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Take a Gratitude Break
An old Joni Mitchell song reminds us, "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone." Stop what you're doing right now, look around and take a quick 30-second gratitude break. Take this moment to appreciate all the things you'd really miss if they were gone. I'm writing about gratitude today because in the past couple of weeks, I've experienced some, shall we say "inconveniences" that have made me very grateful for the smallest things in my life...and also some of the largest. I'm really grateful for working indoor plumbing after the two weeks we spent having the floor in our master bath jackhammered; having to turn hot water on and off (at the water heater) each time we wanted to use it until we could locate and fix a leak in the plumbing. Recently, on the hottest July 17 on record in Las Vegas (officially 116 degrees!), our power went out at 4 in the afternoon and remained off until midnight. Not only were we without air conditioning, lights and all the appliances we've come to rely on, but because our well is powered with electricity we had no water either! It has been a month that has tested my patience in many ways. But it has also strengthened my gratitude muscles significantly. Today, my hot and cold water are running. The air conditioning is humming along keeping it a very comfortable 80 degrees in our home, and I'm sitting here as usual at my computer writing this message. Am I thankful? You bet! Oh and one more thing. On a trip back from Utah recently, a large blue tarp that had blown off of someone else's vehicle, blew directly into my car. Fortunately it wrapped itself around the front end of the car instead of my windshield...and I am definitely grateful for that. Now, look around you again and take stock right this minute of all you can be grateful for. Your computer is obviously working, you're able to read, you're breathing, hopefully the air conditioning where you are is working. You have family and friends who love you, care about you and to whom you matter. I'm grateful that my husband knows how to get things fixed around our house, and that in the event of another power outage, we've always got the swimming pool! There is no shortage of things to be thankful for right now. There is only the shortage of attention to all you really have to be grateful for. Join me in making this gratitude day. Stop several times today and complete this sentence: "Right now, I am grateful for...." It may not change any negative circumstances immediately into positive ones, but if it changes your mind, brings a smile to your face and allows you to pass that grateful attitude along to others, then it may yet change your world. *********************** "Make the most of the best and the least of the worst." ~~ Robert Louis Stevenson Betty Mahalik has been coaching small business owners, independent professionals and leaders who want to achieve more but stress less, since 1996. Her background includes several years in the broadcasting and public relations fields prior to starting her own firm in 1987. She is an accomplished public speaker and corporate trainer specializing in communications, goal-setting and leveraging your strengths. Since 2001, she has written a weekly motivational message, free to subscribers, titled Monday Morning Coach. To subscribe or learn more about Betty's coaching and training services, visit http://www.dynamic-coaching.com
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Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part One Have you heard of the FABS? The FABS are quadruplets; they are not identical but they are very, very similar! The FABS are: Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame. This quartet love to arrive, uninvited, at people's houses and literally stay forever. They will certainly stay as long as you allow them to; they never seem to get tired of hanging around and causing troubles for the unsuspecting host. Let Go of Resentment Maureen worked in an office with twenty other people, processing checks. She didn't particularly like her job, but she didn't particularly dislike it either. Getting ahead in her career wasn't important to her until the day that her friend and co-worker Betty was promoted to be the boss of the unit. Betty had not being doing the job as long as Maureen had, but Betty was always cheerful, hardworking and ambitious, where Maureen had been low-key and easy going. Success or Failure: How to Cope With Failure There is no such thing as failure ? only feedback ? we can learn from our failures. Do not let apparent failures beat you up, learn from them. As humans, we tend to be harder on ourselves than others are. A small child learning to walk never fails to get up and try and try and try until success is achieved. It is the same in life; every failure is a step closer to success. Cleaned Up or Cleaned Out? I need your help. I did a good deed recently, but I was gripped by second thoughts. I want to know if you think I should have done this. Here is what happened: Fighting Terrorism With Enchantment Many of you may look at my title and wonder if I have 'lost my marbles.' Let me explain. First let me quote from a wonderful article that was passed around on the web by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. entitled: Healing From Terrorism Sickness. She states: "The main goal of terrorism is 'intentional trauma' to the living. The concept of doing ongoing psychic injury to thousands and millions 'all at the same time' is an important tactic of terrorists ... innocent persons becoming afraid of life ... (this) hurts the human spirit and heart." Passion To Succeed "Spiritual Intelligence" (SI) is the ability of a person to acknowledge and observe established principles that can affect his potential to succeed. This may be simple and practical, but some have missed the point. The article below is written to illustrate how a principle affect a person's career. Distortions are False Beliefs Programmed Every Day by Self and Those Around Us Distortions are False Beliefs Programmed every Day by Self and Those Around Us which Causes Feelings of Useless, Self-pity, Selfishness, Insecurity, False Moral Standards, and Social Withdrawal. The TRUTH About What REALLY Causes Negative Thoughts Do you feel that your negative thoughts are holding you back from being happy in life? You're about to discover HOW you can still live HAPPILY when things don't go your way... even if your life is filled with conflict and turmoil right now... and you can't see a way out. The Power of Positive Thinking - Turn a Bad Day Around! Turn brutality into kindness. There is no small deed and no kindness that is insignificant. A kind word, holding the door open for someone, complementing another, thanking another or easing the pain or the effort of one who may be infirm, all of these, no matter how small or no matter how little effort is used, are a gift to the Spirit and all make for a little more peace on the planet. When Things Go Wrong As They Sometimes Will... Dont Get Your Knickers In A Twist! In frustration it's easy to jump to false conclusions that life is out to get you. Wrong assumptions will invariably lead you to wrong conclusions. And, it is ridiculous to think that our limited experiences are reflective of life in general. When the struggles begin, it's time for a reality check. Such Is Life, And Its Getting Sucher And Sucher Problems, disappointments and trouble; the three skunks that sometimes think they are our children. At least they want to stay around long enough to give us a college education. But the education we get may be only half the story, See what you think! How to Plan a Vacations of the Mind Part 1 Seeing Challenges as Opportunities Are you a person who loves challenges, or hates them? I must admit I've spent most of my life as a person who hates them. I've always thought of challenges as frustrating, maddening obstacles keeping me from where I want to be. I even used to take them personally, feeling like the universe must hate me and like to see me struggle. ;-) The Ultimate In Positive Thinking? I will never forget an evening in 2003, when I met an amazing gentleman. I had, for several weeks, had a problem with my foot and ankle, having great trouble walking because of the pain. It was a bit swollen, and I thought it was an injury of some sort, although I could not recall how it had happened. Stepping Into Possibility Thinking Our thoughts really belong to the collective consciousness of the world in all of time. The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns?Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time! When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine most little girls are. At six years of age I had my toys, my fire station with a real bell, my fire trucks and other cars, my paper dolls, my coloring books and large box of Crayola assorted crayons, my picture books and stuffed animals. One of my most important possessions was a 'working' toy which was my ceramic pig that served as my personal banker. This pig controlled my destiny to some extent, because when there was enough change inside of him, I got to go downtown Bridgeport with my mother and guess what? I picked out a new toy! Now I was going on seven and saving every penny toward a Toni doll. Did you know you could perm her hair? I couldn't wait! Mindfulness and Money: Monkeying Around Kasia is a talented landscape designer who speaks several languages, and when she jokes about being a "Polish princess" it's because she actually has the pedigree to support that claim. Accepting Change Well I've finally done it...I turned my heat on. After shouting at the kids that it's not cold and making them dress like they are outside, I turned on the heat in the house. I finally gave in when I couldn't feel my fingers anymore while typing and the cat, Bogey, was sitting next to the desk sneezing continuously. I started thinking, hmmm he has fur and he's cold. Maybe it is cold. (One of those duh moments) I then looked at the temperature on my computer and saw it was 43 degrees. Well I guess it is time. Get Some Attitude! You've been looking for a job for as long as you can remember. Or you've written that exam more times than you can count. You can't remember a time when you weren't broke. And you are beginning to wonder if things will ever change for the better. Positive Changes Achieved by Exercising Mind, Body & Spirit My story explains the struggles I had as a 23-year-old single, divorced mom with three children, ages six, four, and one and then shows some practical ways I used to change my life and claim my personal power. Self-pity, anger, guilt, and self-hatred were my constant emotional companions. I was suffering physically, mentally and spiritually. In 1980, I made $80 a week, received sporadic child support payments of $300 a month and lived in fear that we would not survive. I was afraid of life and worried incessantly. I smoked, ate unhealthy foods, did not work out and spent endless hours watching television. My mind was constantly focusing on what everyone else in my life should be changing so I could be happy. Because I could not change anyone else, I thought I was a hopeless failure and could not do anything right. ![]() |
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