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A Rain Secret To Change Your Mind
Heard of a raindance? It is a ritual used by native shamen to influence the heavens. It is a bit like bending spoons, you have to believe in something that goes against your normal perceptions of reality. Bit like a sceptic or a mystic, both will see what they believe. In the polarity of life, both sceptic and mystic are needed for balance. A bit like good and bad weather. Each one is relative to the other. Too much sun causes a desert. Too much rain causes a flood. So what, you ask? The same principles of the raindance can apply to being happy or unhappy. Do a rain-dance to change your moods. Look for the little teardrops to soften a hardened heart? Find the tiny sunbeam when you only see dark clouds of despair. Find the dance within you. Believe in the magic inside you. Feel it happening. Then see it happen. Some people are conditioned to seeing the worst in life. They will turn good fortune into potential misfortune within a couple of words. Do you know such people? I once knew a successful woman who managed to darken a bright day quite quickly. You might know someone like this. "How are things going today?", I asked her over a cuppa. She proceeded to fill the whole conversation with a series of moans. Staff problems, cannot find good staff ... big moan. My husband has serious control problem ... big moan. Her car needed a tune-up ... big moan. I start laughing. Her face reddens. "What is so $%#*&^ funny?" I said, "You are one miserable #$%^^&^@. Your problems are someone's dreams right now. Get a grip. You have a business. You have a husband. You have a car. A Tsunami victim right now probably has no home or is still missing. Right now someone is on life support in your local hospital. Their family is crying and holding hands outside in the waiting room. So stop your &^%$^^^%^ moaning and start being grateful". She stared at me. My words sinking in. Icy silence. Then she started to laugh. A small laugh at first. Soon we were both laughing. Sometimes we all need some honest feedback that cuts straight through to the core. Life is never going to be perfect. Life is what we make of it right NOW. We've have all been miserable, and we've all been happy. Guess what? We will continue to experience misery and happiness. We need to keep it in perspective like the weather. It does not mean we need to be happy 24/7/365 days a year. It would be too much of a strain. Aim to be happy most of the time. Yet allow time for unhappiness. Allow time for feeling pain, grief, sadness and loneliness. These are all part of the wheel of life. Just make sure to keep the wheel turning rather than getting stuck in the same ole muddy patch. So do a rain-dance. Do something to change your state of mind. Jump up and down. Make it rain tears of laughter. Copyright 2005 Hirini Reedy Hirini Reedy is a native Maori author, civil engineer, retired military officer, martial arts black belt, NLP master practitioner and internet entrepreneur. He creates accelerated mind-body fitness solutions for modern life. Check http://www.instantfitnessplans.com
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Positive Thinking - Make Good Things Happen- Turn Lemons into Lemonade The Alchemists of old worked over many years, centuries, in their quest to turn base metals into gold. At least that is the popular notion. In fact, alchemy is a blend of science and philosophy. It has been so since before the Common Era, when the ancient chemists did attempt to turn inexpensive metals into expensive ones, but always with the underlying thoughts that their work was also symbolically related to the perfection of life. Anger - The Truth Beneath The other day one of my "challenging clients" and I were debating the appropriateness of anger. While maintaining my perspective, I was also enjoying listening to his commitment to anger. My client felt that his outrage at the often-shabby treatment of lower-income people moved him into action and, therefore, anger served a valiant purpose in his life. "Good argument," I conceded, "but not good enough." After twenty minutes of getting nowhere, we agreed to both be right and return to the coaching. Overcoming Bad Moods From experience, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for people who attempt to improve their states of mind is feeling motivated to use the strategies when they have already slipped into negativity. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we just cannot help but fall into a less empowering mood, and then we stop doing the things we know we should do to feel good. Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part 2 When you have a case of FABS, it may be hard to eradicate, but it is far from impossible. Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame may be different emotions, but they can all be gotten rid of in the same ways: Change Your Mind; Change Your Luck When I was a young man, even a teenager for that matter, I always had an optimism that was hard for others to overcome. Even in the midst of the all the negative influences from family and peers, this positive optimism was difficult to beat down. I was powerful, I was lucky, life was magic. I remember it like it was yesterday. You Cant Plant Apple Seeds and Expect Oranges Cheri decided that she wanted to grow an apple tree in her back yard. She had never planted an apple tree before. In fact, she had never planted anything before. This was her first time trying her hand at gardening. But last year, she had this idea that it would be nice to grow an apple tree right in her back yard. Being Tender With the Ugly Parts of Yourself Does that title make you cringe? It made me cringe when it popped into my head a few days ago. Life Changing Attitude Do you really believe that there is anything in this world that is impossible? Releasing Self Sabotage for Success and Happiness in Life Today, I wanted to mention this notion of self-sabotage. Power of Positive Beliefs I am an educator as well as a coach and am interested in what it is that brings out the best in the people with whom I work. Over the last few years I have read a great deal of research on the power of beliefs. I am convinced that it is essential that I hold, and communicate to my students or clients that I believe in their ability to learn, to heal, and to grow. The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns?Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time! When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine most little girls are. At six years of age I had my toys, my fire station with a real bell, my fire trucks and other cars, my paper dolls, my coloring books and large box of Crayola assorted crayons, my picture books and stuffed animals. One of my most important possessions was a 'working' toy which was my ceramic pig that served as my personal banker. This pig controlled my destiny to some extent, because when there was enough change inside of him, I got to go downtown Bridgeport with my mother and guess what? I picked out a new toy! Now I was going on seven and saving every penny toward a Toni doll. Did you know you could perm her hair? I couldn't wait! Change Your Focus and Change Your Results In his all-time bestselling record The Strangest Secret, author Earl Nightingale made one of the most profound observations of the 20th century. He said: If Youre Stuck Then Make a Different Decision Many people don't really understand the gift they have been given in their ability to be decisive. According to the dictionary, decisiveness means 'having the power or quality of settling a dispute, question, doubt, contest, event, etc.' How individuals use this power of decisiveness will strongly influence the quality of life that they experience. How to Cope With Your Inner Food Critic Every day that I eat EnergyRich? Food, I get almost instantaneous results. It's wonderful: I feel good about myself, I am productive in my work, I am available for my friends and family. These days are the rockin' days and make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Reality Exposed Did you know that our thoughts may be influencing our reality and lives? Have you ever seen a movie called 'What the Bleep Do We Know!?'. 5 Tips on Turning a Negative into a Positive I thought this was fitting sense I just experienced a huge negative in my life and choose to focus on the positive in the situation. For instance, when I was unable to sign into this program to get to my list of subscribers, I could have taken it in the real negative manner and given up. But instead, I choose to see the positive. And, because I choose to see the positive, I was able to think clearer and was able to enter into my subscription base on another level. But, because of this negative experience, I have decided to take it as a sign for me to move on to something better, where I have more control over my newsletter. Self-esteem: Who Do You Think You Are? Are you the kind of person who dwells on your strengths, or the kind obsessed by your weaknesses? It's been said that you become what you think about most of the time. Continually pondering your strengths therefore makes you become stronger, enhancing self-esteem. Conversely, thinking constantly on your weaknesses makes you become weaker, draining whatever self-esteem you have. What Do You Believe? "If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." --Mahatma Gandhi (1869 ? 1948) Anger And Your Driving Are you driving under the influence of impaired emotions? The Gift of Envy The summer I was 20 years old, I worked as a maid at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel and Casino. My uniform consisted of an orange-and-blue plaid smock like those worn by pretzel vendors at major league football games. The smock was matched with a pair of dark blue polyester pants with a thick elastic waistband and crotch that hung to mid-thigh. It was a uniform custom fit for pregnant maids, or maids with extremely short legs. I was neither. ![]() |
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