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UK Elections on the Horizon
With elections on the horizon and Blair looking tired and increasingly defensive, just what is likely outcome of the next election? The New Labour adoption of Tory plans and policies has created an almost parallel party in terms of the Conservatives and Labour. Many people are confused and find it hard to tell them apart. The Labour Party will struggle to retain the loyalties of the staunch labour support it has enjoyed over the decades. The wind of change is in the air. Does this mean that the defeat of labour is a foregone conclusion in the next election? Far from it ? the Labour Party, whilst certainly experiencing a rapid decline in popularity is far from defeated. They are still likely to win the next election - but a week is a long time in politics. Labour candidates will admit that Blair's popularity is well down on previous levels prior to the Iraqi war. The recent doubts over the proposed new terror laws allowing suspects to be detained without trial has not helped. The accusations and continued exchanges between Tory and Labour over the NHS have not helped matters, any more than Blair's attempts to win over the people with his misguided Television fiasco. The Labour party have acted like true blue Tories in many respects. The very rich have got much richer under Labour. The gap between rich and poor, normally associated with a Tory government is very obvious under New Labour. People have noticed this. Old long term Labour supporters and their loyalty towards the Labour Party is starting to crumble. Looking back over the last few months it is difficult to see what Labour have managed to get right. The National Education Targets for raising standards in our schools have been all but abandoned as Labour realise that this is neither an election winner or remotely likely of ever being achieved. The Iraqi war continues to be as unpopular as ever and with little chance of any quick fix. Leading up to the next election the bitterness between Tory and Labour leaders is likely to get worse rather than better. Labour promised a better NHS and an improved education system. After years of Labour, the general perception is that nothing has changed. If anything it has got worse. These are serious issues for the Labour government that will cost them dearly in terms of votes. This election could be a close run thing after all. So what is wrong with Britain? What are the big issues? Crime is still seen as a big problem in the UK. The NHS is in a mess. In some hospitals the number of nurses from overseas outnumber those from the UK. Our public transport is amongst the most dangerous and expensive in the world, the rich get richer, the minimum wages stay pitifully low and the number of immigrants show no real signs of decreasing in any great numbers. The immigration issue is already a political hot potato which will cost Blair even more votes. So, who will you vote for when the time comes? If you stay at home then you can't complain about who wins ? Voting at least gives you that right! From Birmingham UK Com at http://www.birminghamuk.com where everyone is welcome
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The ?Manchurian Candidate?: Lee Harvey Oswald? An American soldier is taken behind enemy lines and brainwashed as an unwitting assassin by communists in league with American political figures. This soldier then returns to the States to kill a presidential candidate as part of a political scheme to escalate and exploit Cold War tensions. Another Whistleblower -- is Anyone Listening? The plight of whistleblowers ? those employees who sound the alarm about anything from dangerous conditions in the workplace to missed or ignored intelligence regarding our nation's security ? is a story that seems to grow stronger and with more frequency every day. My guess is that those stories have always been there; I suspect I am just paying closer attention to them now. PA Congressional Pay Hike Raises Eyebrows While many Pennsylvanians are struggling to figure out how they can pay their real estate taxes before the end-of-the-year deadline, the PA congress not only votes an extra $11,403 onto their base pay, but those on committee chairs receive an additional $4,050. Speaking in terms of percentage, the pay hikes ranged from 16% - 34%, while most of their constituents are lucky to see a 3% raise. At least the past congressional bodies, in their wisdom, made a congressman's pay increase not take affect until the following election term. But like any enterprising citizen would attempt, lawmakers looked for---and found---loopholes in the law that allows them to take "unvouchered expenses" and thus have access to the piles of tax dollars being shoveled into their waiting accounts. French NON to Europe Might be Engrained in Their History Many of the problems that the members of the European Union are expressing with their constitution are in matter of fact problems with they perceive to be the 'one size fits all' idea of policies. The French are loudest in expressing their objections and looking at the history of the evolution of the nation state, perhaps they have a point. It took millennia for the idea of the Nation State to evolve into any recognizable shape. So to expect a huge bloc of countries to continue to integrate without noticeable hiccups would be naive. What Ordinary People Are Saying--Robertson Assassination Comment What ordinary people are saying about U.S. televangelist Pat Robertson who suggested the U.S. government should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Robertson went on to state that Chavez is a "dangerous enemy" and killing Chavez would be cheaper than going to war to remove him. A Modern Lite in the Third World Americans pride themselves on being the best, that's a fact. From McDonalds, to Coke, to Microsoft, to Hollywood, we have the best of everything. Don't we? Especially in computer technology, Dell, HP/Compaq, Macintosh, we stand tall. Is that right? Is that a fact? Quick Thought on The Flow of Fuel and Costs Without the flow of fuel our very mobile society comes to a complete stand still. When the supplies get low and the free-markets dictate higher prices; every one of us feels the pain in some way. Cloning; The Possibilities and Advantages of Thought Swapping We can all see the issues involved in the cloning debate, which go much deeper than religion; the real debate has to do with evolutions process of a self-replicating organic machine, human beings, and the future of science and the species. There will be power shifts in economic status amongst ruling elite, political families, etc along with issues of entanglement, connected brains and communication abilities in the future. Discussing issues with individuals or entire groups of clones will be done with telepathic thought transfer, which will definitely be beneficial to the group dynamics and forward progression. Fuel Prices on the Rise With gasoline prices at the pump climbing strongly into the $2 slot, many people are becoming concerned about how high they may go, and what Congress should do about it, if anything. Petroleum prices effect the pricing of so many other products. Most of the items bought by consumers have been trucked some distance from a factory, to a warehouse, to a retail store. Consumer transportation, home heating, and electricity can also be adversely affected by rising fuel costs. Revitalizing The Power of the Baby Boomers As baby boomers, we have been spoiled all of our lives. When we were teenagers, the world took note because there were so many of us. Our music, our beliefs, our fashions, our styles dominated the culture of the age. When we took to the streets to protest the war in Vietnam and to support the Civil Rights Movement, we found a ready audience. Television came into its own and we splattered ourselves and our causes across the living rooms of America. Bush Panders America?s Kids to Saudi Pederasts President Bush and Secretary Powell should hang their heads in shame. The administration professes to value America's children and touts the phrase "No Child Left Behind." Simultaneously, they have abandoned an estimated 16,000 American children abroad. In Defense of the Feds Vs Katrina I, too, am saddened by the disaster in New Orleans and other areas effected and affected by the storm that stomped its way through there. Water at the Roots of Twenty First Centurys Conflicts According to a postulate made by Ignacio Ramonet ecological resources are deemed to constitute the main cause of this new century. Water as a source of scourge concerns: oceans and seas on the one hand (that's over 71 of the globe surface) and access to potable water (underground reserve and rivers) on the other hand. Over the years, water has gradually become a stake at many levels Rugged Individualism vs Human Nature "Rugged individualism" is actually a euphemism for Thomas Hobbes' baseless concept of man's natural condition as a war of everyone against everyone else. Even different species of wild animals (each of which has its own group soul, as opposed to humans, which have individual souls) cooperate with one another for their mutual benefit, so Hobbes would have had us believe that mankind is inherently more bestial than the beasts, perhaps explaining the name of the pop "music" group known as the Beastie Boys. Immigration: Ten Points to Ponder 1. Why is it that no one seems to notice, much less ever mention, that the World Bank and the IMF have implemented economic measures that have left large sections of their populations unemployed and destitute? (The illegals are not doing this, you see, but this population is easier to attack and is more defenseless than the World Bank and the IMF.) Are We Really Getting Along? When you look at the news, immigrants are dying trying to get to America. Some are in America legally and illegally. I really don't have a problem with the immigrants unless they do it the wrong way. My problem comes into play when they come to America and they don't know English. Working with Hispanics I have come to understand them much better. Alot of them have been taught that working is critical. Education isn't important. Well, in American Education and working are 2 very critical components. Lost and Found in Gaza The evacuation of Gaza is now completed, and the world has been watching closely. As a proud member of the Jewish People, I have nothing but admiration for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, for the humane way they carried out this most difficult military assignment. Most soldiers train to fight against their enemies; the Israeli army was specially trained to evacuate their own families, friends, and sometimes even their own rabbis and teachers. In fact, there was nothing easy about this assignment; according to the NY Times, an Arab reporter on the scene asked his anchor in Dubai, "Did you see the soldiers crying?" Yes, we all saw the soldiers crying and anyone with a heart and soul had to be moved by their compassion coupled with their calm discipline under exceedingly trying conditions. More tears were shed than blood, and that speaks volumes about the talent and the humanity of the Israeli Defense Forces. Rants by Lance: BRAC Committee Talks Irrelevant Completely It is amazing we have so many men, who belong to the greatest military in the history of mankind, pussy footing around. The politics of BRAC are not in line with the reality of protecting our nation. Additionally the men and generals who are deciding on the things are being too nice to each other and too much ego stroking to make for meaningful debate. I think they are a bunch of pussies and we need some real men to hash this out, who are doing it for our nation, not their friends or fiefdoms. Get real. The CSPAN debates are also stupid as our enemies are watching it too. Telemarketing and Job Losses Telemarketing and DO NOT CALL lists sure made headlines, but I bet there is something you did not realize. The good news about such industries is they bring in good telecommunication infrastructures, lower costs for consumers telephone bills, and are pollution free. Many smaller cities in the country, places like Lewiston, ID worked really hard to bring in such businesses to help pay for fiber optic lines and change the needs of the area and their dependence on polluting factories. One issue in Akron, OH which came up in a conversation with Jay Schmahl the National Sales Director for InfoCision Management Corp, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Soldiers and Their Psyche Have you noticed that the when the service men who have been killed in action in this war, that the journalists go harass the families and girlfriends or wives of the fallen soldiers? During these interviews I could not help but notice that the infantry warriors killed had girlfriends or wives who were full figured ethnic woman or young ladies. The inner city kind with the tough attitude; Why is this? I have several ideas why. Here they are: First one is that military bases are in areas that are usually tough neighborhoods, they are near logistical locations with railroad tracks and lots of noise from the base thus richer people do not live near by creating an ethnic type area of population diversity. Notice in any city there is a MLK Blvd. Always near the railroad tracks and is either connected to runs through an industrial area. Near Military bases are always industrial areas for civilian contractors who service the bases needs. Also logistics such as commissary needs, trucking, heavy industrial needs, etc. All this means that the nearest entertainment and release for the soldiers will be right off base nearby and in a rough neighborhood. Thus any person that the warrior meet would be one tough enough to hold her own in the rough neighborhood, such as a sassy full figured women who is local or travels to meet the young studs. ![]() |
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