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Common Sense vs. Common Senseless - How Thomas Paine Can Be Applied To Modern Day; Part One
INTRODUCTION PERHAPS the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason. You don't want to hear this, you are content in your general ignorance. You have been brainwashed into thinking that your personal views are the only correct views so any dissent makes you uncomfortable, if not down right irritable. However, after the initial shock that world does not revolve around you has worn off, and you begin to see you do not get to dictate to the world how it should live and what everyone should believe, you will begin to open you mind to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, you are not right all the time. As a long and violent abuse of power, is generally the Means of calling the right of it in question (and in Matters too which might never have been thought of, had not the Sufferers been aggravated into the inquiry) and as the King of England hath undertaken in his own Right, to support the Parliament in what he calls Theirs, and as the good people of this country are grievously oppressed by the combination, they have an undoubted privilege to inquire into the pretensions of both, and equally to reject the usurpations of either. As long as "We the People?" stand aside and do nothing as fellow Americans are having their right trampled upon, as long as we watch in silence as the hammer of our might is wretched from the people, wielded to create pale reflections of what we think we are by careless, clumsy and brutal hands, as long as we stand aside and allow those who are our representatives to the world act with disdain towards the trillions of other inhabitants of this earth we must all share we are implicit co-conspirators in their tyranny, enablers of injustice both at home and abroad. We cannot sit idly by and watch our power, the people's power, taken away and given to a group of so-called representatives with little to no clue of how the average person lives, how we survive. In the following sheets, the author hath studiously avoided every thing which is personal among ourselves. Compliments as well as censure to individuals make no part thereof. The wise, and the worthy, need not the triumph of a pamphlet; and those whose sentiments are injudicious, or unfriendly, will cease of themselves unless too much pains are bestowed upon their conversion. I do not seek to sway political views. My incongruity is with the powers that be on all sides. I wish to remind my fellow Americans of the things that unite us as a people. I wish to open your minds to the possibilities of all we still could be. It is this authors' humble opinion that our political parties are necessary, both right and left, to compliment and balance one another, in order to ensure that all people are represented and all values devotedly held are worth fighting for and should be fought for. I am just an average conservative hippie veteran living in a very blue pocket of a very red state.
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Tax Attorney? You Might Need One; The City of Portland is Going After Small Businesses The City of Portland is going after any small business, which does business in their city even if they are from another town or even in a neighboring state. The politicians said the city is losing 4 million in year in revenues? Maybe, but they do not deserve them anyway with an attitude like that. This is criminal for politicians to call small businesses tax cheats, when they lack the integrity to tell the truth themselves. Road Map Wont Work Cause PA Are Liars The US-backed Road Map peace plan had no real chance of success because Israel was the only signatory living up to its side of the agreement, former US House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich wrote recently. Government Franchise Model; taking it virtual Our government is set up like a modern day franchise. Let me explain: the Federal government is the franchisor run by three sets of committees (board of directors of divisions). States are the master franchisees. Counties are the franchisees and have managers of each store (cities). Where does this leave You and I? Well we are the customers (voters). Boston Bankers Many people make a lot of money in war. In WWII we know that Prescott Bush was involved with Brown Bros. Harriman in a trading with the enemy lawsuit. The Bush family is not even close to the top of this food chain that includes agents like the Rockefellers and the likes of Chase Manhattan Bank which I dealt with in my book on Custer, Keogh and Lincoln's Assassination through Samuel Chase. That was the Civil War and I am now addressing the War of 1812. I find the same families show up over and over again however. The funny thing is we have a group called the Peace Faction that seemed against the war and yet the result from their efforts put more money in the hands of these bankers that are now called the Beacon Hill Mob and include such upstanding people as the group known as The Pilgrims. There is so much intrigue it is hard to wade through it all and I am sure some readers will not choose to check into it all. I certainly cannot lay it all before you in any one book. Federal Trade Commission and Dismal Performance on Mergers Most citizens agree that we need the Federal Trade Commission to protect us from Corporate Greed. However any such citizen who believe a government agency will help you in anyway or improve your quality of life is indeed amongst the bottom tier of intellectual capacity. In fact the Federal Trade Commission in their slow response time to pretend to monitor mergers and aquistions have probably single handedly caused more job losses and stock losses then Osama Bin Laden. In fact recently in a Think Tank Conversation it was discussed that the Federal Trade Commission's Anti-Trust Department may in fact work closely with Osama Bin Laden. Market Impeders and Market Inefficiencies Even the most devout proponents of free marketry and hidden hand theories acknowledge the existence of market failures, market imperfections and inefficiencies in the allocation of economic resources. Some of these are the results of structural problems, others of an accumulation of historical liabilities. But, strikingly, some of the inefficiencies are the direct outcomes of the activities of "non bona fide" market participants. These "players" (individuals, corporations, even larger economic bodies, such as states) act either irrationally or egotistically (too rationally). Responding to Article: Logic Class 101 Applied to the Minuteman Project In response to Douglas Bower's article; Logic Class 101 Applied to the Minuteman Project and on going topic of the BS at our borders, I wish to comment. First I agree with the Professor regarding the rhetoric and questionable comments from the Minute Men, I agree with the problematic liability, I agree with our own national debate that few in our population see the issues on both sides. We have Bill O'Rielly and other commentators on one side and we have those who wish to make a better life supplying the labor we need on the other side. We have 5.2% unemployment and that number is so low we need labor to run our civilization pre-robotic era in our present period. Now then in his article: The Cost of the COLD WAR Many people who are expert in the issue of the Oswald's rifle are able to clearly demonstrate that the best marksman in the world could not have done what that one rifle was supposed to have done. I suppose once the story was manufactured they had to stick with it before they knew about the ricochet and other evidence. On forums and in debates with serious people who have studied all facets of the case I have never had anyone stand behind the fact that this one bullet ended up in such a pristine condition. They say things like ? 'That was obviously a planted piece of evidence.' I then say things such as this. Electronic Commerce Taxaton: Emerging Legal Issues - Part II UNAUTHORIZED HACKING End Time Clock Ticking Away? Earlier this month, I heard President George W. Bush and Mahmoud Abbas, the Prime Minister of the Palestinians speaking of another Peace Treaty with Israel. President Bush spoke about the boarder security of the two countries: Israel and Palestine. Abbas of course, spoke of achieving final peace between the two nations. Upon hearing these two heads of state speak, I remembered what the Bible stated in 1st Thessalonians Chapter 5: Verse 3: "When you hear them say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them." Jobs and the Flow of Fuel We see today a fierce unspoken competition between trucks and trains. It is well known in those industries and with those who ship the products, components, parts, natural resources, produce and event he fuel itself. After all the fuel competes for the cheapest mode of delivery as well. Whether it is a pipeline, rail car, tanker truck, ship, barge, etc. In the case of military, you can add in all the squadrons of flying gas stations too. The price of fuel can be the savior to an industry which is hammered by over seas competition or is trying to find a little more room to cut costs to appease a persnickety union with greater health care costs, safer working conditions (at least they often claim that), less working hours, more paid vacation time, bonuses, higher pay, etc. The money has to come from somewhere and the price of fuel and the supply will often determine the viability of a large corporation. Those companies, which use lots of fuel are very much affected by these trends. For instance; Airlines, Trucking Companies, Railroads, Manufacturing Companies, and Service Companies of every shape and size. When these companies pay more for fuel those prices are figured into the price to the customer. When such companies have long term contracts to a customer and the price moves upward to quickly then these companies have to eat that cost. This causes huge operational losses and poor quarterly earnings, which effects their market valuations due to hammering by the gambling casino stock markets when they report these losses. This in turn leads to massive lay offs. Which is not a good thing. Uncle Sam Cracks Down Online! In a move that rocked the online world and left many Internet marketers shaking in their boots, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) initiated a sweeping crackdown on what they termed "Internet Scammers" and "Deceptive Spammers." US Social Security - Is President Bush A Robin Hood After All? The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development issued a report Monday that pointed out that even though the US proposals will yield a system that reaches the poor in a more redistributive way than many other countries, the average pay outs of the government pensions are rather low at around 51% of a retiree's previously earned salary as compared to over 70% in other OECD countries. Fair Trade and Pearls in the U.S. Guides for Retailers Is Reinstating The Draft Such a Bad Idea? In his bid for the presidency, John Kerry pronounced a "secret plan" to reinstate selective service. The fact that New York Democrat and fellow leftist Charles Rangel had proposed this plan wasn't mentioned, so Kerry's allegation created hysteria within the blue states. But there are several ways in which reinstating the draft could benefit our country. Feeling Squeezed by Political Correctness I'm starting to feel squeezed by all the political correctness being imposed on us by both the Left and the Right. Both sides are constantly trying to infringe on our freedoms by telling us what we can and cannot say or do. I'm getting sick and tired of it. Below are just a few examples of what they are trying to impose on us. Cloaking Giant Airships is Possible, Why Stop There? We know we can cloak a giant airship from those looking up at it by simply using a video to tape what is above it and then display that on the bottom of the blimp. Those looking up at it will see not see a blimp but rather the sky above displayed like a giant flat movie screen which has been curved around the bottom of the blimp. Showing on the screen will not be Goodyear, Fuji, Budweiser or buy GM. It will be an exact picture image of the clouds, sky or stars directly above the airship. This technology exists now and has been tested, the technology is not so difficult or complicated, and it is relatively simple and easy to understand. The Fabric of Economic Trust Economy is called the dismal science because it pretends to be one, disguising its uncertainties and shifting fashions with mathematical formulae. Economy describes the aggregate behaviour of humans and, in this restricted sense, it is a branch of psychology. Homeless, Trash, Drugs and Transient Issues In Police Magazine I read a great article about transient problems and how they were solved for the betterment of all in Ft Collins, Colorado. This program was called (COP) Community Oriented Policing. In one area downtown there were three homeless shelters 53 liquor stores and a nearby river where the homeless were. As they cleaned up Shanty Town they actually picked up trash and had a special task force. They filled Dump Trucks full of trash and junk; piles of 40 ounce beers bottles. The police enforced the litter laws and open container laws and saw to it that the homeless people were signed in at the Homeless shelters, which was good due to the soon approaching winter weather of that season. Why the United States just doesnt get the United Nations For years I have been amazed as I've listened to people here in the United States demonstrate their complete ignorance of the purpose and tremendous value of the United Nations, even to the point of our country not paying dues to the organization. Ambassador to the United Nations has often been viewed as a second-class or B-level diplomatic job and with the current Presidential perspective, the UN has become a troublesome entity and the appointment of an Ambassador a hassle. John Bolton, denied the appointment, knows what I'm talking about here. ![]() |
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