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Positive Attitude Tips & Information |
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Life Changing Attitude
Do you really believe that there is anything in this world that is impossible? I'm 21 and I had to grow up at accelerated rates because of multiple circumstances in my life. One of them was the divorce of my parents, my mother had no money and my father didn't seem to care about me and my brother. And to make it clear "no money" means that we didn't have enough even for food. Now, I'm not saying these things so you can feel pity for me. I'm telling you because somehow I managed to survive, I found a Way. Today I make 2000 euros a month, I know it's not a fortune but at least I have a budget that is 4 times more than the average budget in Greece and this amount grows every minute even as I write this article. By the way my father make less money than that. How did I manage to make it while I didn't have a quarter of a penny in my pocket? ATTITUDE is the answer, I never ever stopped learning about anything that could be learned and that made me look like Guru in my circle of influence. Even with no money I had the most beautiful girls and the highest grades of all. When someone had a problem I was the one who solved it. Imagine how it is like to have your own problems and the problems of others. It's great, why? Because you get feedback from all the flanks, imagine yourself like a giant sponge whose only job is to soak information. It gives you an edge over the entire community, simply because people can't cope with their own problems and helping you with yours is out of consideration. Can't cope? Or so they think. You see I wasn't always like that till family problems "made me" take Responsibility. I had no one to rely upon except myself and to tell the truth I felt like I was Lost in complications and trouble. At that point I gave a promise to myself that no matter how many troubles I had I Would Succeed in Life. I was so determined that I slept only 3 to 4 hours a day. What I did find out, was that the key to get what you want is ATTITUDE and not just any attitude but the right attitude. Let's say you want to get rich, in order to get rich and successful you must behave like rich and successful people even if you are starving to death. You must believe you deserve to be rich and I don't mean some superficial belief deep in your head, rather a strong conviction that you do deserve what you ask for. When you have that kind of convictions and determination people will start treat you the way you deserve. It's a weird thing but most people form an "Opinion" based on things you believe about yourself, so if you believe you are rich you will be perceived like one, if you believe you deserve to be respected you will be respected. In time those same people, will make your "false" conviction come True. The future "You" is made from the present "belief of" you. The only restriction of what you can achieve is your Imagination. Imagine the best "YOU" in every detail and you will certainly become this "YOU". Your Friend, John Giagkiozis Publishes Self Improvement Tips, he is dedicated helping people like You! If you're looking for the Home Business Opportunity that will make your Dreams Come True, information and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and subscribe for FREE at: http://www.success-factory.net The Life all Deserve, An Opportunity and a Challenge Feel free to reach me at: info@success-factory.net
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Top Ten Ways to a More Positive Outlook on Winter Year after year I find more and more individuals saying to me that they were still waiting for the warm temperatures to arrive one more time before the snow comes. In many ways these individuals did not have a very positive outlook on the arrival of the winter season. What can be done to have a more positive outlook towards the arrival of winter? The View From Nana and Papas I'm a working mother with a preschooler, worrying about Mom and Dad, who are approaching their eighties. See, I'm part of the growing number of Americans who are caring for aging parents (or wringing their hands in anticipation of it) and raising a child simultaneously. How to Plan a Vacations of the Mind Part 1 It Is All About Attitude! Why do we really need the experiences that we have to deal with in our day-to-day life? Does anyone know who can answer my question? Somehow, at heart I do know and understand the answer to this question. However, I have no discipline to do something about it in respect of applying the principle in dealing with my own life experiences. Prisoner of Attitude "Thinking is responsible for man's primacy on earth today. Existence is therefore co-terminus with thinking. The ability to out-think the other fellow, a friend or a foe, is the pathway to victory and success in life." - Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe in his book 'Renascent Africa.' Big Move to a Small Town I'm getting calls from folks who say, "I hear you moved to a very small town. I'm thinking of doing the same. What's it really like?" C-R-I-T-I-C-I-S-M Yuk! 11 Great Ways to be Positive about Change Look for the positives!Seek them out - those little scary places that it's challenging to let yourself go to - the positives are genuinely scary, because they give you hope and it's hard to let go of all the fears you have right now - so hanging onto them is the easiest path!So try letting yourself go, just for the heck of it!Take that step back from being 'done to' and take the initiative. At work, at home or wherever, this can be a great time, if you let it. There are loads of ideas why. Here are eleven of my favourites... Personal Growth Change gives us great moments for self-development and personal growth. It is in times where there is a lot going on, where we have to get out of our box to think, even when change is imposed, that we move forward. Involving Others During change periods we can create relationships that are new - and we, as managers, have a great chance to bring others into our confidence and into our network. Adventure There is something about change, large or small which creates 'something different' from our routine day. This is pretty cool really. We are being provided with stimulating mental exercise to make the best of things happening differently. It might not look that way, but change brings adventure! Building it in Learning about big changes, means that we can closely observe why those changes are necessary. We have to make radical changes because we have strayed well off course. So as we learn, we can make provision to have some minor course corrections rather than completely the wrong destination. Challenge In his great book, 'The Inner Game of Work', Timothy Gallwey talks about the fine balance between security and challenge being what gets people motivated. By creating new things to learn, to do, we stretch our people - and ourselves. Opportunity Change brings new opportunity. For learning; for understanding ourselves better; for new perspectives; for different roles. These can be grasped personally or they can be dwelt on miserably. The better choice is to go for it! Team Bonding Change exercises, big and small can be great to develop a team. Where there is the opportunity to work together, manager with their closest people there are often places, moments where the team spirit; the trust and the shared commitment - the 'Dunkirk spirit' even, enables future potential of a team to be loosened. Honesty Where radical change proves necessary it enlightens those involved that where they are is not where they need to be. Carrying out a review of why serious change is necessary and seeking the real truth is very revealing. The icing on the cake for those involved in organisational change processes is to create a feedback loop that renders future major change unnecessary. Choice Change is not truly necessary. Change is about choice. You have the choice whether to accept it positively or not. It is your choice and everyone has that - believe it or not. No-one is holding you down to prevent you getting away. Take personal responsibility for the choices you make. Focus Change gives the opportunity for and usually gets really down to the gist of the issues that have precipitated the need. This is good. Your organisation is realising that things need to be different, for all sorts of reasons, but usually for the health of the organisation and that means you, usually. For some it may mean loss of role, status and even job - now what positive opportunity does that bring! Passion And finally, we have the opportunity to review our own roles, not just in the workplace, but in life too. Are you passionate about your work - or are you just muddling through? Are new opportunities presented to you personally through change - within or without the place where you work today? What is your personal passion and how do you work towards making that how you spend every day of your life? What Do We Choose? Life is an enigma...It starts without our knowledge, grows without our suggestions and ends without our consent. Life is not about 'either-or', its all about 'this-and-that.' Take a Gratitude Break An old Joni Mitchell song reminds us, "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone." Stop what you're doing right now, look around and take a quick 30-second gratitude break. Take this moment to appreciate all the things you'd really miss if they were gone. How to Change Any Belief I have studied the idea of changing thoughts to create a new reality for some years. There are many books on the subject. They talk of visualisation, affirmations, positive thinking, overcoming the past, transcending your beliefs, prayer, meditation, use of structural tension or creating intention to change. I have used all of these techniques to change beliefs with varying degrees of success. Some beliefs seem quite easy to change, while others require a lot more work. 7 Steps To Change Your Life The quality of your life is directly related to your standards. A standard is a personal rule or expectation about the level of excellence you require in something, and when you raise your standards you change your life. Transform Your Behavior Painlessly by Using the 5-Minute Success Strategy Recently, I coached a young woman whom I'll call Mary about how to make critical lifestyle changes. Mary had always struggled with her weight. She had no control over her eating and she could not maintain a consistent exercise program. That's when I suggested that Mary try the 5-Minute Success Strategy to help her overcome her problem behavior. The beauty of this strategy is that you can use it both to eliminate an unwanted behavior and establish a desired one. Yourself With the beginning of a new year, are you happy with your life the way it is now? You just set new goals and resolutions for 2003 but are you satisfied with where you are now? Gain Confidence By Avoiding The Trap Past Experiences Can Give You In Life One of the biggest potential problems we face with every action we take are our past experiences. In fact, as humans the only reference we have whenever we take some kind of action are our past experiences. There is nothing else we can go by for an indication of expected results. Lifes Curveballs Do you realize how good you have it? Yes, everyone has problems, but it could be worse than what it is now. Yes, everyone has a bad day or two, but it could be worse. Life can throw some serious curveballs at us sometimes. Another Life: I Wish I Were Someone Else In 1978, Erma Bombeck wrote a book entitled "The Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank." It was a most humorous read, at the time. Of course, this title falls in line with the idea that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." But, her sentiments hit the idea head on in noting that there must be some specific reason that the grass is greener "over there." While the top layer is nice, plush, and green, what is it that boils underneath? Developing Self-Esteem It would be pretty hard to become successful without first developing your self-esteem. In fact, I can't think of one person who is very successful who has low self-esteem. P. M. A. P.M.A - so what is it? Some people will automatically recognise this acronym - Positive Mental Attitude. 5 Tips on Turning a Negative into a Positive I thought this was fitting sense I just experienced a huge negative in my life and choose to focus on the positive in the situation. For instance, when I was unable to sign into this program to get to my list of subscribers, I could have taken it in the real negative manner and given up. But instead, I choose to see the positive. And, because I choose to see the positive, I was able to think clearer and was able to enter into my subscription base on another level. But, because of this negative experience, I have decided to take it as a sign for me to move on to something better, where I have more control over my newsletter. ![]() |
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