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Quality of Life and Freedom, Unilateral Discussion
City Governments is their quest for; "quality of life" often lose sight of the revenue stream which derives the money to run their city. Of course this trend has been going on a very long time. People should remember that government exists because the people allow it to exist and it should also remember that you can always start throwing tea in the water when your government fails you. Let us look now in this discussion at local municipal governments and an issue that I am very familiar with. In our travels we have noticed cities being hostile towards tourists. Making all kinds of unnecessary rules against the natural tendencies of quest visitors. We witnessed in Florida, Daytona Beach Race Area the hostile running of traffic, events, parking and camping. Yet during these events, which are, suppose to be a economic bonanza for the town and its merchants, they inadvertently turn away those dollars and are simply left with the headaches of clean up and traffic. Cities build stadiums, theatres, convention centers, rodeo fair grounds, museums, racetracks to attract tourists and money to be spent in their towns. And if successful and the masses emerge onto the town with their dollars, the city treats them like crap and makes their stay unbearable. The Salt Lake City Winter Olympics went over board with security and made it tough to go to town to shop or get food. Then the citizens who floated a bond to build the facilities vote for laws to restrict the use of the city during the events hurting the revenues of local businesses. This is terrible. Then the tourists do not spend all they might and the sales tax revenue generated from those events never come in and therefore it is nothing more than an incredible burden and cost to the municipalities for hosting the event(s). Why? This is dumb. Why have an event and invite the world if you are only going to tell them we do not want your money, go home? I saw a really bad bumper sticker once in Las Vegas that said; "Okay now you've seen Vegas, now go home!!!" I bet this person has a job that is directly benefiting from the money derived from the tourists. To top off matters, we are seeing now with terrorist scares that local police are harassing the crap out of the tourists. I wonder why anyone would ever come back? Why not watch it on TV, it is cheaper and you always get a good view. With today's surround a sound you could even hear the racecars and the clashed of high tech plastic being worn by athletes in Hockey, football and other sports. You sure can hear the sounds on TV in wrestling, baseball, and boxing. One city we were recently at in NC, we were told we could not stay in our motor home, because it was against the city ordinance and even in the entire county to camp in a vehicle. Great of course when 45,000 people show up in town there are no extra rooms, KOA spaces or other places to stay. So in other words we have an event and we want everyone to come to, we advertise it all over the country. But we will make it impossible for you to enjoy yourself while you are here. Hmm? Then why go? Precisely? And if no one enjoys him or herself or spends money then the event will surely be a drag on the locals and therefore you have a self-fulfilling prophesy. Cities are so stupid to build a big facility and make the public pay and then allow the public to make laws, which make it impossible for it to turn a profit. Why? Bad business management decision-making; It shows how a small few can ruin everything. But in the case of Orlando, Vegas or Nashville TN which are all national and international tourist destinations, you are cutting off the hand that is feeding you. People blame 9-11 for this latest down turn in the tourism business; I blame stupid short sided people who have no clue as to where the money comes from. A city that prevents overnight parking of high-end motor homes during large events is self destructive; they should therefore not be bailed out by government or tax dollars. Putting good money on top of bad management is as bad as Enron. Cities who make laws against these tourist yet have their economies run partly from tourist money, are short sided. Think of a city like Henderson NV, Nashville TN, Kissimee FL, Daytona FL with such laws, how can these cities afford the police forces if there are no sales revenues. City government and city services run to a large part off the sales tax revenue usually 1-2% which pay for police departments and city services whether they are run in house or contracted out. The funniest thing is that cities like this with high qualities of life have people in them that are of the same income level that affords them to travel too. Touche when they travel and are treated like shit after they voted for similar laws in their own cities. HA HA HA. Dumb people, who do not see the whole picture; what is the problem with this picture? I am laughing because it will be really fun to watch this unfold as our freedoms are stripped by over zealous police departments, $5.00 per hour security guards and governments at all levels who claim they are protecting us and restricting our freedom for our own safety and freedom. Bull. You cannot have freedom by giving up freedom. We have allowed the law enforcement agencies, law making scoundrels called politicians to run a muck once more. Are you sure it is the terrorists who are taking away our freedom or are we just rolling over and letting it happen? Is just an excuse to back track over 200 plus years of hard fought and hardship one sacrifices to get here. Are we to give it all back that quickly? Did we forget from hence we came? Are we forgetting the words of Sacristies, Plato, Jesus, Moses, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Gandhi and thousands of others? Did your ancestors die in vein to protect our freedoms? Was that little stunt of throwing tea in the water without meaning? Give me liberty or give me death, do those words mean nothing? Are we so stupid as a society that we cannot see what we've done to ourselves, that we let the media get the best of us. That we have given up free will and free thought to the TV, to the politicians, to the garbage of photo-op video journalism? Why are we allowing ourselves to be broken from within? The enemy; they are the terrorists, nuke them. Do not wait for them to come here. We should be offensively merciless in our attack. Not attacking our own people with rhetoric and more laws. There ought to be only one law about making laws. You have to get rid of ten laws if you are going to make one new one. That will change the tables. Every time there is an event the politicians stand up and say, "I propose we make a law to prevent that from ever happening again" oh really? Dumb fools. Ignorant idiots. Laws, which go against human innate characteristics do not prevent people from doing bad things. They make people adapt and go a different direction. Trying to circumvent the letter of the law or its intention. Then to shore up that law you make another one. But that does not work so you make another one and another one for all the loop holes except the ones you can selectively enforce on people who do not fund your campaigns, for them oh no. You will make yet another exception to the rule, law, ordinance, tax code, resolution, decisions, fee schedule, permit or a hundred other things we hide with different names, but they are still rules and laws. This is the problem. Too many politicians (lawyers) making laws for no reason; forcing people to act in a way or a business to do something that goes against inherent laws of free enterprise, natural laws of nature or innate tendencies of mankind whether through nurture or nature. Bunch of dummies I tell ya. Did you know that the OSHA Standards are 56 stories high if you take all the pages and stack them one by one on top of each other? Ought to throw the next bastard that makes another page, without eliminating ten off the top of the pile jump from the top with out an executive high rise parachute. Freedom or Free Enterprise need not be a pipe dream. With this new created reality we now face after 9-11, we must pay attention to what is real. We must take back our freedom, fight for our rights. The terrorists are the enemy not our people. We have sacrificed enough. You wonder why the boomers (77 million of them) do not trust government, yes they accept it, but they sure as hell know better than to trust it. And the Xers (80 million), they do not trust anyone anymore. With increased communication it is time to make all levels of our government respect, protect and deliver as best they can all the freedoms and stipulations in our Constitution. Our rights are being violated, look out your window. Vote for what is right and study the history and never forget all those who died to make this a great place. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Public Procurement and Very Private Benefits In every national budget, there is a part called "Public Procurement". This is the portion of the budget allocated to purchasing services and goods for the various ministries, authorities and other arms of the executive branch. It was the famous management consultant, Parkinson, who once wrote that government officials are likely to approve a multi-billion dollar nuclear power plant much more speedily that they are likely to authorize a hundred dollar expenditure on a bicycle parking device. This is because everyone came across 100 dollar situations in real life - but precious few had the fortune to expend with billions of USD. Mexican Tariffs on American Goods? Mexican has tariffs on goods, which come into its country from the United States. The tariffs in many cases are 50%. This is said to help Mexico's economy. But if you look at all the money being shipped to Mexico each week by migrant and illegal alien workers you see a much different issue brewing. You see their economy growing and not very much money coming back for US Goods in trade. Thus we are upside down in the trade deficit. Public Utilities, Monopolies and Problematic Structures Public utilities and a problematic issue on the allowance of profits. We all know that if you are only allowed to make 15 percent profit as in the case of Utilities Companies then why not spend more money so you can make 15 percent go up. For instance if you make $100 which are only allowed to keep 15, that you make two hundred dollars, then you get to keep 30. A utility is a quasi government agency in that it has no competition; it is regulated by government. It is a forced monopoly, so monopolies are fine as long as the government says so, yet very inefficient and to that end when you take an inefficient business model whether it is steel or energy and throw it into a deregulated ring where strong survive, you learn real quick just how inefficient and out of shape it is. Companies, which become or are labeled monopolies by government, yet got there through fierce competition are much different than companies, which are monopolies which were in fact created by the government. Politicians Will Save Civilization Most politicians are completely out to lunch and totally Machiavellian by nature, they cannot be trusted. We tend to elect the most manipulative politicians to higher offices and condemn the one's who really care. I saw a great picture on the front cover of the NY Times where the Politicians were busy having a party congratulating themselves for getting a bill passed in the Senate. The Rosicrucian Council of Three THE ROSICRUCIAN COUNCIL OF THREE: Chinese Rhetoric Over Taiwan, Back At You It appears we are getting a little bit of Sun Tzu sword rattling as they set their sights on Taiwan. This is somewhat bothersome, as they have publicly stated that they would use nuclear weapons on the United States if we tried to interfere. Well, it seems that as if this is an International Terrorist threat by a nation state's General and therefore, it must be recanted by him and we must ask China to remove him from power. If they fail to do so, we must act decisively and attack China now using everything in our arsenal including large Mega tonnage Nuclear Weapons. After this is done, we can then prove to the world that Nuclear Weapons are evil and must not ever be used again. This will be proof positive of the devastating power of Nuclear Weapons. The European Bank for the Retardation of Development In typical bureaucratese, the pensive EBRD analyst ventures with the appearance of compunction: "A number of projects have fallen short of acceptable standards (notice the passive, exculpating voice - SV) and have put the reputation of the bank at risk". If so, very little was risked. The outlandish lavishness of its City headquarters, the apotheosis of the inevitable narcissism of its first French Chairman (sliding marble slabs, motion sensitive lighting and designer furniture) - is, at this stage, its only tangible achievement. In the territories of its constituencies and shareholders it is known equally for its logy pomposity, the irrelevance of its projects, its lack of perspicacity and its Kafkaesque procedures. And where the IMF sometimes indulges in oblique malice and corrupt opaqueness, the EBRD wallows merely in avuncular inefficacy. Both are havens of insouciant third rate economists and bankers beyond rating. Retirement Age Will Have To Be Raised Since People Are Living Longer With people living longer we have some problems as those with pensions will be receiving monies much longer than anticipated. They will be using hospitals and need care longer and all of this will cost us more. Also at issue is Social Security as we have been listening to in the news lately. Yes, the once small $1300 pay from the Roosevelt Ear has now reached epic proportions and the ponzy scheme is a financial crisis waiting to happen. You can also expect many of the huge pension fund contributions of America's largest corporations to renege on their pledges. Do not expect to find a new wave of retirees moving into the golf course condos, unless they have a large financial nest egg. Many retirees are worried. Ask any financial advisor, investment advisor or insurance sales person what the number one thing people ask for today? Long Term Health Care Insurance; costs have skyrocketed and folks are living longer and very worried. Want to live longer? A Noble Attempt To Bring Peace in Assam United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), one of the most powerful militant organizations operating in the northeast region is in the limelight again but this time for a better reason. Attempts to initiate talks with the center and the group are in progress. The group was established in 1979 by Paresh Baruah along with his associates. The group aims to establish a Sovereign Socialist Assam. Bush Victory: A Defeat for the Have-Nots? The shouting is over and directions for the next four years selected. Judging by past behavior (the best predictor, psychologically, of future behavior), we can look forward to: From Democracy to Omniocracy Clint Eastwood recently plunged into the murky political pond with his statement, "Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right, you meet the same idiots coming around from the left." John Roberts ? Supreme Court Nominee President Bush's selection of the Hon. John Roberts is an interesting choice. The betting, and there had been betting, was on a minority or female candidate. Instead, President Bush swings for the fences with a middle-aged, white male. Let the ugliness begin. Global Initiative of Electronic Commerce Taxation; Guiding Principles for Pakistan 1. United States of America (USA) To Grow Out Of Unemployment There is a connection between economic growth and unemployment. There is a connection between growth and inflation. Therefore, commonsense (and financial theory) goes, there must be a connection between inflation and unemployment. A special measure of this connection is the Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU). Supposedly, this is the rate of unemployment which still does not influence inflation. If unemployment goes below NAIRU, inflationary pressures begin to exert themselves. End Time Clock Ticking Away? Earlier this month, I heard President George W. Bush and Mahmoud Abbas, the Prime Minister of the Palestinians speaking of another Peace Treaty with Israel. President Bush spoke about the boarder security of the two countries: Israel and Palestine. Abbas of course, spoke of achieving final peace between the two nations. Upon hearing these two heads of state speak, I remembered what the Bible stated in 1st Thessalonians Chapter 5: Verse 3: "When you hear them say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them." Federal Trade Commission Franchising Website Needs Updating Many times our government regulatory over embellish problems in the market place and misrepresent the true picture of fraud involved. Often this is done to put fear into consumers and justify their need. Truly very little government is actually needed at all. Any studier of government would agree. Media Advertising: New Alcohol Advertising Codes - 1 October 2005 Businesses advertising alcohol either in TV or non-broadcast format need to ensure they comply with the new Alcohol Advertising Codes ("Codes"). The Codes for both TV and non-broadcast advertisements have now been published. All alcohol advertisements appearing from 1 October 2005 need to be compliant with the Codes. They include such things as: Cops Want To Increase Marijuana Punishments? Leave it to the Columbia City Police Officers Association in Missouri to try to turn back and increase punishments for marijuana, against the will of the voters. Six months ago the voters in Columbia City elected to decrease punishments for marijuana. Now, the police officers are trying to repeal it. The Unborn and Cloning The Unborn Jobs and the Flow of Fuel We see today a fierce unspoken competition between trucks and trains. It is well known in those industries and with those who ship the products, components, parts, natural resources, produce and event he fuel itself. After all the fuel competes for the cheapest mode of delivery as well. Whether it is a pipeline, rail car, tanker truck, ship, barge, etc. In the case of military, you can add in all the squadrons of flying gas stations too. The price of fuel can be the savior to an industry which is hammered by over seas competition or is trying to find a little more room to cut costs to appease a persnickety union with greater health care costs, safer working conditions (at least they often claim that), less working hours, more paid vacation time, bonuses, higher pay, etc. The money has to come from somewhere and the price of fuel and the supply will often determine the viability of a large corporation. Those companies, which use lots of fuel are very much affected by these trends. For instance; Airlines, Trucking Companies, Railroads, Manufacturing Companies, and Service Companies of every shape and size. When these companies pay more for fuel those prices are figured into the price to the customer. When such companies have long term contracts to a customer and the price moves upward to quickly then these companies have to eat that cost. This causes huge operational losses and poor quarterly earnings, which effects their market valuations due to hammering by the gambling casino stock markets when they report these losses. This in turn leads to massive lay offs. Which is not a good thing. ![]() |
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