should count its blessings for having had a black economy so strong and thriving to see it through the transition. If Macedonia had to rely only on its official economy it would have gone bankrupt long ago. Are American Twins - Majority Rule and Public Opinion, Sometimes Just a Couple of Dumbbells? The idea that the majority shows the will of the people is a pretty good fix for now but it is not without its faults and weaknesses. That everyone decides to do something with one will is not now nor has ever been the promise of a perfect decision, direction or choice of any kind. America Needs an Education Reinvention Bill NOW! In order to build a stronger, more self-sufficient America, America must first be willing to change. To build a progressive and competitive society, America's most important challenge is to change its antiquated educational system. In every political administration, education must be first and foremost. Without a strong and revitalized educational system, America will never progress to greatness nor be able to alleviate any of our other ills. Bodyguard Training in Mexico; My Experiences While Providing BG Training in Mexico Mexico the country of Salsa, Tortillas and Corruption; I first arrived in Mexico City in February 2002 as an instructor for the WFB ? the World Federation of Bodyguards. A Mexican security service had contracted Anders Sorenson, the Norwegian WFB instructor and I, to set-up a training program for BG's in Mexico. The American Worker: Downward Mobility All the indicators show an improving economy and, finally, the start of job growth. More than eight million unemployed workers see hope around the corner and re-enter the nightmare of job search with increased enthusiasm and the positive outlook they lost six months ago when they virtually gave up on ever finding a good position. 911 Conspiracy Theory Revealed During Coffee Shop Conversation A coffee shop conversation about a Great Country in Historic Times. It seems there are many out there who believe in conspiracy theories and are all too quick to label and judge our leadership as evil. They are looking for conspiracy theories and people to blame, I suppose that is human nature? Unfortunately there are problems with conspiracy theories because they tear down trust. Regarding this post: Environmentalism and Roads in Our Forests Many environmentalists are against roads through the forest because it could disrupt wildlife, hunting areas for other mammals. They also worry about the affect on all the species living there. Mankind generally from a historical perspective has not been all that kind to the natural surroundings. We have seen this even in Indian Cultures, which had been thought to take care of the land, yet on further scrutiny used the land and left debris and litter from their activities. Archeologists have seen this on all continents so it is not a negative statement about our American Indians, for they are some of the finest tribes ever to walk the face of the planet. Farming Human Clones If someone wanted to farm future clones they would need many things. They would need to also consider the time commitment for the future and weigh the costs for those 16-years of conditioning. A military of a country might decide to do this, as it would make their elite forces almost uncanny in cooperative ability and effectiveness. The sixteen-year investment is of course the real issue, it therefore becomes all about ROI and economics. The economics of cloning and human life, which most Americans have a problem with in discussing, I suppose you may too as I too have to question the dialogue. We must realize that such discussion is necessary even if somewhat unpleasant. US Army in Catch 22 on Gays Issue Many of those who wish to fight for our country come from families with strong ideals of freedom. Most of them are strong Christians in fact. There in lies the real problem with the US Army recruiting. To be allowed to come on campus to recruit at many colleges they are asked to be careful around the issue of Gays in the military. Yet to recruit a Christian Soldier this is a little tough, for if you allow gays in the military this goes against their belief system and if they are heterosexual, they want nothing to do with being in the same shower with someone who might be gay, but will not tell? Let us Disband The FTC?s Franchising Division Previously Senator Dick Armey and his staff in 2000 to review seriously the important decision to scrutinize the FTC's franchising division. Mr. Armey has sense retired. Today, I urge the Administration, the GAO, Senate Subcommittee and other governmental oversight bodies to curtail the efforts of the FTC to further over regulate the MUD (much unnecessary disclosure) plaguing our industry. How much should the FTC's franchise group be downsized? We see by the introduction of a proposed change and additions to the franchise rule that they have over stepped their usefulness in franchising, so perhaps that division should receive no funding and be immediately disbanded. I have an interesting case study and 2000 pages of proof of innocence of an action taken against my company by the FTC. Chinese Rhetoric Over Taiwan, Back At You It appears we are getting a little bit of Sun Tzu sword rattling as they set their sights on Taiwan. This is somewhat bothersome, as they have publicly stated that they would use nuclear weapons on the United States if we tried to interfere. Well, it seems that as if this is an International Terrorist threat by a nation state's General and therefore, it must be recanted by him and we must ask China to remove him from power. If they fail to do so, we must act decisively and attack China now using everything in our arsenal including large Mega tonnage Nuclear Weapons. After this is done, we can then prove to the world that Nuclear Weapons are evil and must not ever be used again. This will be proof positive of the devastating power of Nuclear Weapons. Economic Free Zones in Macedonia Question: Dr. Vaknin ? is it true that you are the father of the Law of Free Economic Zones? William Seward and the Alaska Purchase Aren't you glad you purchased Alaska? You got a bargain, you know. You purchased it for 2 cents per acre for all 586,000 acres of it. ![]() |
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