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MORAL ARMORS Counterfeit 911: Refuting Michael Moore
Michael Moore asserts the following in his political film Fahrenheit 9/11: Con #1. Bush favors the Bin Laden family over American interests. Regarding the Bin Laden family leaving the country, we as Americans don't punish people for crimes they didn't commit. Releasing them was the civil answer. Imagine if your cousin blew up a building, would you want to go to jail for it? And what do you think the terrorists would have done to our families? Getting them out of the country stemmed a potential lynching, which would have made America look as bad as our enemies. It was the right thing to do. Con #2. Halliburton and other war corporations are self-serving enemies of America, conspiring with the President for profit and privileges. These are public companies he is attacking. They are owned by millions of stockholders. America owns them. Moore criticized executive appointments in Iraq and Afghanistan by "exposing" their prior relationships to the President, implying conspiracy. There is no immorality due to those appointed being associates of the President, any more than showing preference in choosing his cabinet. Experienced leaders choose people they like--they don't have to field resumes. Con #3. Our poor are preyed upon by U. S. military recruiters. That the poor and the middle classes do the majority of the fighting is not a conspiracy of the Bush presidency, but a historical fact of all armies in all nations. Upper class parents hand down a disciplined living structure to their children, while the middle and lower class parents provide limited to no living structure, which is reflected in their economic status. Their children need and should seek the kind of discipline that the military provides, and if they're smart, they carry that rational order into their private lives. Upper class youth already have a plan at that stage, lead self-directed lives much earlier, and therefore avoid the risk of being called into action. Moore's footage defeated his own argument in that the kids at the upscale malls were approached directly and weren't interested; their "influential" parents obviously weren't intervening. (It's a voluntary army, Michael). Con #4. A negative soldier's viewpoint reveals the immorality of the war. A wounded soldier has good cause to question why he was there in the first place and to believe that war is devastatingly senseless, which is true for the aggressor. But American civilization cannot tolerate the random acts of violence, which are commonplace in Islamic Fundamentalist regions, to happen here. If necessary, we have to rout them out at the source. Twenty year-olds won't have the experience to judge the policy of a nation, but should be able to comprehend right and wrong at a more basic level. We must honor those who fight for us; we must shelter our fallen, but given the blatant horrors of the enemy versus American life, he should know he's on the right side. Con #5. The Iraq Dictatorship had nothing to do with the war on terrorism. If they're not terrorists, boy do they act like them. Car bombs, abductions, beheadings, anarchy and dictatorship preferred to democracy, suicide missions which murder their own people and offer no peaceful alternative; no, there's no likeness there(!). (If you question our military strategy and the countries we've chosen, look at a map). Look at the nature of our enemy. Most Americans are civil and constructive--including our troops, while the average insurgent is aggressive and foolish as an individual. If you pulled any insurgent aside for an interview you'd see he is a poorly educated, fear-driven control-freak charged with incoherent dogmatic conclusions he never would have come to on his own. They're all psychologically trapped in the "submission/domination axis" (as Moral Armor calls it), which amounts to little more than roving criminality, veiled as an endless fight for Allah--which is only a substitution for their tantrum against ever being questioned. Their delusional dedication to an all-powerful force against the outsiders who threaten Him ignores a crucial contradiction: If God is all-powerful then He is in no danger, and doesn't need their help. Con #6. American forces are running amok, targeting innocent civilians. In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says to attack the heart of your enemy. Who has Moore attacked? Whose heart is he after? Did he show you the crippled and burned Americans still struggling to survive after September 11th? No, he showed you Iraqi casualties. All sides have casualties in war, and a movie maker will favor those of like ideology. Whose side are you on Michael? How many heads have we cut off? Such barbarism only strengthens our resolve to win. Near the end, Moore meekly agrees that "America is a great country." Still, you can't help but get a strong anti-American feeling from the film. It's him telling the rest of us that our world is a sham, our freedom is a lie, and that this dilemma is our own fault. Of course, he fails to mention that we wiped out two dictatorships with a wartime loss amounting to only one-third the casualties they caused us in New York, and we are now paving the way for their most productive citizens to thrive in a civil world community. The aggregate result will be a release of the pent up energy of the people--an Iraqi industrial revolution and a world benefit--new pipelines, skyscrapers and personal freedoms. It's irresponsible to watch such a movie and draw conclusions based solely on its contents. It is not honest to isolate three aspects of an issue when there are six to consider. Shame on you, Mr. Moore! Summation and Solution. The Koran states that anyone who is not Muslim is the enemy, to be chopped, hacked and slaughtered, plain and simple. There is no room for misinterpretation, and no constructive reasoning with such insanity. Allegiance to life must come before religious or political ideas, and such ideas must be based on the furtherance of the biological life of a man; otherwise, they are wrong. To the oppressed citizens of the world I say, as a free country, America offers a simple institutional structure--no dogmatic requirements; we're all free to believe what we want--but if you limit or harm others, you're freedom will be taken in turn. The old days are gone--the monarchies, the dictatorships, the communal nightmares--with room only for civility between men into the future. All must respect the human institutions whose fundamental guideline is the preservation of individual life, by outlawing the initiation of force against others. So conform, and live. It is the obligation of philosophy to provide a constructive course of action in the individual, social, artistic and institutional realms--the full range of human action. Moral Armor does just that, providing the first fully-integrated non-sectarian moral code, and it is based on the nature of Man. No other style of moral code has even a chance to win over there. The campaign in Iraq was not a new development. Iraq has been a thorn in the world's side ever since the Gulf War when Hussein should have been deposed, and it's too late to turn back now. Terrorist dogma thrives on fresh martyrs; we need a strong leader who will see this through, and our President will. Unfortunately, when one side won't listen to reason, you have to fight, so let's get it over with. (In the time it took to read this, President Bush had reacted to 9/11). Ronald E. Springer is the Author/Philosopher of Moral Armor, the world's first fully-integrated moral philosophy based on the nature of Man. Featured on The Mitch Albom Show, NBC and FOX News radio affiliates, Mr. Springer is available for interviews, speaking engagements, philosophy workshops and seminars. Please contact RonaldESpringer@MoralArmor.com or visit http://www.MoralArmor.com for details. For a free three-part mini-course on morality-based happiness, send a blank email to: moralarmor@getresponse.com.
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Political Lobbying & Biblical Aspects of the Mid-East Crisis 1) IS HAVING A DEMOCRACY MORE EFFECTIVE IN ADDRESSING POLITICAL CONCERNS? UAV Targets, Aerial Dog Fights, Interception, Future of War Intelligence The UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is hear to stay and they are rapidly replacing the glory days of the fighter pilot and soon, there will be no humans in military aircraft flying the planes. Here is a quick overview of UAVs and all the new types. Hopefully these few links can catch you up on the subject to understand the future of these units. History of the Media, Radio, and Television When were the forms of media created? When did advertising first show up? Who owns the media? Think You Dont Need A License for A Wireless Microphone? Think Again Believe it or not, every theatre, church, or Britney Spears wannabe using a wireless microphone is supposed to have a license for it. No, I'm not making this stuff up. Don't believe me? Here's the FCC rule! We Do Not Have An Upside Down Trade Deficit Because We Cannot Compete Our trade deficit is directly proportional to our attacks on US Businesses and Entrepreneurs. We do not have an upside down trade deficit because we cannot compete. We can compete with any nation. We have bad policies, over regulation, too many lawyers and lawsuits. We have judges and juries ruling for unbelievable sums to send a message to the businesses and industries as if it were the job of the court to dictate policy. Will Gay Marriage Slow Down AIDS Crisis It is widely known in the Homosexual Male Populations that the promiscuity is astronomically high. The AIDS crisis has lost a little momentum in the United States in heterosexual populations in recent years due to awareness. We are not out of the woods by any means but we have slowed the crisis and exponential growth of the disease in the states. In places like Africa, India and China there is a much different story. The History of Trade and Using it as a Weapon for Peace The Flow of Trade is a major consideration of civilizations and cultures working together to insure that they can get what they need. Some areas have special crops, which grow in their regions, which the other regions would like to have. In days of the First colonies in this country, before it was a country trade with the local Indians were vital to them staying alive. Our ancestors traded with the Native Indian tribes to insure the colony had the food and things needed to get through the winter months. National Archives Needs to Embed RFID Tags in Ink Perhaps we should have printers with ink which has metallic properties which would simulate RFID Tags in pages scattered throughout the reports and papers of secret documents, then if one decides to do something unethical to steal the paper work then the report itself will trigger an alarm, even if one puts it in their socks or underwear, under a hat. As one leaves the building through a detector like at the bookstores, gotcha!! The Worlds Eldest Democracy Was A Truly Romantic Affair Visible remnants of the world's eldest democracy can be seen in a town in the Carantania region in what is now Austria, where during the early Middle Ages, the tribal society of a Slav people managed to live for over 100 years without being invaded and out of sheer happiness invented a democratic system. They did not call it a democracy but the word invented later was taken directly from their example. Maryland Lawyers and Politicians Want More Regulations We know that in Maryland, which some call "Merry Land" due to its completely liberal skew that Sarbaines Oxley laws were born. These laws no matter what anyone will tell you, have done more to upset our trade deficits with China than any other single factor. Senator Sarbaines is not even running for re-election now, which is smart because he would have major opposition and who ever was close to beating him would have on hell of a bank roll to do it. It is hard to say really which is worse; Osama Bin Laden hiding in a Cave or Senator Sarbaines who lives in a box (opinion). Public Sector Economies in Transition In the previous article, we described the various methods developed in the West to cope with the ever-burgeoning public sector. Steel Tubing Tariffs Prove that NAFTA Still Needs Work The North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was implemented on January 1, 1994. An extension of the previous Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1989, NAFTA is the second largest free trade area in the world. The agreement intends to limit restrictions on trade in many industries and phase out tariffs in a period of 14 years. While NAFTA has created greater trade in North America, there still are concerns on how well the trade agreement is accomplishing its goal of deregulation. These concerns gained some validity with the recent issuance of tariffs in the steel tubing market in Mexico. Whose Afraid of the Government; Whose the Government Afraid of? We need a government that can be as responsive to our needs and to use the technology available to serve us better. Yet often our government feels threatened by those companies who move in the market place at lightning speed. It is those companies, which the government has the most to learn from. Let the government learn form the entrepreneurs and allow them to streamline their efforts to serve us better. Rather than regulating to death the life-blood of America for fear that change may eliminate the need for a large government and thus reduce their control. After all it is our government not theirs. Why should we feel threatened; we are the government. Politicians Will Save Civilization Most politicians are completely out to lunch and totally Machiavellian by nature, they cannot be trusted. We tend to elect the most manipulative politicians to higher offices and condemn the one's who really care. I saw a great picture on the front cover of the NY Times where the Politicians were busy having a party congratulating themselves for getting a bill passed in the Senate. If Terrorists Are To Become Slick Politicians, Yhey Need Time Rather Than God on Their Side The number of countries in the world at the moment that are in some form of transition is higher than some ten years ago, and in some ways more efforts are made to resolve situations that threaten stability. And the moves of all involved parties are not without major-league risks. Seattle Lawyer and Financial Freedom We are destroying our freedoms and slowing innovation, due to our belief that we can regulate morality by laws, that we can protect the most ignorant or mentally challenged individual in society by making a law; hardly possible. We have systematically allowed over burdensome laws to be made which support no freeman in this period only give work to 'wordsmithers' who claim to be helping us as they help themselves to our hard earned money. Clearing Land Mine Fields from the Air You know we have sent many, many army tanks with protruded devices used for minesweeping to the Middle East from the Logistics Base in our country. They are assigned to removing the left over land mines of past wars. Each year hundreds of thousands lose their lives and limbs to these past war buried relics. The army tanks which remove these devices have not really been redesigned since the second WW, hardly any real improvements in their designs. But it has occurred to me that you can sweep these mines from the air if you want. Here is how it might be done; first, a powerful helicopter drags flat plates of steel along the ground with skids, in front of that is heavy chains dragging approximately 20 yards connected to each other like the kind your used to level fields and scrap away dirt clods and then the chains of smaller size actually in the air attached to cables attached to the helicopter about 50ft AGL. The Blessings of the Black Economy Some call it the "unofficial" or "informal" economy, others call it the "grey economy" but the old name fits it best: the "black economy". In the USA "black" means "profitable, healthy" and this is what the black economy is. Macedonia should count its blessings for having had a black economy so strong and thriving to see it through the transition. If Macedonia had to rely only on its official economy it would have gone bankrupt long ago. PTO - Patent and Trademark Office needs complete overhaul Recently in Maine, I talked with a gentleman and we discussed at a coffee shop the issues concerning the Patent and Trademark Offices and the slow processing problems with registration of everything from a simple patent or concept patent to a Registered Trademark or Service Mark. Also this past week had an email conversation with a gentleman from NC in a small business regarding weak trademark and service mark case law in several states and at the Federal Level and how that affected him and the owner of a mark in Ohio. Also discussed the issues with an Aussie who now lives in BC Canada with regards to a cross border US Competitor using a name he intends to use and has already used in Canadian Commerce. First use laws and case laws are different that in Canada and the US. And certainly no trademark is worth a dollar in China. Some would disagree if you have the right attorney there in that country. I had mentioned these types of issues in a letter to the FTC and discussed the problems with patent law and not knowing, the patent books, which explain all this are over 400 plus pages now and when you are done reading them you may or may not know enough to get the job done. Space Colonies a Primary Goal Many folks who are pro-NASA and Pro-Space Colonies say that this should be our primary goal as a nation, as individuals and for corporations as well. However this argument is cut short with reality of the needs of mankind. Most individuals wish to live well, in freedom and abundance and a company's goal in the current paradigm is to grow and profit. Provide shareholders value if a corporate entity. In a small business it is to profit and use that unit for trade to provide those things needed and desired by the proprietor. Growth and profit will provide the all. It always has provided that for us. Look where we are. Although an argument against where we are is duly noted compared to where we should be. However, even though one could say it is not good enough yet another could argue that we are not following the plan since we are clouding free enterprise with debris and intervention against the normal movements of free markets. ![]() |
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