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Policy Separated from Politics
Alexander Hamilton ? Policy Separated from Politics: I am related to Hamiltons who came to Canada as United Empire Loyalists but I cannot say for sure they were related to this man who clearly was also a monarchist. William Hamilton Stewart is one of the Stuart historians I have quoted and his name is proof for the Hamiltons being part of the Stuart Hibernian and Merovingian continuum. This man says his family history goes back to the Berbers for at least 20,000 years and I think he could go further than that if he wanted to use archaeology and the work of Gimbutas. Here is Noam Chomsky making a most important connection. Politics has become something totally absurd. We see Mr. Chomsky makes a good case for something quite the opposite of what people call democracy, being in fact, social engineering by elites. "A similar move from Stalinist commissar to celebration of America is quite standard in modern history, and it doesn't require much of a shift in values, just a shift in judgment as to where power lies. Independently of Jefferson and Bakunin, others were coming to the same understanding in the nineteenth century. One of the leading American intellectuals was Charles Francis Adams, who in 1880 described the rise of what is now called the "post-industrial society" by Daniel Bell and Robert Reich and John Kenneth Galbraith and others. This is 1880, remember. A society in which, Adams says, 'the future is in the hands of our universities, our schools, our specialists, our scientific men and our writers and those who do the actual work of management in the ideological and economic institutions.' Nowadays they're called the "technocratic elite" and the "action intellectuals" or the new class or some other similar term. Adams, back in 1880, concluded that 'the first object of thinking citizens, therefore, should be not to keep one or another political party in power, but to insist on order and submission to law.' Meaning that the elites should be permitted to function in what's called "technocratic isolation," by the World Bank -- I'm being a little anachronistic here, that's modern lingo -- or, as the London Economist puts the idea today, 'policy should be insulated from politics.' That's the case in free Poland, they assure their readers, so they don't have to be concerned about the fact that people are calling for something quite different in free elections. They can do what they like in the elections, but since policy is insulated from politics and technocratic insulation proceeds, it really doesn't matter. That's democracy. A decade earlier, in 1870, Adams had warned -- they were worried then about universal suffrage, people were fighting for the right to vote -- he warned that universal suffrage would 'bring the government of ignorance and vice, with power in the hands of the European and especially Celtic proletariat on the Atlantic coast,' those horrible Irish people, 'an African proletariat on the shores of the Gulf and a Chinese proletariat on the Pacific.' Adams didn't foresee the sophisticated techniques that would be developed in the twentieth century to ensure that policy remains insulated from politics as the franchise was extended through popular struggle and to guarantee that the general public would remain marginalised and disaffected, subdued by the new spirit of the age and coming to see themselves not as free people who have a right to dignity and independence but as atoms of consumption who sell themselves on the labour market, at least when they're lucky. Adams was in fact expressing an old idea. Eighty years earlier Alexander Hamilton had put it clearly. He said there was the idea that your people are a great beast and that the real disease is democracy. That's Hamilton. These ideas have become ever more entrenched in educated circles, as Jefferson's fears and Bakunin's predictions were increasingly realised. The basic attitudes coming into this century were expressed very clearly by Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, attitudes that led to Wilson's Red Scare {While the real power behind Wilson was supporting Trotsky and the Russian Experiment - Col. House.}, as it was called, which destroyed labour and independent thought for a decade." (1) The Hegelian Dialectic that sees both ends played against the middle and all other perspectives clearly was at work as Lafitte was followed by Colonel House who had lived in the same house in Galveston where his father took over the business of blockade-running that Lafitte had made a fortune doing. Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest writer at World Mysteries.com
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Will They Sterilize Vagabonds and Drunkards in Belarus? In Belarus parliament is going to struggle with degeneration of the Belarus society. Deputy Kostjan in his statement suggested passing the law on violent sterilization of the citizens leading asocial way of life. The History of Trade and Using it as a Weapon for Peace The Flow of Trade is a major consideration of civilizations and cultures working together to insure that they can get what they need. Some areas have special crops, which grow in their regions, which the other regions would like to have. In days of the First colonies in this country, before it was a country trade with the local Indians were vital to them staying alive. Our ancestors traded with the Native Indian tribes to insure the colony had the food and things needed to get through the winter months. Globalization Often we see protests at the sites of global leader gatherings. Some complain Globalization is bad, that a one world currency is evil and that there is a huge conspiracy a foot to control all of mankind. Yet, these same folks often fail to see the incredible advantages to trade and quality of life that a one-world scenario can provide. They fail to understand the issues of free trade and what we can do for the third world. Before you buy into the anti one world theme and do your family name the dishonor of standing on a corner and making a fool of yourself, there is a book I recommend that you read: Jay Hammond - Alaska Governor and Creator of the Permanent Fund Former Governor of Alaska, Jay Hammond, died at age 83, peacefully at his home in Lake Clark, Alaska. He served Alaska as its Governor from 1974 to 1982, the years during which Alaska built an incredible oil pipeline, banked a large amount of the oil lease revenues, and created a dividend program that every resident of Alaska benefits from yearly. The Self-Appointed Altruists Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture shock. Many of them live in plush apartments, or five star hotels, drive SUV's, sport $3000 laptops and PDA's. They earn a two figure multiple of the local average wage. They are busybodies, preachers, critics, do-gooders, and professional altruists. Mexican Trucks in the United States; NAFTA Trade and Problems Expected new applications for Mexican trucks to enter the US to be over 9000 in 2005. Most of these newer applications will be to take freight to Port Los Angeles for shipping to Asian markets, and importing parts to be assembled and shipped to Mexico and later sold in the US. Many see a little bit of a problem with imported freight in LA stopping on its way to Mexico and unloaded somewhere without permits. Increasing Evaporation in Ocean to Defeat Droughts One way to increase evaporation in the ocean might be to use a frequency wave, which can change the molecular bonding or to align water molecules for faster evaporation rates. Such systems have been used in high tech water filtration. There appears to be more evaporation in the ocean in times when the water is more violent in its movement. Mr. Bin Laden: Tear this Wall Down You say, you want to help the Palestinians, but most of them still struggle in poverty. How are you helping anyone? Having been born into a privileged life, you use your wealth toward death, destruction, division, and sorrow. Is America Bankrupt? The US Dollar has been falling continuously in last year. The Euro, not so long ago worth 82 cents, is now at $1.27 - this is a gain of more than 40 percent in a very short time. The same goes for the Aussie Dollar: from 50 US cents to 77 US cents (that's almost 50 percent up). Gold, which was trading at less than $300 per ounce for years, is now long past the $400 mark. What is happening to the greenback? Double Standards for Regulators? Elliot Spitzer, recently said he wanted to drive a stake through the heart of a founding member of the NY Stock Exchange. Since when is it okay for someone who is an Attorneys General to act out like this? We are seeing more and more abuse of power. I personally know someone who emulates Elliot Spitzer who is a young up and coming rising star in a Federal Agency, who would in fact go out of their way to falsify documents, make threats, hide their identity, and attack reputable folks on behalf of competitors. He would and did do this for reasons of selfgratification and future job titles and kudos? An Introduction to the Connecticut State Budget for 2004-2005 The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) is interested in the state's budgetary health, so that the conference can estimate how much money the state will transfer to local towns and municipalities. To determine the fiscal health of any state, the first place to examine is expenditures on prescription drugs for the state's Medicaid program. Rising prescription drug costs are the single most important explanatory factor for the increases in health care costs, health insurance premiums across the country, and state budget deficits. Connecticut is no exception. Rants by Lance: BRAC Committee Talks Irrelevant Completely It is amazing we have so many men, who belong to the greatest military in the history of mankind, pussy footing around. The politics of BRAC are not in line with the reality of protecting our nation. Additionally the men and generals who are deciding on the things are being too nice to each other and too much ego stroking to make for meaningful debate. I think they are a bunch of pussies and we need some real men to hash this out, who are doing it for our nation, not their friends or fiefdoms. Get real. The CSPAN debates are also stupid as our enemies are watching it too. Corruption and Transparency I. The Facts California Power and Commodity Markets Excess capacity occurs in many industries, such as power, electricity, water, oil, mainframe time, bandwidth, etc. When deregulation came to the California energy market we saw an interesting thing occur. People would buy blocks of kilowatt-hours from the existing energy companies who made electricity. They had to make this available to anyone. So entrepreneurs Bought lots of it and then they sold it to others wishing to buy it. Commodity theory is fun to study, because it is everywhere in our civilization. US Army in Catch 22 on Gays Issue Many of those who wish to fight for our country come from families with strong ideals of freedom. Most of them are strong Christians in fact. There in lies the real problem with the US Army recruiting. To be allowed to come on campus to recruit at many colleges they are asked to be careful around the issue of Gays in the military. Yet to recruit a Christian Soldier this is a little tough, for if you allow gays in the military this goes against their belief system and if they are heterosexual, they want nothing to do with being in the same shower with someone who might be gay, but will not tell? To Grow Out Of Unemployment There is a connection between economic growth and unemployment. There is a connection between growth and inflation. Therefore, commonsense (and financial theory) goes, there must be a connection between inflation and unemployment. A special measure of this connection is the Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU). Supposedly, this is the rate of unemployment which still does not influence inflation. If unemployment goes below NAIRU, inflationary pressures begin to exert themselves. Protecting Our Buses from International Terrorists We know that the International Terrorists like the idea of attacking buses as we watch every week another attack in Israel. There have many ideas on how buses like Greyhound might protect the drivers through use of a high-tech ultra-strength plastic shields or enclosed see-through boxes. Lately Canada and the FBI in United States have been looking at tour buses traveling into the country, looking into the riders and drivers. I once had a call from a Tour Bus Operator in Ontario Canada on his way to Florida Coast with Tourists, he was going to stop in Columbus GA or Across the river in Phoenix City, Alabama for the night and was needing a Bus Wash. (My company washes Buses; http://www.BusWashGuys.com ). Competition Laws A. THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMPETITION WiMax Election Strategy So you are ready to run for public office are you? You want to start at the city level? Good idea, as you like many other Americans are not satisfied and want to help fix the world? So you are ready to go, right? Well what is your platform, what new ideas are you going to bring to the table? Have you thought much on that one? No? Well, how about a platform calling for citywide Internet Wireless access? Wow, that would be something that would get everyone all jazzed and talking about your issues. Literally gapping the digital divide in your own city. Government Workers and Lawyers Revolving Door Rule Needed We need more oversight and transparency in government. We need to keep our government workers honest and forthright. We need to prevent those who work for the government as lawyers for the government from going into private practice with the same companies they once enforced regulations on. The revolving door fo government lawyers and private practicing lawyers and lobbyists must stop if we are to maintain any real sense of integrity or fairness in our systems. You know, that "Truth, Justice and the American Way" thing that the government lawyers have such a tough time coping with? ![]() |
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