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All Extremists Go To Heaven... Dont They
Heaven, Hell, or some sort of Purgatory. I cannot seem to make it to either of the extreme political sides and being a moderate definitely leaves me at least in purgatory if not a perpetual limbo. It is all of the words and actions that really get to me. Just when I think I have found it, someone does something to make me wonder again. They push the button and the followers follow, I am with them. They push another button and the followers are outraged, again, I find myself with them. They push a button and change the subject so they do not have to do anything about or talk about what was popular yesterday. I wonder why did they give up, forget so easily, what was so important yesterday that means nothing today. The media is left wing liberal. Talk Radio is right wing conservative. There is no middle. The only middle is the two fighting over all of it and shooting at each other over my head. Our leaders in the congress and the senate leave a lot to be desired and now I know why I was uninformed and uninterested for the longest time as I tried to find my way in the world. The confusion they generate is so extensive the average person avoids it. When a person is working for food, as many Americans do, there is no interest in politics. The little guy who is just making it, the middle class American, is content to settle at least temporarily with where they are and what they have is just enough to allow them to find time to dig through all of the, hip to neck deep garbage, being thrown around. The popularity of talk radio is one source of information and it has taken hold on a great portion of American society. It all started for me while I was being held hostage in traffic on the way to work. I just had to have something to do. So traffic must be one reason Talk Radio has become so popular. As a rule, I seldom listen to Talk Radio unless I am in my car, but as soon as I start the car, the channel I listen to is there and if something else takes over I am scanning the airwaves for something, anything that can take its place temporarily. Throughout the United States, where ever we moved, I would find the talk radio shows I found the most entertaining. Although music is fine for passing some time or staying awake on a long drive it can be annoying while sitting still in traffic. At times, I wonder if the music playing in some cars may have caused accidents because someone tapped their foot on a gas pedal. I know I tend to pick up speed if the music playing is the right kind. Taking sides, "thinking" for a cause can pass the time while stuck in traffic. Radio personalities like Sean Hannity who will tell a person calling the show they "Are a Great American", can become the words that person needs to hear in order to identify themselves, what they need to hear in order to define what they are. To give them a meaning in life other than going to work and going home at the end of the day. It's that little extra. The pat on the back kind of acceptance that is almost part of a faith, religion or cult and makes one feel they belong to something bigger and better. They feel great, because they spend, "three hours a day" listening to someone tell them what they should think about any given subject. It is easy to agree with them because after all they have all of the real information, the truth, and are sharing all of the information with us. Because they believe in their hero, they are having their buttons pushed and the radio button is stuck on that station?I know mine is. It's not a bad thing?there I go again?I'll never make it to heaven! It is important to take only one side, why I have no idea. If you do something that a liberal would normally do, it is fine if for some reason they don't do it. If you do something a conservative would do, it is fine if for some reason they don't do it. Just make sure you tear them up about it along the way and constantly question all of it and why this time, they are not living up to their usual way of promoting and defending their causes. Rush Limbaugh came along at a time in my life when I thought the liberals running the congress and senate could do no wrong. I heard him talk as I was being held hostage in my car trying to run a small business in three different locations. I listened as I went about getting the college education I had to put aside when things were rough. I wrote an English essay on "The Myth of the Campaign Promise" because I just knew President Clinton was not holding "America Hostage" as Rush would say. I listened and listened. I started to write a book because I thought Limbaugh was crazy and the "ditto heads" were trying to take over the government and the country. I was sure the man was anti-American and for the life of me could not come to grips with the fact that he just knew what buttons to push at any given point. As I write now and reflect on all of it, I can understand so much of it is about pushing buttons. It is entertainment. Still?do all extremists go to heaven? I imagine if you die and go somewhere due to the way you look at life I should be able to escape Hell but I doubt I will make it to Heaven. Seriously, I want to take sides. I think anyone that has any idea of what is going on would like to. The problem is the "extreme". Talk is cheap. Who said that? Talk isn't cheap anymore. Talk is running wild and although it is a good way to bring issues that need to be looked at by all to the fore front, expectations fall short in the end and at times, the extremists fail to be very extreme. Hot Subjects are the rule of the day when it comes to the media and if they run out of Hot Topics, they use a fill in that makes a person wonder why? National news can be as important as an Associated Press article about an Ex Walmart Associate that kills a cat. But corporate lies and greed can be by-passed even if the documentation is better than the sources the reporters at Newsweek have. A sincere sounding, I still would like to know why, can be forgotten in a couple of weeks and if someone remembers, oh well, maybe someday. There were a few of weeks on the case of Terri Schivago that took center stage on The Sean Hannity Radio Show and Hannity and Colmes. Sean really wanted answers, until it was over and something more important took over. "Men in Black", The Nuclear Option and the Filibuster. There was a sense of loss and a sense of well if no one else is going to push the button, why should I? It's gone now unless there is a reason to use it in an attempt to push a button. Any way, my book on Rush died on a disk that went through packing numerous times as my husband was transferred to different states while in the US Air Force and eventually died do to the heat of Florida and the fact that I had no idea it would happen to the disks if I left it in a box in that kind of heat. That first computer was something and the chat rooms were alive especially when it came to Rush Limbaugh and the Ditto heads during the nineties. The newest computer makes me crazy at times and the web blogs are endless and only a product of someone who has what they want and can donate their time for everyone to read the most insignificant things that have nothing to do with everyday life for the average, American. I must have too much time on my hands because right now I am not in my car listening to talk radio. I am looking for the streaming audio on Sean Hannity's web site. One way or another I cannot get to the point of being extreme and will not make it to heaven if I don't choose. Okay so Sean is following in Rush's foot steps. It is good entertainment if you like to listen to a tear'm up type of comedy and are willing to pay for it. I am fairly sure that eventually people will pay for Sean the same way they pay for Rush. You pay to be an insider. I would rather be a hostage in my car and listen for free. If I miss something, someone will bring it up again soon or one of the celebrity blogs will post it. Sorry Sean, I just can't make it to Six Flags in Jackson, New Jersey, to be one of the groupies there for your voice?I know you aren't singing. I wouldn't go even if Old Blue Eyes came back to life. Basically I am cheap?.Hey! Cheap Thrills?that must be it!!! Someone to love. Someone to hate. Someone to dissect. Al Franken?Michael Moore?Robert Greenwald and Lou Dobbs?Where are you? Someone help me through to the side that will take me to heaven! Someone show me the light at the end of the tunnel! About the Author Julie Pierce has worked in the retail sector for more than thirty years. She has been a union member of the UCFW Union and the afl-cio more than once and has worked for more than one large retailer during the course of her career. She attended Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City Beach, Florida, in the nineties in the pursuit of a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications. Some of her work has been published during the eighties and nineties in various editorial pages of newspapers in the state of New Jersey and Florida. She also did some work as a community reporter for a weekly newspaper in Panama City Florida. Other work includes an article in the Gulls Cry, the Gulf Coast Community College newspaper. She is the wife of TSgt William F. Pierce Jr. (retired) USAF and the mother of three children and one grandchild.
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Pilot-Less and High Speed Train Transportation Systems; Better Strategy Needed We recently saw another ferry accident, this one in NY when the pilot of the vessel fell asleep, which may have been a medical situation or condition, but never the less, accidents like these would be prevented by pilot-less transit systems. This would be no problem with modern technology. We know in the future this will be an accepted method and fully safe. Housing Bubble, Interest Rates, Timber Costs; What Has Changed? What has really changed in the housing market with regards to timber dumping from Canada, lumber costs since the Professional Building Magazine issue in Sept. 2001. How is this affecting the housing market or the predicted housing bubble burst which was suppose to cripple the economy. We have seen the Federal Reserve raise rates, lumber prices go up, still America was buying up new homes and joining the ownership society faster than at any other time in the history of our nation. Whats Right About Nebraska: How the Democrats Lost the Heart of American Populism (Note: This article was written slightly before the 2004 election; however, its thesis on how the Dems. lost the heartland--and why they continue to fumble the ball--bespeaks of a sea change that continues to sweep the American political landscape. Yet, Dean, et al, run down to the beach and think that last tsunami was it--not knowing they come in successive intervals, are stronger than the last one, and are not designed for your viewing pleasure!) Workers We have read about the unemployment rate being high. Really anything around six percent is pretty good and it is less than that now according to the statistics, but some politicians say it is terrible and others say it is reasonable. It depends upon which side of the isle you sit. Sodomy Sodomy is against the law, yet goes on every day across our nation. The vice of buggery is so pervasive in certain regions of our country that even heterosexuals in our population are a risk of contracting AIDS. The human anatomy was not set up for a homo sapiens male penis to enter the rectum of another male; it is not equipped for that function. In Washington D.C. the vice of buggery is so common in the halls of Congress, that it is nearly impossible to tell who has the moral character to lead. Sodomy is against our laws. If we allow Gay Marriage as they have now in the fourth country in the World; Canada recently, then we must first make sodomy legal. Otherwise male homosexuals will be getting married, but not allowed to practice their favorite vice of buggery. 911 Could Have Been Prevented, Was It Bush?s Fault? September 11, 2001 could have been prevented. We could have stopped that International Terrorist Act had we just employed a few simple tools. If we would have simply kept our eyes and ears open and had a plan in place. Was it Bush's fault? No, it was America's fault. It is our fault for thinking every thing was fine and that the CIA and FBI could protect us from any one of a hundred different types of attacks. International Terrorists have so many ways to attack us. National Security; College Campuses I have witnessed a new era of security in the US. It is by far more prevalent than ever before. All dutied personnel and former officers of law enforcement are on alert. This is good. However we should not blow our wad too fast here. Remember International Terrorist acts are a waiting game. They learn the defenses and then figure out the system and then attack like an insider. There are holes closing fast on their efforts. But with each new leak fixed in the dam, there are new areas of vulnerability. Even if the areas in question are less of a problem then previously. For instance a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Bureaucracy Suffocating the Flow of Transportation We are slowing the transportation flows of our civilization by over burdening our transit systems, transportation companies, airlines, railroads and shipping companies with linear thought out rules and regulations. We are over regulating, over taxing and attacking the free market sector companies and this is cost America jobs, governments in tax base and hardship for travelers, vendors and industry, which rely on this transportation. The Elephant Roared and Brought Forth a Turd: A Case Against Democratizing the Middle East The original vulgarity was bylined: ?The Constipation of America's Mid-East Peace Policy! Does America Get It about Terrorism? I have to be honest. It is time to come clean. Though the rising cost of health care was indeed the primary reason my wife and I uprooted our lives and left America, it was not the only one. In very close competition was the issue of terrorism. North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions; Random Thoughts Part III Sizing up North Korea is important for a war there. We must leave all options on the table and of course give the Chairman of North Korea the respect he wishes while remaining firm as Hell until it freezes over in fact if that's what it takes; I now conclude my random thoughts over the last few years on North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions. Monetary Flows, Retained Earnings, Over Regulation and Abundant Resources All countries have specific things that are abundant in the region. Middle East it is oil and sand. We do not need the sand but can use it to make cement. So perhaps we should import sand and oil from there and they can buy cars, computers, and other things from us. By developing trading partners, we can keep peace if of course the Westerner Hatred thing can be educated out of those populations? And perhaps we might do a little sole searching as well to understand our history and cultures of the world a little better, as even though the US is the greatest civilization ever created int he history of mankind, we are definitely not alone. Business: ?Where Is America Headed To??, New York Millionaire Wonders Hello! Happy new year. May you live a long healthy life and prosper. Quality of Life and Freedom, Unilateral Discussion City Governments is their quest for; "quality of life" often lose sight of the revenue stream which derives the money to run their city. Of course this trend has been going on a very long time. People should remember that government exists because the people allow it to exist and it should also remember that you can always start throwing tea in the water when your government fails you. How Futuristic Is Anarchy As A Way To Organize The State (I) When organising a country or a group of people in need of structuring, people tend to automatically sidestep ideologies that do not take authority imposed from above for granted. Anarchists and other proponents of alternative rule almost by definition are seen as destructive elements in a society. Yet old time and modern thinkers on the subject might have some viable and decent ideas for future state organisation. The Liberal Solution: Assault a Conservative? Ok, here is what happened: On March 31, 2005, Pat Buchanan, conservative commentator and former presidential candidate, was giving a speech at Western Michigan University when some 24-year-old ding-dong, who apparently did not like what he was hearing, decided the appropriately mature and tolerant behavior would be to attack Mr. Buchanan with a bottle of salad dressing. Federal Trade Commission Franchising Website Needs Updating Many times our government regulatory over embellish problems in the market place and misrepresent the true picture of fraud involved. Often this is done to put fear into consumers and justify their need. Truly very little government is actually needed at all. Any studier of government would agree. Thoughts Born of Tragedy ... ..."history may judge us to be the real bully if, in the our rush to punish someone, we act in ways contrary to our core beliefs and values as a nation"... No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual The No Child Left Behind can work if the Federal Government will put up content on the website and allow for those who are; Behind in studies, about to miss a grade level advancement, perform poorly on general tests, at home schooling students (when parents have no knowledge in subject matter), are in Juvenile Hall, live in areas very rural, have disorders, or have injuries which prevent attendance or need Summer School catch up work. The Options For Regime Change In Iran If recent speeches by US officials on Iran's plans to become a nuclear power can be seen as part of a build-up to a possible US-evoked regime change in Iran, the intelligence behind it is at once scant and abundant. Whatever the real official US policy toward Iran is aiming for exactly is hard to get clear, but it is noteworthy that off late, US officials have stepped up their campaign of Iran criticism. ![]() |
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