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Change Your Thoughts And Your Life: 5 Simple Ways To Bring More Peace And Harmony To Your Life
When you change your thoughts, you change your life. The fastest way to achieve peace and harmony is to change your thinking. In order to change your outer world you must first change your inner world. Your thoughts dictate your behavior, and when you change your thought patterns, you will be changing your behavioral patterns as well. Altering your behavior will change the course of your life. Here are 5 simple ways to achieve peace and harmony. 1. Observe Your Internal Chatter. If you find your thoughts are negative or limiting, stop and replace those thoughts with positive ones. Your internal chatter is a good forecast to the direction your life is headed. Meditation is a good way to clear that negative chatter, and assist you in changing your thought process. 2. Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say. Healthy communication is a key element in keeping peace and harmony in your life. Good communication eliminates being misunderstood, and prevents stressful situations. Saying what you mean not only gives you a sense of peace, you also earn the respect from others when they know you are true to your word. 3. Focus on the Positive Not the Negative. Turn negative situations into positive ones. Everything happens for a purpose and a reason. Instead of complaining, and feeling wounded after a negative situation, stop and think about how you can change it into a positive one. Remember, you attract what you dwell on; positive attracts positive, and negativity attracts negativity. If your thoughts are negative and victimizing, you will attract exactly that into your life. What are your thoughts attracting? 4. Practice Guided Visualization. This technique involves sitting comfortably, and listening to a tape or an instructor who guides you through a relaxing scenario. The setting is calm, tranquil, and peaceful allowing your mind and body to connect. You can create what you visualize, and with the aid of your subconscious mind, the possibilities are limitless! 5. Get Organized. Organizing your surroundings, and managing your time wisely helps give you a clear head for making wise choices. Your choices are dependent on your thoughts that precede it. How can you make a wise decision if your thoughts are cluttered and unorganized? Start organizing your life now, and see how fast you can change your life. Thoughts are powerful, after all, everything ever created started with a thought. You are creating your tomorrow with the thoughts you have today. Taking control of your thoughts will give you a sense of stability, and with that stability brings peace and harmony. About The Author Marla Sloane Ph.D. is a successful author and speaker. Her Daily Positive Affirmations subscribers have reached world-wide proportions, and her book, "The Masks We Wear and How to Live Without Them" is at the heart of her teleclasses; Live Your Best Life. Marla has also produced, Trilogy of Meditations, for your Mind, Body, and Spirit, which is distributed nationwide, and in Europe. You can visit her web site at: www.marlasloane.com.
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Teens And Positive Living If you are a parent, it is up to you to keep your children positive. It is up to you to contribute to not only their physical well being, but also their emotional well being. In the teen years, it is nothing short of impossible to keep your daughter or son positive. But, you need to make that effort. The best way to do so is to encourage communication, openness, and most importantly, let them know that you will never fault them. Power Talk: The Two Most Powerful Words In Language I don't know about you, but for me, the technological age in which we're living seems to have increased the speed of life. If we are properly programmed, there is not a minute of our life that we are out of communication. As a result, the world has put us on notice to be available On Demand. Do You Believe What You Think? If you work toward what you dream, the dream can come true. You can achieve success. You can tell others one day about your success story. Peak Performance Peak Performance. It means being at the top of your game, feeling supremely confident, feeling like everything you do is effortless and acheives its goal, feeling resilient and detached from the outcome, being in the flow, being in the zone, feeling relaxed, feeling happy and joyful, having a sense of clarity and certainty about everything that you do, feeling a sense of fullness in your life, indeed feeling fulfilled. Success or Failure: How to Cope With Failure There is no such thing as failure ? only feedback ? we can learn from our failures. Do not let apparent failures beat you up, learn from them. As humans, we tend to be harder on ourselves than others are. A small child learning to walk never fails to get up and try and try and try until success is achieved. It is the same in life; every failure is a step closer to success. Focus Your Attention Lately, there has been a collective challenge to avoid being embroiled in the media events of all that has been happening in the social, political, economic and military arenas of our great nation. Many recent events have left people with a sense of ominous foreboding, uncertainty, fear, despondency. At the very least, there is mild emotional discomfort and a sense of vague dissonance. Anger - The Truth Beneath The other day one of my "challenging clients" and I were debating the appropriateness of anger. While maintaining my perspective, I was also enjoying listening to his commitment to anger. My client felt that his outrage at the often-shabby treatment of lower-income people moved him into action and, therefore, anger served a valiant purpose in his life. "Good argument," I conceded, "but not good enough." After twenty minutes of getting nowhere, we agreed to both be right and return to the coaching. You may be Shocked to Hear This What I mean of course is, to appreciate life through the eyes of a child. Remember your unbounding joy when you received your first tricycle or bike with training wheels or visited Disneyland for the first time. The awe you felt was partly because of your innocence. You saw only the good in those times and you felt an unconditional love coming from those who gave you the gift or took you to visit Mickey and Minnie.I'll bet you didn't even notice the other park visitors. If you did you were unaware or unconcerned with the color of their skin, race, size, language,clothes, hair etc. The feeling of unconditional love and the innocence we all experienced in our youth are the antidote to many of society's ills-prejudice, hatred and selfishness,consumerism etc. Improve Your Self Confidence Knowing yourself is the foundation of self-esteem, self confidence and personal development. Man has been seeking himself since the days of the Oracle of Delphi. "Know yourself" said the Oracle, but she spoke in riddles and the men who had come a long way to get a simple answer from her wise lips went away even more confused. How To Self Talk Your Way To Success? Dear Friends, Questions and Affirmations - The Art (and Science) Of Talking To Yourself I Hear Voices? Gratitude: the ICE that Fills Your Half Empty Glass! Are you completely happy in your life right now? Honestly? Have you achieved all the success that you know is rightfully yours? How To Radically Improve Your Everyday Experience Of Life In Two Simple Steps Can you do something for me? Get Out of Your Way! We hear a lot these days about accepting responsibility for our actions and it is about time we did. Time is out for casting blame and pointing righteous fingers at others to cover up for our own shortcomings and acting out behaviors. We have got to "nip it, nip it, nip it in the bud" if for no other reason than our own mental health. An Unquestionable, Positive Demeanor - How to Maintain it Near the end of December 2004, I received an email from one of my colleagues that I had not heard from in awhile saying, "Donna, I'm wondering if I might have a moment of your time in the near future to ask you some questions about what I've observed to be your unquestionable, positive demeanor. Any time that I've encountered you, I've found your attitude is very infectious, and I'd like to talk to you about how you maintain it and where it springs from." Thinking About Attitude Attitude, has a way of preening itself, often without awareness of the individual. A posture, a stance, a belief, attitude bestows identify upon us as naturally as air gives life. It is as imperceptible and comes upon us without our knowledge, weaving within the framework of our personality. Positive Mind, Successful Life It took me a long time to realise the benefits of positive thinking. I had often heard people mention that if you think positive, positive things will happen to you, I used to think they were a bit weird. I now believe they were right and this article explains why. 3 Ways to Change Roadblocks into Valuable Tools Our initial reaction when hitting a setback or a "roadblock, whether it be during an important project or even just trying to finish a task, is usually one of frustration or the thoughts of "Why does this always happen to me?" or "why doesn't anything ever work for me?". Roadblocks can be valuable though. Here's how: Thinking Your Way To Success: Materializing Your Goals Through The Power of Thought THOUGHTS are powerful. The power of THOUGHTS cannot be underestimated. What we believe is what we create in our lives. The more we think about something, the more we magnetize it and feed it power. Nothing was ever created in this universe without a THOUGHT preceding it. Transform Your Behavior Painlessly by Using the 5-Minute Success Strategy Recently, I coached a young woman whom I'll call Mary about how to make critical lifestyle changes. Mary had always struggled with her weight. She had no control over her eating and she could not maintain a consistent exercise program. That's when I suggested that Mary try the 5-Minute Success Strategy to help her overcome her problem behavior. The beauty of this strategy is that you can use it both to eliminate an unwanted behavior and establish a desired one. ![]() |
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