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Anti Government, Pro Democracy
Many Americans feel betrayed by their government, our government. I recently met a gentleman at a coffee shop who said he was; Anti-Government and Pro-Democracy. He went into a complete tirade of all the things that are wrong with the government; the typical nightly news events. You know; social security, illegal aliens, over regulation, homosexual marriage, corporate corruption, SPAM, Identity Theft, black-outs, fuel prices; on and on and on. My gosh, I was beginning to actually feel bad that I am an American. I mean all the stuff he mentioned did have a little validity to it. Even though he blew each issue out of proportion completely. I said to him that I am Anti-Hypocrisy and Pro-government. He asked what is the difference? We got into a lengthy discussion at that point and I explained to him that we are the government and if there was something wrong with it, then in fact he needed to buy a mirror so he could see who is really to blame. He started to get a bit hostile and told me we do not own the government anymore, it is now so large it tries to control every aspect of our lives; he launched into another tirade. This time he talked about; legalizing certain drugs, FCC control of his TV set, Political Correctness in the schools, seat belt and helmet laws, standing in lines at airports, right to shoot someone who tries to steal from you; on and on he went. I mean really another 15-minutes ensued. Patiently taking in all his complaints about the over litigation and trampling of civil rights and freedoms. We got into another lengthy discussion/debate about whose fault all that might be? In unison this time we said; "look in the mirror." You see we own the government and if it gets out of control or starts to impede our freedoms, basic civil rights, then look no further as to whom to blame. We all vote? We some of us anyway; Iraq had a better turnout this time around. Our government system is being abused no doubt, by who? By us, that's who. Every government worker comes from our population; we are not yet in an era of organic robots doing all the work; yet? Every lawmaker comes from the population; we pick em' they do not pick themselves. Everyone should be pro-government. If you are anti-government and the government is made up of us. That means you too, don't try to get out of it; then in fact if you are anti-government you are in fact anti-you. So if you think you suck; well you are right and until you change your opinion, there is nothing much I can do for you. Stop being a hypocrite. Live and let live; develop a little sense of responsibility in that mind of yours. It is a great design and it is a terrible thing to waste. Speak up silent majority. This is your conscious talking. Can you hear me now? Drop the hypocrisy in your own life and vote with what's left of your mind. If you surrender your mind to the TV set and keep having temper tantrums about the government; then do it in front of a mirror so you can see how silly you look. Thanks for listening and think on this; if you still can; you silly human. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Religion, Wars and Civilization Many are quick to point out the benefits of religion in civilization as the bond that keeps us together; a bond, which keeps society from disrupting into chaos and spontaneously turning to anarchy. Yet, to do so without discussion of the flip side of the coin is misleading at best. Religion may have its place in mankind's groupings, but we must understand what we give up for it in return for its few benefits. The Public Is Enemy Number One There is something egregiously wrong about a government that will not listen to its people especially in, dare I say it, a democracy. OSHA is just more BS from the Blob of Bureaucracy Is Ohio Manufacturing Sector really unable to compete in the world market? Is the auto industry, which is the state's manufacturing rock really in jeopardy. Are the Unions really killing the manufacturing sector causing off shoring of American jobs? Let me offer an alternative view of the situation from an Ayn Rand perspective. Yes the manufacturing sector took hits from steel prices, unions, power costs, sector rotations in the auto industry as well as over seas and NAFTA competition. But the biggest problem of all is none of those things. Not a single one could kill off an industry that sells on average of 15-18 million cars per year. One must look at other factors as well. Also out in full force is our wonderful OSHA Agency due to strong union and the online complaint system. Anarchy: Law, Order, and Authority [Author's Note: Another essay that I wrote on notebook paper during boring school hours. This wonderful little piece was starting in boring English class on Tuesday, November 26, 2002, and continued into Art class. It was finished in school on Tuesday, December 2, 2002, when I finished it in English class. I worked on it in no other class, and finished it within a few classes. Hooray for high school.] Is Reinstating The Draft Such a Bad Idea? In his bid for the presidency, John Kerry pronounced a "secret plan" to reinstate selective service. The fact that New York Democrat and fellow leftist Charles Rangel had proposed this plan wasn't mentioned, so Kerry's allegation created hysteria within the blue states. But there are several ways in which reinstating the draft could benefit our country. Plastics In Our Nations Dumps and Landfills Long Term Environmental Effect of Plastics, Composites and Other Materials on Underground Water Supplies through Leaching and Decay. Steel Tubing Tariffs Prove that NAFTA Still Needs Work The North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was implemented on January 1, 1994. An extension of the previous Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1989, NAFTA is the second largest free trade area in the world. The agreement intends to limit restrictions on trade in many industries and phase out tariffs in a period of 14 years. While NAFTA has created greater trade in North America, there still are concerns on how well the trade agreement is accomplishing its goal of deregulation. These concerns gained some validity with the recent issuance of tariffs in the steel tubing market in Mexico. Fuel Prices on the Rise With gasoline prices at the pump climbing strongly into the $2 slot, many people are becoming concerned about how high they may go, and what Congress should do about it, if anything. Petroleum prices effect the pricing of so many other products. Most of the items bought by consumers have been trucked some distance from a factory, to a warehouse, to a retail store. Consumer transportation, home heating, and electricity can also be adversely affected by rising fuel costs. The Unborn and Cloning The Unborn Proven Risk Youth Vs At-Risk & High-Risk Youth In the fields of juvenile justice policy and programming, there are certain terms that are used to describe target populations. In terms of youth who are prone to illegal and illicit acts, the two terms that are most commonly used are at-risk youth and high-risk youth. The former term is generally associated with youth who come from lower-income, urban, single-mother backgrounds. High-risk youth is a label used to categorize and describe youth who share the following characteristics: Protectionism in Russia The new law "Special Protective, Antidumping and Import Compensatory Measures" differs from the old one by the fact that it fully complies with the WTO (World Trade Organization) standards. It is for the first time in the Russian practice that a law describes in detail what is necessary to do in order to protect the Russian market and how to do it. As its authors promised, the Law has turned out to be extremely concrete: it is conceived so that the officials as well as the participants of trade agreements will be able to find straight answers to their questions, and they should not search for any special "explanations" and "commentaries". The Self-Appointed Altruists Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture shock. Many of them live in plush apartments, or five star hotels, drive SUV's, sport $3000 laptops and PDA's. They earn a two figure multiple of the local average wage. They are busybodies, preachers, critics, do-gooders, and professional altruists. Some Farmers and Organic Growers are Upset at Monsanto The organic farmers are angry that Monsantos terminator GM seeds will prevent the farmers from saving seeds from their harvest for next years crops and that Monsanto wishes to put them out of business. Actually it sure makes for headlines, unfortunately that is not how free enterprise works. Monsanto does not want to run anyone out of business; they want to sell seeds. If Monsanto holds them selves out as extortionists by overly inflating the prices as the critics seem to accuse them of doing before they have actually introduced it, then the free market would in fact take over and other companies willing to sell for less would emerge as at first smaller and then much larger competing players would they not. Isn't that the basis for our proven capitalist system, which has given Americans great quality of life, choices and the largest GNP of the next four other nations combined? Pending Oil Crisis Heavens, what are we up against? Treasury Department Falls Short on Blocked Persons List I would like to discuss the blocked persons list of the United States Treasury and condemn the treasury for being somewhat out to lunch on the realities of the business world and how things work. First if you will check out this site with the lists of blocked people who may be involved in such activities you will see the format is impossible to utilize quickly. Blocked peoples list; NASA and the Crisis Aboard MIR Some people say that we cannot put a colony on the Moon. Some say we do not have the technology to do this? Some people say it is too dangerous and it costs too much to sustain life that far away from the Earth. Some people think mankind cannot go beyond, should not push the limit and cannot succeed in such an endeavor. Well I believe some people are absolutely, positively and completely wrong. It is twice as hard to set up an orbiting space station and we have been doing that for decades. I would like to recommend a book to you. Our space program knows the risks, has experience to deal with the challenges and has the human spirit of exploration behind them. We can do it. Why not start reading about a little history of our rocky progress to our modern day marvels, start by reading this book: Time for a New Canadian Party It is time for a change. A change in philosophy, a change in the 3 party system. A change in politicians not being held accountable for promises they had no intention of delivering. It is time for a new political party to emerge from the sham that is the Canadian so-called democratic system. Here are some of the changes I propose a new party based on the following positions: Hitlers Positive Christianity... Unleashing the Patriotic Church There is nothing-absolutely nothing-insofar as political power when it is under girded by morality, especially when that morality embraces the strength of the Christian religion. This is what Adolph Hitler seized upon, amplified, and nourished: One Reich, one Reich's Church. With religion's unwavering legitimacy enshrouding Nazism's agenda-nothing could stop him. Today, an eerie semblance overshadows the West (this "revision"-August, 2005-is an update of this semblance)-it harkens back to the dark side of Christendom's triumphalism wherein the State and Church team up to defeat evil doers and simultaneously spread Globalism and Gospel through military strength and the Crusaders' zeal. What awful foolishness we witness when history repeats her worst episodes-nothing compares to the insanity of those who are doomed to duplicate earth's darkest days! Will Gay Marriage Slow Down AIDS Crisis It is widely known in the Homosexual Male Populations that the promiscuity is astronomically high. The AIDS crisis has lost a little momentum in the United States in heterosexual populations in recent years due to awareness. We are not out of the woods by any means but we have slowed the crisis and exponential growth of the disease in the states. In places like Africa, India and China there is a much different story. Environmentalism and Roads in Our Forests Many environmentalists are against roads through the forest because it could disrupt wildlife, hunting areas for other mammals. They also worry about the affect on all the species living there. Mankind generally from a historical perspective has not been all that kind to the natural surroundings. We have seen this even in Indian Cultures, which had been thought to take care of the land, yet on further scrutiny used the land and left debris and litter from their activities. Archeologists have seen this on all continents so it is not a negative statement about our American Indians, for they are some of the finest tribes ever to walk the face of the planet. ![]() |
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