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Confession of a King
Rufus King: (Said to be the fifth most important person in the founding of America by another researcher.) I have also presented a great deal of possibility-thinking in regards to the elite families and their noble lineages or genetic manipulations including the Merovingians that include the likes of the Randolphs and Churchills. This is an incorporation of special people into their bloodlines beyond what Gardner documents in Genesis of the Grail Kings. Lord Mountbatten may have known what I suspect is true, but few others could. Paschal Beverly Randolph, like his ancestor Peyton Randolph, almost certainly was one of the top people in this foul and esoteric plot even if he was not part of the Crowleyan Perdurabo ritualistic soul-grabbing which I have inside information or personal experience about. I have written about it in other books. It includes Thomas Jefferson who was given special tutelage by the Newtonian alchemist by the name of Professor Short for the formative period of Jefferson's education at William and Mary University. I will probably never have the whole picture and yet this book will attempt to shed some light on these racial issues and genetic engineering they have engaged which surrounds Frederick Douglass and Thomas Jefferson. It was something I was once going to do in honor of my ancestor Rufus King who was the first man in New York to publicly free his slaves. However I dropped the project when I discovered some disturbing things about Thomas Jefferson who I had admired greatly and still feel is one of the great people of recent history. I now begin to suspect Rufus King was an elitist paladin of high standing in these intrigues. He was involved in the negotiations about the Louisiana Purchase even though he was the English contact. Does this mean the English Royals were behind or a part of the whole matter? Here is a little reference about letters involving him and the Louisiana Purchase. "34 letters written from Paris, December 1801 to May 1803, by Robert R. Livingston, U.S. Minster to France, to Rufus King, Minister Plenipotentiary of the U.S., relating to negotiations that resulted in the Louisiana Purchase." (3) At this time and thereafter as well, Rufus was the US Ambassador to England. He was the formal Ambassador during the negotiations for the Louisiana Purchase and then he continued as special representative. Some of his family then came to Canada and my family legend tells us they said they were United Empire Loyalists. We are related. Yes, the Kings were United Empire Loyalists and perhaps in the same way my mother's mother's family (The Hamiltons) were. The Hamiltons are high up in the Stuart 'play both ends against the middle' gambit but I cannot say that by my grandmother's time there was much more knowledge about these things than merely buying the Orange or Irish argument and conflict. It certainly was a passionate issue for them. You could call them all monarchists and that includes Rufus King, Ben Franklin and the other noble offspring and illegitimates like Jefferson. I am pretty confident that the real power in the Louisiana Purchase was Pierre Dupont de Nemours and Rufus, Livingston, Monroe, Jefferson and all the rest answered to his beck and call as the Rothschilds loaned or gave money to Jefferson and the others as they so desired. The Rothschilds and Duponts are key or primary Merovingian families. Natty Rothschild was more visible in planning the wars of the 20th Century along with Cecil Rhodes and Randolph Churchill who he loaned (?) great sums of money to. Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com
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Iran is Escalating the Conflict Iran has threatened to raise America's fuel prices again. They have said they will most likely comply with the nuclear weapons productions, but are quite spiteful with regards to a different attack on American Soil. They are using what they believe to be levers available to them in OPEC. Iran has threatened to ask OPEC; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to slash output when the group meets this next week. Iran's OPEC governor has made this comment in the news. Workaholism, Leisure and Pleasure The official working week is being reduced to 35 hours a week. In most countries in the world, it is limited to 45 hours a week. The trend during the last century seems to be unequivocal: less work, more play. Constitutional Amendment Needed on Sodomy Laws Many very nice and loving homosexual male couples want to get married. Sure they can have various personal vows and contractual relationships, share monies; even call themselves married; domestic partners or sole mates. Male homosexual marriages or civil unions seem to make sense because the homosexual male population as a whole is 560% more promiscuous as heterosexuals or regular folks. This promiscuity issue leaves them as at the highest possible risk of contracting HIV and AIDS. AIDS kills people, which would not be very good for them personally. In the future perhaps there will be a cure. Right now the Chinese are working on a vaccine, which looks promising. When you insert you sexual organ up another person's rectum much tearing takes place and there are severe health risks involved even without the contraction of venereal diseases or AIDS. Did 9-11 Change Everything for the Business Community For the business community 9-11 changed everything. In our company, we are in the cleaning business and after 9-11 we saw 62.6% decrease in weekend call ins for washing services at office buildings and a nearly same number of residential call ins. We believe this is partly due to adverse weather but as last years information shows it cannot be more than 20%. Last year that period was down 11.45% and then in the first 3 quarters of 2001 it picked up. We believe because all the phone companies with cellular started offering free weekend minutes so people decided to call us since we are probably on their speed dials for their cell phones. That increase was 4.1 %. Weather last year during this period was light, the previous year lighter and the year before that hectic. This year's winter is a medium plus year for rain and snow days. Jihad Will Continue The Jihad against the Western World will continue. It will also continue against the Eastern World next. Why is this happening; why do they continually plan to attack innocent life? Why are they using this weapon against others? Why are they using their religion to build their International Terrorist Teams and recruit suicide Jihadists? Well the answer to the question is because it works. The Jihad works and many are folding their hand. Mass Media hysteria and fear have taken their toll on weak peoples of many countries, who are surrendering their freedoms and their civilization's forward progression to this simplest of tactics. Spain in the Madrid Bombings caved into International Terrorism, they should have never done that. Such a back track will not save them from future attacks and it certainly assists the Jihadists in their war on the civilized world. Conservation of Water in Big Cities Water Conservation in larger cities is less of an issue publicly than in smaller cities, yet in reality it is more important in larger cities to conserve to allow smaller cities to exist. This is ironic, however truth because a small city that saves a lot is a mere drop in the bucket to the amount of water a big city can save when each person saves only a small amount, because those little amounts are multiplied by the masses into true water savings. Stopping a Nuclear Bomb on a Hydrofoil The US Homeland Security is worried about Hydrofoil or Skimmer Craft used as fast moving bombs on water entering one of our ports or Naval shipyards. If you will remember the XXX" Movie with the Hydrofoil Craft with a Biological Weapon which would kill millions of people if it released it's gaseous cargo. How Many Cases Will Elliot Spitzer Lose Now? The devastating loss in case of Elliot Spitzer for NY Governator VS. Bank of America has set back the mirage behind the man who would be king. His case has clothes and his paper work no validity. This was one of the first of his high profile cases to run its course in the New York Court system. Apparently the house of cards like a bunch of watered down cattle is now public. The ponzi governor is now cut short. If only the election could have been two-weeks ago he might have fooled everyone that his entire career was not built on false premise. Protectionism in Russia The new law "Special Protective, Antidumping and Import Compensatory Measures" differs from the old one by the fact that it fully complies with the WTO (World Trade Organization) standards. It is for the first time in the Russian practice that a law describes in detail what is necessary to do in order to protect the Russian market and how to do it. As its authors promised, the Law has turned out to be extremely concrete: it is conceived so that the officials as well as the participants of trade agreements will be able to find straight answers to their questions, and they should not search for any special "explanations" and "commentaries". What is the Filibuster-Breaking Nuclear Option? What is the so-called "nuclear option" that Senator Bill Frist may deploy soon in a precedent-setting attempt to break a potential filibuster? It sounds ominous, but what is it all about, really? Simple Middle East Peace Plan I. WARS ARE BASIC CONFLICTS OVER LAND. II. BOUNDARIES. THE STATE OF ISRAEL SHALL BASICALLY BE HER PRE-1967 BORDERS, EXCEPT FOR THEIR MUNICIPAL JURISDICTION IN JERUSALEM. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE SHALL BE THE WEST BANK AND GAZA. THE BOUNDARIES OF SYRIA SHALL BE HER PRE-1967 BORDERS. III. CITIZENSHIP. JEWISH PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME JEWISH CITIZENS OF THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE; PALESTINIAN PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN ISRAEL SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME ISRAELI CITIZENS; JEWISH PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN SYRIA SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME JEWISH CITIZEN'S OF SYRIA. IV. IMMIGRATION. THE RIGHTS OF JEWISH PERSONS TO TRAVEL AND LIVE IN THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE AND THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINIAN PERSONS TO TRAVEL AND LIVE IN ISRAEL SHALL BE EQUAL. THE GOVERNMENT IN THE ACTUAL COUNTRY OF IMMIGRATION SHALL SET THE LAWS, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND ACTS GOVERNING TRAVEL AND IMMIGRATION. V. JERUSALEM. THE RIGHTS OF ALL PEOPLE TO TRAVEL AND PRAY IN THE WALLED CITY OF JERUSALEM SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. THE WALLED CITY OF JERUSALEM SHALL BE SACRED LAND WITH EQUAL SOVEREIGNTY AND RIGHTS TO ALL RELIGIONS, PEOPLES AND PERSONS WHO HONOR THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM. BOTH ISRAELI AND PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP AND DUAL CITIZENSHIP WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THE RESIDENTS OF JERUSALEM. VI. JURISDICTION. THE GOVERNMENT'S SOVEREIGNTY OVER PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY RIGHTS; AND CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS SHALL BE THAT GOVERNMENT'S IN THE ACTUAL LAND OF THE COUNTRY OF USAGE AND OCCURRENCE. PALESTINE, ISRAEL AND SYRIA AGREE TO DROP ANY AND ALL PAST PROPERTY, POLITICAL, CIVIL, CRIMINAL, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS BETWEEN AND AMONG EACH NATIONS, PEOPLES, PERSONS, CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS. ALL NATIONS, PEOPLES, PERSONS, CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS AGREE TO HONOR AND RESPECT THE GOVERNMENT'S SOVEREIGNTY OF NEW LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND ACTIONS. ISRAEL, PALESTINE AND SYRIA AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ANY FINAL APPEAL VOTE. VII. FOREMOST RIGHTS WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CURRENT USER AND USE. VIII. CAPITOLS. THE RIGHTS OF ISRAEL TO HAVE THEIR EXISTING CAPITOL BUILDING IN JERUSALEM, AND THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINE TO HAVE THEIR CAPITOL BUILDING IN RAMALLAH SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. IX. DEMILITARIZATION. UPON THE PRIME MINISTER'S APPROVAL OF THE PALESTINIAN, ISRAELI AND SYRIAN PEOPLE, THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME OPERATIONAL. ISRAELI DEMILITARIZATION TO HER BASIC BORDERS SHALL BEGIN OCTOBER 31, 2004 AND BE EFFECTIVE BY MAY 1, 2005. THEREAFTER, THE TERRITORIES THAT WERE OCCUPIED SHALL REMAIN DEMILITARIZED BY ISRAEL, PALESTINE AND SYRIA. X. FINAL APPEAL. ANY FINAL APPEAL OR DETERMINATION WILL BE DETERMINED BY A MAJORITY VOTE BY A THREE PERSON COMMITTEE MADE UP OF A PALESTINIAN, ISRAELI AND AMERICAN MINISTER. A MAJORITY VOTE IS A REQUIREMENT TO HEAR A FINAL APPEAL OR DETERMINATION. Intelligent Design - Why are the Intelligent So Afraid of It? Why are intelligent people so afraid of the idea that the worlds may have been made by?intelligent design? Is it only a very un-intelligent fear that they may have been wrong? Is mighty science threatened? Or are they afraid that Science will be seen as the bully on the block who met up one night in a dark alley with a huge group of Bible thumping geeks. The FTC Purports and Misrepresents Their Law Enforcement Experience as It Attacks Business We should all give much kudos to the Federal Trade Commission. We sincerely compliment you on your misdirection, smoke screams and use of self-aggrandizement to further justify the on-going ability to govern, lead, legislate, regulate, and enforce law in the franchising industry. Many of the fear tactics and public relations ploys at the Federal Trade Commission show tactics straight out of the Machiavellian Play Book. Therefore we believe some sort of award is deserved for such strict adherence to that methodology. Boston Bankers Many people make a lot of money in war. In WWII we know that Prescott Bush was involved with Brown Bros. Harriman in a trading with the enemy lawsuit. The Bush family is not even close to the top of this food chain that includes agents like the Rockefellers and the likes of Chase Manhattan Bank which I dealt with in my book on Custer, Keogh and Lincoln's Assassination through Samuel Chase. That was the Civil War and I am now addressing the War of 1812. I find the same families show up over and over again however. The funny thing is we have a group called the Peace Faction that seemed against the war and yet the result from their efforts put more money in the hands of these bankers that are now called the Beacon Hill Mob and include such upstanding people as the group known as The Pilgrims. There is so much intrigue it is hard to wade through it all and I am sure some readers will not choose to check into it all. I certainly cannot lay it all before you in any one book. NASCAR to be Shut Down by FTC? The Federal Trade Commission has very important Anti-trust Laws. They say these laws protect us from Evil Monopolies. Many believe this is in the best interest of our civilization, society and of course the consumer. The NASCAR franchise is absolutely a monopoly and successful because people love NASCAR. It provides the fans what they want and we gladly pay to watch the most competitive men and machines trust thru the laws of physics to greater and greater speeds and efficiency. There is no greater sport that tests the wills of men. NASCAR combines these factors to bring us the ultimate. Seven Things That Make Me Angry I watch the TV news and I get angry. I really need to quit that. It's not good for my blood pressure. However, there are certain things that always get me going no matter how hard I try to ignore them. They get me hot under the collar and I guess they always will. I feel a need to vent right now, so I'll discuss seven of them below. (Hey, that's a nice round biblical number). The Mother of All Political Battles Has Begun! News is spreading of the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, setting up a political battle the likes never before seen. This is the first of what could be several openings in the not too distant future. Internet in Russia and Ukraine - Part 1. General Information and Statistics User Base Federal Trade Commission Partnerships Questioned In many reports we see that the Federal Trade Commission has referenced the Better Business Bureau. It appears that the Federal Trade Commission is using this private business as an example and potential justification of their on-going rule making and regulation in many industry sectors and categories. Some feel that any association with the Better Business Bureau is bothersome in that if they are in constant alliance with the Federal Trade Commission then the Federal Trade Commission, is not watching their potential abuses or manipulations in the free market. Democracy, War and the Media - Uneasy Bedfellows All Round Recent international wars and the often spectacular ways in which the established media is covering them, have given media researchers ample opportunity to see whether technological developments are giving us the opportunity to have a closer experience of democracy. ![]() |
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