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High Speed Trains and The Future of Transportation
Where are all the high-speed trains we were promised? Where is a cohesive transportation strategy? With the current price of fuel we need better and efficient systems to move people; these gasoline prices are for the birds or Camels? For years they have been discussing High Speed Trains, between Los Angeles and Las Vegas and from Houston to San Antonio to El Paso, Houston to Dallas, Dallas to Austin to San Antonio, Dallas to Amarillo, Amarillo to Denver, Denver to Kansas City to Wichita to Oklahoma City to Dallas. Montana needs a high-speed rail and North, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska could all benefit from a high-speed rail system. Connecting the Mid West to all of the Texas markets and Texas to Los Angeles and Florida to Texas through the Southern States could vastly improve transportation and travel in this country. It would not hurt airlines. The discount airlines; such as Jet Blue, South West, America West, Air Tran; would continue to do well and time factors would be a reason to fly the long hauls or coast-to-coast routes. Discounters can cut price and stay in business due to the business model used as a major part of their overall growth strategy; Greyhound Company might suffer in the beginning from a National Network of high-speed rail in the US, but that bus line is now owned by a Canadian Company anyway; eventually they will be able to work with the network to fill in the gaps and actually make more revenue for connecting people to final destinations. More contacts, competition and intra nation trade means the increase in the flow of transportation would bring America closer together and stronger. The United States is often more representative of a United Countries with our myriad of regulations and rules which change the second you cross the border into a new state, even though we really are one country. Obviously with Snow serving as Secretary of Treasury these issues have been studied on this grand scale, especially considering the decade of railroad consolidation during his time at the Helm of CSX. With roads in need of repair and traffic getting to be a major issue and our expanding population, we need to look ahead on these serious issues. With magnetic levitation and air-cushioned technology there is no reason we could not build a great network inexpensively that would have the speeds necessary for rapid movement of people. Now is a good time to start getting more serious about high-speed train travel; we have done enough studies, we need more action. We must plan ahead and head off the disastrous consequences to the economy of from Supply and Demand issues to move people by automobile. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Make Plastic Out of Corn Here is an interesting thought; Corn to make Plastic An interesting new way to make plastic from corn has been discovered and will be put into process by big chemical companies, which could further erode the Oil prices. And it is of interest that the companies involved in this process are huge, as big as the oil companies they will compete against. Also of interest is the fact that automakers will have to do some fancy footwork to keep car sales moving in the 2003-2004 time period with zero/zero financing now. People will be upside down in auto loans for a while and no reason to take a huge financial hit by trading in those cars, SUVs and light trucks. People Say ? and Do ? the Dumbest Things When Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector exercised his right to free speech last week, he prompted a quick response from Robert Bork. Known for being the first Supreme Court Justice nominee to be, well, "borked," the judge was in no mood for Spector's silliness. "I know Specter," he retorted, "and the truth is not in him." Suicide Prevention in Prisons Prison guards and corrections professionals are hard at work insuring that suicides do not take place. They have special attire, suits, straps, rubber rooms and event blankets, which cannot be tied in knots. Those who are believed to be a risk of suicide are checked on every 15 minutes. But it is nearly impossible to completely prevent suicide. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) supports suicide prevention with some science, skills and practice. If you want to learn more about this, here is the link. How Senator Sarbaines and Oxley Destroyed America You have probably heard of the Sarbaines Oxley Law (SOX) on corporate governance to make corporations totally transparent. And the voters and investors wanted this law so they could know which companies to invest in so they could make 20% per year on their money, which they damn well feel entitled to. The issues is that those corporations abroad do not have to follow those laws and therefore are able to scan and study all that financial data to beat American Companies in the market place. The Divided Language I was dismayed to learn the other day, that my all-time favourite George Bernard Shaw quote may not in fact have been uttered by him. Maryland Lawyers and Politicians Want More Regulations We know that in Maryland, which some call "Merry Land" due to its completely liberal skew that Sarbaines Oxley laws were born. These laws no matter what anyone will tell you, have done more to upset our trade deficits with China than any other single factor. Senator Sarbaines is not even running for re-election now, which is smart because he would have major opposition and who ever was close to beating him would have on hell of a bank roll to do it. It is hard to say really which is worse; Osama Bin Laden hiding in a Cave or Senator Sarbaines who lives in a box (opinion). Starbucks Monopoly Is Starbucks a monopoly? It fits all the definitions. Does this mean the FTC will make them break it up like AT&T? Or is the Federal Trade Commission too chicken after losing the case with Microsoft? The FTC knew better than to go after Microsoft, after all they did nothing wrong except adding features to their operating system and programs. Is the FTC not attacking the Starbucks because all of its employees go to the one across the street in Washington, D.C.. Another Whistleblower -- is Anyone Listening? The plight of whistleblowers ? those employees who sound the alarm about anything from dangerous conditions in the workplace to missed or ignored intelligence regarding our nation's security ? is a story that seems to grow stronger and with more frequency every day. My guess is that those stories have always been there; I suspect I am just paying closer attention to them now. Ethanol, Water, Pollution, North Korea and Free Trade Ethanol is a great way to produce fuel, great fuel to trade and It makes sense to grow your fuel. Only a few problems; it takes water, processing makes CO2 and how much can we get for it when we export it? The New Goo Review is Coming Right At You Non-lethal Goo Concepts have been tossed around by many war planners and Advance Weapon Think Tanks as an alternative to lethal force. Impeding the enemy army advancement and rendering them useless in battlespace has several positives. The logistical supply chains of the enemy are completely stopped. The fighting ability of the enemy is severely limited and may leave no option but surrender or annihilation. Workmens Compensation Lawyers, Lets Raise Minimum Wage; No Lets Not, Say We Did, We Have The debate to raise minimum wage in California is totally negated. The debate holds no weight because workmen's compensation rates are completely out of control there. Arnold the Governator was able to get a little reform but with all the lawsuits flying it is no use, the system is broken. How can the employers pay the workers anymore, they are already paying more only the insurance companies are getting the money not the workers. This recent article is very telling indeed. High Speed Trains and The Future of Transportation Where are all the high-speed trains we were promised? Where is a cohesive transportation strategy? With the current price of fuel we need better and efficient systems to move people; these gasoline prices are for the birds or Camels? Hawala, or The Bank That Never Was I. OVERVIEW Canada Tries to Stop Flow of Drugs into the US As more and more cities and states set up websites and pass measures to allow for importing price controlled Canadian drugs into the US to control the rising cost of healthcare, Canada is starting to take notice on the impact of such practices on it's government run healthcare system. Canada doesn't like what it sees, and for good reason. Canada has a population of around 30 million and is not set up to handle the volume of medications needed to supply a country like the US with it's aging population of over 250 million. The Cost of the COLD WAR Many people who are expert in the issue of the Oswald's rifle are able to clearly demonstrate that the best marksman in the world could not have done what that one rifle was supposed to have done. I suppose once the story was manufactured they had to stick with it before they knew about the ricochet and other evidence. On forums and in debates with serious people who have studied all facets of the case I have never had anyone stand behind the fact that this one bullet ended up in such a pristine condition. They say things like ? 'That was obviously a planted piece of evidence.' I then say things such as this. Experts? ACCREDITATION: - Scholastic regimentation from the post WWII period has accelerated to the point that Canada won't let an Olympic figure skating medalist teach or coach young Canadians the errors and damages of the present system. She could earn more in the U. S. or other places but she is willing to do this for free if they would let her. How would Einstein or Bucky Fuller become professors in today's structured adherence to accepted models of learning? Canada is held up as a fine example by the U.N. committees which evaluate governments throughout this world. Last week the support staff went on strike in our schools of Toronto. Open Source and Post-Capitalistic Society Capitalism as the social structure was founded in order to support further evolution and development of human race, to support the innovation which was oppressed by the former system. It was brought up by the two industrial revolutions. The technology was obviously the main to blame for the outcoming capitalistic society. The new capitalism was more liberalistic promoting free trade and pushing globalization in order to support further development and growth of technology. Belly Full of the Clintons [Political View] As I read the papers and watch the news day after day after day, and listen to the debates on what we Americans should do with Iran and North Korea, as if we were the only ones involved, yet as always the world will put their two cents in, and to be quite honest, that is all financially they will give, but for advise, like my neighbors, they will give a tone of it away free. Anyhow, I should get to my clout in my throat. As I read the papers and watch the news day after day, as I was saying before, I can't be the only one that feels this way, yet sometimes I think I am, because I have not read much about what I'm going to say, in the floating media; be it reluctance on everyone else's behalf, or perhaps I'm just wrong. But when I check the records, it indicates I'm not. Oh well, possibly people are just full of crap and don't like the truth. Here is a bag full. Because of President Clinton, and let me say it again to get it right, Big Bill, Wild Bill, our ex-president Bill Clinton, they are all the same to me, because of this goofball, because of this wise guy, we have two towers down in New York City today (yes I'm talking about 9/11). It was not because of the FBI; nor the CIA; or President George W. Bush. No, no, no, it is because of Buffalo Bill Clinton; and his goofball wife. Dafur Emergency: A Challenge To Civilisation With pain rocking through my whole body today, I cast a bitter glance back at what I called, the 'tragedy of Dafur' and decided to settle accounts with my fellow Africans on this matter. Cloaking Giant Airships is Possible, Why Stop There? We know we can cloak a giant airship from those looking up at it by simply using a video to tape what is above it and then display that on the bottom of the blimp. Those looking up at it will see not see a blimp but rather the sky above displayed like a giant flat movie screen which has been curved around the bottom of the blimp. Showing on the screen will not be Goodyear, Fuji, Budweiser or buy GM. It will be an exact picture image of the clouds, sky or stars directly above the airship. This technology exists now and has been tested, the technology is not so difficult or complicated, and it is relatively simple and easy to understand. ![]() |
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