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George Bush and the Iraq War - Down on Downing Street
You, the reader, should be aware of my affluence of love for literature in all its forms, for instance: the novel, the novella, the short story, the poem, and the comic strip - which, in its own right, is a literary and creative milestone tantamount in importance to Shakespeare. However, without doubt, one of my favorite genres of literature is: the memo. From the shady corporate memo to the internal government top-secret, not-released-to-the-public-until-years-after-it-matters memo, memos interest me for a number of reasons. Most prominent of these is the all-too-human emotions memos ? in the most sterile, inhuman way possible - convey: fears, misgivings, wants, rabid lusts, and damnable dishonesties... Oh, sorry, that's not an emotion. Also not unfamiliar to the reader should be my love of literary devices: litotes, puns, metaphors, similes, analogies, syllogisms, and ironies ? specifically those that are dramatic in nature. Truly, these are the weapons of the greatest warriors ? and of the lowliest demagogues. That's why I immediately fell in love with a newly released memo I found. It is a British memo, dubbed the "Downing Street Memo," written by a man named Matthew Rycroft, in which he reports on a meeting with prime minister Blair. Contained in the memorandum is info ascertained by the head of the British MI-6 (Sir Richard Dearlove, referred in the memo only by the alias "C") during a meeting in Washington. While Britons should find the info on their PM to be good reading (Blair's involvement in the conspiracy to wage war on Iraq sans just cause), the general plot of the memo is twofold: 1. Bush, by this memo's composition in mid-2002, had already decided to invade Iraq. 2. To this end, he had manipulated intelligence findings to fit his policy. For motives unknown to the public (but that many suspect revolve around a certain three-letter word that rhymes with "boil" ? as in, "Iraq's second-largest-reserves-on-earth make me boil with mirth" and "royal" ? as in, "ExxonMobil will be living like royalty if we get our hands on Iraq's copious quantity"), Bush had decided roughly 8 months before the invasion of Iraq that Saddam Hussein must relinquish his iron grasp on the Iraqi people and their sweet, seductive crude. George made clear that Saddam must give up his weapons of mass destruction, or he would use military force to bring down his regime and free the Iraqi people from not only the relentless drudgery of living under Hussein, but also the relentless drudgery of living period. This poignant memo seems to be the final brick that the anti-Bush legions have been seeking to build an airtight case against the emperor; a "smoking gun" that came not in the form of Condi's mushroom cloud, but rather in the form of a great mushrooming of evidence that Bush misconducted the war and, now, that he didn't even have a good reason for it. I must say that our Prospero has done an excellent job in his efforts to masque our Red Death: gone are the days of TV journalists reporting from bloody battlefields while gunfire and explosions ring from every angle (reports which were in no small part responsible for the mass protests of Vietnam). Journalists today are a much more timid, placid breed than the Woodwards and Cronkites of yore. This is partially due to the administration's aggressive means of dealing with the press, which includes, as the Washington Times reports in the article, "Hundreds of Photos of Caskets Released," repressed images of deceased soldiers that had to be coaxed from the Pentagon with a lawsuit. Now our situation becomes clear: Bush sits back and watches while those participating in the war that he, according to this memo, orchestrated for dubious reasons, are sent by the thousands into the abattoir. Dictionary.com defines "dramatic irony" as, "irony that occurs when the meaning of the situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play." My website: If you wanna rock, go to the quarry. If you wanna email me, click here.
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The Rosicrucian Council of Three THE ROSICRUCIAN COUNCIL OF THREE: Fuel Prices at the Pump: That is not the problem, Natural Gas Prices are high too The price at the gas pump is certainly on everyone's mind. We read about Airliner Bankruptcies too and their fuel costs. Truckers are complaining and the average American is modifying their travels, errands and schedules around to deal with the fuel cost increases. Wholesale inflation looms as all the costs for shipping are being passed on. Even though people are joking about the outrageous costs of fuel, it is a serious matter. Hybrid sales are up over 50% in the last two-months and dealers cannot keep them stocked. But what about other fuel costs. Gasoline, diesel and jet fuel are not the only fuel costs up these days. Double Standards for Regulators? Elliot Spitzer, recently said he wanted to drive a stake through the heart of a founding member of the NY Stock Exchange. Since when is it okay for someone who is an Attorneys General to act out like this? We are seeing more and more abuse of power. I personally know someone who emulates Elliot Spitzer who is a young up and coming rising star in a Federal Agency, who would in fact go out of their way to falsify documents, make threats, hide their identity, and attack reputable folks on behalf of competitors. He would and did do this for reasons of selfgratification and future job titles and kudos? No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual The No Child Left Behind can work if the Federal Government will put up content on the website and allow for those who are; Behind in studies, about to miss a grade level advancement, perform poorly on general tests, at home schooling students (when parents have no knowledge in subject matter), are in Juvenile Hall, live in areas very rural, have disorders, or have injuries which prevent attendance or need Summer School catch up work. Environmentalists Often Complain About GM Crops Maybe some of the people complaining ought to go to Africa and tell people to stop breeding like rats? Think of all the GM Crops can do for plastics, synthetic material and even for NASA since they are working with these R and D facilities to make organic materials with GM crops. All this special R and D is paid for by these companies due to the future promise of potential profits, but it is not without risk. Preparing to Invade Japan This is the fourth and final article in a series recollecting Britain in the 1940's. My uncle, the late Mr Gordon Bessant is telling his memories to Mr Joe Hieatt-Smith. The tapes were made in 1994, not 1996 as previously stated. Internet in Russia and Ukraine - Part 1. General Information and Statistics User Base US Army in Catch 22 on Gays Issue Many of those who wish to fight for our country come from families with strong ideals of freedom. Most of them are strong Christians in fact. There in lies the real problem with the US Army recruiting. To be allowed to come on campus to recruit at many colleges they are asked to be careful around the issue of Gays in the military. Yet to recruit a Christian Soldier this is a little tough, for if you allow gays in the military this goes against their belief system and if they are heterosexual, they want nothing to do with being in the same shower with someone who might be gay, but will not tell? Watergate Scandal On June 16, 1972, a security guard at the Watergate Hotel in Washington , D.C. , discovered a piece of tape on the lock of the door that led to the National Democratic Headquarters. UAV Decoy Stategies, Theories and The Modern Art of War Well having studying the need for decreasing America's dependence on Foreign Oil and the advances of the automotive industry such as Fed Ex and UPS along with Eaton and GM. Also studying the efforts of Sunlite Bus in Palm Desert and the recent information on ceramic coatings and problems in Urban Heat, Ozone Levels, Global Warming Issues from NASA and GeoSat efforts and various weather updates and information gathering data efforts to predict thunder storms, Hurricanes, Fires and Tornados we have learned quite a bit. US Government Regulators and Aides with AIDS All government regulators or diplomat who are in high risk categories for contracting AIDS as well as senior aides in our nations capital who routinely travel abroad must be tested if they have any drug history or are homosexual. Other wise our aides and diplomats will be exporting AIDS. How can we as a nation put forth restrictions from certain countries or travelers from certain lands who may have contracted diseases such as Bird Flu, Small Pox or other pathogen if we are sending our own government workers abroad who could infect citizens of other nations with AIDS. Wars, Oil and Trade Conflicts of the Human Race Many in the World Media are quick to judge the Bush Administration on the War in Iraq; saying it's all about oil? Much of this is a slander campaign brought on by other world leaders who had interests in Iraq, deals with Saddam and we have all heard of the oil for food scandals. Let's face it if someone owes you money and you are doing business with them, you want to make sure the money keeps coming, the oil keeps flowing and no one messes up your lucrative deal. Affirmative Inaction One of Abraham Lincoln's claims to fame is the fact that he is best known for abolishing slavery. While he may have felt some personal satisfaction from liberating the Negroes from their bondage, Economy was the main reason why he made his emancipation proclamation. He wanted all of America to move into the Yankee version of capitalism. Over half a decade later, and after a series of civil rights "victories", the roots of Affirmative Action were laid into law. Patriots and Parrots: Imprisoning Tongues in America It can be dangerous to engage in free speech. This year alone, 242 journalists, in countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, have been tossed into jail for their words, and one has been killed. The Wall of Honor Many Americans have children, fathers, mothers, grandparents, other family members and friends who have served in the armed forces. For these individuals, they understand the importance of protecting this country because of the sacrifices these American servicemen and women have made for us as citizens of this great nation. The Hegemony - Church and State THE ECCLESIASTICAL GRANT: Chinese Ministry of Information Internet Registration Laws China maybe stopping some of the SPAM coming into the United States by getting tough on Internet users. Currently about 30 percent of all SPAM comes from China. But before you get all happy and break out the champagne you must realize that what they are doing has nothing to do with helping us. The Chinese government is afraid for freedom of the press, because it is undermining the their political power. They are particularly upset with bloggers there. Cloaking Giant Airships is Possible, Why Stop There? We know we can cloak a giant airship from those looking up at it by simply using a video to tape what is above it and then display that on the bottom of the blimp. Those looking up at it will see not see a blimp but rather the sky above displayed like a giant flat movie screen which has been curved around the bottom of the blimp. Showing on the screen will not be Goodyear, Fuji, Budweiser or buy GM. It will be an exact picture image of the clouds, sky or stars directly above the airship. This technology exists now and has been tested, the technology is not so difficult or complicated, and it is relatively simple and easy to understand. Whats Right About Nebraska: How the Democrats Lost the Heart of American Populism (Note: This article was written slightly before the 2004 election; however, its thesis on how the Dems. lost the heartland--and why they continue to fumble the ball--bespeaks of a sea change that continues to sweep the American political landscape. Yet, Dean, et al, run down to the beach and think that last tsunami was it--not knowing they come in successive intervals, are stronger than the last one, and are not designed for your viewing pleasure!) The Blessings of the Black Economy Some call it the "unofficial" or "informal" economy, others call it the "grey economy" but the old name fits it best: the "black economy". In the USA "black" means "profitable, healthy" and this is what the black economy is. Macedonia should count its blessings for having had a black economy so strong and thriving to see it through the transition. If Macedonia had to rely only on its official economy it would have gone bankrupt long ago. ![]() |
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