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Anger - The Truth Beneath
The other day one of my "challenging clients" and I were debating the appropriateness of anger. While maintaining my perspective, I was also enjoying listening to his commitment to anger. My client felt that his outrage at the often-shabby treatment of lower-income people moved him into action and, therefore, anger served a valiant purpose in his life. "Good argument," I conceded, "but not good enough." After twenty minutes of getting nowhere, we agreed to both be right and return to the coaching. In the moment I knew that the coaching had gone south, I had become hooked on "being right" with a capital "H." I allowed my agenda to override my commitment to the coaching relationship. What I realized in that moment was how the power of anger - no matter how lofty the intent - seduces us into accepting fear's lowest common denominator. I had attached to being right, like being angry, is a short-term solution and a way of camouflaging our agendas. When we are so committed to being right, we are often blanketing our anger. I do have to concede however, that anger can serve a purpose; first it tells us something needs a deeper focus. Secondly, for those who are learning to own their power anger is often an important flag in recognizing it's time to honor boundaries, their voice, and their freedom to be self expressed. When we allow anger to be more of a resource center, that calls to look within informing us of a deeper truth, rather than a command center that compels to react we can be served well by our anger. Although I have come to believe that anger never is the right answer, I found myself cutting off my client instead of inviting him in. What did being right and being angry have in common? When we dare to lift the carpet of anger, we never find our joys waiting for us with outstretched arms; instead, we find our fears cowering from the light of introspection. Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the rightist of all? Often, fear is desire turned on its head. When we fear that the desired object will be denied us, we manipulate our fear into anger for the socially acceptable reason that showing anger is preferable to showing fear. The agreed upon, planetary perception is that when we admit to being afraid, we wimp out -we make ourselves vulnerable. So we use anger to maneuver others into getting what we want. We use anger as our ace in the hole because it creates distance so that others cannot see, smell or touch our fear. Anger is the response of the powerless. Children become angry because they are dependent on adults for their survival - they are literally fighting for their lives. Even adults, who have choices, sometimes remain fixated on the anger response because they have not owned their independence and right to choose. The following scenarios demonstrate this: The "withholding" scenario. Your mate won't pick up after him/herself. You withhold sex, affection, and open communication to get what you want. Or you yell or discuss the situation ad nauseam and wear him/her down until you win. The "make wrong" scenario. Your boss makes you angry. How much energy do you spend making him/her wrong with others? Notice how the more wrong you make your boss, the more justified and right you feel. The "I'll reject you before you reject me" scenario. A friend doesn't give what you consider enough time to your relationship. You retaliate by creating reasons to distance yourself from it. How many relationships have you abandoned so you didn't have to feel rejected? No matter, you win and that is what matters! Many angry people don't have anger management problems; they have intimacy issues. Intimacy entails openness with self and others. Intimacy allows us to expose our fears and receive healing. Anger signals our unwillingness to be intimate with ourselves. Anger alienates. It puts us in defense mode and redirects our resources away from what would bring us joy and love. I don't recall being an angry child or young woman. Yet, when I searched my memory, scalding events began to attach themselves to each other until I awoke one morning, in my thirtieth year, buried in an avalanche of pent up anger. All the equality I had been promised, the dreams I had been assured of, and the love I was owed in exchange for my hard work had eluded my grasp. And was I pissed off about it! From that moment on, real joy became a thing of the past; my anger became my shadow. It assured me: Wherever you go, there I shall be also. Life always gives us what we desire. So when we look for evidence about how unfair life is, we get plenty of evidence to support our perspectives. The surer I became that life was hard, the more afraid I became. Around every corner lay unending opportunities for me to do battle with the injustice that I expected to encounter. I was right, but was I miserable! The course in miracles asks it well "which do you want more to be right or to be happy?" I looked for and found plenty of outlets for my anger. I embraced opportunities to explode on humanity, including, sadly, most of my dearest friends. I also became active in my community by sitting on the boards of many non-profit organizations. I accomplished many wonderful things with my anger, such as co-creating the first youth credit union in North California for low-income immigrants. But, with all my fear-driven success, I was ultimately causing and experiencing a lot of pain because I could not admit that I was afraid. Using racism, I cloaked my fear in anger. Who was going to argue with a Black woman about the tyranny of racism? No one. This became my new armor. As long as I could keep people at a distance I felt safe and in control; but that was a false sense of security. The distance created deep pain that I was unwilling to tap into and resolve. It became far easier to project my pain onto everyone else. When coaching, I try to remember that anger is not an emotion to ignore or step over. It is not a "bad" emotion; it is just the voice of our pain. Typically, we get stuck in anger and react from it. Anger then becomes a world unto itself. What is important to remember is not to be fooled by giving into it. Recall an instance when someone else's anger pushed your buttons and, before you knew it, you were either saying or doing something childish that you later regretted or had to work very hard to justify. Engaging anger holds us hostage to the emotion. But when we give anger space by staying curious about it, something deeper emerges for the client and coach to work with. As coaches, we must look inside, underneath and all around to see what the anger is trying to show us. We encourage our clients to stay present to the anger without succumbing to it. When we work with our clients in discovering the true agenda, they can learn to respond to that agenda instead of reacting to the anger. Anger doesn't resolve any issues because it almost never is about the surface problem. Untreated, anger creates the dis-ease that contaminates all our relationships. It is usually a cover for fear; fear that we will not be loved unconditionally. When we use anger to get what we want it is a "get" that is stolen rather than freely given. Unable to trust that we can get what we want without the force of anger we rob ourselves the opportunity for others to engage with us and give to us freely. It wounds us while desensitizing us to the suffering of self and others. Anger is a toxic lie waiting to be unearthed, healed and released. Although I cannot give you a foolproof technique that will help your coaching, I can, however, share with you my experience of the healing power of acceptance. When anger was still feasting on my soul, I was taking a coaching course taught by two dynamite coaches. Anger ridden as I was at that time, I found opportunities to find them wrong, complain and dare anyone to argue with me. What I noticed was neither of them ever challenged me, got angry with me or demanded that I be any different. Believe me, I looked for the catch, but could find none. For the first time I started to feel accepted, and this helped me to stop feeding my anger. They listened at the soul level. I felt heard not deterred. Their radical act of acceptance created space for my fear to surface. Another morning, towards the end of my thirties, I woke up thinking: Today, I can choose to be a free Black woman, where racism may exist, but I exist differently with it. Today, I can believe that the world loves me, wants to play with me, and can't wait to interact with me. By allowing my fear to expose itself, those wise coaches gently allowed me to choose to be coached into something more - a life by design instead of a life by default. By the end of the course, I was sitting in a room basking in the acceptance my soul craved. We are not so different - you, me and our clients. Love and acceptance are what we all desire. In fact, my Native American elders say, "Mitakuye Oyasin," which means, "We are all related." The client's pain is our pain. Allowing ourselves to lean into the pain and the fear, being open to feeling it unlocks the door to our acceptance of it. When our clients bring us anger issues, it is almost always a red herring. There is often something beneath the surface that lies at the heart of the issue. It is our job as coaches to fish up that invisible something, giving it and the client room to breathe and transform. Coach the human not the anger. In the face of anger our best skill is using the salve of compassion. When anger rides in on your clients, here are a few crucial things to remember: ? Remember it is covering up something deeper. ? Allow the anger the space it needs, and invite it to drop its mask. ? Love your clients as they are; let them to be who they are in this moment. ? See the beauty in the client no matter who they are showing up as. ? Be curious. Ask the following questions: ? What is hurting right now? ? Does being angry get you what you want and make you happy? ? When the anger is gone, what are you left with? Finally, don't forget to check in the mirror, because our clients always show up with exactly the same issues we have as coaches. Should you find yourself with an angry client, it's time to look under your anger carpet, too. One of the most wonderful gifts of coaching is having our reality mirrored back to us! You can be sure my client sent me on my own treasure hunt. Together, clients and coaches have the power to choose to radically transform and liberate their deepest anger and fear into acceptance. When we expand our hearts -by seeing our client's highest self, no matter who is on the call, asking powerful questions, and, yes, adding a dollop of love - a spiritual alchemy occurs. Without the shackles of anger, our clients have the power to free up and redirect the resources previously held hostage in the defensiveness of anger to the greater a good of claiming a joyous life. Melanie DewBerry-Jones is a twice-certified coach and a Senior Trainer for the Coaches Training Institute. She is a regular contributor and co-founder of Choice magazine, the first magazine for coaches. Melanie is a speaker, storyteller, and a member of the National Speakers Association.
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10 Tips to Cope with Negative Emotions at Work It's a fact of life - if you want to succeed in business, you need to know how to interact and communicate effectively with your employees, business partners, vendors, prospects, and customers. As a small business owner, this might involve rapid shifting from one type of language to another. For example, how you'd explain your expectations to your employees might be different than how you'd convey these to your business partner or potential client. Life, The Greatest Ride of All Life is the greatest roller coaster ride we will ever take. The ups and downs, the unexpected changes, the twists and turns, are all a part of living. The roller coaster ride of life can be miserable and uncomfortable or exciting and rewarding. Our states of mind and body are key factors in how we handle these changes. The problems of life do not go away magically. We have to consciously work on making our lives more positive and joyful. Surrounding Yourself With Positive Energy Our lives are busy. We rush here only to remember we were supposed to rush there. It seems like there is never enough time to be had. We all wish for longer days only so we can pack them even fuller with the things we think are important. But, what we really need is to surround ourselves with positive energy. Instead of worrying and fretting over one thing or another, you can instead be thinking of good things. What can this do for you? You Are A Winner! You are already a winner, and so am I. Not Getting What You Want in Life? Your Thoughts Could Be the Culprit Unhappy? Stressed out? Do you feel you not only want more fun in your life, but you need more fun in your life? You seem to be doing all the right things, but yet you still feel unfulfilled. So, what's wrong? You want that feeling of happiness again, like that sense of pleasure you had as a child when you saw your first rainbow. But now you feel like you aren't getting what you want out of life, and it's leaving you feeling disheartened. The answer could be that your thoughts are sabotaging your happiness. Strength Within For the twelve hundred hostages, most especially Timur Kasumova. Changing Stumbling Blocks To Stepping Stones? "The difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is how you use them." - Unknown Changing Negatives to Positives Occasionally people will ask me how I keep a positive attitude, or remain optimistic. I used to find it funny that I would get asked such things. It was as though they assumed that somehow I'd figured a way to avoid allowing any negatives into my life at all. I can assure you I have not :-) Change Your Head Position For A Flood Of Positive Energy! Have you ever considered that you may be subconsciously sabotaging and inhibiting your own potential positive emotions through the position of your head and the manner in which you breathe? Scented, Spiritual Waters Water is an important tool for magic rituals in many religions and spiritual beliefs. Although it sounds redundant, most cults, sects or spiritual beliefs use it to represent the cosmic element of water for purifying, scrying, and even starting wars. Considering that most of the time H20 is not the only element a spirit seeker needs, the water may go through a bit of a special transformation that requires flowers, herbs, sticks, and other natural resources to become colognes/perfumes or spiritual waters. Deep Doghouse Communication for Angry Men Many times when an angry or rageful man comes into the office to see me for the first visit, he is in a deep crisis. Such was the case with Jerry. He was in the "deep doghouse." He was separated from his wife and she had filed for divorce. A man is in the "deep doghouse" when his wife is very angry and most of the communication is her expressing anger, displeasure and criticism of him. Condition or Definition? In talking with a coaching client recently, she made a statement about a negative habit followed by these words: "that's just who I am." I challenged her to re-examine what she had said. In fact, the truth was, she had a habit, but it was no more "who she is" than to say that the package your food comes in is the food. It is the package. It may represent the food or cover the food, but it isn't the food. And therein lies a key distinction. I challenge you this week to examine whether you have given power (identity) to something that is actually a condition rather than a definition of who you are. Why Should You Forgive? When I teach private Yoga sessions, sometimes, I become aware that a client has issues that cause anxiety, depression, and a negative outlook on life. This often causes difficulty for the student when trying to practice a stage-by-stage relaxation, and especially during meditation sessions. Knowing the Power of Positive Thinking In the self-help and wellness industry, a mission has been designed to aid those around us to be more fulfilled, more joyful, more confident?you name it. The adage, think positive, be positive is one that millions of people have taken on, at least in thought. And though positive thinking can certainly push aside our negative thought patterns that spiral us to a sense of low self-esteem, helplessness, hopelessness and a pattern of feeling stuck or trapped in a life we would like to change, thinking alone will not help. Self-esteem: Who Do You Think You Are? Are you the kind of person who dwells on your strengths, or the kind obsessed by your weaknesses? It's been said that you become what you think about most of the time. Continually pondering your strengths therefore makes you become stronger, enhancing self-esteem. Conversely, thinking constantly on your weaknesses makes you become weaker, draining whatever self-esteem you have. A Rain Secret To Change Your Mind Heard of a raindance? It is a ritual used by native shamen to influence the heavens. It is a bit like bending spoons, you have to believe in something that goes against your normal perceptions of reality. Bit like a sceptic or a mystic, both will see what they believe. In the polarity of life, both sceptic and mystic are needed for balance. A bit like good and bad weather. Each one is relative to the other. Too much sun causes a desert. Too much rain causes a flood. Get Out of Your Way! We hear a lot these days about accepting responsibility for our actions and it is about time we did. Time is out for casting blame and pointing righteous fingers at others to cover up for our own shortcomings and acting out behaviors. We have got to "nip it, nip it, nip it in the bud" if for no other reason than our own mental health. Give Your Attitude A Little Altitude Need a way to make your life a better place to live? My Attitudes "If you don't enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are you're not going to be happy. If someone bases his or her happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn't going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness." ~~Andy Rooney Anger And Your Driving Are you driving under the influence of impaired emotions? ![]() |
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