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Anyone Awake Out There?
As we reel from the news of the recent bombings in London, England, it is incumbent upon all of us to examine, seriously, why such attacks by Islamic Extremists are occurring. We cannot combat what we do not understand, let alone try to wage an effective war against such an insidious enemy. First of all, it must be pointed out that this terrorist war against the West is not simply the random acts of extremist thugs. Rather, we are dealing with a well-orchestrated jihad that has clearly defined purpose. The goal of the terrorists is toward Islamic world domination through the annihilation of Israel, and eventually to dismantle all forms of governance who they perceive to be democratic or "Christian." The strategy to reach this goal is not a recent phenomenon, but has been on-going for many years; and insidiousness in the form of gorilla attacks is one of their most effective tactics. ie. The terrorist attacks have been on-going in the Middle East since before Israel became a nation in 1948, and continue daily right up to the present by avowed Islamic organizations who desire to annihilate Israel from the world map. If we have any hope to eliminate the terrorist threat, we must start with the terrorism being perpetrated against Israel, because the terrorist groups active in the Middle East are interconnected with what is transpiring world-wide. "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people" is not simply an extremist slogan, but is a strategy of war having two pincher-prongs, and we just witnessed one prong of this strategy in action yesterday in London. Meanwhile, the other prong is being clamped on the world in the Middle and Far East, and Africa. But has anyone honestly been paying attention to the threats in the Middle East, and particularly in Israel, as recently as this week? Has anyone been following the on-going diatribes by Islamic Imams in Iran, Syria, in Israel, and even in London? Has anyone taken note of the content of the Palestinian TV programs directed toward Arab youth, or the programs of the Palestinian summer camps set up in honor of shahids? Has anyone taken note that at the same time, Christians are under constant Islamic threat, attack, and persecution in Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Darfur, Nigeria, and many other nations with a strong, large Islamic population, while their leaders appear to decry such? These all appear to be disconnected events, but are they? To understand, we need only read recent comments by the leaders of Hamas, Hizbullah, and Islamic Jihad, regarding their goals. Unfortunately, this information is not available through our main-stream media in the West. Although it is easily found, our media dutifully chooses to ignore the sources, to the peril of all of us. It is time the politicians in the West, and the general public, became informed. We need to set aside our "separation of religion and state" attitude in dealing with world problems, because the Islamic Jihad forces do not operate in such a mode! They have no qualms about harbouring animosity against those of other faiths. They are NOT in favour of multiculturalism and peaceful co-existence! The sooner we recognize this, the better, because our lofty democratic attitudes, although great on paper, fall apart when dealing with ideologies that do not embrace our politically-correct ideals. Our media is influenced by our own idealism. And our understanding of our avowed enemies is severely hampered by the public lack of information. Our westernized view of the world from our insulated democratic towers can no longer provide security, but is actually tying our hands, and endangering our citizens. We are not dealing with a passing tempest in a teapot, nor with madmen. The forces behind the jihad are intelligent, and the planning and execution of their attacks is brilliant. Their motivation is unadulterated religious-political fervour. The sooner we understand this, the better! Why is Palestinian leader Abbas accused of being weak by his rivals, yet is being courted by the West? Is he, in fact, weak? Or, is there a strategy of deception going on? Abbas has no intention of totally disarming the terrorists, even though he states he is working on it, and has taken weapons from small pockets of his Arab population in a half-hearted show of compliance. Besides, do we really think he has the power to now ensure weapons stay out of the hands of the few he has already supposedly disarmed? And, if he is able to disarm the few, why has he not taken steps to disarm them all? Why is he dragging his feet? The truth is, Abbas cannot, and will not, go against an ideology far more vast than the his own local jurisdiction. Abbas has not fulfilled even one demand, yet he insisted, oddly with the backing of the Bush Administration, that Israel follow through on releasing 900 Palestinian prisoners, most of whom were incarcerated because of terrorist activity against Israel. Then Abbas offered positions within the Palestinian security forces to most of those released. Oh, and these have been provided with small arms by Israel, to "strengthen" the Palestinians! Have the western nations recognized the fallacy and danger? Frightening!! These are avowed murderers, or would-be shahids, many of whom already have blood on their hands, or were intercepted on a mission to blow-up Israelis along with themselves, or were harbouring weapons for the same purpose. How 'comforting' to know they are now security personnel! Hamas has indicated, only two days ago, they will not disarm, but as soon as the Disengagement from Gaza by the Israelis takes place, will step-up their attacks in order to secure Jerusalem and the West Bank for the Palestinians. Abbas also has upped the demand of more land, by insisting another community close to Ashkelon, which was not scheduled for withdrawal, be placed under Palestinian jurisdiction. Where, and when will it stop? The "hand-writing is on the wall." Those in the anti-disengagement camp are not simply trying to put a halt to the withdrawal by standing up for a few thousand Israelis who will be uprooted from their homes and lives. They recognize the fact that the situation is much more complex than that! The voices being raised against Israeli disengagement are, like Daniel, interpreting the "handwriting!" But, is anyone willing to recognize the warnings? If we do not heed, like the Babylonian Empire, whose corrupt, hedonistic King failed to take the interpretation seriously, the Western world will fall into the hands of the enemy, even while we carry on with our own indulgent "party." Retreat in the wake of terrorism is not wise! President Bush stated so, and now Prime Minister Tony Blair, and all those attending the G-8 Summit stand in agreement. So, why is Israel being coerced into retreat from Gaza, which according to the invitation of Abbas, is to become a headquarters for terrorist organizations once the withdrawal is complete? If we desire to win the war against terror, we had better be consistent! Abbas is meeting with the leaders of several terrorist organizations this week in Syria, to discuss strategy. His role is to hoodwink the West into believing he is desiring peace. He is for peace, for sure, but under his well-defined ideologic definition, not our's! The Palestinian State is only one step in the strategy, and his role is to make sure it comes into being, while weakening Israel and deceiving the West. It is high time we woke-up and smelled the coffee! If we don't, more 9/11's, and Madrid and London-type attacks, are inevitable! Please, PLEASE, log on to: These are only a small sampling of available, easily accessible, news sources. Read the news reports along with the editorials. Get the full picture. The BBC, CNN, CBC, and Fox News only report one side! Get both! Someone in a position of political power must be willing to step up to the plate! If no one will, then the WEST which was WON in the last two World Wars, is in grave danger of being LOST to the war being waged by the global Islamic strategists! Maureen Metcalf is author of "The Final Schedule Revealed: In the Fall Feasts and Festivals" available at http://teshuvatrumpet.org. Marilynn Dawson on behalf of Maureen Metcalf who is author of "The Final Schedule Revealed: In the Fall Feasts and Festivals" http://teshuvatrumpet.org
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Let me offer an alternative view of the situation from an Ayn Rand perspective. Yes the manufacturing sector took hits from steel prices, unions, power costs, sector rotations in the auto industry as well as over seas and NAFTA competition. But the biggest problem of all is none of those things. Not a single one could kill off an industry that sells on average of 15-18 million cars per year. One must look at other factors as well. Also out in full force is our wonderful OSHA Agency due to strong union and the online complaint system. The Mother of All Political Battles Has Begun! News is spreading of the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, setting up a political battle the likes never before seen. This is the first of what could be several openings in the not too distant future. Freedom on the Internet Throughout all recorded history on our lovely little planet, Earth's human beings have been concerned with a few main ideals. One of these is the idea of freedom. 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Looking at the Dalai Lama I don't get a feeling of hostile intent... ![]() |
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