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Time for a New Canadian Party
It is time for a change. A change in philosophy, a change in the 3 party system. A change in politicians not being held accountable for promises they had no intention of delivering. It is time for a new political party to emerge from the sham that is the Canadian so-called democratic system. Here are some of the changes I propose a new party based on the following positions: On the Armed Forces The Canadian Army, Navy and Air Force should follow the examples set in the corporate world. With our ties to the U.S, Canada should streamline its military divisions into one entity. This new Armed Forces would be split into 3 sub-groups
On Abortion Despite the fact that a woman chooses to accept the risk when engaging in sexual intercourse and that she should be made accountable for the consequences of her actions, a woman has a legal right to choose whether or not to carry a baby to term. Since politics should be based on legality, and not morality (which can be highly subjective), the right to choice must be upheld. I would direct all the efforts made by the Pro-Life movement into resources that can truly benefit today's woman. More effort must be made on improving a young woman's self esteem, so that sex is never done out of obligation, or in trying to keep their partners. If women decide to engage in sexual intercourse, it is for their own reasons, and not to influence others. On Marijuana This issue should be solely in the hands of the Canadian Medical Association, before the government should decide on permitting its legal use for the general consumer market. It must be noted that there is a huge difference between the acceptance of alcohol and tobacco, with the acceptance of drugs. Prohibition did not work because the people of that era where already regular users. Had prohibition been enforced over a few generations, the effects of alcohol on society would be greatly reduced. Both alcohol and marijuana can be considered 'gateways' for harsher chemicals or just plan abuse, so its legality must be based on its medicinal value. Just because alcohol is available for general consumption of adults, does not mean that we need to add to the amount of perception altering substances out on the free market. On Income Taxes Providing tax relief for those that have the ability to divert a portion of their income to tax shelters does not help those that do not have enough funds to be diverted. Middle or Upper Class People are used to the taxes they pay, so as long as they are not increased, they should be accepted as part of a way to pay for services needed at both Federal and Provincial levels. We also have to realize that while the poor may be taxed less on their bi-weekly pay check, they will pay the same amount of taxes as the rich when purchasing any taxable item at a store. The rich, however, continue to maintain an advantage by re-arranging their taxable earnings so as to appear to be making less than they actually are. Stores also provide them with extra discounts due to the amount of money being spent at one time. We need to put more money back into the poor family. To assist them, would be to assist various produce or retail industries that would benefit from the increased buying power of the poor. On Corporate Outsourcing A new accord must be reached with the United Nations. We cannot allow companies to send jobs to the 3rd world, while still expecting that same country to purchase their product. Companies that wish to continue to do business in Canada must agree to maintain a Canadian presence. This initiative should be reviewed by some of the better economists so as to see how best to apply corporate tax credits to help ease the burden on costs and maintain shareholder value. A good way to start would be to initiate a basic cost of minimum wage. In countries where the cost of an employee is below that wage line, the company would have to be additional benefits to the government for their own social programs. If we are truly heading toward a global village, then a global pay scale will have to come with it On Cleaning Up the Environment We pay salesmen commission based on what they sell, why not offer similar incentives to a new government department that will fine (pre-determined amounts) to companies found polluting the environment. There are certain industries and companies that are well-known to be actively polluting the environment, but what, other than political "funding" is stopping the government from acting? Canada needs to aggressively take the lead, not only on its own soil, but worldwide. The destruction of the rainforest affects us all. The rapid extinction of more and more animals is hurting our ecological balance. Government must be there to keep businesses honest. On Health Care Canada is not now, nor should it ever be a communist society. Assuming that we can get qualified medical staff in our hospitals, there should not be any reason not to have a 2 level health care system. No life saving treatment should ever be denied to a person on the basis of money, so all treatment of that nature must be covered for all. That being said, regular check-ups, certain tests, non-life threatening treatments can be divided between those that can pay for special care, and those that cannot. By 2010, the Baby Boomer generation will start to reach the official age of retirement. The state of our hospitals will be a growing concern. There is no reason why people who have been able to establish a certain level of wealth, not be able to receive priority for non-emergency care, over those of lesser financial ability. About The Author Gary Whittaker is editor of T.E.N Magazine. For more articles on various social issues, go check out http://www.tenwebzine.com
The Pilgrims and Beacon Hill Mob In 1966, Dr. Carroll Quigley, a professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and an employee of the Tri-Lateral Commission who informed or blew the whistle on them; published a 1311 page book called Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. On page 950 he says: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments... my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known... because the American branch of this organization (sometimes called the "Eastern Establishment") has played a very significant role in the history of the United States in the last generation." Cops Want To Increase Marijuana Punishments? Leave it to the Columbia City Police Officers Association in Missouri to try to turn back and increase punishments for marijuana, against the will of the voters. Six months ago the voters in Columbia City elected to decrease punishments for marijuana. Now, the police officers are trying to repeal it. Hypocrisy of Over Regulation All to often law makers and regulators create rules and regulations using a linear mindset. They claim they understand the issues, even have public hearings to prove it. Yet the people who are able to attend such things are usually lawyers and losers. Losers because anyone in the market place who was winning does not have time to show up, they are too busy producing and participating in their respective industries. So they hire attorneys to show up and talk with regulators. Those attorneys who have no real clients of any value also show up because they know be getting in bed with the regulators and bending over a little, they can get the occasional reach around in the process and a little juice. This can help them get good corporate clients and make big bucks. All these scoundrel, I mean attorneys have to do is promise the regulators jobs when they get sick of the bureaucracy. Farming Human Clones If someone wanted to farm future clones they would need many things. They would need to also consider the time commitment for the future and weigh the costs for those 16-years of conditioning. A military of a country might decide to do this, as it would make their elite forces almost uncanny in cooperative ability and effectiveness. The sixteen-year investment is of course the real issue, it therefore becomes all about ROI and economics. The economics of cloning and human life, which most Americans have a problem with in discussing, I suppose you may too as I too have to question the dialogue. We must realize that such discussion is necessary even if somewhat unpleasant. Tax Attorney in Oregon or Washington; Does Your Small Business Have One? Tax Evasion has been used to criminalize many, Nixon did use the IRS to attack political opponents and to discredit them. Well here is one politician who is attacking the LOCAL small businesses who supposedly are evading taxes? Are they? Or is the miss management of the city coming to light and the politicians are looking for a scapegoat? Elliot Spitzer Blows Chunks This is the beginning of the end for the man who would be king. Mr. Elliot Spitzer loses big time and blows chunks. Elliot Spitzer's reputation is wiped out with a single case. One of his most celebrated cases in fact, as a Manhattan jury acquitted Bank of America's Ted Sihpol on 29 of 33 counts over the charges of grand larceny and fraud. He was accused of helping a hedge fund trade Mutual Fund shares after hours (4PM). The remaining accounts became a deadlock jury. He walks scott free since he committed no crimes. On The Privatization of Social Security Reform Social Security has been talked of Capital Hill for many years. However, it is just put in a real action by President Bush recently. The reason is Social Security could have shortage to pay retirees by year 2018 and bankruptcy by year 2042 because the growth of retirees is faster than the contributors of Social Security. Privatization is the process of putting percentage of payroll tax of Social Security into private account that can be invested into stocks and bounds markets. Stocks and Bounds usually make more interest than the growth of Social Security. Thus, in turn, we respect more money to make up the shortage of Social Security. If it does, the Social Security is saved. Otherwise, It does not. This involves timing, ratio, management, and evidence. Discount Cigarettes and Cheap Tobacco from Europe to the UK It never fails to amaze me. HM Customs and Excise are at it again, stopping everyone in this country from getting the bargains that we are entitled to. The cost of running the country might in fact be out with the Governments budget, but do we have to pay the deficit? The Absurdity of the Public School Monopoly The notion that local governments should have almost total monopoly control over our children's education is not only unjust and tyrannical, it is also absurd. Children need education, to be sure, but they also need food, clothing, and shelter. The same poor or irresponsible parents who public-school apologists claim will not educate their children without compulsion, might not feed, clothe, or shelter them either. Plastics In Our Nations Dumps and Landfills Long Term Environmental Effect of Plastics, Composites and Other Materials on Underground Water Supplies through Leaching and Decay. Liberalism ? A Mark Too Low A Price Too High After the dance the piper must be paid. To help us calculate the cost of paying the piper we will borrow from the math of physics. In the laws of physics there resides an immutable principle whose exact formulations I do not know, but even a novice like me can know how it works. If you throw logs on a flame (cause), a roaring fire is what you get. (Effect) I know it probably seems too dumb, bothering to explain something so simple. But I for one believe it is the ability to see this that most people have as an ordinary function of the brain that liberals may have been born without. To most of us it is what we call common sense. It is what teenagers seem to lose for a while and what liberals seem to have lost forever, if they ever had it. Newspaper Reporters Tread Lightly on Compulsive Gambling Addiction Websites designed to help people overcome their gambling addictions have recently been contacted by television associate producers and reporters in an effort to obtain information about individuals who have been affected by compulsive gambling addictions. In most cases, they are looking for people to come forward and share how their lives have been impacted by local gambling establishments. In the majority of these cases, people feel fear of embarrassment from family and friends and therefore, are not willing to discuss how their lives were affected. RFID: Californias Identity Information Protection Act Utah introduced a bill designed to limit the use of RFID by state and county government. It was voted down. Maryland introduced a similar bill. It, too, was voted down. This is California's second RFID bill. The first was... voted down. There Ought to Be a Law The 'Land of the Free' is teaming with individual rights for citizens. We have the right to say what we want, do what we want, be who we want. Watergate Scandal On June 16, 1972, a security guard at the Watergate Hotel in Washington , D.C. , discovered a piece of tape on the lock of the door that led to the National Democratic Headquarters. Snowbirds and American Migration and Mobile Populations We have seen an increase in Snowbirds from Northern States into Southern States. It is truly phenomenal the difference between now and a few years ago. I attribute this to the mobile nature of our society, me included and the use of modern technology, such as cell phones, GPS devices, and Internet availability in many places to hook up to and now for the first time we are seeing a proliferation of services in major markets such as LA, Seattle, San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Phoenix of Ricochet, Inc. the first main system which came on the scene. Soon as in a few months we will be seeing Internet Direct the GM Hughes system similar to the Direct TV idea for motor homes that you can point at the satellite anytime, anywhere providing clear skies and no obstructions, such as buildings, mountains, bridges or trees. These systems will be rolled out for use in the Trucking Industry and over the road independent drivers and also to RV whizzes. Corruption and Transparency I. The Facts The Morality of Child Labor From the comfort of their plush offices and five to six figure salaries, self-appointed NGO's often denounce child labor as their employees rush from one five star hotel to another, $3000 subnotebooks and PDA's in hand. The hairsplitting distinction made by the ILO between "child work" and "child labor" conveniently targets impoverished countries while letting its budget contributors - the developed ones - off-the-hook. Cuba: Havana the Good When North Americans discuss Cuba, they always focus the intense poverty of Cuba. I hope to provide my readers with insights into the various social programs available for the Cuban population, specifically for people with disabilities. I base this article on my experiences during my attendance at the conference against the Free Trade Agreement of the America's and various social projects I visited around the city. The conference focused on issues regarding anti-poverty in South America, such as combating illiteracy, and implementing programs for economic development. During my two-week visit to Cuba, I observed first-hand the positive advancements made despite the poverty in Cuba. Mexican Living: A Disabled Man Speaks for Terri I am an incurably ill American male forced to leave America to afford the medical care I needed. I live in Mexico. I now live in a country where "pulling the plug" for whatever reason is illegal! |
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