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NAFTA; What did we learn?
A quick look back at NAFTA; how did we do? Stabilizing trade relations with your bordering neighbors is a smart move indeed. Did NAFTA live up to the objectives set forth? Two decades before we initiated NAFTA, there were issues which needed to be resolved to keep peace and help Mexico move up in the World to her full potential. Today NAFTA, which covers all of North America and Mexico and a few other partners has rules such as 51% of all vehicles are to be built in a NAFTA country. Again the reason why BMW, Mercedes, Honda, Toyota, Nissan all have plants here. Also why American auto makers moved plants just South of the border to save on labor costs and onerous regulations. These from foreign European and Japanese makers thankfully must hire labor from here in the states where they are located, which is good for the workers and employment. But most of modern automobile manufacturing today is built by robotics. And much is also built in Canada and Mexico. In Mexico it costs US companies 50% to send over business equipment as an extra tariff. US companies have huge factories over the borders in Juarez near El Paso and over the borders from Laredo and Brownsville, TX. Besides NAFTA there are huge trade organizations and treaties. NAFTA has been a big devastator of jobs for textiles, shoes, etc. in Monterrey Mexico all those jobs now have moved to China due to the WTO affiliation of those two nations. Previously in the Southern States were factories for carpets, shoes, clothes, linen, suitcases, furniture, etc., but after NAFTA most of those jobs went to Mexico. Now to China and even today China says they are losing those jobs to other countries with lower wages as China's industrial revolution looms as they try to hold down their economy and currency. In hind sight the workers in GA, AL, TN, SC, NC, etc. are asking well look what great job that did, we help Mexico by giving up our jobs and they give those jobs to China and then the Mexicans come to this country and take more jobs? And to some extent they are correct. But that is not all that was affected. If you look at all the old mills in New England those factories closed too, workers would not take a pay cut or work the Fredrick Winslow Taylor. Instead demanding greater benefits with less production and productivity. You may wish to read "Collision Course" by Micheline Maynard. Not a pretty site. Also "NAFTA" and another book; "Selling of Free Trade: NAFTA, Washington, and the Subversion of American Democracy" by John Macarthur. You can debate both sides, well I can. The idea of free trade is fine really if all things were equal. Well all things are not equal; we have in this country all sorts of laws. OSHA, EPA and over regulations in all industries many over lapping and then through in states like CA, MA and it is a wonder you could produce any thing. Including a toothpick, which by the way for such a simplistic item, you would not believe the regulations. Think about it, the darn items come from wood and trees. You want to back track to the timber industry in Aberdeen, Washington? Forget the fact that all the trees were cut down outside Bangladesh and the great floods a mud came later. We have environmental laws here so the tooth pick manufacturer will have to get the wood from somewhere, where it is okay to cut down the forest. Thus timber jobs are a loser, paper manufacturing is a loser, building materials like trusses etc, must come from somewhere else. Otherwise you find you self in the middle of a lawsuit-Sierra Club. Well then the builders need to make sure they have supply so when Enron decided to sell timber futures they found the best deal in Canada, who was checkerboard clear cutting. But with housing growth in the US propping up the economy along with financial institutions loaning on new housing starts the game continued. However the timber industry in Canada was abusing its environment and upsetting the people there. Since they were dumping, selling below the cost to reproduce the forest of which they had no intention like that of the US, which is required by our laws to replant the forests, which you can see in ID, WA, OR, CA and it is extremely prevalent in the Olympia Peninsula. When over regulation makes it impossible to compete and manufacturers cannot make up the difference and the labor unions will not help to streamline, work more efficient and demand the same high pay while taking the productivity needed to sustain the company for granted the company has no choice but to close the facility and manufacture somewhere else or close the company all together for instance the PillowTex Company a long time hold out which crumbled under pressure recently from the Kmart downsizing. PillowTex was one of the last textile manufacturing companies in the United States, it is the final end of an era. So how is NAFTA doing really? Well some is good, some is bad and some is ugly. The lessons learned by NAFTA could help us navigate some tricky trends we are now seeing with the US and China and India. Are we learning from our follies? Can we do better next time? Can we help bring China and India up without destroying our monetary flows in our own country? We cannot afford to sacrifice our strong middle class with bad trade policies, nor can we neglect our obligation to help the rest of the world move up for the betterment of all mankind. Please think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Dismal Performance of the NSA The NSA failed the American people and allowed the attack to occur on 9-11-2001. They had nearly an unlimited budget to work with, complete interagency trumping power and more data than God. Yet, they squandered away our chances in another huge bureaucracy of epic proportions. It is unacceptable for failure. Government's number one job is to protect the American people, yet with all the funding, black budgets and manpower they failed. Why is this? Has the NSA become weak, drowned in bureaucracy with over zealous ladder climbing incompetence? Yes, in fact this is what happened. Could I do a better job? Yes, any one could. Including my mother. It is pathetic to think with all the data available, all the information, all the little petty weak humans sneaking around and collecting all our private information that they could not even catch the hijackers of 9-11 who had FAA certificates, drivers licenses, VISAs and lived right out in the open? Sarbanes-Oxley Reality Check on Bureaucracy There is no doubt in hindsight that Sarbanes Oxley was a mistake as we watch the blob of bureaucracy move into the private sector. There is no doubt that Sarbanes Oxley's real costs have been passed onto the consumer and citizen like a giant tax increase of Boston Tea proportions. Many people wonder if Senator Sarbanes and Oxley should be brought up on charges of treason. Absolutely they should. Many people wonder if death by hanging is too harsh? Of course it is not. Plastics In Our Nations Dumps and Landfills Long Term Environmental Effect of Plastics, Composites and Other Materials on Underground Water Supplies through Leaching and Decay. The New Goo Review is Coming Right At You Non-lethal Goo Concepts have been tossed around by many war planners and Advance Weapon Think Tanks as an alternative to lethal force. Impeding the enemy army advancement and rendering them useless in battlespace has several positives. The logistical supply chains of the enemy are completely stopped. The fighting ability of the enemy is severely limited and may leave no option but surrender or annihilation. The Politics of American Public Education and Why Dramatic Progress Still Eludes Us The current political efforts aimed at improving the American public educational system appear to reflect Einstein's definition of insanity ? doing the same thing over and over again hoping for different results ? than truly creating sustainable change. Until, we begin at square one, sustainable educational achievement will not happen and the limited resources of time, people and taxpayer's dollars will continue to be depleted. Image is Everything in Redevelopment Projects Revitalization Downtown projects are all the rage in fact the "Main Street America Project" is making significant headway as cities and towns share information. The communication of information of what worked and why as well as what did not work in a given demographic is now available to those who dare to take back their downtown areas. Urban flight and suburban sprawl has been tough on America. The people have chosen to live in the suburbs; unfortunately this hurts small businesses and jobs in the downtown areas. Americans are finding a better quality of life and higher standard of living while pursuing happiness in the less congested areas. Minor Disruptions Cause Chaos in Transportation Recently the Los Angeles Transit workers are on Strike and the RTD is not operating, this happens every few years. This disrupts the flow of people on their way to get food, go to work, attend college or visit friends. When the flow of transportation is disrupted it hurts our trust in the integrity of the system and affects our lives. When you design a city and have a transportation system to support the population and then turn it off you cause chaos. The Unborn and Cloning The Unborn UK Elections on the Horizon With elections on the horizon and Blair looking tired and increasingly defensive, just what is likely outcome of the next election? The New Labour adoption of Tory plans and policies has created an almost parallel party in terms of the Conservatives and Labour. Many people are confused and find it hard to tell them apart. The Labour Party will struggle to retain the loyalties of the staunch labour support it has enjoyed over the decades. Army Recruiting Dilemma Discussed Currently the US Army is having trouble recruiting. These problems stem from the distrust of parents who lived thru the Vietnam War, as they remember the number of soldiers killed and would prefer their offspring are not needlessly sacrificed. Also indeed some of the issues come from the Democratic Side or Ultra Liberal side who say that the current administration is made up of Oil Folks and that this war is fake. Without getting into that heated debate, of which there is more than enough ammo for either side of the issue, there are more reasons. Another reason is the Army's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy on gays in the military. The Army due to these policies has been banned from many college campuses and are no longer welcomed there to recruit. If the Army were to change its gay policy, chances are it would not get the support of recruits of heterosexual mid-western Christian Religious God fearing recruits. After all if you are right wing conservative Christian the last place you would want to send your heterosexual kids to is an Army filled with gays. The Fed and Other Garbage "The Jesuit priest John H. Surratt, proven to be the ring leader in the death of President Lincoln was untouchable. In the affidavit of Henri De Sainte Marie, Aims Report, House of Representatives, 39th Session Congress, Page 15, Ex. Document No. 9., he says: 'I believe he is protected by the clergy and that the murder is the result of a deep laid plot, not only against the life of President Lincoln but against the existence of the republic, as we are aware that priesthood and royalty are and always have been opposed to liberty.'(Henri De Sainte Marie, Rufus King, Minister Resident) The Halakah and Neo Cons These leaders like the Rothschilds who backed Crowley's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn or Hitler's Golden Centurion groups around the world, have members of their De Brix clan who have been adept at esoterics for a very long time. When Cosimo De Medicis paid to have the Corpus Hermeticum translated and put his clan name on the book (De Brix) he was not the first 'dabbler' in these arts from this family. Melchizedek is perhaps the first of this family that history has records about, who was such an adept. The Hanes Taliesin does trace this history. Whats Right About Nebraska: How the Democrats Lost the Heart of American Populism (Note: This article was written slightly before the 2004 election; however, its thesis on how the Dems. lost the heartland--and why they continue to fumble the ball--bespeaks of a sea change that continues to sweep the American political landscape. Yet, Dean, et al, run down to the beach and think that last tsunami was it--not knowing they come in successive intervals, are stronger than the last one, and are not designed for your viewing pleasure!) Look! America Take a Look! I heard on the news this week how America continues to battle to bring democracy in Iraq. The people of Iraq really don't seem to want a free country governed by their own people. Hmm, why don't the Iraqis want the precious gift of democracy? Well, I request all Americans to take a good look at our own democracy and then maybe we can understand what all the fighting is about, okay. National ID Cards Have More Than Australians Concerned Fearful that terrorists will next target Australia, Prime Minister John Howard broke the silence this week. He reopened the debate on issuing mandated national ID cards. Tracking Over The Road Trucks from Canada Are you happy with all this so-called security after 9-11? Are you like most Americans I have talked with okay with the color thing and High Security Alert Colors and although the media really gets on your nerves and you feel like you are living in a scene of "The Boy who Cried Wolf" most say there are some rather obvious things they have seen which are just dumb. For instance the other day I saw four guys get out of a semi truck at a truck stop to fuel up and then go park. They were middle easterners and their truck was from Quebec headed South West on the I-80 Highway. Yet this was unusual in that team drivers are usually two people. Not four? Why Four? Were the extra people sneaking into the country? Middle Easterners who come to Canada usually get jobs like taxi drivers, truck drivers, warehouse people, etc. I understand that, those coming to the country with few assets have to start somewhere in our land of opportunity, right? Yet we have pretty open borders in many places and I see 15 trucks every fifteen minutes at nearly every border crossing I have been too from Canada to the USA. Federal Trade Commission Will Not Monitor MLM Companies Having been to every city in the country over the population of 10,000 in the last four years I have been noticing a trend. I have seen Multi-Level Marketing folks hard selling their business opportunities in public presentations. Listening to these sales pitches in nearly every coffee shop I have step foot and stayed for more than one hour; it is now obvious to me that these MLM people are making at least 25,000 to 40,000 of these presentations per day in public places. This estimate includes presentations being made at college campus dorms and at dinner tables at private homes and residences. During these meetings these MLM sales people say things like they are doing 'Private Franchising', never mentioning the words; Multi-Level Marketing, which many consumers are onto now. Instead they use the more well respected name of "Franchising" but franchising is a legal definition and is nothing close to what they are peddling. Bio Attack Nation Unready We are told by out leadership that we risk loss of American life from a Bio-Attack. This is quite a scary notion. We have already allotted over 20 Billion US Dollars to the cause of prevention since 9-11. Tom Ridge indicated that Bio-Terrorism is amongst one of our biggest fears, as much or more than nuclear detonation within our borders. Meanwhile we have Pig Disease and Bird Flu running its course in China and the CDC, WHO, HHS and other organizations and agencies are warning of us an impending Pandemic on top of any Bio-logical or chemical attack being planned by Al Queda. DC Lawyers; Have I Got a Case for You? This is no time for the Black community to sue the CSX Railroad which is a conglomeration of merged companies and the Southern Pacific Railroad Co, which did receive profits from the use for Black slave labor, but had nothing to do with CSX today which is a well diversified company in color of skin and forms of transportation. Stop hurting America with this kind of headline grabbing. It is wrong and everyone with half a brain knows that. Yes, Yes, Yes, there were terrible travesties by today's standards committed against Black Americans, YES that is true and we should never forget the past, but this is not the way to come together; this kind of charade will tear us apart. Federal Trade Commission and Dismal Performance on Mergers Most citizens agree that we need the Federal Trade Commission to protect us from Corporate Greed. However any such citizen who believe a government agency will help you in anyway or improve your quality of life is indeed amongst the bottom tier of intellectual capacity. In fact the Federal Trade Commission in their slow response time to pretend to monitor mergers and aquistions have probably single handedly caused more job losses and stock losses then Osama Bin Laden. In fact recently in a Think Tank Conversation it was discussed that the Federal Trade Commission's Anti-Trust Department may in fact work closely with Osama Bin Laden. ![]() |
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