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Iran is Escalating the Conflict
Iran has threatened to raise America's fuel prices again. They have said they will most likely comply with the nuclear weapons productions, but are quite spiteful with regards to a different attack on American Soil. They are using what they believe to be levers available to them in OPEC. Iran has threatened to ask OPEC; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to slash output when the group meets this next week. Iran's OPEC governor has made this comment in the news. So are they all going to screw us in the United States and then allow Iran to be the one to blame? Yet, we will not be able to go to war now over the nuke thing. But we all know they have been exporting insurgents to Iraq to kill Iraqi police and US service men and of course the miscellaneous civilian for a head chopping video? We can still justify a war to take out the Iranian leadership. This time it could actually be a war about oil as well as insurgents, but we in America want our oil prices lowered not raised. So, we will need to economically cripple the country, attack them with weapons or help the silent majority in a civil war. Another way we can crush these abuses of power and bull crap games they play is to enlist wall street to attack all Iranian interests and slam their investments and currency. Completely destroy their economy and economic output. This will lead to a civil war and we will make a lot of money screwing them over. It seems that is exactly what their governor said he wanted to do. A cartel, which manipulates the supply as an attack against the United States is in fact committing an act of war; it is a play to bring about political will. It is time we shut that down now and stop screwing with those who wish us ill will. These sorts of threats against our nations economy are an act of a war. If we are going to pay more for oil anyway and the Iran continues to threaten the peace, send in insurgents to kill our soldiers, a war is a good option. Killing one's own species is a horrible thing to do, but this war has already started and instead of unraveling the problems Iran is trying to wind things up; we must lay down the letter of the law and stop screwing with people who will not honor the written or spoken word. How can you even maintain peace or make a treaty with a group, which lies, cheats and looks for ways to stick you in the back, every time you turn around? It appears we will be going to war with Iran. This OPEC game playing now is really going to be the last stray. We need to pull out all the stops and stop playing games with such underhanded games. Oh, don't get me wrong I also am not fond of the North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Il either. We can easily do both and continue our rebuilding efforts. Think on this America, do you want to pay $4.00 a gallon at the pump or would rather put a stop to some of this BS. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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UK Elections on the Horizon With elections on the horizon and Blair looking tired and increasingly defensive, just what is likely outcome of the next election? The New Labour adoption of Tory plans and policies has created an almost parallel party in terms of the Conservatives and Labour. Many people are confused and find it hard to tell them apart. The Labour Party will struggle to retain the loyalties of the staunch labour support it has enjoyed over the decades. Confession of a King Rufus King: (Said to be the fifth most important person in the founding of America by another researcher.) Hawala, or The Bank That Never Was I. OVERVIEW Protecting Our Buses from International Terrorists We know that the International Terrorists like the idea of attacking buses as we watch every week another attack in Israel. There have many ideas on how buses like Greyhound might protect the drivers through use of a high-tech ultra-strength plastic shields or enclosed see-through boxes. Lately Canada and the FBI in United States have been looking at tour buses traveling into the country, looking into the riders and drivers. I once had a call from a Tour Bus Operator in Ontario Canada on his way to Florida Coast with Tourists, he was going to stop in Columbus GA or Across the river in Phoenix City, Alabama for the night and was needing a Bus Wash. (My company washes Buses; http://www.BusWashGuys.com ). Electronic Commerce Taxaton: Emerging Legal Issues - Part II UNAUTHORIZED HACKING World Moving from Socialism to Capitalism The recent Jakarta summit of Asia and Africa brought remembrance of Jawaharlal Nerhru. At Bandung, Nehru had initiated the non ? alignment movement and proclaiming the resistance to the big powers for exploiting the underdeveloped countries for the economic benefits. This was treated as a Socialistic approach of Nehru and well praised by the world. The Economic Giant-- A Closer Look at China IT'S NO LONGER NEWS THAT CHINA IS BECOMING A MAJOR player on the world economic scene. Yet, as we've noted in past editions, investing in China is fraught with uncertainty, due to a still un-free political situation, and insecure property rights. Despite our current lack of interest in Chinese stocks, China's renaissance clearly has implications for investor decisions worldwide, simply due to its market's enormous size. How Does the US Congress Really Work? Many people do not understand politics very well. They often blast their Congress Person for this, that and the other thing. You are probably one of them; no worries you are not alone as a matter of fact if you watch enough TV you will blast and condemn all our leadership figures. What might be beneficial to your understanding before you start point fingers at the politicians, is to better understand human nature, inner workings of clubs and groups and the human and primate innateness and genetic make up of politics. Before you turn to accuse me of judging our politicians as a bunch of no good apes or their chimpanzee cousins there is a book you should read. It is also available on audiotape if you do not like to read anything longer than a one-page article. Or you can simply take my word for it? The book is called: How Senator Sarbaines and Oxley Destroyed America You have probably heard of the Sarbaines Oxley Law (SOX) on corporate governance to make corporations totally transparent. And the voters and investors wanted this law so they could know which companies to invest in so they could make 20% per year on their money, which they damn well feel entitled to. The issues is that those corporations abroad do not have to follow those laws and therefore are able to scan and study all that financial data to beat American Companies in the market place. Recycling The Mentally Ill 30 years ago, California, later followed by other states, decided to virtually close down the State Mental Hospitals. Thoughts Born of Tragedy ... ..."history may judge us to be the real bully if, in the our rush to punish someone, we act in ways contrary to our core beliefs and values as a nation"... The Unborn and Cloning The Unborn Cuba: Havana the Good When North Americans discuss Cuba, they always focus the intense poverty of Cuba. I hope to provide my readers with insights into the various social programs available for the Cuban population, specifically for people with disabilities. I base this article on my experiences during my attendance at the conference against the Free Trade Agreement of the America's and various social projects I visited around the city. The conference focused on issues regarding anti-poverty in South America, such as combating illiteracy, and implementing programs for economic development. During my two-week visit to Cuba, I observed first-hand the positive advancements made despite the poverty in Cuba. The Criminality of Transition Lecture given at the Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI) on 18/4/2001 A Component of Liberty is a Strong Social Contract with Governing Body Recently I got to talking with a gentleman at a coffee shop who was concerned with changes due to the Patriots Act I and II and being a studier of historical record he began to explain to me the significance of these events and what it meant for Americans and what it said about our Constitution and Leadership. So, then here is a summary of thoughts preceding this conversation and an open ended debate for those who dare to question authority or those who find themselves thinking conspiracy theory thoughts while watching events unfold in our mass media. We are all on the same team, whether you see your self as a Conspiracy Theorist, Establishment Lover or Questioner of Authority, so open discussion should move forward, let me begin without further ado with an opener of random thoughts surrounding this matter. Dont Trade Rights for Security "Those who sacrifice essential liberty for temporary safety are not deserving of either liberty or safety." -- Ben Franklin, 1776 Where have all the Heroes gone America is filled with standouts and perserverance; our nation has a rich heritage of strength and honor. We have so many heroes in our short 200 years of history it is hard to keep them all straight. Think of your favorite hero. So are many other great Americans. I can think of so many. Can you? How about the heroes of the past decade; what are their names? Can you name ten? Name them. If you cannot can you; you proved my point. As we have approached sameness and liberal views of; we are all equal; I challenge you to name these people, and we all admit there are heroes amongst us right? Justice Department Losing the War on Street Gangs The Justice Department is at it again; promoting themselves in the mass media attempting to convince us we are safe. This time they are grandstanding a few arrests of alleged gang members. MS-13 is recruiting over 300 people per week in cities across the United States. Recently the Justice Department held a huge press conference, claiming that in a two-week period they arrested 582 people. Now then if the MS-13 gang is recruiting 300 people per week and the caught 582 in two-weeks then they are 18 gang members in the rear for that two-week period alone. Most of the offenders, gang members were said to be picked up between July 16 and July 28, other arrests followed after search and seizures of evidence was taken. Do not get me wrong it is great to catch these drug sellers, thieves and felons, but at a growth rate of 300 per week and an estimated 10,000 members and growing MS-13 is hardly under control; it more resembles a wildfire nearing its maturity. US Government Regulators and Aides with AIDS All government regulators or diplomat who are in high risk categories for contracting AIDS as well as senior aides in our nations capital who routinely travel abroad must be tested if they have any drug history or are homosexual. Other wise our aides and diplomats will be exporting AIDS. How can we as a nation put forth restrictions from certain countries or travelers from certain lands who may have contracted diseases such as Bird Flu, Small Pox or other pathogen if we are sending our own government workers abroad who could infect citizens of other nations with AIDS. California Power and Commodity Markets Excess capacity occurs in many industries, such as power, electricity, water, oil, mainframe time, bandwidth, etc. When deregulation came to the California energy market we saw an interesting thing occur. People would buy blocks of kilowatt-hours from the existing energy companies who made electricity. They had to make this available to anyone. So entrepreneurs Bought lots of it and then they sold it to others wishing to buy it. Commodity theory is fun to study, because it is everywhere in our civilization. ![]() |
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